Fiction Inspirational

β€œOkay, I’ve called every police station in the area,” Noelle said, furiously tapping her phone. β€œAnd no one has seen him.”

She was sitting in a desk chair while she called. I had my face buried in the couch cushions and was attempting to suffocate myself.

I groaned. β€œWhat if he got run over or something? Where could he have gone?”

Noelle squeezed my shoulder. β€œIt’s okay, Mr. Beβ€”Ace, I mean. Let’s get in the car and drive down the road. We’ll see what we can do.”

I pulled myself up and tried to unsuccessfully smooth my hair. I’m sure it stuck up in all directions, but for once I didn’t care. I needed to find out if my father was okay.Β 

Don’t get me wrong, I still didn’t like the man. But I didn’t want him to be homeless. I figured the best I could do was set him up in a semi-nice apartment with provisions to last him a couple of months. After that, he was on his own.Β 

Noelle and I walked to the car and she motioned for me to get in the passenger seat. I was tempted to argue, but then I realized I was in no state to drive. I would probably drive into a tree.

She backed out of the driveway and we drove in silence for a few minutes, with me craning my neck and Noelle biting her lip nervously.Β 

β€œSo, um, Ace,” she said tentatively, β€œI just want to say, I’m really proud of you. You’ve changed so much over the past few weeks, and being around you is actually… pleasant.”

I glanced over at her, grateful for her presence. β€œWell, I would still be a self-absorbed snob if it weren’t for you, so… thank you, Noelle. Really.”

She gave me a rare smile that lit up her entire face. I had a strange urge to… no. Pretend I never said anything.Β 


Noelle slammed the brakes, almost breaking my collarbone as the seat belt snapped me back. Her eyes were fixed on something outside the car.

I frantically peeked out the window, but nothing caught my eyes.Β 

And then I saw it. A flannel clump lying in the grass. I gasped.Β 

β€œPull over, pull over!”

β€œI am!”

Noelle steered the car over to the side of the road and I jumped out before it came to a complete stop. I hurried over to the sorry man with the scraggly beard.Β 

He looked up as he heard me approaching and I sucked in a breath when I realized that it was, in fact, my father. When he saw me, his head fell back to the grass. He didn’t say a word.Β 

I could tell that Noelle was hovering by the car, unsure if she should interfere. I stepped closer to my father and sat down beside him. I ignored the fact that I was probably ruining my two-hundred-dollar pants.Β 

We were silent until I couldn’t take it any longer. I took a deep breath and began to speak, but I kept my eyes on the sky.Β 

β€œI know it was hard on you when Mother died. I don’t think you really knew how to handle your grief. But that’s no excuse for your behavior. You should have cared for me, instead of leaving me.”

I paused, expecting a snarling retort, but when none came, I pushed forward. Although I tried to voice my feelings matter-of-factly, I could hear the tint of emotion in my own voice.

β€œI’m sure the loss of Mother was as devastating for you as it was for me. You weren’t open to me, and I wasn’t open with you. We avoided each other’s feelings for the longest time. That was partly my fault. I resented you for not crying over Mother. I never saw you cry.”

β€œI couldn’t cry,” my father said suddenly, sounding hoarse. β€œI was so numb with grief I couldn’t bring myself to cry. I hated myself for it.”

I swallowed. β€œI think, deep down, I realized that you were still my father. But I refused to see it. It was easier to hate you than forgive you.”

Tears were running down my cheeks now, and I swear I even heard a sniff from my father. A warm hand gripped my shoulder.Β 

β€œI’m sorry, son.”

I finally met my father’s eyes. The same eyes that stared me down in the mirror every morning. They were glistening with tears.Β 

β€œI’m sorry, too… Dad.”

He hugged me then, and I gave him a fierce hug back. I didn’t even hesitate to ruin my shirt. The whole outfit was probably ruined, but I don’t think I had ever been so unconcerned.Β 

My father was back. After so long, he was finally back.Β 

We finally pulled apart, each attempting to wipe our eyes without the other noticing. After a slight hesitation, my father spoke again.

β€œSon? I really did try, ya know. That’s why I convinced yur aunt to write ya in her will.”

I froze. β€œYou told her to do that?”

He nodded. β€œYep. I downright begged her.”

β€œDad, I own my own company. I don’t really need any help.”

β€œI know that now. But I didn’t even know where you lived until a few months ago. I just wanted to help you out.”

The realization that my father was behind the large sum of money made me feel queasy. Why would he do that for me? Something was tugging at the back of my mind, but I couldn’t place it. Something was off.Β 

But his face was so open and sincere, so I beckoned for him to follow me to the car, where Noelle was standing. There were many emotions written on her face, some I could read, some I couldn’t. But there was something there that was different, that I had never seen before.

It kind of made me want to kiss her.

Woah. I did not just think that.Β 

My expression must have given something away because Noelle suddenly looked uncomfortable.Β 

β€œThere’s grass on your pants,” she muttered, looking away. I smirked.

β€œDo you enjoy making fun of me?” I joked. The corners of her mouth turned up, although she still didn’t meet my eyes.Β 

β€œI think you know the answer to that,” Noelle answered, helping my father into the backseat. She tossed me the keys. β€œYou’re driving home.”

I smiled. β€œHome,” I said, rolling the word around in my mouth. For once, it didn’t taste sour.

May 21, 2021 21:10

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Dhwani Jain
05:47 Aug 20, 2022

"You got no jams" is from Aladdin as far as I am concerned. It is the bit where 'Prince Ali' offers jams to Jasmine in place of her hand and then the genie says it.


lol I didn't even think of that, but you're right :) I was actually thinking of something else, though.


Dhwani Jain
11:53 Sep 10, 2022



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Lilliane Wei
05:47 May 31, 2022

Hey Saphira! I really liked this story, definitely made my heart go warm and fuzzy. We stan healthy relationships here ;) The confession from the father was really good timing, didn't feel awkward or scripted at all. I could see him butting into his son's apology and I think it fit the moment really well. Also, probably the wrong takeaway from this, but I think it's kinda funny in a backward way how the dad looked up to see his son then immediately dropped his head back down again. Could practically hear his thoughts: "who what who's there...


Hi Lyvia! Thank you so much for all your compliments! Your feedback is super helpful and I really appreciate it! I actually never considered writing another sequel, but I feel like I should definitely expand on what Ace felt was wrong. Anyways, I'm really glad you enjoyed reading my story! It's super encouraging. :) -Saphira


Lilliane Wei
05:58 Jun 01, 2022

It would be pretty cool to see a sequel, feeling like there's something sus about Ace's dad... Glad to have helped!!


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Nicole Of 2022
23:05 May 14, 2022

I LOVED IT!! It was different and new. Also, well writtenπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ ....read mine?


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Shaylynn Skinner
18:27 Feb 02, 2022

50th follower! LOL


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Chase .
21:29 Jan 11, 2022

Hi Great Story!


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Boutat Driss
12:34 Dec 01, 2021

amazing! i hope one day master 10% english like you.


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Akshara P
11:29 Nov 25, 2021

heyy! do you think you can give my story a read? πŸ’•


Oh my goodness, I just saw this! So sorry that I didn't respond, I haven't been keeping good track of reedsy, to be quite honest. I promise I'll check out your most recent story (even though you probably won't see this message, judging from your bio) (((PS. Totally sad to see you leave reedsy, even if it is temporary, but I understand your situation! You'll be missed!)))


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Delia Tomkus
00:46 Nov 11, 2021

I must say I am not the hugest fan of Miraculous but I definitely went through a phase. I totally agree with the rest of your faves tho. I haven't seen Pirates of the Caribbean yet, but I really want to(love Johnny Depp). My half-hearted guess at your quote quiz(ooh I like the sound of that) is Louis Carrol since he said lots of stuff about "impossible things before breakfast"


I just love Miracuclous because it's so cute!! Yes you totally need to watch the pirates of the Caribbean, at least the first 3. That's actually not what the quote is from, but good guess!


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Akshara P
14:19 Oct 18, 2021

I read your bio and, I'm a miraculous ladybug fan too! I'm literally obsessed- Have you started watching season 4? πŸ’—


OMGGGGG YESSSS!!!! I am so obsessed too, it's kind of a problem actually :) but yeah I've started watching season 4 but only up to wishmaker. I need to watch the rest ASAP but I never have time!!!! btw, who's your favorite character?


Akshara P
13:06 Oct 19, 2021

Me too! So much that I watch new episodes in other laungages, guessing what they say- I've started watching season four too, until Simpleman! Still need to watch dearest family though, THE BEST episode ever in the miraculous world! THE TRAILER LOOKED SO INTRESTING! I'm so excited!!! πŸ’— "Cat noir, yeah, cat noir." and "Just a normal girl, with a normal life" are my favorite! ✨


I haven't watched dearest family either, but it looks SO GOOD!!! I literally know the entire theme song in both english and french, that's how obsessed I am πŸ˜‚. Cat noir is totally my favorite character!!! I seriously hope that this is the season where their identities are revealed because I don't think I can stand the suspense any longer!!!!


Akshara P
07:07 Oct 21, 2021

Ahh! I'm glad to have found a ✨miraculous✨ friend! I watched Dearest Family and OMG, we finally have the Ladybug and Catnoir duo back! :) But like seriously, what would happen if Ladybug and Cat Noir discovered their secret identities? To defeat a villain, Ladybug calls on literally nine superheroes when all she needed was Cat Noir and his cataclysm. But she couldn't call him because she doesn't know his "secret" identity. What if the Celestial Guardian (Marinette) finds that this situation cannot continue? That its too dangerous to le...


Yayyyy!!! Me too, I don't really know anyone else who is genuinely invested in that show πŸ˜‚ I totally agree with you! If Cat Noir and Ladybug discovered their identities, I think it would make everything so much easier because they wouldn't have to keep making up lame excuses to each other during the school day. They could seriously help each other out! And Marinette told Alya, so why can't she tell ADRIEN????? So frustrating...


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Nyx :)
18:26 Oct 04, 2021

Hey! I just read your bio that your trying to learn french rn and iΒ΄m flewent in french so if you want some tips, just let me know!


Oh my gosh! That is so awesome! Is french your first language? I'm sad because ever since summer ended I pretty much stopped studying french because my schedule is so full. I really need to get back into it. Thanks for the offer, I'll be sure to keep you in mind.


Nyx :)
14:04 Oct 19, 2021

I moved here from france when I was a 3 and my parents would teach me a mix of the two languges (english and french) I would say that I know french better then english (and you can really hear my french accent when i pronounce some of english words)


That is so cool!!! I would love that, because I know that learning a language as a child is so much easier than learning when you're older.


Nyx :)
16:58 Oct 22, 2021

yea, i'm trying to learn Russian rn and its a lot harder then when i learned Italian when i was 5.


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05:47 Aug 26, 2021

The answer to your quote is Flynn Rider (AKA eugene fitzherbert) from Tangled duh ;P


Good job! πŸ‘ That's like my favorite quote from the entire movie!!! :)


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05:41 Aug 27, 2021

Haha yay i got it right! Lol np I like reading peoples bios. It's a good form of procastion ;)


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23:01 Jun 11, 2021

you watch ncis, ncis, ncis- i've never met anyone who knows that show exists- i think this is like some soulmate-type voodoo. are you a pisces?


I know, literally so many people haven't watched it before or even heard of it! It's sad. I'm a virgo, but I'm not really into the whole zodiac thing that much


21:08 Jun 12, 2021

:0 we can be besties- *mini-celebration commences*


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16:31 May 25, 2021

Awesome! I love these so much!


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Sarah Baker
18:01 Jun 26, 2024

Aww hi!! This story is so sweet and I love your writing style! (By the way, I saw your bio and you should totally check out the kdrama Sky Castle if you haven't already!! I'm watching it rn and it's so good! :D)


Awww thank you! That's so sweet of you, and I'm glad you enjoyed my story! (THANK YOU for the kdrama recommendation... always looking for new shows to watch lol. I've heard of Sky Castle and it looks so interesting... I'm gonna have to add that to my watch list for sure. It seems like a show with lots of drama.... I love that ;p)


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Mike Panasitti
20:39 Nov 10, 2022

Not sure if you're still active on the site, but I've read two parts of your "Philanthropist" series and it tells an interesting tale of jaded wealthy characters who find their humanity under adverse circumstances. I was wondering if you could take a look at my latest story and make an honest comment or two... Thanks, and I'm looking forward to reading other parts of your series to get a more complete picture of your work.


I wish I was active... but lately I haven't been making time to publish stories anymore. I'm glad to hear that you are interested in my stories, and I'm hoping to write more, but I don't know if that will happen any time soon, haha. I would love to look at your latest story though!


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Unknown User
23:05 Apr 07, 2022

<removed by user>


Unknown User
19:31 Apr 08, 2022

<removed by user>


Unknown User
19:36 Apr 12, 2022

<removed by user>


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Unknown User
21:50 Dec 17, 2021

<removed by user>


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Unknown User
02:07 Sep 09, 2021

<removed by user>


Yeah! That was the answer to the previous one, good job! Can you guess the one I have posted today? So far no one has guessed that one! :)


Unknown User
19:47 Sep 10, 2021

<removed by user>


Yeah, that one is kind of hard... it's from a book, not a movie, so there's a little hint.


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Unknown User
06:54 Jul 27, 2021

<removed by user>


Hey, Sienna! So sorry it took me so long to reply, I've been super busy lately. I'm good, other than being busy with sports. How are you?


Unknown User
19:44 Aug 03, 2021

<removed by user>


Yeah, I haven't really been active at all. Glad you're doing good tho!


Unknown User
23:45 Aug 05, 2021

<removed by user>


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Unknown User
05:43 May 23, 2021

<removed by user>


No, I haven't but I've heard that it's really good! I really want to read it! I'm pretty good, my life is super hectic right now because school's almost over and they're loading us up with so much work!!! But I'm excited for summer! How are you doing?


Unknown User
21:25 May 23, 2021

<removed by user>


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