Lesbian LGBTQ+ Gay

6 Years.

6 Months Dating.

6 Weeks before the First Date. 

6 Texts before the question was asked. 

6 Swipes Left before landing on her. 

6 hours of video chatting. 

6 Seconds of hesitation before calling first.

6 photos shared between them. 

6 things they have in common. 

6 different things about their physical traits.

6 Fights before Now.

6 Minutes of yelling.

6 guest invites to the wedding.

6 band members played.

6 Years.

“6 Years!” Cora exclaimed, slamming the black and white photo on the table as her razor eyes pierced into Bexley’s broken eyes. Bexley shook her head slightly as she looked at the photo. “We’ve been together for 6 bloody years! Tomorrow’s our anniversary, for god’s sake!” Cora reminded, her tone flooded with pain and irritation. “Did you just grow tired of me?!?” Cora asked Bexley. Bexley opened her mouth to speak, but Cora interrupted saying, “How long has he been in your life, Bexley? A week? 6 years?” She asked.

“No!” Bexley finally said. Tears swarmed Cora’s eyes as she swallowed the lump of sorrow in her throat away. “Believe me, I’ve never met this man in my life, I swear!” Bexley reached for Cora’s hand, but Cora pulled away, her body tensing.

“Are you serious! You know I hate lying! You're just proving to me you're guilty!” Cora snapped. Bexley picked up the photo.

“I swear on my life that I’ve never cheated on you!” Bexley insisted. Cora cocked an eyebrow upward, the fire in her eyes growing fiercer.

“What’s his name?” Cora asked, a scary calm tone entering her voice. Bexley swallowed nervously as she looked at the photo for a minute, then looked back into Cora’s eyes. “Well? What’s his name?” Cora repeated. Bexley stayed quiet. Cora stared at her. “I’ll wait.” She folded her arms as she leaned against the table. Bexley sighed and looked away.

“His name is Matthew,” Bexley mumbled. Cora looked at the photo in Bexley’s hands.

“Matthew? As in… Matthew Peace?” Cora asked. Bexley nodded and looked at Cora. Cora’s breath became sharp. She turned and walked toward the coat rack.

“Cora, hun, I swear, nothing happened between us!” Bexley set the photo down and grabbed Cora’s wrist, pulling Cora back to her. Cora pulled her wrist away as she looked up into Bexley’s hazel blue eyes.

“I. Need. Air.” Cora said slowly, but Bexley knew what the tone meant. Bexley let go of Cora’s wrist and looked down. Cora put her jacket on and grabbed her keys. “Don’t follow me,” Cora instructed as she walked out of the house, slamming the door behind her. She sat in her blue car and took a deep breath before starting the car, backing out of the long driveway, and getting on the freeway. She knew exactly where she was going. She had to get away. She couldn’t stand to be near Bexley right now. She had too many emotions swirling around her mind at the moment that she couldn’t think straight as she ran the red light at the intersection. 

Bexley stared at the photo. Who the hell took this photo? Who the hell would do this to her? How dare they try to break her loved one apart from her. What the hell was really happening? She didn’t understand, and she hated when she didn’t understand something. Bexley looked at the wedding photo on the wall, tears forming. She could feel her cheeks get hot as she looked back down at the photograph. Bexley reached for her phone in her pocket and dialed Cora’s number. 6 seconds of hesitation before putting the phone up to her ear. She closed her eyes, thinking about what she would say. 

First Ring.

“Cora, don’t hang up the phone,” She said aloud as she planned. “I gotta tell you something.”

Second Ring.

“I just wanted to tell you that I am so sorry about all this,” Bexley said as she shook her head as if Cora could see her. “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you about Matthew sooner.”

Third Ring.

“I love you so much. I’d never hurt you like that,” Bexley continued. “No matter what, I love you.”

Fourth Ring.

“When you pick up the phone, that’s all I’m gonna say to you until you come home so I can explain in person.” Bexley sighed softly.

Fifth Ring.

Bexley hung up the phone and set her phone down on the table, wondering what she could do. What could she do to make everything ok again? To make Cora happy again? To make all the fighting stop? She knew that Cora couldn’t handle something like this. Cora was already stressed out about work, online school. She was always stressed about the small things with no effect on her life, yet Bexley was always there to help calm her. She didn’t know what to do. Then it hit her. It hit her like the 6 seconds of time before two cars crashed together after the blue car ran the red light. Bexley picked up her phone and dialed Cora’s brother. She closed her eyes again, waiting the 6 seconds it took for the ringing to begin. She heard the click of the first ring.

“Hello?” The deep, male voice greeted.

“She found out,” Bexley told him as she looked down at the photo.

“Really? Already? It’s only been 6 days!” Cora’s brother exclaimed.

“I know. She’s furious. Cora left about 6 minutes ago,” Bexley replied. “How can I fix this?”

“I know my sister. You better talk to her before she comes back requesting a divorce.” Cora’s brother explained. Bexley nodded slightly. 

“Yeah, I’ll give her time to cool off. She’s gotta come home sometime, right?” Bexley chuckled nervously. “I’ll keep you posted.” She hung up and stood up, looking out the window into the garage. No blue car. She planned to wait there until Cora returned from wherever Cora went. She had no plan. Only the truth. An explanation.

6 Hours.

360 Minutes.

There are 60 6 seconds in 360 Minutes.

Too Long.

Bexley sighed gently as she looked at the clock. 6 Hours ago Cora left. 6 hours with no return. 6 calls later, still no response. She couldn’t take this tenseness, this suspense. Bexley started worrying 6 hours ago, and she’s still worried. The soft hum of the garage door opening made Bexley rise to her feet. She walked into the kitchen and threw the photo away. Bexley swallowed, a pit growing in her stomach. She heard the door creak open and slam closed. Bexley walked into the living room and looked at Cora. Cora pulled her jacket off and put it on the coat rack. She looked at Bexley and walked past her into the kitchen, putting her phone on the counter. Cora opened the refrigerator door and scanned the food in the fridge. Bexley stayed in the living room, her mind racing to figure out what to do and say. Cora cleared her throat as she grabbed a Root Beer can from the fridge shelf, closing the door.

“Bexley,” Cora finally said. Bexley walked into the kitchen and looked at Cora. Cora looked down at the can of Root Beer as she popped the can open. “I talked to my brother,” Bexley tensed. “He explained everything to me,” Cora folded her arms and looked at Bexley. “I’m just confused on why you would hide something like that?”

“I was scared… I’m sorry.” Bexley replied.

“Scared? Of all the people you could’ve cheated on, you chose my brother? Matthew would’ve told me anyway!” Cora snapped. Bexley looked down. “Bexley… why did you cheat on me?” Bexley looked at Cora and sighed softly.

“I got laid off 6 days ago. My boss told me that I had 6 days to collect my things and leave,” Bexley explained. “Matthew somehow found out about it and met me on 6th street. He invited me over for a brief dinner. I said yes because it’s you're brother and I knew nothing bad would happen… or… so I thought,” She swallowed. “Your brother gave me alcohol, and you know how easily I get blackout drunk. I didn’t know that he intoxicated the drink he gave me… One thing led to another.” She looked down. Cora covered her mouth in horror, her face going slightly pale. In less than 6 milliseconds, Cora was hugging Bexley. Bexley smiled slightly as she held Cora.

“I’m so sorry, hun,” Cora apologized. Bexley chuckled.

“Hey, I know what’ll make things better,” Bexley suggested, pushing Cora’s hair out of her face. “Let's watch a movie together…” Cora chuckled.

“You’re so awkward.” She complimented. Cora looked at the clock and nodded as they walked out of the kitchen to the living room. They started the movie right as the clock ticked to


February 18, 2021 22:08

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Boba Bendy
15:30 Feb 24, 2021

Six Likes...


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17:59 Mar 10, 2021

Great story!!! Do you think you can read mine? If you don't mind, could you please like my story and follow me? (You don't have to, but it would make my day!).


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17:59 Mar 10, 2021

Great story!!! Do you think you can read mine? If you don't mind, could you please like my story and follow me? (You don't have to, but it would make my day!).


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17:59 Mar 10, 2021

Great story!!! Do you think you can read mine? If you don't mind, could you please like my story and follow me? (You don't have to, but it would make my day!).


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17:59 Mar 10, 2021

Great story!!! Do you think you can read mine? If you don't mind, could you please like my story and follow me? (You don't have to, but it would make my day!).


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Woahhhhhhh, that's a lot of 6's. I know 6 is your lucky number but do ya blieve in 666? I don't. Wb u? Amazing story btw- "Right as the clock ticked to..." "6..." Ohhh, yeah suggestion. Last part. When the story says: " Bexley chuckled. “Hey, I know what’ll make things better,” Bexley suggested, pushing Cora’s hair out of her face. “Let's watch a movie together…” Cora chuckled." I would change that because you have chuckled right next to each other. Replace one with laugh, grinned, giggle, or something like that.


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T.H. Sherlock
19:03 Feb 25, 2021

I really like the way that 'six' is weaved consistently through the narrative. What made you choose six in particular? The text flows well to me and is well-written. I particularly like the way the volatile emotions of the two lead characters are conveyed. A few things crossed my mind while reading it - although this might just be my opinion: 'Eyes' are repeated a few times in the first few paragraphs... razor eyes, broken eyes, fire in her eyes, tears swarmed in her eyes, hazel blue eyes. Lovely descriptions but it felt a bit repetitive....


Boba Bendy
20:54 Feb 25, 2021

"Six" is my lucky number, so I decided to go with 6 as the main number throughout the story. Thank you for your feedback. I'll go back in and edit the story to make things make more sense. I'm glad you enjoyed my story!


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