Christmas Adventure Fantasy

"Present time!” Grandma announced.

“Yay!” I said and sat down on the floor.

“Here you go, Megan,” Grandma said, grabbed a big present off the floor, and handed me it. “I thought you might need this.”

“Thank you,” I said and tore the wrapping paper off frantically. “It’s a blender.”

“I figure you needed a new one after that squirrel ran in and knocked the old one off, shattering it.”

“Well, thank you… you gave new meaning to the season of giving.”

“This one is for you.”

“Thank you.” Keith opened his gift, wearing his Rick and Morty Christmas sweater. “It’s a new tablet, thank you.”


“This one’s for you, Grandma,” I said.

“For me? why, thank you, hon!” She unwrapped it. “A Christmas sweater with squirrels on it!” She turned it over so we could see them scampering up a Christmas tree. “Thank you so much!”

“You’re very welcome! When I saw it on sale, I thought you must have a sweater with squirrels on it!”

She laughed. “Well, you have me figured out!”

I hugged her. "I love you, Grandma."

“Thank you, dear.” She kissed my forehead.

I looked back at the tree. “Well, that’s it for the presents. Merry Christmas, everybody!”

“Hold on, I forgot something,” Keith said, opened the door, and stepped out.

He returned with a red blanket covering something big and laid it on the table. “You may uncover now.”

I took the blanket off and gasped.

A pink bird sat on a perch in a cage. Its beak drooped down, short stubby legs, a hint of red on the tail, and very long yellowish wings. “What is it?”

“A bird.”

"I know, what kind of bird?”

“It’s called a Gibble."


“A Gibble.”

“A Gibble? What kind of name is that?"

“I don’t know. Some weird woman gave me it.” He shrugged.


“Yeah, I was in Krogers parking lot, loading up, and then a woman asked me if I wanted this bird. I never saw any bird like it, of course. Then, I thought you would like it, so I took it. Here.” He handed me a blue bag. “That's not it’s food. It eats corn mush.”


“You like him?"

“I guess?”

“Here.” He grabbed my arm and wiped a tan goo on my hand.


“It’s corn mush!”

“Yeah, but I didn’t want it all over my hand!” I shook it and a big glob dropped on the carpet.

“Merry Christmas!”


After we cleaned up, I carried the bird to my room.

In its cage, the bird picked its feathers.

I threw myself on my bed. “Hi, bird.”

It chirped and it nibbled on its foot.

I sighed. I’m so not a bird person. I don’t know what Keith thought.

The bird continued to chirp again and again.

“I supposed I gotta come up with a name for you,” I said as the bird nibbled on its pink wing. “Pinky?... From Pinky and the Brain, yes Pinky and the Brain… Nah… How ‘bout… Mikey?! Mikey likes it!... No. Bruce? Donald? EW! Hell no!” I stayed quiet, then, “Billy!” The bird squawked. “That settles it then!” I reach out and petted its head softly as the bird made clucking sounds. “Good boy.” Then, its feathers turned red and green

“What the...”

“CHIRRRP!” It looked at me.

What kind of bird are you? I pulled my phone out and googled “what bird that turns red and green?" No results found. That’s weird. Could it be undiscovered? Or a new species?

CHIIIRRP! The bird scooted side to side on its perch.

What? are you happy?” I smiled. OK, maybe I am a bird person a little bit. I just didn’t know how to take care of one.

Billy bobbed his head up and down He made clicking noises.

"Such a pretty bird you are!"

Then… it vanished. “Whoah!” I rubbed my eyes … blinked and gone! “The hell just happened?” then the bird reappeared on the table. I didn’t have time to do anything else as it vanished again. What's going on? it reappeared on my bed… then, in the next second, vanished. “What the hell is happening?” I exclaimed and the bird appeared in its cage. I watched and it didn’t disappear this time. "What the Hell are you?”


“Show me,” Keith said.

It was later that night. Keith shortly went home after we finished celebrating Christmas but I called him and told him what the bird had done.

I walked to my room, opened the door, and gasped.

The bird was pink again.

“But, it was red and green and changing colors right before me!"

“Well, maybe it was trying to blend in with its environment.”

I bit my lip. “Wait til you see him vanish!” I looked back at Billy. "Go ahead… vanish!"

He cocked his head at me. “Disappear like you did before.” He gnawed on his foot.

“Well? I’m waiting…” Keith rolled his eyes.

“Come on, disappear!”


I grabbed the bag. “Oh, Billy! Look what I got!” I opened it and the bird walked over. “Yes, yummy gloop! But, first, you gotta disappear first.” The bird squawked. “Come on, you can do it.”



“It ain't disappearing.”

“Come on, Billy.”

“This is entertaining and all, but I got family stuff to do.”

“Hold on."


“Please disappear!"

“I gotta go, maybe next time, he will do his trick.”

“Fine, bye!”

“Bye Megan." Keith left the room.

Billy vanished.



"He vanished again!"

Keith poked his head in and I looked at... Billy!

“But, but, but…”

“Goodbye, Megan …”

The bird vanished.

I laid my head down and groaned.


“You hungry?” I asked, grabbing the bag of corn mush. it was an hour later and I decided to try to bond with Billy.

He chirped, bobbing its head up and down.

I opened the bag and poured some corn mush in its bowl. It walked over and started eating. “Good bird.” I petted its head. It chirped and nibbled on my finger. “Hey, I’m not food!” Chirp. The bird nipped at my finger. “No.” He did it again, “No.” stopped. “Good bird!” I petted it softly. "Why wouldn't you disappear for Keith, hmm?"


The next day, my bird was gone. I looked under the bed, under the chair “Here, Billy Billy Billy!" I put my hands on my hips. “Where are you?”

I ran to the living room the bird stood under the Christmas tree. "BILLY" I rushed over and picked up.                         

“Megan? what are you doing up?"

I looked up as Grandma walked in, wearing her new sweater.

“My bird apparently escaped."

“Hmm, maybe his door wasn’t latched all the way."

“That's probably it. Next time, I will make sure it’s latched." I petted his head.”

 “Good. Wouldn’t want this little fella to get lost," she said.


I carried my bird back to my room. “Now, stay in your cage.” I put him back in and shut the door. The bird blinked and I was out in a snowy place. “What the hell?” I looked around, trees covered in snow. What just happened? Where am I?

Out of nowhere, a light blue funnel appeared. Freezing wind howled in my face. Then the twister evaporated and a woman stood its place. “Hi, Megan."

“Who are you? How do you know my name?”

"I’m your Godmother."


“Yeah, and I’m trapped in this dimension.”

“Wait, back up. I have a Godmother?”

“Yes, my name is Kelly von Jones. While going on an expedition to Canada, I discovered a strange crystal in a forest. Being the curious explorer I was, I took it. One night, the crystal floated up and shot a laser at me. After that, I appeared in this dimension."


“That’s all I know. I gave the Gibble to your friend in hope that it will teleport you here.”

“But you’re trapped here. how did you get to my, dimension?”

“That was a hologram of me I created and projected into your dimension.


“I’m a blue sorceress. I have special powers."

“Wow! and you’re my Godmother?”


“But, how?” I’ve never heard of you before.”

“I was friends with your parents. I travel the world with them to India, parts of Africa, China… I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe. We were such good friends and we loved each other. so, when they asked me to be your godmother in case something happens to them, I said of course!"

“Why didn’t they tell me?”

“I asked them not to tell you to protect this dimension. It must be kept secret.”


“There's no time! You must destroy the black diamond up in Mount Smanta Smaus.”

"Mount Smanta Smaus?"

“Yes, just keep going east. You can’t miss it."

“OK. which way is east?”

“Behind you."

“How far?”

“Just keep heading east.” She waved her hand and I felt lighter. I looked down as my feet lifted off the ground. ”Hey!”

“Just fly East and good luck!”

Knowing I had no choice, I sighed. I flew as cold wind whipped in my face.


Christmas trees soared toward me. “SHIT!” I said as it almost touched me. Another! I swerved right. And another! I swerved left. Eight girls wearing nineteenth-century clothes dresses danced toward me. they hold buckets of what looked like milk slushing around. they threw mil,, k qat me. “Woah! I swerved, but not in time. Freezing cold milk drenched my legs. I yelped. They danced past me as seven swans air-swam around me. they opened their beaks and alien-like creatures attached to a long red appendage popped out. I screamed as the swans passed by.

a blond boy marched, beating a drum. A dark, scary voice uttered, “Pa rum pum pum pum!” I swerved and passed him. then, I maneuvered past a red sand white coat, a gingerbread man, and a red and green present.

And nothing else

I flew to the mountain and landed. Snow monster ran to me. “DAMN!” I yelled, leaping out of the way. It roared and spun around. It glared at me through purple, menacing eyes. I ran. “I’M GONNA GET YOU!” it hollered in a rough feminine voice.

I continued running. It roared as I dashed past the woods as she gained on me,

reindeer flew toward me. One landed and I hopped on it and it flew “WOAH!” We looked behind as the monster roared.

The reindeer flew past a mountain as I turned around. “Thanks for saving me."

“You’rrrre welllllcommmme,” it said in a croaky voice, like a burp was coming up.”

“Who are you?”

“I’m Sir Yavon the Forth. At your service.” A top hat appeared on his hoof and he placed it on his head.

“Sir Yavon? What kind of name is that?"

“Why, it's North Polish, my dear lady.” He chuckled.

“What's so funny?"

“Nothing. Want some milk and cookies?”

“No, thanks.”

“OK.”  A plate of chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk appeared floating in front of him. His nose glowed green and a cookie levitated to his mouth.

“What are you doing?”

”Eating chocolate chip cookies, good madam."

“I mean why… oh never mind.”

“Want to sing a song? Anything but that song about that red-nose freak! I hate him. He owes me fifty bucks!”

"No, thanks.”

He laughed. “I just realized I made a funny! Fifty bucks! Get it? Because I’m a deer?”

“Yes! I get it."

“Ya know, I like you. we should hang out sometime.”

“Uh.,… OK?”

He flew to the mountain and soared in. “Here we are!”  he said as we landed. I got out and looked.

“What? No fruitcake for a reward?”


“I saved your life from a snow monster and brought you here."

“I don't have any. Sorry."

“Well, fine! I’m uninviting you to join me in reindeer games!”

“Wait! Come back!”  I sighed and turned around... and saw it...

the black diamond laid on the floor.

Wait. No guards, no lasers, no cage to keep the diamond in? something was wrong. I took a deep breath. one step... nothing. another... Another... Another.... all I heard was my sneakers on the hard floor. I continued creeping to the black diamond. Nothing happened. Then, I took one... last... step...


 I looked around one more time.

"OK, let's do this." I raised the diamond up and threw it on the ground smashing it to pieces.

...and I was in my living room.

.“Megan! how did you…?”

“It’s a long story."

“Tell me."

“Well, the bird you gave me teleported to another dimension… and…"


“I’ll tell you later… Right now, I'm gonna scrub my brains out.”

Outside, a deer watched from the window. It reached in his pocket and took a chocolate chip cookie out. “That’s for sure,” he said and ate the cookie.

Posted Dec 26, 2020

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