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Submitted into Contest #76 in response to: Write a story told exclusively through dialogue.... view prompt


Science Fiction Fantasy Thriller

“…tings from the…(static)… tergalactic…(static)… hold … adj… equency”

“Ah… yes, so there you are “

“Greetings voyagers, I am Diacosoleez Inektu. There is no cause for alarm, I understand that communication from a giant floating head is not a usual interstellar experience but I assure you, you are in no danger from us.”

“What you are experiencing; the large, translucent cranium that is hovering outside of your vessel and speaking with you thusly, is the result of my own anomalous nature. You see I am one of The Gods of Mursi, and while the Entanglement and Eminence protocols appear to produce the strongest Mursian elites, let it be known that the few of us under the “anomalous” banner are the keepers of abilities that can be quite remarkable. For me this means that while my body is frail, my mind can project this giant skull wherever I care— through which my apparition can transmit or receive all forms of communication whether through biological, technological, chemical or physical means; essentially turning me in to an image projecting, humanoid satellite. My role as one of the Gods of Mursi is simply communication, though I do preserve a surprise or two for any would-be troublers.”

“While you are in this quadrant, my specter will be available to answer your questions— you need only broadcast my name once and within a few periods a head like this one will appear to respond to any inquiries about the Altairian sector. Do not be misled; it will not be my actual mind that you will interact with at that time, but a replication of this initial mind. You will need to broadcast my name several times to get my attention about anything unknown to me at this instance— a gift and a guide to you from The Gods of Mursi as you traverse within the solar expanse that we now call our home. A full background of ourselves, the region and the recent history of things is what is offered; would you like me to tell you about myself, my people, our story of coming here and why we are now offering you this gesture?”

“ Well… yes we would.”

“You are wise.“

“Mursi is a planet which revolves around a star called Vega that is several parsecs from here. Many generations ago our home planet was struck by a small comet, which released a devastating form of plant life that eventually forced the remaining quarter of our people to abandon the planet and wander the stars in search of a new home. It took two generations to recognize that the plant was unstoppable with its noxious aroma that intensified as it spread. It took three more generations to prepare what would be our last hope for survival in what was called: “The Blood of Mursi”— A fleet of vessels meant for long time space travel. They tried everything they could to destroy the most beautiful looking, yet putrid smelling thing anyone could imagine, but every attempt caused mutations that then launched spores that covered the world until it was growing on every continent. For several revolutions my people lived unable to escape the rancorous and noxious smell. Our numbers dropped from nine digits to fewer than seven in just under five cycles with people dying of eye and nasal infections, until the plant eventually forced our evacuation.

The journey was ambitious from the start, we had never ventured further than our second moon, yet now we were aloft in the deep dark of sky with only openness to guide us. The resources held up fine at first but the vessels began giving issues only half a generation out. The scientists had picked out a star called Omicron, so that was were we aimed to go—a decision that would take a route which would become so perilous so as to reduce our numbers by six digits on three separate occasions.

When they finally reached the star, they found a system with three habitable planets and six habitable moons; each overrun with the same fungi that their elders had tried to escape a generation ago. Apparently there was a virus in that sector of the galaxy and my people were demoralized at every stop. So many resources spent, so many lives lost and we were no closer to finding a home. Our numbers by the time we left the Omicron system were down to the mid six digits, yet our trials where not yet over.

“Um excuse me, but how long will it take to complete this story?”

“Our total dialogue must not accede three-thousand words.”

“Carry on.”

“The aging Mursian fleet was in constant disrepair and the water purifiers; after acceding their expectations were finally beginning to break down. As the water rations decreased our people became stricken with dimness; an entire age recollected today as: “The spell of the bemoaned”. The romantics think that this was the turning point for the Mursian people; philosophers say it was right after when a string of encounters, including the Acriton Vex which left a corrosive residue that stressed the fleet further, followed by our first interstellar incident with the Norcorian Seal that initiated the breaking of a barrier for our kind. The galaxy had been unrelenting with its trials and distresses and the people of the diseased home world were beginning to become desperate for something to believe in.

“They we regrouping slowly, making their way through a nebula, when an event occurred that would light a spark of intrigue and wonder throughout the blood of Mursi. At the same instance it seemed, the entire fleet could hear a baby’s voice crying; rather there was a child in their vicinity or not, every one on every ship reported hearing an offspring’s weeping as if it where in the room with them. The child was found to have lived on of the support ships as its parents had searched out an understanding of what their child had done to them and to each of the last 250,000 of the one time 2,000,000,000-member civilization. As time would go on more and more similarly odd or even impossible occurrences would begin to manifest, adaptations such as improved functionality or invisibility began to emerge with frequency and before long, an explanation was offered…by a child.“

“He was the first to attain mastery over his evolved state which he accomplished by thirteen, and through him the doorway to a Mursian resurgence was opened as he began to teach and bring out of others their fullest potentials, thus rekindling the spirit of Mursi and igniting an era of evolution and advancement never before witnessed. He was called Mytreya (The Great), among other things and his piercing/penetrating gaze could seemingly unlock any mystery with time, creating a spark that would become a flame that would become a raging fire. Mytreya would grow in to a large, burly, grandfather-like sage and would become the first of the three patriarchs whom would guide us from the brink in to an era of incredible prosperity and growth. He, Yemaya (The Blessed) and Tyke (The protector) would give the Mursian society hope of a new and better future, establishing an all-before-one edict and developing practices of focus and determination by which all Mursians are elevated.”

“Yemaya (The Blessed): the first to be classified by Mytreya as having an “entanglement” (in her case with oxygen) grew enzymes in her hair that could purify water. So potent were her enzymes that even a small handful of her locks could keep an entire water module free of pollutants for turns, impurities rising to the surface and dissipating as vapor when in her presence. She reinvigorated our entire species at a time when we were becoming desperate, a light in the darkest hours that gave our people hope that fate had not completely turned against us, that our struggle and the struggle of over nine generations of Mursian refugees, banished from their home planet by a foreign invader was not over. A home was out there and new life was being injected in to the belief that the Blood of Mursi would continue until it reached its new home.”

“Are you enthralled?  

“Captivated, Tyke?”

“The Protector” was the first adept general to hold the position of “Spear Head”. An anomaly like me, he could produce massive and dense objects out of neutrinos that he could then move around effortlessly with his mind. A brutish sort, Tyke would take the protection of Mursian life to new levels, time and again putting his own at risk to protect the fleet. He on one occasion took up on the lead ship and formed a giant wall that he used to clear a path for the fleet through a barrier of stone, for three straight dawning’s. This allowed our battered vessels to avoid another conflict with the Norcorians and to complete a trip that was to take over twenty-nine turns in just under three quakes. Not his favorite legend for sure but one that flavors the archives of deeds well. Tyke was our first elite defender, our first spearhead and our brashest champion in a time when confidence was thin.“

“The Three Patriarchs represent a time of rebirth for our people, but they also have the distinctions of being the first to master their protocols as established by Mytreya. I mentioned that Yemaya would be the first classified with the Entanglement protocol; where one’s life essence is entwined with or in some way connected to an element of reality that itself does not contain sentience. Treya himself would be the first to master the faculty of Imminence, which as a protocol simply implies enhanced capacities of normal functions. Hyper speed, strength or stamina, the capacity to super impose, read or change thoughts, or in the Great Teachers case an unrelenting, penetrating gaze of perception that unravels all mysteries are all displays of the sort.

"We Anomalous types as I’ve alluded to before are rarities, showing up with the most unusual and wondrous adaptations. The ability of projection seems to be consistent with the class but due to our rarity confirmation of that has not yet been ratified."

“Over the generation after leaving Omicron the evolution would continue and our ability to deal with our challenges would increase. More and more adepts would arise with aptitudes that healed or improved everything from our deteriorating ships to our broken moral. Genius began to become rampant and while we were still facing new challenges time and again, we were starting to gain momentum and confidence in our ability to face and overcome. As our journey continued we’d have wars, famines and run into numerous interstellar troubles, but the Patriarchs along with a growing number of elite would keep us going, buying us time for more to evolve and join the adept ranks."

"By the time Yagr came along there had already been elites in every protocol, but when Treya identified him as having an entanglement with a star, it was as if the crying baby incident was happening all over again."

“ ‘What heights will this evolution reach’ became a common topic among the thinkers, while Mytreya continued his work of identifying, categorizing and instructing the Mursian transformation. The star-child (General Yagr) would become known as: Cerulean in the early days of the Mursian resurgence. In time he would bond and have two daughters, both of whom would become two of the most central components to a newly developing age. The older of the two daughters: Nevari, would grow up to become the third spearhead, and one of the most formidable elites ever. Her younger sister Adaja would rise to eventually lead the entire Mursian kind with an entanglement as powerful as all of the Mursian tribulations combined. At least that was Mytreya’s take on the child’s potential when he met her at the tender age of six.”

“As Adaja would grow it would become clear quite early that she was meant to lead her people. It took a while for her to be recognized for the power she held, spending two years under the wrong protocol even, but when the great teacher laid his eyes on her he fell to his knees and wept at her feet.”

‘In all the stars, in all the years of all the stars there could only be one like this’

“Is what he was recorded as saying as he wiped tears from his face, holding hands and staring in to the shy but receptive little girls eyes.” 

“After the great teacher met the small girl that he called: ”The Savior”, he cut off all formal teachings and focused his powers solely on developing hers."

"Amazed by her entanglement’ he’d sit watching her astounded."

 - ‘A passive ability so nuanced, so delicate, so far reaching, so strong’

“Was all he could say in speaking with her father for the first time about what was to come from his child. As anticipated, Adaja would grow in to the most revered of all the Mursian elites, never once failing a task given her. She’d become known for her chanting which was a way that Mytreya found she could manifest and apply her power directly, though what she chants and how her chanting works only she and Mytreya knows. What is known is that there is a purple hue that surrounds her when she does it and according to legend the same hue emits from the target of her chanting, at least that is what has been told.

After Mytreya's passing Adaja would in short time take the mantle of command and lead us to our new home— a massive planet called “Proxima” which you are not far from now. We have been allowed to share this giant planet with a dying race that once battled the Ki to maintain control of their sector of the galaxy but lost. Now they are in decline, but offered us three mega continents that they were not occupying and a deal was made between our people. We receive a new home from which to build our new civilization in return for our promise to uphold decency and fairness, and if we find any faction, regime or race to be oppressive or cruel, then we are to confront the authors of tyrrany and take on the fight of resistance.

We have agreed to do so. Be well travelers, and feel to call upon the Gods of Mursi. Beware the Ki!

January 16, 2021 04:56

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Tia Jackson
05:11 Jan 20, 2021

This was excellent. I really like the whole idea. It was creative, humorous and awesome.


Gary Belton
11:13 Jan 20, 2021

Deeply appreciated. Thank you very much.


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Gary Belton
11:13 Jan 20, 2021

Deeply appreciated. Thank you very much.


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Gary Belton
11:13 Jan 20, 2021

Deeply appreciated. Thank you very much.


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