Fantasy Fiction Drama

{This is a collaboration with Katie W. Be sure to check her out!


She's awesome and it was such a lot of making making up the whole universe with her. We were so distracted that we forgot that the main story was yet to be written!!!}

“Ah, Melantha, we meet again,” Minerva smiled, satisfied with knowing she had finally trapped her enemy.        

“It appears we have, Minerva. Too bad I’ve outsmarted you this time,” Minerva’s archnemesis replied. Before Minerva realized what was happening, Melantha pushed off the wall behind her as a kangaroo and jumped over Minerva’s head, startling her.          

Grumbling, Minerva took off in pursuit of Melantha. When Minerva finally caught her, the reign of terror her enemy had over the people of Drayside would be over. Her target leapt over a dumpster, shifting into a bird. Minerva blasted the same dumpster out of her way with her fire. Melantha stumbled, causing Minerva to smile wickedly. Finally, she could…


“Dad!” a voice called. “Guess what happened today?”

Sighing, Shawn Shaw saved his progress and faced his daughter. “What happened, darling?”

“I have been chosen to go and join Harvard University, ON A FULL SCHOLARSHIP!!!”

Amazed, Shawn stammered, “Whoa! When did you apply for it?” 

“I told you a few months ago, remember?”

“Um, no you didn’t. What does your mom feel about it?”

“She’s ecstatic,” Athena replied excitedly.

“Okay then, I guess I have no choice. Come here, my little girl!” Shawn couldn’t contain his excitement further; he had been mocking Athena for the past few minutes. He had received a call from the University a few minutes ago.

 Athena sighs. “I’m not little anymore.” But she still obliged and hugged her father.


‘What is that girl doing? And why does she look like my replica?’ She took some swift steps towards her doppelganger. 

The other girl continued her jog forward, seemingly oblivious to Minerva’s confusion.

Minerva stalked towards the figure. She had to nearly run to keep up with the girl’s quick pace.

“I’ll take that!” The doppelganger said to a little girl, probably no older than five, stealing her ice-cream and dumping it into a dumpster.

Minerva’s bewilderment turned into fury. Stomping forward, she shouted, “What do you think you are doing, Doppelganger?”

Startled, her doppelganger looked behind her. “Oh! It’s about time you were here, sis.”

It was Minerva’s turn to be startled. “Sis?” She questioned.

“Yes, sis. And don’t worry...there you go, that little girlie got her ice-cream back.” The doppelganger said. With a flick of her wrist, an ice-cream had? I THINK IT’S FINE W/O THE “HAD”, BUT AGAIN, I DUNNO. appeared in the girl’s hand.



“Oh my! I can’t even figure out the climax of my own novel. And I am supposingly the next best author/singer there is in the world,” Shawn moaned.

His wife, Amelia, put a hand on his shoulder. “I know you can figure it out. You always do.”

“I don’t know, Mia. This time feels different. This is unlike any writer’s block I have ever had.”

“How about you take a break tonight? We can go to that fancy restaurant, as a date night. We haven't had one of those since Athena left for Harvard,” Amelia suggested with a smile.

Shawn smiled back. Mia always knew how to lift his spirits. “Of course! That sounds amazing! A break might just be what I need.” 

Closing his laptop, he offered his arm to his wife in an old-fashioned gesture. Grinning, she took it, and together they left Shawn’s office.


The five-year-old ran off, apparently uncaring about how her ice cream came into existence. As long as she got her treat, she was happy.

“H-how did you do that?” Minerva stuttered at the girl.

The other girl shrugged. “It’s easy when you know how.” 

Without giving Minerva a chance to respond, she continued, “I’m Melantha, and don’t call me anything other than Melantha or else.”

“Or else what, DOPPELGANGER?” Minerva said cheekily, putting extra effort to say the nickname.  

Before Minerva could blink, a huge wolf was sitting on her, and she was flat on the ground.

“Whoa! Where’d this cutie come from? I LOVE WOLVES!”

“No, you fool, it is me, MELANTHA.” The wolf, or rather, the Doppelganger said, howling loudly and soaking Minerva in its spit in the process. 

Suddenly, the wolf looked significantly less cute. 

“Okay, now please get off of me. Melantha it is.”

With this, Minerva was relieved of a burden and all she saw was darkness surrounding her completely. 


“How’re you, Dad? I have SO much to tell you!”

“Like what dear?” Shawn said, almost blocking out the tears he had after listening to his daughter’s voice.

“Well, before I say anything, what are you and Mom up to? Anything I can do for you, I will,” Athena replied.

Shawn chuckled. That was his daughter, always taking care of others. Shifting the phone resting between his ear and shoulder, he answered, “We’re doing okay. We miss you.”

“I miss you guys, too.”

He smiled. “I started a new novel a few weeks before you left.”

“Really? What’s it about?” 

Shawn’s smile grew. He could just imagine Athena sitting up straighter, her legs crossed, ready to hear about her father’s next ‘masterpiece’, as she called them.

“It’s about a young girl, inspired by my own daughter, who realizes she has special powers and has to save the world from her evil sister. Her name is Minerva.” 

“You made a character based off me?” Athena’s voice sounded choked up.

Shawn nodded, even though he knew Athena couldn’t see him. “Yeah, of course. It was long overdue. But, tell me, how are things at Harvard?”

Shawn heard his daughter take a deep breath. “Well, let me tell you about this one time, when I was in Calculus, my professor…”

Shawn laughed softly to himself as he listened to his daughter go on and on about her experiences and adventures in college.  


“So… I just… think about the water moving?” Minerva asked with uncertainty. “And it’ll move?”

“Yup,” Melantha replied, popping the p. 

A few seconds pass.

“So, are you going to try?” Melantha inquired impatiently.

“Try what, Melantha?”

“Moving the water!” Melantha answered with exasperation. 

 “Oh! THAT. No, I’ll sleep on it and try it tomorrow. By the way, why are YOU teaching it to me? Aren’t you supposed to be my ENEMY?”

Melantha pouted. “I’m your sister; why wouldn’t I help you?” 

“Besides,” Melantha added, to herself, “It is Shawn’s choice if he wants me to be your teacher, I’ll HAVE TO BE.”

Minerva heard it in her head. Apparently, they had twin telepathy. 

 “Then help me here: Where are our parents? Did they have powers like you and me? Am I, sorry, we the princesses of some unknown realm?” 

Melatha scoffed. “Hah! Princesses. We’re not princesses. And as far as I know, yes, they had powers. As for where they are… I don’t know.” 

Minerva felt a rush of emotions. Before she could control it, a humongous fire had spread. Minerva gasped when she realized it had lit MELANTHA on fire!!!


“Whoa! Who are you? Where’d you come from? What are you doing here?!” Shawn gasped as he saw a very familiar figure in his room as he entered in there, for the hundredth time that day. The last time he was here, about a minute ago, the office was as empty as his daughter’s bedroom.

“What happens next in my story?” the girl inquired. “Do you know how awful it is to not know what happens to you because your author is neglecting you? Also, how can you NOT recognize your own creation?”

“Uh, no. Can’t say I know how it feels. A-are you Minerva?” Shawn stuttered. His eyes widened. “Please say you’re not Melantha.”

“Why? DO. YOU. NOT. RECOGNIZE. ME?” Minerva had a sheepish look, making her look just like Melantha.

“Okay. Now I KNOW you are Melantha.”

Minerva sighed exasperatedly. “No, I’m not; you’re impossible.”

“Well, you two do look alike.”

“It’s not my fault. YOU did that.” 

“Okay, okay. So you are Minerva, then?”

Minerva facepalmed. “I feel like we have already established this.”

“ Then how did you get here?” Shawn sank into his office chair, complete bewilderment and wonder splayed across his face.

“Um, try being frozen in time for a week and still not getting the happy-ending that you totally deserve after what happened to you and your parents, who were killed by your own evil twin from another universe, then tell me what you think.”

“Okay, I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble, but how did you get here?”

Minerva shrugged. “I touched the glowing white light that appeared above me.”

Shawn blinked. “Cool. Can Melatha also come here the same way? Should I be scared?”

“No need. She’s frozen like all others. Somehow, only I survived the frozen reality in the book thingy.”

“My other characters died?!” Shawn sputtered.

Minerva waved him off. “No, no. They are just unable to move. But in a book, that’s as good as being dead.”

“Oh. Why are you here?”

Minerva rolled her eyes. ‘How lame could a guy be? A guy like Shawn Shaw, my creator?’ she thought.

“I JUST TOLD YOU! I am here to make you write. I can’t just stand there, lifeless and still, not knowing how my story ends. I NEED TO FIGHT MELANTHA!!!”

“Okay, okay. But I am not sure I want to write any more of the story.”


“Sis, let’s just stop fighting. It’s better if you accept your defeat. After all, we both know that even though you are the supposed ‘heroine’ here, I am the one who helped you recognize your powers.” 

“Never, Melantha. You killed our parents, MY PARENTS. I can never forgive you and even if I can’t kill you, I will fight till my last breath.

“Well, you asked for it, Anonymous Armadillo.”

“Oh yes, I did! Don’t make me light you on fire again!” Minerva grinned. After she lit Melantha on fire, nothing short of Melantha jumping into the nearby fountain put the fire out.

Melantha cackled. “Ah, but I know how to teleport now. You are no match for me!”


“What do you mean you don’t WANT to write anymore? This is your story! FINISH IT!”

“Um, no.”


“As you said, I am the author of this story. I WILL FINISH IT WHEN I WANT AND KEEP IT HANGING THERE IF I WANT TO!”

{One more thing, we picked this story after reading this prompt from Reedsy only : You are the protagonist of a novel-in-progress. Your author is experiencing intense writer’s block. You decide to have a word with the author to shake them out of it. Do write in the comments what you feel about this story...}

July 04, 2021 14:29

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Charli Britton
18:10 Jul 10, 2021

For a second, I was confused, and I didn't really understand what I was reading until the end, but once I finished it, the whole story clicked. It's really an original and fun idea! Good Writing!


Dhwani Jain
10:52 Jul 11, 2021

Thanks Charli Britton! Oh...that's nice. Where are you from?


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11:43 Jul 11, 2021

Thank you so much!! I’ve read stories like that on Reedsy and I have been trying to create something like that for a while… I’m happy I finally got a chance to with Dhwani! :) Edit after reading bio: 1) I’m sorry about your grandmother. 2) something VERY odd I find attractive: if we go on a first date and it’s at a bookstore. Like seriously, that would be so cool. …or if he’s a musician. That would also be cool. 3) I love your pen name! :)


Charli Britton
13:43 Jul 11, 2021

Thanks Katie! You both have a wonderful talent for writing. :)


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Dhwani Jain
05:02 Aug 20, 2021

Part 2 out now!!!


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Keya J.
16:16 Aug 04, 2021

First of all, congratulations for scoring 97% in boards...I mean, that's really huge. A hearty congratulations to you! Let's get back to the story, shall we? It is an amazing story. I loved the way you simultaneously followed both the plots and then boom! I liked the way you both (you and Katie) depicted the fictional characters as real people. Talking about names, quite an interesting choice. Though the name 'Athena' justifies Katie's contribution very much (she'll know what I am talking about). I am just really surprised and curious...


Dhwani Jain
16:21 Aug 04, 2021

Thank you Keya! By what you're saying, I am thinking that you're in 10th right now, am I right? =D Also, which state do you live in ? (if you wanna tell) yeah...let's get back to it. Thanks again! We used the Reedsy name generator a lot, lol! Why is that so? (if you wanna share your 'secret' with me) We shared a Google doc, set a time which was good for both of us and then wrote together. We're actually working on part two too!!! THANKS A LOT!! THIS COMMENT IS SO PRECIOUS TO ME! =D =)


Keya J.
16:34 Aug 04, 2021

Oh my gosh! Part two...heaven! I'll be eagerly waiting for that! Ah, name generator, smart move! Btw, the google doc idea is just amazing! We can try it someday (maybe?).


Dhwani Jain
16:37 Aug 04, 2021

Yeah... Yup! Her idea... We can do that...there'll be no time difference problem.... What do you mean by this last sentence "Shh (And.....you are right!) :p"???


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Dhwani Jain
05:03 Aug 20, 2021

Part 2 out now!!!


Keya J.
05:37 Aug 20, 2021

Oh my god! cool. I'll check it out soon.


Dhwani Jain
05:46 Aug 20, 2021

Yeah. Also, what is the meaning of your name? It's really unique!


Keya J.
06:16 Aug 20, 2021

Thank You! It is actually the name of a flower.


Dhwani Jain
06:27 Aug 20, 2021

oh! Waiting for your comment on the second part!!!


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Dhwani Jain
07:10 Aug 20, 2021

Join me here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l1H9SUk-Z4VvSKhPYAV_z1kZJLRN9UgmdaxXxKii_TM/edit?usp=sharing


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12:37 Jul 10, 2021

Oooh this is great! I like the switchings of the POV’s. Funny and entertaining, yussss :DD Awesome job!


Dhwani Jain
13:22 Jul 10, 2021

Thanks Aerin! It means a lot!


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11:46 Jul 11, 2021

Thank you so much!! 😁


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Dhwani Jain
05:02 Aug 20, 2021

Part 2 out now!!!


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Wow! Great story! It was really fun to switch from character to author! And it was funny as well! Great work:))


Dhwani Jain
17:02 Jul 09, 2021

Thanks! I wrote it in collaboration with Katie. Do check her stories too! Where are you from?


Of course! Very nice, sure :)) I'm in the US :)


Dhwani Jain
05:39 Jul 10, 2021



Dhwani Jain
10:50 Jul 11, 2021



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Dhwani Jain
05:39 Jul 10, 2021

I am from India....


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Dhwani Jain
05:02 Aug 20, 2021

Part 2 out now!!!


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You seem like a great person to talk to based on ur bio:)) I would love to chat sometime!


Dhwani Jain
05:03 Aug 20, 2021

We can do it right away!!! 😊


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Dhwani Jain
05:03 Aug 20, 2021



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Tashmiya Ansari
04:47 Jul 09, 2021

Amazing story 😀 it was funny in a way to see the writer and his own character fight like that. Quite enjoyable. And I loved the father-daughter relationship in there. What I think is that character description was little bit missing. Though your great plotline covered it well. Also the sisters fights were so cool!😂 The humour of the story was definitely the best part. Overall it was good. 👏👏


Dhwani Jain
05:02 Jul 09, 2021

Thank you so much, Tashmiya! I have written this story in collaboration with Katie. You can check her out too! Thanks for your comment. Sure, we will try to include the character descriptions in the second part.


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Dhwani Jain
05:02 Aug 20, 2021

Part 2 out now!!!


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Palak Shah
15:50 Jul 05, 2021

Great story with an amazing plotline, it came alive and I love the way that you have written the story. Good job :))


Dhwani Jain
15:58 Jul 05, 2021

Thanks Palak! =D


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Dhwani Jain
05:02 Aug 20, 2021

Part 2 out now!!!


Palak Shah
09:00 Aug 21, 2021

Coming right now :))


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TJ Squared
16:12 Jul 04, 2021

very interesting story you guys! (nice prompt, btw!) I like the wolf in here XD I'd say this worked out very well! the characters (both the author and the author's characters) were fun and cool, and nearly alive. I like how you guys have expressed the struggles of writing, especially novels lol. Great job!


Dhwani Jain
16:14 Jul 04, 2021

Thanks! Yeah, choosing the prompt was the MAIN and the FIRST task we had (except for the time zone fiasco) ofc, even Katie likes wolves... Thank you! It took a lot of efforts, as I said, to make the universe and to express everything....We had to make a table to keep all our thoughts organized!!!


TJ Squared
16:16 Jul 04, 2021

yeah XD yep :) yeah that happens lol


Dhwani Jain
16:40 Jul 04, 2021



TJ Squared
16:40 Jul 04, 2021



Dhwani Jain
16:48 Jul 04, 2021



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Dhwani Jain
05:03 Aug 20, 2021

Part 2 out now!!!


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YES! I love the nickname!


Dhwani Jain
11:57 Aug 07, 2021

Cool, I'll add your name.


Thank you!


Dhwani Jain
12:02 Aug 07, 2021

How have you been?


I have been good. How are you?


Dhwani Jain
12:13 Aug 07, 2021



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Is it miguel from the movie coco?


Dhwani Jain
02:56 Jul 28, 2021

Yup! What's the song now? Also, check your reward at the end of my bio!


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14:48 Jul 19, 2021

I was confused when I first started reading but this now makes so much sense, lol. I love that you switched POV's it made the story super creative. Great job! Nice prompt for this story, by the way. :)


Dhwani Jain
16:43 Jul 19, 2021

Yeah...a lot of people are saying that. Thanks a ton! Yeah...it took us a while to search for this prompt and to make the whole world. Also, I have written this in collaboration. Do check Katie's account too!


17:19 Jul 19, 2021

I will!


Dhwani Jain
04:32 Jul 20, 2021



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Dhwani Jain
05:03 Aug 20, 2021

Part 2 out now!!!


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