General: Write about someone who has a superpower.

Submitted into Contest #51 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



Weekly Writing Prompts

Prince De-Grant Brempong


Write about someone who has a superpower.

Someone I know of who has superpower is the famous TV character Superman.

Superman as noted as a TV character is a hero who has superpower.

Superman is noted to be tall and mascular in size and changes his costume anytime he is about to fly in the air.

Superman is a character not only on television but in most comic books. Superman is also immortal and can always detect a disaster and solves problems.

Superman is a man who acts beyond the imagination of the normal man.

Flying in the air is the main strength of Superman.

Superman rescues all innocent lives,victims, and people from disaster ,he acts mostly as the good Samaritan.

Where ever there is Superman ,there is a criminal of some sort .

Superman flies in the air to the rescue at all cost all the time.

Also Superman is a character loved by most kids on television and in comic books.

Again , Superman rescues an Aeroplane from crash in the air in times of emergency . Superman is a unique man who puts on suit most of the time ,but changes into his flying costume when there is trouble or disaster and he goes to the rescue.

Superman is a man who could fly far above the clear blue sky and clouds.

Superman is termed to have superpowers because he can fly in the air to the clouds and solves problems quickly.

Superman is noted to have superpowers because he does not only fly but uses strength and imagination to solve problems and he fights for the right of the innocent.

Superman is a person with great powers and abilities, he has superpowers of some sort.

Superman can always fly in the air in rescue of victims in accident.

Superman ,the man am writing about has superpowers that helps him to fly in the air.

Apart from the fact that he can fly, Superman puts on suit and works in an office.

The life and superpowers of Superman always remains a mystery.

Superman has some sort of superpowers that makes him change his costume into flying costume when ever he is ready to fly in the air.

Superman has superpowers but he is neither the President of a country but rather a hero of the world.

However his ability to fly in the air using his superpowers to fly in the air remains a mystery which have never been solved in our records of history.

Superman is a very quiet man, handsome looking and very clever.

Superman can easily sense how fast he could fly in the air to the rescue of casualties or victims in trouble or accident in our society.

Superman is a very strong man with superpowers that helps him in all his acts towards mankind.

Superman lived with his foster parents until he grew in his teen that he learnt that he could fly and his costume changes into a flying costume any he is ready to fly in the air.

Rumours has it that Superman's father could also fly and they were humans from another Planet where humans fly in the air.

However due to some chaos between his father in the other Planet , Superman learnt how to fly in the air.

Their planet was destroyed but the little baby survived because he was brought to earth by a space shuttle that he was placed in.

Akso his foster parents were the ones who looked after Superman till he became a grown man and could fly.

Also among the work Superman engaged in to help his foster parents was to sell Newspapers.

Superman was noted to be very fast in life. Superman also played football during his teen age with his friends.

Also in watching the movie of Superman you can note that Superman had a girl friend who happens to be very dear to his heart.

Superman can assist you to be fast because he has superpowers.

Superman can easily sense that when ever there is trouble that needs to be solved. Superman can also assist individuals who are in trouble and in need of some cash.

Superman with the help of his abilities and superpowers can assist in arresting criminals that cause harm within the country.

Also there is nobody as smart as Superman ,he is a very smart man. Superman the man with the ability to fly in the air, solves our problems and makes sure there are no criminals within the area.

Superman can be observed in the clear blue sky as the man who always flies to solve problems and also brings criminals to an arrest.

Also because Superman is tall all issues in regards to his ability and strength including super powers is exhibited when ever the world is in disaster or trouble .

Almost everything is addressed to Superman so that he rescues the victims in trouble.

However through the media such as the television and Newspaper , Superman sees and solves our problems within a twinkle of an eye.

Superman fights for Human Rights including mankind who fall victims in tragedy.

Superman helps to rescue them from trouble and all sorts of disaster.

In most comic books ,it is always noted that where there is Superman there is always a bad guy.

Superman can be equated to the flying Dutchman as in most story books.

As noted because Superman is immortal , shooting him or stabbing him will not kill him entirely.

Superman as in most story books is seen by kids as a comic character who can always fly to the rescue of victims in trouble.

Most of the arrest of notorious criminals is done by Superman.

Superman is unique and out spoken in strength and can be measured as a thousand times the strength of a normal humanbeing.

Superman acts beyond the imagination of the normal man. This strong man such as Superman has the ability and strength to conquer society and all sorts of criminals.

Also Superman can be observed as a man who has the ability and strength to conquer and fight all criminals emerging in our society.

Finally , Superman is not a god who needs to be worshipped, but a character in comic books and television who assist people in trouble by the help of his superpowers flying in the air , to the rescue of victims of our society.

July 24, 2020 09:12

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