Adventure Creative Nonfiction Funny

-sure boss, I'll close down after getting the cargo. No no, sir don't worry about it, it's, it's just an ugly storm, I'll be fine. Of course boss, you too.

Well, now, let's check the cameras.

With all these cameras this could be a reality show, about a brave security guard that closes down the building, a very, no, the most dangerous work. He sits down, and he puts on his special glasses to do the job... because he has myopia. He has a confidential mission, to receive the coffee capsules, in the middle of a storm, in a building all to himself.

30 min have passed, and still, uh a walkie-talkie, Imma use it. So 30 minutes have passed, and still no cargo, the delivery guy must have gotten such in the storm, the snowstorm, the snow storrmmm. 31 minutes and I'm bored to the-

32 minutes and I have just been informed by the authorities that there is a blizzard out there, so the delivery guy retreated, and now, our brave security man, me, is trapped, trapped in the building, with a bag of Cheetos and a bottle of water...

And no power apparently, I should go check on the power plant... Or not, where was it? Probably on the subfloor, yeahhhh, probably... TO THE BASEMENT!

Thank God no one is here to judge me, I would have gotten fired at least three times by now, I ate a cheeto that was on the floor for more than 5 seconds.

35 minutes, I'm still looking for the power plant, and I find myself in a very, ummm, purple room I've never seen before. It's just purple, there's nothing in here, who the hell makes a purple room and leaves it empty? wha- I'm, I'm honestly concerned, this is a very ugly purple, just why boss? Anyways, I'm leaving ugly purple room- uhhhh what if it's enchanted? Now that's somethi- nah, it can be, this too ugly.

I've moved to a room next to the purple, if the Pentagon is listening, send the marines, they have a rug with the same ugly purple, this is getting weird, why purple? no, not just why purple, why an ugly purple? I hope there's an interesting story behind, I'm honestly disappointed.

Uhhh a "no entry" room, No one is allowed there, mmm, well I saw the ugly purple, nothing can't be worse than- Oh MY GOD. Wha-what is this?!

Noooooo, please don't, stop! This can't be the truth! Walkie Talkie, if I die, remember me, there are HAHAHAHAHA purple stuffed animals HAHAHAH I cant I cannot. My God, people are crazy. Now theres a closet on the side and I woulda been serious scared if it wasn't for this 5 feet tall purple lizard. Im walking toward the closet, I open the doors, I open my eyes... A FREAKING lizard costume? Now I'm just confused, there are various of these things, Christmas edition, Halloween, mmm maybe picnic, casual, scientist, NOOOO THERES A BIKINI LIZARD COSTUME, IVE SEEN TOO MUCH. Who the hell- just, why? Ok, our brave hero has started thinking conspirations, check this: this building was built in a house that had a child that loved purple and for some reason they kept their room in the basement, the kid loved purple lizards and felt in love with ugly purple so much papa and mama had to redecorate three rooms to fit the aesthetic. Two, before boss moved here, a company that sold purple stuff was established here, when they moved and boss bought the building, they left a bunch of stuff and no one wanted to clean the mess. And three, a cult, this has to be a purple related cult, maybe boss is involved in it, maybe everyone is involved in it and as I'm the new guy they wanted to test me and that's why they left here all alone, this is a trial to see if I'm worthy enough to join the cult, maybe that's why they all seem to like Prince so much, ITS A PRINCE CULT, REPEAT, ITS. A. LIZARD. PRINCE. CULT!!! ITS- oh lights on again, I knew it, now they will all appear as I passed the trial wearing lizard bikinis and singing purple rain. Its ok guys! you fooled me, I found it very-

Emmm, major Tom to ground control, it's now 8 am. emmm the events that happened yesterday were a bit emmm disturbing, the whole purple thing, turns out I confronted boss when he came in this morning, the blizzard calmed down like at midnight. Just for your knowledge, battery died so I couldn't document the whole experience. Well the conversation went like: I know about the cult, I'm in. and boss said: what cult? And I said: shh we don't want anyone to know about it, the p-u-r-p-l-e and boss said: ohhh you mean the purple stuff? and I, I was confused, so its not that much of a secret then? and he then led me downstairs to see the rooms, and there was, the purple, that ugly purple. And turns out that some years ago boss wanted more money so they decided to rent the basement offices and a homemade tv studio took the rooms and they filmed some scenes there actually but then the show got popular and they moved to an actual studio and they left the rooms and merch in boss offices as a gift. So it was nerds filming a purple lizard show, I'm disappointed I have to admit, I was expecting the cult, but turns out life disappoints you when you have the highest hopes, life waits til you believe so much in something to destroy it and then call you mad. Anyways, boss gave me stuffed ugly purple lizard for the kids, they are gonna them haha, so Im walking home, boss also gave me the talkie, like I said walking home...

"I never meant to cause you any sorrow

I never meant to cause you any pain

I only wanted one time to see you laughing..."

January 17, 2021 05:36

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