Our city is just the way we like it...

Submitted into Contest #85 in response to: Start your story with the line, “That’s the thing about this city…”... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Funny

"That's the thing about this city," the man smiled, carefully lowering the shield from above his head. "You don't know what's going to happen next."

"That is quite true," the woman at his side said, shaking her leg and making slimy green goo fly everywhere. "Last week it was dragons, the week before that, zombies determined to be Starbucks barista's."

"And last month we had a song pandemic!" The man continued. "Caused everyone to sing when they spoke and speak when they sang; it was rather hilarious if I had to admit!"

"You have to be on your toes all the time in this city!" The woman laughed joyously, tipping her hat and making the little slime creature atop it bob about. "Now. If you will excuse me, I have a rogue unicorn to attend too! Good day all!"

Dancing off down the street, the woman spun about to avoid stepping in any slime, humming loudly and out of tune to herself. Stopping suddenly as a herd of large, brightly coloured birds plowed past; a comedic cloud of dust trailing after them. Tipping her hat once more at the retreating creatures, the woman continued on her way, dancing on.

"It may be a strange city, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Shall we continue with our tour?" The man asked, his pointed canines glittering in the light. "Right, on we go then!"

Strolling around the city was.... informative to say the least. The man pointing out sites and shops; as well as the various creatures and beings who inhabited it.

"So, that shop popped into existence about a year ago! Its sells a bunch of really weird stuff, including but not limited to: suits of armour with enchantments on causing to wearer to be more protected the less they are wearing, swords, spears, long range targeting crossbow bolts and assorted candies that can turn you every shade of colour imaginable." The man said, pointing to a small, unassuming store front. "But fair warning in advance. Those candies taste vile! I would not recommend it, unless it's for a really good prank."

"Oh yeah! Kelpies. Nasty water spirits. What ever you do, don't touch 'em! Or it will be the last thing you ever do." The man said, pointing to a couple of pure white horses with dripping wet manes grazing next to the lake side. "There are a few tamed kelpies around town, but they only respond to their masters, so they're still quite nasty creatures. So, stay away from any horse you see; unless they are wearing a collar made of silver or iron. Even then! Don't touch them, air on the side of caution."

"That's Mrs Flora, she makes the best cookies in town!" The man said, waving to a little old lady sitting in the branches of a tall oak tree. Her hair was still green, but greying at the roots. "She's been here since the city was founded! So, about 1,390 years!"

"I wouldn't recommend going to that part of town. That's the red district. And by red, I mean, blood red" The man said, a frown tugging the corners of his mouth down. "It was originally run by succubi and incubi; but they were over thrown about a decade ago. Now its run by your standard flesh eaters and blood drinkers. Not a very nice place to end up for a human like yourself."

"That's the library. Nice place to go if you ever need to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city." The man said, gesturing to a gigantic marble structure, the pillars standing strong before the large shiny gold doors of the entrance. "Books and stories are gateways to another world. An escape if you will. Just watch out to the world you wish to enter. Choose it carefully. Some of the visitors who have entered never came back out."

"Watch out!" The man cried, as a large body fell to the street; colliding with such force it shook the earth. The giant mumbled out apologise, hiccuping every now and then as it got up and stumbled off in a random direction, taking large gulps from a large glass bottle. "Damn giants. They all know to drink outside the city limits! They cause so much damage to the town when they stumble around drunk. We tried to get them to stop day drinking years ago. It didn't work, as you can see. It's 5 o'clock somewhere in the world. So we try to keep them outside the city until they sober up; most of the time it works, others just refuse or manage to sneak away. But I do wonder how our guards don't notice a giant sneaking away. They are not the quietest of creatures."

Turning down a long road in the middle of the unusual city, the man continued to wave at people as they passed. Two centaurs galloped past, their hooves clattering against the surface of the road; the blue and red flashing saddles across their backs making others leap out of their way. Stopping before a tall apartment building, the man turned around and smiled; holding out a key. It was old, looking to be made of brass, carved with runes and an inlayed set of doves wings.

"The receptionist will show you too your room, tell them, floor 5, unit 192." The man said with a smile on his face, his pure white eyes twinkling. "I hope you enjoy your stay. Feel free to explore and ask any of the folk here to point you in the right direction if you get lost. Or maybe just follow a raven; they're usually trust worthy enough."

"Thank you sir. But, if you don't mind me asking. I never got your name?"

"Oh dear me! I apologise! I'm starting to forget things with my age you know." The man said bashfully, turning and walking away. "My name.... I have no defined name. I'm everyone and no one, and all that is needed. But please, call me by my first given name. Anu. The first god of the sky."

March 19, 2021 10:27

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09:36 Mar 25, 2021

Dear Flora, What an imagination. Loved it Sreedevi


Flora Bell
09:31 Mar 26, 2021

Dear Sreedevi, Thank you! And thank you for this comment! Its a confidence booster to know someone enjoyed my piece. - Flora Bell


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