Drama Romance

I would regret not saying it otherwise. Everyone who knew the basics of my life would. My eleven- year- old sister knew it, my aunt knew it, my best friend knew it, and I knew it. If I didn't tell him, I might not get the chance ever again. 

It wasn't just a chance- it had to be the right one. It couldn't just be anywhere, at any time. Seeing that it was the last day of ninth grade, the last day of our first year in high school, it seemed like a pretty good time.

These past few years had been rough. Sure, good things had happened along the way. I had been given an Honorable Mention in a Math and Science Competition, a $50 prize for winning an Art Show, and many other things that people would consider amazing. I had met two new best friends- Reyna, my ultimate bestie, and then Julian. We were more than friends, but not best friends. We weren't like Reyna and I, yet we knew practically everything about each other. I knew if it was him or not down to the shade of his tousled dirty blonde hair. I knew his laugh, his voice, likes and dislikes, and our common interests like art and track- and- field. 

Ever since sixth grade, I had admired him. My best friend would say, "Maya's got a crush!" in a sing- song voice. i suppose she wasn't completely wrong.


Some people said that we were friends, some people said that we were...closer than that. I don't know about that second one. We were friends, very good friends. But more than that? I don't know...

I gazed at him, smiling, as he laughed at my cringe- worthy joke. Every day, since that first week in Middle School, I knew that he was going to be my friend. When Julian finally noticed me staring, he just stared back. We don't break eye- contact, just like all of the other times that we chatted away about classes, art, music, or our constant rivalry in gym. But this time, it was silent. After a moment, he just smiled, beckoning me to walk with him. So, obviously, I did. 

Like all of the other times, since that first week in middle school, we simply walked, just like at recess, and talked about completely random things.

As we talked and seemed to drift further and further away from reality, from the seeds of anxiety and doubt that had started to blossom in my mind. I found this calming, unlike when I talked with other people. Julian was the only people that seemed to have that effect on me. Reyna was calming; she could stop my flow of tears in an instant and make me perk up like a flower receiving the proper amount of sunlight and water. But Julian could do that simply by standing there, next to me. It was his presence, his aura, one might say, that calmed me down and put me into a tranquil, peaceful state. Reyna, though she had that same capability, it was different. 

Sometimes, the flower didn't receive enough water or sunlight. Sometimes, the vine took over. 

You see, I have what I like to call a rose. That doesn't make much sense- I know. But it does to me. 

Roses are beautiful- they have petals, yet they have thorns. When one of those thorns brush up against me, I want to leave and wash the drops of blood from my skin. But, sometimes, I can't.

Then my anxiety comes in and it's just a whole, flower- filled mess. That's what a rose is to me... hopefully, you understand. 

These past few years, Julian and I have grown close. Nothing will ever separate Reyna and I- we've been best friends and plan to stay like that. But Julian... I don't know if-

"Maya?" he said, breaking my train of thought. 

"I'm okay." I said with a slight smile before he could ask. That's how we were. I read him like a book; I knew what the different looks in his hazel eyes meant; I knew whether he needed space or someone to talk to. But I could never figure out if he felt the same way I did towards him. 

I would regret it until the last day of my life. If I didn't tell him before the day ended, I wouldn't get the right chance to again.

People say that love is complicated, yet love is universal and never-ending. But how do you know if you love someone? How do you know how to love someone? "Experience." That's what they say.

Can you love a friend like you love a sister or brother? Can you love a friend like how you love music? Or do love a friend differently? Can you love someone without them loving you back? 

Just like all of the other times, I continued the conversation, playfully teasing him and cracking jokes when the time was right. 

"Maya?" he asked again, after a few minutes of laughter. "Tell me." 

I would regret it if I didn't. I would- I know I would. But, all the same, I didn't want to end a friendship that had lasted over years of rough times. 

I just looked at him, and he looked back at me. 

Finally, I opened my mouth. I couldn't let the chance slip away- not when I was so close. "I-" 

"I know." He said with a slight smile, cutting off the rest of my sentence. He just nodded slightly, and that's all I needed. "I've known for...a while." He held out his hand and I took it without a doubt in my mind, glad that I finally knew the answer I had been searching for during this past year. 

Unlike the other times, I glanced down at our hands and smiled to myself- no longer wondering if I was the only one that felt what I did.

Finally, I knew. I wasn't the only one. 

Posted Jun 26, 2020

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79 likes 81 comments

This story has a distinct voice, not lost to the words or speech. I'm doing my best to read all your stories, and have been delighted every time.


Mira Caplan
15:42 Nov 25, 2020

Aaaw, thank you! I really appreciate it!


Kelechi Nwokoma
16:06 Jun 27, 2020

I love tne beautiful theme of love here -- it's really nice.
My only issue is that I didn't see you make use of the Second person pov. But your story is splendid without it.
I read your bio and saw that you're a teenage writer like me, haha. There are lots of teenage writers on the reedsy community, and I'm always happy anytime I meet some.
Check out Rhondalise Mitza -- she's also a teenager writer I made friends with here.


Mira Caplan
16:29 Jun 27, 2020

Thanks for the constructive criticism! I'll check out her stories- thanks!


Kelechi Nwokoma
16:48 Jun 27, 2020

You're welcome :)


Jubilee Forbess
18:03 Jun 27, 2020

Hey, fellow teenage writers! What's up? :D


Mira Caplan
19:21 Jun 27, 2020

The sky, lol. :D (Sorry, I always do that...)


Kelechi Nwokoma
20:41 Jun 27, 2020

I've started saying the ceiling now, because I'm still at home ;)


Jubilee Forbess
19:58 Jun 27, 2020

I always say the price of milk. :D


Kelechi Nwokoma
20:40 Jun 27, 2020

Nice of you to pop by, Rhondalise, haha.


Mira Caplan
21:04 Jun 27, 2020

That's true, lol. But the sky always remains!


. .
17:50 Nov 08, 2020

I loved this story, but I felt it was kind of rushed, and I couldn't really understand how he just knew! It is an amazing plot, though, but I wish that you covered more with the story, like got further. I love it, and your diction is amazing! definitely one of your strengths as a writer!


Mira Caplan
18:05 Nov 08, 2020

I greatly appreciate the critiques, and thank you for reading!


Charles Stucker
23:05 Oct 21, 2020

A good dose of internal tension. Will-he or won't-he. The opening felt dry, because it told us stuff. Maybe too much stuff, or maybe it would have worked better to fit it into a flashback scene. The scene, once you reach it is handled well. but you want the scene to be strongly present from the start. If you started with, "It was the last day of ninth grade and if I didn't tell him it would never be the right time." Then kept it clear when you flashed back to provide context, it would be even stronger. It's good as is, but it might be great.


Mira Caplan
23:18 Oct 21, 2020

Thank you for the feedback! Openings are sometimes difficult for me, so I appreciate it! Thanks for reading.


B. W.
19:15 Sep 21, 2020

i still need some help if thats alright


Mira Caplan
19:18 Sep 21, 2020

Sure! What with?


B. W.
19:19 Sep 21, 2020

I need help with this weeks prompts because i can't think of anything


Mira Caplan
19:20 Sep 21, 2020

Which one?


B. W.
19:21 Sep 21, 2020

Really any of them, none of them are that good because they're all almost the same but i just wanna make a story


Mira Caplan
19:22 Sep 21, 2020

I disagree, but you can have an opinion! Choose a random one that you want to do, and tell me if you have any ideas.


Batool Hussain
13:26 Jun 28, 2020

A wonderful story🌸🌸

Mind checking out my recent one 'You and the train?'


Mira Caplan
13:32 Jun 28, 2020

I will! Thanks for reading!


Batool Hussain
13:33 Jun 28, 2020

You're welcome🙃


Mira Caplan
13:35 Jun 28, 2020

(Sadly, I can't do emojis...) :)


Batool Hussain
13:37 Jun 28, 2020

Aww, is that because you are using Reedsy on laptop? OR any other device apart from a phone?


Mira Caplan
13:39 Jun 28, 2020

Yeah, my computer. Sad, but... o('>w<')o (There ya go!)


Batool Hussain
13:38 Jun 28, 2020

Also, I'll be really really happy if you pour in some of your views too(on my recent story, ofc)🙃🌸


Mira Caplan
13:40 Jun 28, 2020

I really liked it- it was a bit confusing to me at times, but I'm not at the level you are yet, so that's probably why. It was really good, that's all I can say!


Jubilee Forbess
18:04 Jun 27, 2020

Would it be cliche of me to say I loved this story?


Mira Caplan
19:09 Jun 27, 2020

Thank you! :)


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