Contest #157 winner 🏆


Contemporary Funny Sad

Bonjour from the city of love! I don't have much space on this postcard, so I'll keep things brief. I'm heading to the all-you-can-eat crêpe buffet soon anyway. My new lover, Jacques, doesn't mind a woman with a few extra curves. More cushion for the pushin', you know?

Oh, you should see him. Jacques is quite the looker, a total zaddy. Like George Clooney without the drug problem. I'm talking high cheekbones and a strong jawline. An accent that can turn cheddar into gouda. Washboard abs you could do two and a half loads of laundry on. I'm pretty sure the Paris Match magazine even called his body the eighth natural wonder of the world.

And he's so creative with whipped cream!

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I hope you're happy with your new girlfriend. Oh yes, I've seen the Instagram posts, the videos of the two of you doing the Electric Slide on rollerblades, the pictures of you donating plasma together. I saw the change in your relationship status on Facebook. I wasn't stalking you or anything; someone sent me the links the other day. I think it was when Jacques was taking me to the Eiffel Tower. He's thoughtful like that.

Well, just do me a favor, would you? Don't bother calling me. I won't be coming back to you. I'm too busy having the time of my life.

Wish you were here.


Ciao from the land of pasta and pizza! Forgive any misspellings or chicken scratch in this letter. I'm currently writing this from a gondola, because Lorenzo absolutely insisted. I swear he adores the water almost as much as he adores me.

Oh, that's my new lover, by the way. Believe me, he's very handsome, with abs and cheekbones too. The total ninth natural wonder. Tall and dark and mysterious, like the kind of guy you'd find on the cover of a pirate romance novel. Or like George Clooney with the drug problem. 

Don't worry, back in Paris I let Jacques down easy. Gave him the old "It's not you, it's me" line. Remember that one? I'm sure you do.

Irregardless, Jacques is so last month, and when in Rome, right? 

We visited the big art museum here yesterday, the Accademia Gallery, Lorenzo and I. Trekked past marble sculptures and oil paintings and a weird urinal structure that I'm pretty sure is only there as an emergency toilet and isn't actually art at all. It was really quite lovely.

When we came to the last room, the one with the Statue of David standing in the center like a nude superhero, it made me think of you. I'll give you one guess why.

Anyway, that's why I decided to write you now. Not because I watched that TikTok of you and your new girlfriend whipping and nae naeing in perfect rhythm, and certainly not because of your Snapchat story about reopening the cockles of your heart after all this time. After all, I've moved on and so should you.

But I suppose you can call me if you really want to. Just know I've got my hands full with the love of my life Lorenzo, so the chances of my responding are about as anemic as your new girlfriend. And what kind of name is Brittanee anyway? Whatever.

Wish you were here.


¡Hola from the sunny state of Jalisco, Mexico! Hey, you know how I've always wanted to go horseback riding? Well, I'm halfway to living the dream, baby, because I'm writing this from the back of a donkey. Santiago says it's just like being on a horse, only a donkey is smaller and a little more slobbery and it has one extra letter in its name. He's very intelligent, my new lover, my Santiago.

Trust me, the less we say about Lorenzo, the better. Some advice: Never trust a man who takes you to an art museum to see a urinal and a nude male statue.

Santiago isn't that type of guy. And get this: He can cook. And not just spaghetti and minute rice and Lunchables. Real food. He loves making all our meals, and he never complains.

In fact, the funniest thing happened the other day. As I was scrolling through your Twitter, reading through all the old "I just want a girl who's honest" comments you posted and retweeted, Santiago's sweltering apartment filled with the scent of cinnamon. And when he waltzed into the living room and offered me the plate of churros behind his back, I took one look at them, all floppy and shriveled, and I thought of the Statue of David, and then I thought of you. And I laughed until I fell off the couch and hit my head against the coffee table and had to get eight stitches. 

That's why I'm writing you now. To tell you how painful true love can be. To tell you it's worth it. No other reason.

How's that for a girl who's honest?

But just so you know—and maybe it's the concussion talking—I'll be back in the US next month. And I guess if you want to beg for my forgiveness and ask me to reconsider our relationship, I might be willing to hear you out. Say, over dinner at Olive Garden.

In the meantime, Santiago and I have some burros to ride and some churros to eat.

Wish you were here.


Hey from the Starbucks down the street from our home. Your home. Brittanee's and your home. I have to admit that was a shock just now, pulling up to the curb and seeing the two of you through the picture window, nestled together on opposite ends of the loveseat with your legs tangled together like the infinity symbol.

You say you want someone who's honest? Well, here goes.

They never existed. Jacques and Lorenzo and Santiago and Olaf, whom you never got to second guess because I didn't make it to Russia. I think you know why I did it.

But maybe you saw the pictures I posted on Instagram, the ones of me skydiving and parasailing and saving those orphans from that burning building, and you wondered. Maybe you stared at them the way I stared at the pictures of you and Brittanee in the opera house, or your Tweets about finally finding "the one," or the video of you getting down on one knee in our favorite restaurant.

I doubt your moments were photoshopped, though.

Irregardless, this message should be finding you soon. I've just paid some acne-crusted freshman a double blended venti white mocha with four shots and almond milk and fifteen Splenda packets in exchange for delivering this postcard to you.

Maybe we can still have that talk. I was honest about that.

I mean, I know this place isn't exactly Olive Garden, but hey, it isn't Chili's either.

Until then, I'll be here sitting at the corner table for a while, maybe ten minutes or an hour or until this place closes. I don't mind the waiting. I've got nothing but time now. Time to think about you, and her, and the memories of a life I thought I knew, a house I may never inhabit again.

But I wish I were there.

August 05, 2022 09:41

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L. E. Scott
15:12 Aug 12, 2022

You could tell your mc hadn't moved on, and I kinda figured the other guys were fake. It's kind of sad, because her ex is just living his (assuming that her ex is male because all the fake lovers were, hope that's ok) life seemingly not even thinking about her and all she's doing, despite having the opportunity to have fun and forget, is obsessing over her ex.


Zack Powell
16:17 Aug 12, 2022

Love your interpretation of it, L.E., and that's exactly what I was thinking when I wrote this: how hard it is to let go and let people live their own lives after a breakup. Thanks for the read and the analysis!


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Kendall Defoe
15:05 Aug 12, 2022

A little disturbing...and very believable (esp. toward the ending)! We have all been there...I think... Thank you for this one. And a well-deserved win! ;)


Zack Powell
16:14 Aug 12, 2022

And thank you for the generous comment, Kendall! I hope we haven't all been there, LOL, but I'm sure some of us have.


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Mike Panasitti
16:27 Aug 10, 2022

This story delves into the heart of duplicity in much contemporary communication. Are his posts on social media any less genuine than her deceptive postcards? Or, can people use social media with noble intentions, rather than wanting to make former lovers, "friends," and followers jealous, and then cringe at their own jealousy? So many subtle narrative layers to explore here. Btw, for those not in the know, what is "zaddy?"


Zack Powell
18:18 Aug 10, 2022

You caught it, Mike. We only get the woman's side of the story, so we never know just how authentic the boyfriend's posts are. (And in fact, the original draft of this story had the woman calling him out on virtue signaling and clout chasing, so in my mind, maybe he had an agenda too.) Of course, that didn't make it to this final draft, so now we're free to interpret his true intentions as we wish, which is more fun for me than giving a definitive answer. Regarding "zaddy": A few months ago, I posted a story that had the word in it (which, ...


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Aeris Walker
09:39 Aug 08, 2022

Always here for a good epistolary short story! And her letters are just so harsh, we get a sense of her deep bitterness right away. Love the humor, the intentionally over exaggerated fictitious lovers, the woman’s admission when she can’t keep up the ruse, and the sad, but obvious, reality that her man has moved on. You did a great job creating a character who is pretty unlikeable, who is rude and bragging and insulting in a one sided, passive way—like she’s too afraid to have a real conversation. These lines: “And he's so creative with w...


Zack Powell
15:12 Aug 08, 2022

Thanks, Aeris! Epistolary stories are my guilty pleasure - so many different ways to write them, so many different voices to try out. Glad the humor and the harshness came through with this character. She is a hot mess with a side of crazy. The lines you cited almost didn't make the cut, so I'm glad to see they worked for you. You never quite know when something is too much, right? Thanks again. Really enjoyed your story from this week too.


Aeris Walker
22:47 Aug 08, 2022

It’s always the lines we doubt most that seem to stand out for others! Or the entire stories we almost give up on that end up doing well. 🤔🙂


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Aeris Walker
15:35 Aug 12, 2022

And he does it again! Congratulations Zack!! 🍾🎊


Zack Powell
16:13 Aug 12, 2022

Congratulations back to you! 🍾🎊 (Side note: I was making a mental list of the Recommended Stories people I expected to win, and your name was at the very top of the list. Absolutely loved your story. Glad to see it get recognized this week too!)


Aeris Walker
17:35 Aug 12, 2022

THANKS! Lol, that’s amazing. I was so stoked to see you and Riel, and Michal all in the winning circle too—so cheers all around 👏🏻


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Bradon L
04:34 Aug 08, 2022

You had me at “all you can eat crepe buffet!” I really liked how you masked her pain behind the bragging. It’s not totally visible at first but it’s definitely woven throughout the whole story. The pain of losing someone you love can drive you crazy and you illustrated that perfectly. It’s been a while since I’ve heard someone say “more cushion for the pushin’”😂. Clever use of zaddy by the way. If it weren’t for you I would’ve had no idea that word existed.😂😂


Zack Powell
15:22 Aug 08, 2022

Thanks, Bradon! Always nice to see your thoughts on things, especially when the story is labeled "Funny," since that's your stomping grounds. You got exactly what I was going for with too - she was absolutely driving herself nuts, destroying her own cross-country vacation in the process. Love makes you do some weird things, amirite? 😂 I've taken to using zaddy unironically lately, so it just wormed its way into this story. No regrets.


Bradon L
18:11 Aug 12, 2022

🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Congrats on the win!!!


Zack Powell
04:38 Aug 13, 2022

Thanks, Bradon! Love the enthuiasm too! 🎉🎉🎉


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Yves. ♙
06:19 Aug 07, 2022

Loved how well this fit the prompt from the very first sentence. Paris! What a classic. And the whipped cream quip was the, ahem, cherry on top! I'm always down for an ex-girlfriend story, and I love that you went there with the Brittanee joke (a while back I wrote a girl whose name even I can't remember into the story World Got Smaller... something with a lot of Ks, that's for sure.) Great sadness there in the ending to round it out, too. Thanks for sharing this one!


Zack Powell
20:00 Aug 08, 2022

Thanks for reading, Yves! Just came from your story and I was blown away, so this is high praise.


Yves. ♙
22:35 Aug 08, 2022

Oh my gosh, thank you; your comment was so wonderful-- I'm glad mine brought a little joy into your day ^_^


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Michał Przywara
20:51 Aug 05, 2022

Great! Funny and sad, just as advertised. The opening is killer, and I think what makes it is "all-you-can-eat crêpe buffet". (Although I appreciate following "I don't have much space on this postcard, so I'll keep things brief" with putting a short story on said postcards.) What a bizarre thing to mention on a postcard from Paris. It immediately gave me the impression the narrator's priorities weren't on tourism, and it set the tone for everything else. This is relevant, since she kind of pissed away a multi-continent trip on wallowing in...


Zack Powell
03:29 Aug 06, 2022

Thanks as always, Michał! I was really laboring over the genre tags for this one, trying to cherry-pick the perfect ones, so it's nice to know these seemed accurate. You got exactly what I was going for. And I love your interpretation of why she did what she did! That's definitely giving this woman the benefit of the doubt, but it's totally fair and valid reasoning. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there's someone out there who's done exactly what you've suggested. You never know, right? Thanks again!


Michał Przywara
20:52 Aug 12, 2022

Congratulations on the win! You're killing it, mate :D


Zack Powell
21:03 Aug 12, 2022

Thanks! :) Can't wait to read your newest story soon.


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Patrick Samuel
18:59 Aug 05, 2022

Just what I needed to make me smile after a rough day, a new treat from le Zack :) This was in equal parts hilarious and pathetic - like Alice Evans without the twitter account. The gradual crumbling of her facade allows us to re-evaluate our feelings until we're not sure whether to laugh at her or feel for her, so that the story is more than an experiment in mean-spirited humour. And the last line just nails it. Felicitations from Jacques!


Zack Powell
03:05 Aug 06, 2022

Thanks, Patrick! I've been experiencing a bit of a burnout/slump these past few weeks, so this story was more to prove to myself that I can still write something. Glad you were able to get a smile or two out of it. I always love seeing your perspective on things.


Patrick Samuel
13:13 Aug 06, 2022

Sorry to hear about that, Zack. Then again given all your output, no wonder you're feeling the burnout. Don't be too hard on yourself. I'm amazed you felt you had something to prove to yourself after a story like "Tightrope of the Heart". I'm still blown away by that one and would have expected to win or at the very least make the shortlist. It was that good. But these things are subjective and I've learned to be philosophical about it. The main thing is that the story exists and is out there for people to read. A win is weekly news but wri...


Patrick Samuel
15:44 Aug 12, 2022

... And if a win is weekly news, congratulations on making this week's headlines, Zack!! Really happy for you. And to think you were doubting yourself :) Hope this gives you a well-deserved morale boost.


Zack Powell
16:11 Aug 12, 2022

Thanks, Patrick! And forgive my late response to your wonderful email - I wanted to get through each of the stories you gave me before responding, and I've got just one more to go. Really enjoyed your selection of reading material, and I appreciate you checking up on me. It made my day.


Patrick Samuel
16:18 Aug 12, 2022

No problem, Zack. Glad you're enjoying the stories. And if that made your day, I can only imagine what today's news is doing for you :)


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Riel Rosehill
17:43 Aug 05, 2022

Love that there's a zaddy-line in this one! And I'm sure you know how much I enjoy your voicey and hotmessy characters! This woman's letters were FUN. (And this format, too!) But her poor ex, lol - she's such a mean stalker! This would've fitted that prompt for pathological liar not long ago! Now, specific stuff I loved: The first "I wish you were here." (Such a beautiful sentence and it was just in a perfect place.) and the repetition of it on the postcards. Also how the last variation was "But I wish I were there." Nice nice nice. An...


Zack Powell
02:55 Aug 06, 2022

Fun fact: I was halfway through writing this story, reading it back to myself, when I thought of the zaddy line, and I was like "I bet you Riel would get a kick out of this!" Lo and behold, it's the first thing in your comment. 😂 Thanks for validating its inclusion. I wish I'd thought of this last week for the pathological liar prompt. My brain is perpetually one step behind, LOL. You got what I was going for too with title flip at the end and the increasing honesty in each letter, even though it never quite reaches the full-blown truth un...


Riel Rosehill
07:18 Aug 06, 2022

Haha, you know me so well! I would've been proud of that cheese line and the joke too if I had the brain to write them! And as much as I 'd love to see double stories from you (and I hope one day I'll get to see those projects you never submitted!), I know I couldn't do it! Not saying you couldn't do it either, because I 100% believe you could. But it can be a struggle, and I just don't think you need to push yourself so hard (why on earth at this moment the cushion pushin' line pops into my head LOL) - all I'm saying is, getting one story...


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16:11 Aug 05, 2022

👏👏 amazing :)


Zack Powell
02:55 Aug 06, 2022

Thank you as always, Awexis!


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Naomi Onyeanakwe
11:12 Aug 05, 2022

From the very beginning, the pain was screaming from the page—or my screen, whatever. I knew the men weren't real when they all had such cliche names from the places she was visiting. I was even starting to doubt that she went to those places at all. I really liked that, after telling him how wonderful she's doing post-breakup, all the postcards (?) ended with “wish you were here”. And the switch at the end to "I wish I were there” just captures very well how fed up she is of pretending she's fine. Then, there were A LOT of funny lines. ...


Zack Powell
23:09 Aug 07, 2022

Thank you for your generosity, Naomi! Just came from your story, and I think you knocked it out of the park too. Kudos to you for catching onto the men not being real early. That's exactly what I was going for when I was naming them, so it's great to know someone was immediately suspicious when reading this. (And in fact, in the original draft of this, she DIDN'T go to any of those places, so double kudos.) Funny enough, I actually went back and reread Love and Chocolate last week, so that very well may be why this piece came out the way i...


Naomi Onyeanakwe
07:45 Aug 08, 2022

Isn't it nice waking up to a triple kudos? Thanks, Zack. Also, thanks for reading my story!


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10:28 Aug 05, 2022

That's a very honest and touching story. The pain of trying to impress someone who has moved on is very visceral. Well done.


Zack Powell
15:02 Aug 07, 2022

Thanks, Scott. Loved your story this week too, so I'll throw that well done compliment right back atcha.


15:10 Aug 12, 2022

They need to add GIFs to the comment section. Congrats!


Zack Powell
16:09 Aug 12, 2022

Thank you very much, Scott! (Totally agree about the GIFs too.)


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Edwin Dicine
13:27 Jun 10, 2024

Hello everyone, my name is Edwin Dicine. Am from Los Angeles California. I want to introduce a good testimonies of Dr Kachi the great lottery spell caster who helped me to win a story on how I win million After reading about a article who Dr Kachi helped, I got in contact with Dr.Kachi and he told me that he going to help me cast a spell that will profit me when I play the Powerball game, and i do believed him and took action. After he casted the winning number spell, I played the Powerball Ticket, and i won greatly which I did t...


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Edwin Dicine
13:27 Jun 10, 2024

Hello everyone, my name is Edwin Dicine. Am from Los Angeles California. I want to introduce a good testimonies of Dr Kachi the great lottery spell caster who helped me to win a story on how I win million After reading about a article who Dr Kachi helped, I got in contact with Dr.Kachi and he told me that he going to help me cast a spell that will profit me when I play the Powerball game, and i do believed him and took action. After he casted the winning number spell, I played the Powerball Ticket, and i won greatly which I did t...


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Pual Becker
11:08 May 20, 2024

If you're not familiar with cryptocurrency trading, I strongly advise you to either stay away from it completely or invest very cautiously. I was forced to invest a significant amount of my life savings on a forex platform to increase my profits, but I ultimately lost roughly 95,000 USD to this investment scam. I was not allowed to take my money out after I had invested and made a profit. I sent a letter to customer service, but it was ineffective, so I realized I had been duped. I was fortunate enough to come across a genuine deal retrieval...


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Sydney LaVoy
03:59 Jan 25, 2023



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Leonard Linton
10:56 Jan 14, 2023

It’s an honor  to share this testimony to the world. Dr Benjamin you're a blessing to our generation. I have always desired to win lottery some day, at some point I thought it was something impossible, until I came across series of testimonies on how had helped a lot of people win lottery, at first I was so skeptical about it because I haven't seen a things as such in my life, at a second thought I decided to give it a try so I emailled him via his person email, he replied me and instructed me on what to do, after 24 hours he gave me some nu...


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Leonard Linton
10:56 Jan 14, 2023

Dr Benjamin the professional lottery spell caster helped me win lottery, he can help you too. email him


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Freaky Moose
20:06 Nov 15, 2022

wow! honestly, just reading that was crazy. this poor woman needs to chill out! i mean, i feel sorry but yeesh, stalker much? but anywho, this was a fantastic story. just started following and im excited to read more of your fantastic stories!!!


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03:04 Oct 22, 2022

I love it. It made me cry


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