Submitted to: Contest #67

The Legend of the Goldenrod

Written in response to: "Write about a pirate captain obsessed with finding a mythical treasure."

Adventure Drama Fiction

The Legend of the Goldenrod

By Suzanne Marsh

12 October 1216

               “King John, a messenger has arrived from your brother Richard.”

               “Well, don’t leave the man standing there bring him in.

               “Your majesty; King Richard has returned from the Holy Land. Here is the missive.          

King John, quickly open the missive. His golden eyes glaring angrily as he read:

               “John, you will vacate my throne immediately, if you do not I will have you beheaded

                as the cock crows.”

John, his golden eyes glaring angrily at the missive, ordered everyone out of his chambers save his Captain of the Guard Sir William Huxley. John was whirling around the chamber like a golden dervish, his blond hair flying as he began in his very reedy voice:

               “Send for Captain Gilbert Wheezy; tell him the matter is urgent.”

Sir William bowed to King John, fleeing the chambers. John ordered Sir William upon his return to have the chamberlain find as many traveling trunks as possible. The chamberlain arrived several minutes later:

               “Sir Guy, I must leave England immediately. I require that you pack the royal jewels and robes,

               for a sea voyage. Quickly do you hear me? Quickly.”

Sir Guy knew that King Richard had returned; he had no idea how he was going to stop John from taking the royal jewels. He had been up until now the eyes and ears of King Richard. Sir Guy bowed:

               “As you wish your majesty.”

There were several places where an accident could befall the royal jewels. The question was where the best place was, and then it occurred to him that The Wash, an estuary in the East of England would work nicely. If his plan were to succeed, the royal jewels might be lost forever. Still, it seemed the best of ideas. Sir Guy began the preparations. In the interim, Sir Gilbert Wheezy arrived at the palace:

               “Your majesty; Sir Gilbert Wheezy has arrived.”

               “Excellent, send him in.”

               “Captain Wheezy, I wish you to take the coffers of gold, sail it somewhere that is easily

                Accessible. The coffers must be gone within the hour.”

               “Yes, your majesty. I brought several men with me.”

               “Very well, when you have accomplished your mission, go to Ireland. Leave a coded message

                 at O’Brian’s Tavern. That is all.”

Captain Gilbert Wheezy, gathered his men together. The coffers were already in wagons; horses at the ready with their drivers. They left immediately for the Thames. Leaving on the evening tide for Ahchew island, off the coast of America. To the best of Captain Wheezy knowledge it was not chartered, easily accessible. He returned the following October. Went to Ireland, left the coded message, his mission complete. Upon his return, he learned that King John was dead.

October 1650

               Captain Giles “Red Beard” Wheezy, glared at the map that was passed down from father to first born son in the Wheezy family. The legend of King John’s lost coffers was also passed down from father to son. Giles was obsessed with finding the coffers of gold. He knew it to be a fortune according to his father. He once again looked at the map, his first mate and friend John Barden also focused on the map.

               “Captain, have you any idea where Ahchew Island is? According to the map coordinates it

                is in the Americas. It will take us over a year to return to England.”

               “Yes, and return wealthy men. We will no doubt find several ships along the way to refit

                The Goldenrod. We will still be on the lookout for Spanish Galleons, they always carry

                an abundance of gold and jewels. We will make this voyage worth our wiles have no fear.”

               “According to family legend there were thirty coffers full of gold doubloons and gold as for

                The Royal Jewels, those are there on Ahchew also. I have waited over twenty years to

                find the Royal Jewels are returning them to the crown. There is no other choice, since we do

                fly under his majesty’s banners. Now, let’s see to the Goldenrod and the provisions needed.”

Captain Giles Wheezy was a tall man, well built with bright red hair and beard. He was a skillful captain. He had been to the America’s both north and south. He and the first mate strode along the docks, locating and making arrangements for a year’s provisions.  Once aboard the next two days the provisions would be loaded in the cargo hold, they planned to up anchor in two days time. 

               The red sky at morn, should have been an indication of rough seas, the Thames was a good indicator. It seemed as if the voyage would be a smooth sailing since the Atlantic Ocean was calm, at least for the moment. The Goldenrod sails always made the Captain and men think of white billowing clouds.  It was a fine day, as they sailed into the wind. The winds began to rise; the Goldenrod was tossed all over the ocean. The captain had the bilges going, the ship turned toward the leeward. They had escaped with the crew and ship in one piece.

               They continued toward the Americas; according to the map the coffers were buried on the coast of North America, a small grouping of islands off a large peninsula. His spy glass to his eye, he noted a flag with skull and cross bones, Giles was also a privateer pirate but he flew the English banner, which had saved the Goldenrod several times. 

               “Turn the ship make ready to broadside her.”

The cannonade began, when the smoke cleared, the crew if the Goldenrod boarded, with cutlasses at the ready. They boarded the mysterious vessel. They murdered the Captain and his crew took the jewels and gold doubloons and pieces of ate. This voyage became more promising as they encountered more ships. Red Beard’s legend grew to enormous size, but still he obsessed with Ahchew Island. He wanted those coffers and soon. 

               One early morning as Giles stood on the fore deck he saw a strange grouping of islands; he called to his first mate:

               “Barden, look through the spy glass, tell me you see the grouping of islands and the long


Barden, hoisted the spy glass, there was no denying they had finally found the islands. The next question was which of the islands was Ahchew? The next question was there any type of civilization on the Island of Ahchew. News had come there were Red men, Indians as they were referred to. Giles sent a party to the largest island. The men explored, looking for caves of interest. Upon their return, the Boatswain informed the Captain there was no civilization on the island. He suggested a smaller island. Once again the party set out. Their return this time caused Red Beard, great joy. They had located Ahchew Island, and the caves they were looking for.

               The following morning, the Captain, the first mate, the Boatswain and several sailors set off in the dingy. Finally, Red Beard thought, the coffers are mine. The Captain set foot on the white sandy beach first, followed by the first mate. They were amazed by the green foliage, so different from England. They strode toward the caves marked on the map. Giles entered the cave; there to his amazement were the coffers. His hands shaking he opened the first coffer; small stones and large rocks. What the hell? Red Beard trembled with rage. He had risked everything including his men and ship on this venture. He opened the rest of the coffers. The last one contained a few doubloons and pieces of ate. He moped about the ship for days until another pirate ship approached. Perhaps this had not been a completely wasted trip. He boarded the ship later that day. There was a pirate’s treasure, jewels, gold, and ermine robes. Finally he had fulfilled his dreams. The Legend of the Goldenrod still lives in the hearts of pirates and people who believe that she still contains the gold and jewels of the Spanish Empire.

Posted Nov 13, 2020

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12 likes 2 comments

Mickie Royce
18:23 Nov 19, 2020

This is great! The descriptions were great and the ending was satisfying!


Malini S.
05:53 Nov 19, 2020

Woah, I really loved this, you write well. I love the way you write descriptions of the weapons and jewels and sea, and the ending was very satisfying. Happy writing!


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