Mystery Fantasy Adventure

I never knew a holiday until I saw this one. My cousin visited me from England at my mansion in Las Vegas. My cousin Percy pronounced herself a model as soon as she entered in my home. Along with my cousin Trent, my cousin Alex, my sister Verna, my brother Howard and my aunt Celeste. Percy pretended to be an authority figure when it was the other way around. She explained on the scene she had been daydreaming of being a model and wanted to live it out loud. When we asked her to explain herself she stood on the table and turned into a princess with wings a matching crown. The new swan was more excited than I could possibly imagine. She began to sing a song of how true love conquers all and it went like this” I have walked a thousand paths and now have found glory This is what I feel and then stood and posed on the table like a real professional model. She finished her song and sang: ” I will love this body for forever and ever and no one is allowed in my room a quarter past twelve for I shall keep my precious precious secrets to myself. Love is on the way ; it truly is. For true love conquers all and so does this great runway “ we asked her to step down off the table but she refused. She just kept on singing:”My eyes and hands are beautiful but so is my mind and my feet are gorgeous but so is my heart.” My cousin stood up and clapped his hands and congratulated her. ” You have found the secret of life “ he cried. I guess that’s what it took to get her off the table so she hopped right of the scene and went to the corner of the room to dance.Soon the table filled with foods and drinks and they all began to do the same thing. The whole family’s dreams came to life as they stood on the table . Percy had touched lives that night .Their songs went like this: Trent laughed as he sung: what is this knew life I see before me?I will wear this suit for the rest of my life. And find who killed your uncle last night. The proud detective continued ” Should I shoot? The women cried” oh yes! Most definitely ! Abruptly! “ and found he killed the man who had been so criminally ugly and impolite. Today I am a detective A hero! A real hero! He stomped down off the table with gun on his hip the moved to a corner to dance in the background . The third wanted to be a singer and appreared in a jazzy suit black and drenched with diamonds. Alex came out with it on the table that night” you are unbelievable now do what you do. Let’s all pretend that true love conquers has found you. I will find you if it doesn’t so shake with me and do this dance , the two in the corner began to dance jazzy bouncing and ended with a clap. We stood and celebrated then waited for the next” Verna began to sing: “ Look! Look! I am a beautiful flower and will stay true to my word to serve those who need me on blue day. I have a chance of a lifetime and am no longer a thinking person. My beautiful leaves shall never grow old and my petals shall light up the world. I love them so much and shall never forget the day I came a beautiful locus. She then went to a corner to dance. The family continued to dance. The fifth be a locomotive he hopped on the table the turned into a small train”. “ I shall represent the USA he sang and shouted by Howard. I will love whatever town I see and quietly blow steam on winter days” he then diappeared for 30 min outside then reappeared on the table as tiny toy train device. When he hopped down from the table he ran to corner and sang danced” I have lived my dream come and I will celebrate my Christmas adventure with the best dance alive !”then it was my turn. The puddle formed on the table as I turned into a sea turtle. Oh to travel through the sea and now I have returned look at me . One of the most beautiful creatures you will ever see!” How much fun I will have traveling the blue ocean and what a dream come true ! I shall forever hold this memory in my heart and hope I never change into an adult I love you all so much and I hope you stay , now beautiful feet lead the way. I climbed off the table then returned to normal then sat in the corner to do a dance number .The seventh woman wanted to be ballarina. Her name was Celeste she sang this: I shall dance tonight for forever for I am living a dream and bounce jump as high as the sky and several million stages. For I am the strongest dancer in the world she got on top of the table and danced until her feet turned purple. Celeste finished with grand finale and flew to the corner of the room in the background and continued to sharply dance in her toe shoes True love shall always conquer all and always will. The Whites family mansion and dreams shall never grow old they all sang together: “What a beautiful night. My childish sister has been touched by an angel of mercy . “Who Came to us tonight they sung from their corners and danced then sang “what a blessing ! What blessing our lives will never be the same in such a good way that I could thank this angel for forever. Who has power like this?” they sung from their corners. Then all of a sudden a knock on the door came blasting out of know where. When I answered door everyone came out of their corners to welcome the new master is daydreams. Mr. Kalinsky. The tall white man appeared in a red suit with a purple tie and a greent tall hat.t The roof soon turned into a very large orchestra that sounded all throug the mansion.Must have been him. They invited him along for their traditional Christmas where they sung five more songs. They through snowballs outside with Mr. Kalinsky and danced all around the house to traditional Christmas music. They sang original Christmas songs: I want Christmas every year to celebrate with my family all of the happenings here. Food and drink and the very unusal best holiday happenings ever to exist. We shall put the star on top of the tree and. And now, how awesome life will be with plenty matching presents under our tree!” The star lies in our hearts and I shalll NEVER! NEVER! ever forget the way a real dance sorta Santa clause came my way!” And the last song of the night we sang and dance to last:”What a beautiful Christmas we have been exposed to for our live our forever and Peter to thank! So clap your hands and do your numbers!” I sang for true love conquers forever and ever our dreams have been lived and I shall carry this with me for he rest of our lives. The bigger the dream the bigger the memories so let’s continue to act like children !” Their drama got bigger as the night went on and who was to say because the lights were off! Good night and Merry Christmas! From the White Family”!

November 27, 2020 19:06

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