Thriller Fiction Middle School

Mission Not Accomplished

By: Meera Lakshmi

Zira :

“The final programming just got installed, Miss.” I stood in the great hall where Mrs. Ace sat. “Very good Zira. Please tell Rivshner that the android needs to be deployed. Please help him with transportation. I expect everything to be in position by tomorrow at noon. We are on a tight schedule. There is no room for error.” The sound of her stern voice bounced off the walls of the echoing hall. “Yes, ma’am,” I said as I quickly turned away to follow her instructions. “Wait, Zira. Be careful honey. We don’t have any other people available other than Rivshner. I don’t know if a sneak attack is in order. Here is the twin watch. If you are in danger press the button. I’ll send a team to find you. I love you.” “I love you too mom,” I said as I walked away.

Hazel :

The world was all white. Everywhere I looked. White, white, and more white. It gradually was getting brighter and brighter, it felt like I was being reincarnated. Suddenly the world snapped to life. I was looking at a grassy field. Flowers everywhere. I heard a voice say, “Agent Hazel. Your mission is to blend into Walsh Middle and use the database to find a boy who supposedly goes to this school. He will be under the name Matthew McConnell. Once you find this boy, you will report to base. We will send a team to take him into custody. Blend in and succeed. The future of the world rests on your shoulders.” Something called emotion suddenly filled me. Was it fear? Fear that if I fail the world would supposedly be destroyed. I had to succeed. I WILL succeed. 


I know the enemy was going to send someone or something after me. Thanks to Walter leaking our whereabouts they know some stuff we didn’t intend them to know, but Walter leaking information wouldn’t be a problem anymore. I ended him. His scream was joyous. It really fuels me, you know? But, I wasn’t planning on running away. I wasn't going to be a coward. I am much more powerful than them. Also, they aren’t smart enough to send more than one person after me. So, I am thinking I could use that to my advantage. Why not use your enemies’ stupidness against them, right? Yeah, I know I am a 14-year-old running a big organization, but I am A LOT smarter than everyone thinks. I would bet I am smarter than all of my enemies put together, but who am I to boast? 


I walked into the school for the first time. It was so busy. People running through the halls trying to get to class. I was given an identity. Sarah Blake. My real name was Hazel, but I guess it was a precaution. In case the enemy heard of a Hazel, they didn’t think of me. A bunch of colored blocks with writing flashed before my eyes. I think it was my calendar for my classes? I walked to room 2A. Math class. I walked in, even though I was an “android” no one looked at me funny, I was disguised to look like every other teenage girl. One with sleek black hair, hazel eyes, and a kind smile. I didn’t know where to go, so I stood at the back of the room. Then, the teacher saw me, and all of a sudden everyone turned toward me. Almost everyone had an annoyed look on their face, like “ugh another new kid”, except the teacher, apparently, he was Mr. Marshal, and a girl with red hair and the biggest grin. It made me smile? “Hello Miss Blake, please take a seat in one of the empty chairs and take out the Math folder you were given.” The red-haired girl ushered me over to the empty seat next to her. Her name was Aisha. Very pretty. “Hi, Aisha!” I whispered to her. "How do you know my name?” She asked while looking at me funny. “Ummmm,” I scanned the room and my eyes fell on her backpack. Where the name Aisha was embroidered in pink letters. Bingo! “Your name is on your backpack,” I said. “Oof. Nice save.” I said to myself in a mumble. “Oh,” she said smile returning. During class, I knew all the answers to all of Mr. Marshal’s questions. Well, to be fair, I did have the world’s information at my fingertips. I tried to keep quiet, I had to “blend in” not “stand out”, but my programming gives me access to the database, so it’s not entirely my fault. Aisha stared at me in wonder as I got every problem on the assessment correct. After class, she pulled me aside. “Hey um, Sarah?”She asked timidly. “Yes?” I said. “I’ve never been a great student, and my parents said they would pull me out of my college art course if I can’t get my grades up. Would you maybe tutor me?” She asked. I smiled. “Of course!” Who was I to say no to my new friend? Well, I wasn’t exactly sure that she was my friend yet. “Aisha, are we friends?” I asked. “Of course, we are! What did you think we are?” I blushed. Well, as much as my metal parts would let me. She probably couldn’t tell. I turned on my heels and walked toward the cafeteria for lunch. 


I usually walk home alone. My older sister Bailey was enrolled in the high school a few towns over so it’s just been me. I don’t have many friends. Most of the time people just come up to me to ask for a drawing, and I used to give it to them. But now I know that they just tricked me into giving it to them for free so they could conn someone else into thinking they did it. Today I walked home with a friend. The new kid, Sarah. I remember what it was like to be the new kid. No one welcomed me with open arms. 8 year old me was crushed. So, I made a promise to myself, I was going to be the welcoming friend I never had, for someone else. Sarah is really cool. She is kind, smart, and everything you would want a friend to be. Well, I assume so. I have only known her for a few hours but I feel like I have known her my whole life. She was coming home with me, to tutor me. Well, I hope she isn’t too serious and just wants to do work, I want to show her around. We got home and I introduced her to my mom. “Hey, mom?” I asked. “I brought my new friend Sarah over and we are going to work on some homework. Is that ok?” “Oh, I’m glad honey.” She said. She turned to Sarah. “Make sure Aisha does her homework ok?” She told Sarah with a wink. “Mommmm!” I said turning away taking Sarah’s hand to bring her up to my room. Once we got to my room I shut my door and sat on my bed. “Hey Sarah, we do have to do homework, but we can also hang out and watch a movie?” “Sure! But, let’s get the homework done first,” she said. 


I sat with Aisha on her bed working on the homework that Mr. Marshal assigned us. After working on the Pythagorean Theorem and many other things Aisha asked if we could watch a movie. So, she asked me what I wanted to watch. I picked the first thing that I saw on the screen so we ended up watching Harry Potter. After watching the movie, she asked if I wanted her to walk with me home. And then it hit me. I didn’t have a home. I quickly made up a lie. “Sorry, I forgot to mention this but, my parents aren’t home. Do you think that I could stay the night?” I asked. “Sure!” She said. Not the reaction I was expecting, considering we just met. “I just need to check with my mom, but I think she will say yes.” I smiled. She brought me downstairs to her mom who said, “Of course! I am glad Aisha is bonding with someone.” She said with a wink. Aisha brought me back to her room. We hung out, played board games, and she told me stories about her family. We went to bed really late. Like 12 AM late. But it was the best! I was happy? I think it’s called happy.


I woke up to Aisha’s mom saying, “girls wake up!! School starts in 30 minutes! Get up, get up!” I groggily got up and got ready. We walked to school together and went to room 3B for English class. As usual, I knew all the answers. And everyone stared at me. When English was over,

I walked out of room 3B and made eye contact with a boy. His information popped up. MATTHEW MCCONNELL. I quickly turned away. But I know he caught me staring at him. I tried to run away but he came over and smiled. Then he did something weird. He knelt down and reached for my heel. Where MY POWER BUTTON WAS! How did he know?? I felt pressure on my heel, and then the world went black. 

February 27, 2021 01:05

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01:46 Mar 17, 2021

Is the emoji puzzles...Up?


Meera Lakshmi
12:16 Mar 17, 2021

Yes lol. I really need to change it haha :)


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Avani G
14:53 Mar 11, 2021

Hi Meera! As promised, here is my review of your story. First: Break it down into paragraphs. Think of it like a family. Each member in a family is related. Every sentence in a paragraph are related. Second: SHOW, not TELL. This is difficult so don't get discouraged because it's easy to slip away from this method. I noticed in a few parts there was more "showing" rather than "telling." And finally: This is just opinion based, but instead of adding multiple exclamation marks, just as one. Also, instead of capitalizing the words in a senten...


Meera Lakshmi
15:42 Mar 11, 2021

Thank you! Also, quick question, can you give me an example of me showing and not telling? :)


Avani G
16:05 Mar 11, 2021

Yeah, I know I am a 14-year-old running a big organization, but I am A LOT smarter than everyone thinks. --> Try SHOWING he's smart, not TELLING.


Meera Lakshmi
16:10 Mar 11, 2021

Ah. Thanks! I'll keep those tips in mind. I am working on part two of this story, so I'll try and include these things. :)


Avani G
16:13 Mar 11, 2021

Oh, good! And tell me when, I'll come and read.


Meera Lakshmi
16:15 Mar 11, 2021

Awesome! Thanks so much! I really appreciate your help :)


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00:07 Mar 17, 2021

Hi! Is your emoji movie puzzle 'Up'?


Meera Lakshmi
12:20 Mar 17, 2021

Yes. I need to change it lol :)


00:48 Mar 18, 2021

:) okay


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Maya -
21:42 Mar 11, 2021

Is your emoji puzzle the movie Up? :)


Meera Lakshmi
13:00 Mar 12, 2021

You bet!


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Ari Berri
16:33 Mar 03, 2021

This is awesome! One thing, though: Break it into more paragraphs, that'll make it easier to read. Great job!


Meera Lakshmi
16:44 Mar 03, 2021

Thank you so much! It means a lot coming from you. Yes. I will try to do that, I am just so busy that time is normally up before I can do that. But, I will pay more attention to that in the future :)


Ari Berri
16:50 Mar 03, 2021

No problem. Glad I could help!


Meera Lakshmi
17:00 Mar 03, 2021

:) I am slowly making my way through the home series, magnifico!


Ari Berri
17:03 Mar 03, 2021

=) Thanks! Do you think you could leave feedback?


Meera Lakshmi
17:03 Mar 03, 2021

Yes of course! I am on part 3 I think but, when I read the next one I'll leave some feedback!


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Julia Galt
20:29 Feb 28, 2021

Your writing is always so exciting to read!! Even just the title "Mission Not Accomplished" is really eye-catching and draws the reader in. ;)


Meera Lakshmi
20:30 Feb 28, 2021

Aww! Thanks Julia!


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16:24 Mar 21, 2021

hi! you're an amazing writer which is one of the reasons i have upvoted so much. the second is for being a great person and upvoting 山.w. S𝓀y฿elle and being a genuinely lovely person. again, great story!


Meera Lakshmi
16:26 Mar 21, 2021

OMG!!! My numbers were rising so much! Thank you! I really really appreciate it! XDDDDDDDDD


16:26 Mar 21, 2021

welcome :)


Meera Lakshmi
16:28 Mar 21, 2021

I'm upvoting you as a thank you and for being a kind-hearted person. :)


16:32 Mar 21, 2021

aww thank you so much :)))


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16:36 Mar 21, 2021

also is 'up' your emoji movie answer?


Meera Lakshmi
17:44 Mar 22, 2021

Yes lol


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Akshaya Sutrave
04:25 Mar 18, 2021

Hi Meera! I really liked reading this story, especially the way you switched perspectives!! (I LOVE changing perspectives when I write!) And ooh, the cliffhanger!! Are you going to make a sequel for this? If you do, I would love to read it! Also, like another author has mentioned, you could make your paragraphs smaller so that it will flow more smoothly. Great job, though!! Keep it up!


Meera Lakshmi
12:41 Mar 18, 2021

Thank you! Yes, I am working on the paragraph flow :) And yes! I am working on a sequel! Check back soon for it!


Akshaya Sutrave
16:09 Mar 18, 2021

No problem! :) Oh, that's nice! Sure!! :))


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Akshaya Sutrave
04:26 Mar 18, 2021

Also, is the answer to your emoji puzzle 'Up'?


Meera Lakshmi
17:21 Mar 18, 2021

Yes it is :)


Akshaya Sutrave
15:14 Mar 19, 2021

Cool! :)


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Ari Berri
23:32 Mar 12, 2021

New story!


Meera Lakshmi
19:50 Mar 13, 2021

Yay! Sorry, I have been so busy. I will try and catch up on home when I can!!


Ari Berri
21:12 Mar 13, 2021



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Alya Kaikuahine
15:49 Mar 01, 2021

Great job! I really liked how you made the story from many different characters point of view to convey the whole story. The cliffhanger at the end is also really good. Please tell me what happens next!! Also, is the emoji movie puzzle Up?


Meera Lakshmi
15:51 Mar 01, 2021

Thank you! I appreciate it! Yes! It's up!


Alya Kaikuahine
23:30 Mar 01, 2021

Yay!! I got it


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Ari Berri
21:32 Mar 24, 2021

New story.


Meera Lakshmi
21:42 Mar 24, 2021

Awesome! I'll check it out after I finish Home.


Ari Berri
21:46 Mar 24, 2021



Meera Lakshmi
21:49 Mar 24, 2021

Question for you, but you don't have to answer. Are you older than 18 or younger??


Meera Lakshmi
22:00 Mar 24, 2021

I got you to 97..dunno for how long tho


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I didn't want to copy people-but Up???


Meera Lakshmi
15:44 Mar 24, 2021

Haha yeah. I haven't had time to change it. I'll put you on the board when I can :)


Hehe-thank you


Meera Lakshmi
15:46 Mar 24, 2021



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21:23 Mar 24, 2021

I can help you if you need help, I'm here to listen :)


Meera Lakshmi
21:46 Mar 24, 2021

Sorry, I am not exactly sure what this is a response to...would you mind clarifying for me??


21:52 Mar 24, 2021

You said you were downvoted, so...


Meera Lakshmi
21:54 Mar 24, 2021

Oh. I was but I care more about helping others. Such as Aerin, Ari, Sapphire, Amethyst, Akshaya, Luna, Blixxi, and Chaotic.


Meera Lakshmi
21:54 Mar 24, 2021

If you could help them out, that would mean so much to me. Thanks, Em.


22:05 Mar 24, 2021

Ok! Will do!!


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16:59 Mar 24, 2021

Is the emoji thingy Up?


Meera Lakshmi
21:47 Mar 24, 2021



22:07 Mar 24, 2021



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Felicity Anne
15:23 Mar 24, 2021

Hello!! Will you help us get rid of downvoting? Click here to sign our petition!! :) http://chng.it/Y8pTpNJG


Meera Lakshmi
15:24 Mar 24, 2021

Hi. I will take a look Felicity :)


Felicity Anne
15:26 Mar 24, 2021

Awesome! Thank you so much! :)


Meera Lakshmi
15:27 Mar 24, 2021

Hey, I don't feel all to comfortable entering all that information. But, I do support you.


Felicity Anne
15:28 Mar 24, 2021

Okay! That's totally fine, I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable. Thank you so much, Meera! :)


Meera Lakshmi
15:29 Mar 24, 2021

Don't apologize, I am not an adult and don't think my parents would be comfortable that's all :)


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22:31 Mar 23, 2021



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Akshara P
00:56 Apr 13, 2021

This story is awesome! How'd you get the idea to write this? 🤔


Meera Lakshmi
12:11 Apr 13, 2021

Aw thanks! I kinda took a little bit of inspiration from this show I used to watch.


Akshara P
19:56 Apr 13, 2021

Ohh, Thats nice!


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