The Tunnel of Secrets

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten seconds.... view prompt

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Fantasy Adventure Fiction


   I was just an ordinary guy working at an underpaying job at a pizza place. That is until now. Now I have no idea where I am. 

     It all happened in a couple seconds starting back from when my new work friend, Cole asked for me to get ketchup. “Hey Acer can you go and get me some ketchup. I didn’t know why they needed ketchup for pizza, but I’m not judging.” Cole had asked while trying to put a pizza in a box and miserably failing at it. “Sure no problem.” “It’s in the back of the storage room by the way.” Cole added and looked up at Acer for a second. 

     Then Acer pushed past the boring musty red doors. When ever he walked through them, he always thought they needed to change the doors. He felt as if whenever he pushed on them, they might fall off any second and smack in on the head, well that did seem likely. Any day now. 

     As he walked across the hallway which only had three blue paint chipped doors. Two leading to the restroom which was gruesome in there. That’s why Acer and Cole always went to the sandwich place beside them to relieve themselves (it wasn’t their fault their frugal boss was like this) and Acer even thought their boss did that too. The last door was the one that was the storage room. Which was basically just a room full of all the stuff everybody was too lazy to put away. This restaurant most likely wouldn’t have passed health safety and once in a blue moon he even saw rats scurrying here and there. 

     Acer turned the door knob that was formerly hanging on a screw but was now in his hands. It took him a second to find the ketchup. Which he thought was quite quick considering it looked like a jungle in here. He even thought he saw a couple of rotten teeth in a plastic bag, okay that made him barf a little in his mouth. “That’s just nasty.” He murmured under his breath while stepping over random stuff. 

     “Ah-ha found it. Though I think they might have expired.” Acer said to himself while reaching up to grab the box while pushing aside so clothing on a rack. When he did push clothes out he saw a door. His first thought wasn’t “oh where does this lead to” or “this is weird.” His first thought was “wow we really did have lots of stuff in here to cover up a door.” Then he went to get the box of ketchup for himself, and he heard a beep, and then he fell down.

     He fell through what seemed like a door on the ground. He fell down a pitch black hole until he landed on his bottom. “Ow that hurt. They could have made it comfier.” Acer grunted, rubbing his tushy. “Sorry maybe next time could be better.” Said a voice in front of him. I mean I didn’t plan anything fun this week so this might be interesting, thought Acer.


As that had happened to Acer this was happening less than two 

kilometers away from him in the home of Piper who was supposed to meet Acer.

I had to get to him before Charlie, or I was going to be a goner, but I didn’t expect another one to come so soon. They usually give me two weeks of a break, but I had only gotten four days this time, so it caught me off guard. 

“WHA- This was faster than usually! Oh my god, I better get there before he-“ Piper panicked not expecting anything that proceeded after. 

     “Oh before who gets where.” asked a voice from behind her that she knew all too well. “It’s okay Piper I’m prepared this time.” “Ha you say that every single time.” Piper gave a little laugh as this was usually how everything played out when she would get a new client. Then he hit her hard in the jawline, and she passed out. 

     Unfortunately for Piper she was wrong this time and Charlie would get to Acer first. Forget losing her job if she didn’t do each of her jobs she would be exiled, and she would become an outcast wherever she went. So her whole life’s work was on the line and not even by someone worth something. It was Charlie. The Charlie who couldn’t do anything for the life of him. This Charlie was definitely not the guy she knew from two weeks ago (from their last encounter), this Charlie was a hundred percent possessed. That was the only possible answer. 

After Piper passed out Charlie just moved her body to look like she was writing on her desk. Charlie may have been possessed by whatever souls thought he was worth it, but he definitely couldn’t figure out how to disguise an unconscious person. 

     After that ordeal was over Charlie teleported away to meet this Acer. 

He was quite excited to prove to everyone he was put as bad as they thought he was. The best part though was that he got to prove to Piper, once his closest friend that he was better.


   Just before that happened and when the alarm had rung Charlie was sleeping, but woke up immediately when the alarm rang. The alarm only rang in Piper’s home because she was the official to pick up these clients. After she picked them up she would be given a task from a little, secret hole in her bedroom wall. Charlie only knew about this because he used to be best friends with Piper, until she got better at her tasks and left Charlie for new “better” friends. As if there was anybody better than me Charlie always thought. 

The alarm only rang in Piper’s home, but Charlie had tampered with the tunnels alarms, so he could get it would buzz on his watch too and this time Charlie knew he couldn’t fail. 

     So Charlie woke up ten times faster than regular and smoothed out the wrinkles in his clothes and teleported into Piper’s house, more specifically her bedroom to the hole in the wall. 

Once he got to the pristine bedroom with everything in its place he found it is easy to locate the hole with a task already nestled in it waiting for Charlie. It was practically calling for him. He took it an instant and went to quickly deal with Piper.

     After he was done with her, he teleported to the room with Acer in it.

When he went into that room he saw a confused boy sitting on the floor rubbing his bottom. “This would be easy.” Murmured Charlie so only he could here. His task was complicated, like nearly impossible, but he would do anything to prove that he wasn’t bad. Oh, people were going to remember him if he did this. All he had to do was take this scrawny boy to find the lost Treasure of the Sea. The only downside to this was this had to be done by twelve days or else there would be consequences.

December 25, 2020 21:06

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Merel Cooijmans
21:20 Jan 06, 2021

I loved the storyline. Especially when different thing are happening at the same time at different places. Only, you have to be aware that it can get a little confusing who is doing what. I would like to give you the tip to also describe what the characters smell, hear and feel. Like you do really well for what they see. Keep writing, I would love to read more :)


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