Funny Creative Nonfiction Mystery

Moral: Be careful what you wish for, you may get it.

“I wish I didn't have a basset hound.”

“Hello, Sis. So nice of you to call. What's that about your basset hound?”

“I wish I didn't have one. He is nothing but a barf-bag!”

“A barf-bag? Are you talking about that adorable little floppy-eared puppy you paid a king's ransom for at a pet shop a few years back because your lonely youngest daughter looked at you with equally sad puppy-dog eyes begging you to let her take him home?”

“The one and only. She was left home alone so much when her brother and sister moved out. Since I had to work all the time she convinced me she needed a companion. They bonded immediately. There was no way I could deny two pairs of sad eyes. That would have been cruel. They ganged up on me, I tell you. They were inseparable. But now she moved out into her own apartment where no dogs are allowed so Kujo stays with me where she can still visit him.”

“Well, at least you have a companion now, right?”

“Not much of a companion when all he does is barf up anything he eats.”

“Maybe he needs to see a vet if he is not keeping his food down.”

“I never said it was food he can't keep down. He chews on everything he can reach then barfs it back up.”

“He probably has anxiety missing your daughter. He undoubtedly chews on your things to feel close to you while you are out. Think of it this way, it's the thought that counts.”


“I wish I didn't have a basset hound.”

“Hi, Sis. Good to hear from you this week. Is that basset beast still barfing up your best belongings?”

“He has gotten out of that routine, somewhat. I banned him to the back yard while I'm away from the house. But he has become a back-yard escape artist, instead. Guess he dislikes me so much he doesn't want to stick around anymore. Trouble is I have to drive all over the neighborhood looking for him.”

“Perhaps he is searching for his long lost companion. Does she still get over to visit? Or maybe he is thinking he needs to get you out of the house more often. Take a walk once in a while. He's nothing but a hound dog, after all. It's the thought that counts.”


“I wish I didn't have a basset hound.”

“Uh, Sis. I think I heard you say that last week. Is he still breaking out of the back yard?”

“My basset is such a bozo. Not only does he break out of the yard, he creates his own circus at the park. He plays the clown for all the kids by getting stuck at the top of the slide and blocking it for anyone else. He should know by now I am too exhausted by the end of my work day to go out and play.”

“You are telling me that short-legged, lethargic-looking hound dog puts you on a merry-go-round.”

“I am telling you, that nothing but a hound dog, back-yard break-out artist, barf-bag, bozo is a balloon-head master minded beast. He doesn't think about me at all so don't tell me 'it's the thought that counts'.


“I wish I didn't have a basset hound.”

“Okay, Sis, I'm almost too afraid to ask what happened this week. Why the long sounding face?”

“My long-faced, long-eared, droopy sad-eyed, barf-bag, bozo, back-yard break-out artist, balloon-headed, nothing but a hound dog, basset hound nearly got himself and me arrested.”

“What was he thinking?”

“He wasn't thinking, only reacting. You know all those geese that hang out by the river? He almost caught one. Caused a gaggle of geese to clog the skies. They flew over the cuckoo's nest and...”

“Cuckoo's nest?”

“Oh, you know, that big nest out on the island everyone is crazy about. Maybe it's an eagle nest but nobody ever wants it disturbed. And, well, all those geese honking at one time disturbed it. Now the town leaders want someone held accountable so since we were the last ones seen near that path... Well, we are infamous, now. I am officially known as the maniac woman waddling after her waddling wayward hound waddling after waddling water fowl. Charges pending.”

“Who is ever gonna believe that low-slung-bellied pooch could move fast enough to run a fowl down?”

“In this case maybe it is the thought that counts. He is an awkward optimistic opportunist.”


“Well, you are never gonna believe this! I got my wish!”

“Hi, Sis. Oh, please don't tell me the authorities took your beautiful basset hound away.”

“No. Whereas it is true I no longer have a basset hound that is not how it happened. Remember I told you how famous we have become? I've been seen all over town chasing down that durn dog.”

“Yes, yes, of course. But you also said charges were pending. What happened?”

“Charges were dropped. Laughed right out of court once the judge saw the accused culprit. But the wily waddling wonder dog has been behaving himself quite admirably, I might add. He has innocently been awaiting my return each day inside the the dog kennel inside my house. But that doesn't stop the kindly neighbors who know his reputation to stop being helpful.

“You understand I have no idea who was being so helpful. They really thought they were returning my back-yard break-out artist, barf-bag, bozo, balloon-headed basset hound to this poor waddling woman. Back to his rightful owner, ya know. Bless their heart and thank you kindly whoever you may be. I am sure the good Samaritan's only motivation was doing a favor for a poor beleaguered neighbor. The person considerately tied the wandering, wayward, perfect specimen of the basset hound representative securely to my front step railing. Unfortunately, this superb example of everything a show dog basset hound should exhibit was no where close to my run-of-the-mill, average at best, looking sad-eyed desperado. Oh, well. It is the thought that counts.

“But imagine my amazement, Dear Sister, when I got home to discover I no longer have a basset hound. I now have two basset hounds!”

“Maybe you needed to be a bit more specific in your wish. Remember, be careful what you wish for! You may get it.”

May 30, 2024 01:43

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Mary Bendickson
01:49 May 30, 2024

You're not delusional. If you've read me for a while you may recognize this is a repeat of another entry. It fit the prompt so well I had to re-post it. This week has been crazy and I have been a wreck. I may still get a fresh story out but then again, maybe not. Hope you enjoy this rerun. It's one of my favorites:)


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David McCahan
22:26 Jun 06, 2024

I'm sitting here reading this and laughing and a little emotional while my big 17-year-old dog, Iggy, is reaching his end days and thinking about if I were granted a wish I would make it to relive every single day with him all over again. This one made me smile, though, and it's a smile I needed about now. Thanks, Mary.


Mary Bendickson
00:23 Jun 07, 2024

Bless that aging pup. I had a small terrier type that lived to be 21! So hang in there. If you read 'Follow Me' it will make you tear up. 'Blacktop and the Bucket Babies' maybe, too.


David McCahan
04:45 Jun 13, 2024

He passed on Friday. I’m not sure my heart is going to recover


Mary Bendickson
05:27 Jun 13, 2024

So sorry for your loss. Give yourself permission to grieve. He was more than a pet. He was family.


David McCahan
16:06 Jun 13, 2024

He was my heart. It's more that I'm not sure I'll ever stop grieving.


Mary Bendickson
00:39 Jun 14, 2024

It's been two and a half years since Blacktop passed. Three years since my mom. Both still hurt.


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12:54 Jun 06, 2024

Really cool story. Reminds me the million times I’ve said the same about our two misbehaved dogs at home. Really easy to read, funny, liked it 😊


Mary Bendickson
14:32 Jun 06, 2024

Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it.


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Martin Ross
15:40 Jun 05, 2024

There is a lot of darkness in many of the stories here, including mine, but you’re expert in conveying the better, kinder angels in folks that we need to believe in in an unkind world. And I capital L LOVE dogs — I have neighbors who cross the street to avoid me cooing and hugging (their pups, not them). Nice, gentle, funny tail — er, tale — well-told.


Mary Bendickson
16:05 Jun 05, 2024

Aw, thanks, Martin!


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15:07 Jun 04, 2024

So funny! I enjoyed this!


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Hannah Foust
23:23 Jun 03, 2024

Very entertaining! 😁


Mary Bendickson
01:24 Jun 04, 2024

Happy you enjoyed it.☺️


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Darvico Ulmeli
21:47 Jun 03, 2024

Didn't read this one. I'm glad I read it now. Fantastic.


Mary Bendickson
01:23 Jun 04, 2024

Glad you liked it.😁


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04:01 Jun 03, 2024

I remember this one. Does fit the prompt well. Great idea to recycle and give us a chance to reread. Just as good the 2nd time.


Mary Bendickson
04:18 Jun 03, 2024

Thank you. Still repeated all the characteristics for comic content.


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Rebecca Lewis
17:57 Jun 02, 2024

I loved reading your dialogue! It's got an engaging flow and feels very natural. You've done a great job giving the characters distinct voices. The sister who's frustrated with the basset hound stands out with her humorous and exasperated tone. Your humor is spot-on! The repeated exaggerated descriptions of the basset hound are hilarious and convey the sister's frustration and the absurdity of the situations. The recurring "I wish I didn't have a basset hound" works well to reinforce the theme. The twist at the end, where she ends up with tw...


Mary Bendickson
20:20 Jun 02, 2024

Thank you. It happened to my sister.


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Denney Owen
13:42 Jun 02, 2024

What a hilariously heartwarming rollercoaster of a story!


Mary Bendickson
15:58 Jun 02, 2024

Glad you liked it.


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Daniel Rogers
12:15 Jun 01, 2024

Hope everything in "real" life turns out better than being stuck with two hounds. I'm a FedEx carrier, and because of that, I don't like dogs - attacked too many times. So, the ending horrifies me. lol. But I love the humor, especially seeing in my mind a basset hound and beleaguered woman sitting behind the witness stand being grilled about where they were the day of the crime.


Mary Bendickson
16:49 Jun 01, 2024

Sorry to hear dogs attack you. Had a small terrier once that hated brown UPS vans so would bark ferociously at them even if we were out in the car somewhere.


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Irene Duchess
01:30 Jun 01, 2024

I thought at first somehow the hound would die and she would wish she still had him.... but no, she didn't lose him--she got two instead!!😂 Have had a difficult week and reading this was enjoyable, to say the least. :)


Mary Bendickson
02:19 Jun 01, 2024

Yeah, she never wanted one, certainly not two! Have had a rough week, too, and most of the entries about mental illness were downers so I thought I would take a lighter approach. Did get another one written today and am about to post it. Another doggy tail but this one is sad.


Irene Duchess
03:48 Jun 01, 2024

Glad you decided to write a happier story. :) Hope next week is better for you!


Mary Bendickson
04:42 Jun 01, 2024

For you, too:)


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Marty B
21:32 May 31, 2024

This describes some of my favorite people : "He is an awkward optimistic opportunist.” Thanks!


Mary Bendickson
02:08 Jun 01, 2024

Thanks for liking and being inspired:)


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AnneMarie Miles
19:05 May 31, 2024

This reminds me of a dog I know. They really can be handfuls! And I often wonder if getting my pup a companion would help him behave better. Thanks for sharing, Mary!


Mary Bendickson
02:12 Jun 01, 2024

Thanks for liking. Another one may only add to the mayhem. Wonder the same about my cat.


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Beverly Goldberg
14:19 May 31, 2024

Absolutely hysterical. I haven't stopped laughing yet. Mary this is so good, you really should submit it for publication in a magazine.


Mary Bendickson
14:21 May 31, 2024

Thank you☺️. Don't know how to go about that.


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Helen A Smith
09:30 May 31, 2024

You must be doubly careful what you wish for in this case. Such a great character! I love dogs but I’m not sure I could cope with this adorable but slightly crazy pooch. It’s been a few days of animal troubles for me too, but we won’t go there. Love the dog story, Mary.


Mary Bendickson
12:06 May 31, 2024

Thanks 😊. He was a wonder dog😂.


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Alexis Araneta
17:48 May 30, 2024

Heh ! Not one but two ! Hahahaha ! Adorable one, Mary !


Mary Bendickson
23:19 May 30, 2024



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Trudy Jas
12:12 May 30, 2024

You ain't nothing but ... double vision. Like lasagna, your stories only get better the second time around.


Mary Bendickson
12:17 May 30, 2024

Aw, thanks.🥰


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Hannah Lynn
02:50 May 30, 2024

This was a fun one! I got a kick out of reading all the mischief!


Mary Bendickson
04:34 May 30, 2024

This is nearly a true story that happened to my sister. Glad you liked it. So many of the stories this week seem to be dark about mental illnesses. Thought this funny one would lighten things up.


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