She went somewhere that was not on plant earth

Submitted into Contest #59 in response to: Write about a character arriving in a place unlike anywhere they’ve ever been.... view prompt


Fantasy Adventure

He was out of this world handsome I should have known that he was not who he said he was.

               “Isaac!” I flush at his name my brother waved his hand over his head at his best friend. Isaac was a mystery and it was what attracted him to all the girls at school. His brown hair was a caramel brown with gold eyes and prefect everything. I try to straighten my hair as best as I could to no avail, so I pull my hoodie up. We head to our classes as they talked,

               “So, are you cool with that? I have a big kitchen so when we are busy studying for finales you can also study, we won’t bother you.” Isaac was asking me something, but I was to focus on his beautiful smile that I didn’t hear most of what they were saying,

               “Huh? What, yeah that’s fine.” I mutter and walked into my class they dropped me off at. Once school was over, we head to Isaac house. We’ve been there many times since those to started to be good friends. We set out and start to study an hour later his little sister and uncle come home. The little girl was kind of strange her eyes were an unnatural green and she stared a lot without saying anything.

               “Would anyone like some snack?” His uncle asked. I shook my head and the other two were to focus on their papers to even notice they came in until the little girl that was hiding behind her uncle was next to me pulling on my sleeve and hands me a chocolate bar this catches Isaac’s attention.

               “She like you,” He smiles, “Looks like you made a new friend, I’m glad. Stevie is a nice girl.” He comes over and pats his sister on her head crouching beside us he was so close that his hair would brush my arm lightly. I take the chocolate and smile down at the girl and in a faint voice I thank her. Her face gets bright even those she doesn’t smile but she nods then goes upstairs. I set the chocolate on the table smiling as I go back to studying. I finish before the other two and went to the bathroom. I head up the back stairs and pass what I assume is their uncles study since I have never seen the door open before. I go and splash water on my face to wake up some and do what people usually do while in a bathroom as I wash my hands I head footsteps running around a slam of a door hitting a wall. I get out of the bathroom in a hurry worried someone got hurt but all I could see was open doors and a weird light coming from another door in the room that I passed that was now wide open. I glance in to see no one but that strange purple glow coming from the back of the room. I walk in curiosity took over and flung the door open. In the middle of jackets sweaters button-ups and dress pants was a large cloud of purple swirling around to the middle of the circle I lean in to touch it with my hand it was kind of cold and was soft like the wind going through your fingers while you are driving down empty road. I was being pulled to see what laid beyond the purple clouds so I step through. I closed my eyes and head my breath for some reason and in seconds I am being dragged through colors that was leaking through my eyelids making it feel like I was in a kaleidoscope. Then it was dark not the usual dark like at night but a bright darkness. I know that sounds strange however as I open my eyes and look around everything was like nothing I’ve ever seen. I was in room with no walls but there was pillars and two doors one that head to the only wall in that was in front of me and the other was to my left heading to the most oddest garden I have ever seen. Intrigued by the five foot tall lily looking flowers that were at the entrance that stood in front of red rose vines that weaved its way along a fence. The doors of the fence were tall looming over me the rose vines draped over the top of the curved metal doors. I pushed the cold metals and descended into a peculiar flower garden that was more of a maze there was yellow flowers everywhere as with specks of purple leave bushes and blue tress. I follow the trail of the yellow flowers it lead me to what I think is the middle of the maze. I see a bench and large tree a extremely large tree it resembled a willow tree however there was a collection of multi-colored flowers with blue green and orange leaves. Not sure if I could get out without getting lost I start to climb the tree. Once I felt I was high enough I go to a thicker part of the branch and take a seat, the sight before me was like nothing I have ever seen, there was three moons, THREE, and they were each different colors one was purple and it was the furthest from me the pink was closer and the biggest shinning in the middle of the sky the purple and pink blended together, dancing and mingling, then smallest that was closest to the ground and myself was the blue one it was like the ocean on a bright sunny day. You would think with these colors in the sky it would be a bright day but no it was a dark hue and danced along the land that was glowing in some parts and inky black in other. I search the ground there were more flowers and was actually glowing like they were dipped into the stuff that was in the glowsticks and was seeping onto the grounds around it slightly floating above the ground then when the breeze blew the glowing speaks around the flower and into the air. I take in the rest of the trees and hills then did my best shuffles to the other side of the tree this time I could see the side of a castle that I came from it was a mix of cement metal and gold looking like it belong in a fairy tail book. A scream catching my attention I turn and see a monster flying at me but the second it came at me it was gone. Then a sound of something slamming into the ground with a loud bang I see a blue monster and the flying beast in a crater, the blue monster was shouting at the other and then came to me it looked like Isaac if was a translucent blue with sharp and swirling gold eyes and amazing wings prodding from his back. He blows some blue dust, I start to feel sleepy and I can feel myself falling from the branch I was on.

               I wake up in the hallway of Isaac’s house I was on the floor and staring at four people, my brother Freddie, Isaac, his sister Ivey and their uncle who asked,

               “Are you okay?” I nod,

               “What happened?” I sit up and look around to find the monsters.

               “You fainted Isaac found you laying here.” Freddie say both annoyed and worried.

               “Are you sure? I saw so many…” His uncle smiles,

               “You must have one hell of a dream.” I blink that was all too vivid but it could have been a dream right?

               “Right dream.” I mummer get off the ground then stared at Isaac he look like a normal human. I head to back downstairs and to the kitchen his uncle gives me a glass of water and some cookies while the guys pack up. Ivey was sitting on the chair to my right. After everything was put away, we leave the house. I stared outside the window as we drive home, the more I think about it the more I start to think that I really see what I saw, that wasn’t earth and I went somewhere I wasn’t supposed to know anything about.

September 15, 2020 17:19

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