Science Fiction Adventure Fantasy

    She entered the void, boots echoing as they scraped across the glossy black surface. The stars winking above looked as if they were conversing in a secret language that somehow or someway she knew.                  

     “Aurora Sun.” 

     The black stretched ahead for miles into eternity, yet she decided to continue on the path. Darkness, nothingness, hollow emptiness filled her, consumed her. She was all alone, yet she was surrounded by familiarity. But how could the unknown be so familiar? 

     “Aurora Sun.”

      Again she thought she heard her name whispered from above. Or was it only in her mind? 

       On she continued, down the stretching void, searching for answers that may never come. Her echo surrounding her as she ventured on. On and on she went, deeper and deeper into the nothingness of the ebon. 

     “Aurora Sun.”

     Up ahead the voices grew, louder and louder. The echo of her boots quickly began to drown out by phantom singing. High above her or was it all around?    

     Could it be in my head? How else could whosever or whatever know my name? 

     “Aurora Sun, Aurora Sun of Earth. Our savior. O’ high majesty. She shines in radiance, her presence warmth. Blinding beauty. The one to light the sky once more. See how she walks in grace.”

       “Are they talking about me?” She thought. 

     She turned from side to side looking for the singers, only to find a door. That wasn’t there a second ago, where did it come from? What is lighting it?   

     Hesitantly she grabbed the knob, knowing it lead elsewhere, if only elsewhere was where she was meant to be. 

     “Shall I dare disturb the linear path?” she asked out loud. 

      She contemplated the perplexities of life, time, space, past, present, future, the universe. Seconds, minutes, hours, centuries, eons passed her by. Time seemed to stand still. Only the light of the door illuminating her. She was stuck, until a nova of understanding burst inside her. She knew what she had to do. If only she hadn’t let time zoom past her. If zoom was the right word.

     “Aurora Sun.”     

     With a gust of enthusiasm she turned the crystalline handle. It felt as if it were made of pure starlight. Electrifying her hand and tingling up her arm the door swung open, revealing an endless sea of ebon. She now stood at the threshold of time and space. She peered into the room, which was darker than the abyss and shouted, “hello.”

     Her words echoed through the void, hitting her back with a force so strong it threw off her equilibrium. Quickly she steadied herself and gained her courage to continue. With the impetus of pure curiosity she pushed through the vail of pure space matter, which was like pushing through liquid mercury. 

     Now fully surrounded her eyes could see, not in the literal sense but through metaphors and similes. Chaos turned to cosmos. She was a continuum of knowledge and understanding. Yet it was still too concentrated for her to fully understand. Time, space, the universe all seemed to make sense, yet it was all nonsense. Past, present, future were one and none, a jumbled mess of non liner epochs. 

     “I must be going crazy.” She thought. 

     Once again fear and doubt paralyzed her. Unmoving as time continued to flow through her and around her. Cold and frigid the stream of the whole was.  She could feel her joints begin to freeze. Her being began to slip, to be forgotten in the chaos of existence. The cold vacuum quickly began to claim  her, trying to prevent her from attaining the goal. 

     Fear of fear swallowed her and she began to sink into the nothingness of the nothingness. Her life, what was and what could be or should be danced in front of her, taunting her. Her tenacity pushed her up and with a piercing howl her voice echoed through it all. Determined not to let more time zoom by, she pushed her arms through the vail with all her might. Pushing and pushing until she could take it no more. She was again ready to stop when a force beyond her control helped shove her forward. 

     “Aurora Sun.”

     “Who are you?” 

     “You will know soon enough Aurora Sun, if you don’t already know.

      Quickly she pulled her way out of the no-ones land, towards another door, that appeared from nowhere or somewhere, opened by something or someone. It all depended on where she was. If only she knew where she was. Or when she was. 

     As the door swung open light blasted her, blinding her sightless eyes. Reaching out she walked towards the warmth. Whiteness enveloped her, cradling her in its glow. The radiation of the beams hurt her closed eyes, yet she could see the sun, yet it was in her mind, for darkness surrounded her still. Or was it whiteness? She still couldn’t make sense of it all. 

     “Aurora Sun. Open your eyes.” Whispered a voice as gentle as sea breeze. 

     Her pure faceted garnet eyes began to open. She hesitated as the light grew. 

     “It’s ok Aurora Sun. You can open your eyes.”

     Twinkling they shot open with billions of rays bursting from within. The universe now stared back into the gems that were her eyes and all the nonsense and sense began to make sense. Chaos into cosmos. I understand now. 

     “Aurora Sun.” 

     “Who-are-you.?” She asked, all the while knowing who was speaking.

     “I am the one you have been searching for. 

     “You mean you are my…” 

     “Yes Aurora Sun, I am your destiny.” 

     He held out his hand and without hesitation she took it. 

     “I understand now.” She said.

     “Come on Aurora Sun. Lets go light the sky once more.” 

     Together they walked into the black. As she passed the threshold billions and billions of stars burst from her skin, turning the ebon into a brilliant shade of azure. Aurora Sun. A symbol of warmth. An orbitee of rocks and gas in the heavens. The goddess Sol of Earth. 

June 26, 2021 03:36

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Clinton Siegle
17:29 Jul 09, 2021

Wonderful story telling. It brought me into the story. PLEASE share here https://www.facebook.com/groups/1346217065712905 and thank you for sharing.


Heather Starling
05:24 Jul 10, 2021

Thank you 😊


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Alex Sultan
23:51 Jul 06, 2021

I like any story that mentions the void and uses it as a concept, and this is no exception. I think your imagery, italics, and use of repetition is all great here.


Heather Starling
04:51 Jul 07, 2021

Thank you so much. I appreciate this so much. Have a great week. 🪐


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Annalisa D.
18:15 Jul 01, 2021

Very beautifully written. Lots of nice visuals.


Heather Starling
19:13 Jul 01, 2021

Thank you.


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