Fantasy Inspirational

It had been twenty-four years since she'd last seen it, but the place looked exactly the same. Still, the same hollow groans, echoing through the forest. The same twisted branches waving and reaching. She never thought that she would come back here, especially after what it did to her. Because of this place, she hadn't been able to sleep for twenty-four years. Hadn't been able to trust anyone. The horrors of the contest had echoed through her eyes and ears for most of her life, and ghosts never stopped coming for her. Chanting, "Mira, Mira, come back, we've missed you", haunting her dreams. And now she was back because she couldn't live her life that way anymore. As she stepped forward into the dark forest, the memories came back to her:

"Come on, Mira!" Tomas said, rushing her through the trees as they ran from the ghosts. "We can survive, together, but we gotta run!" Mira didn't believe him.

"Tomas, slow down, they're not coming anymore." She said, sitting down on the ground, catching her breath as her heart raced. "You okay?" she asked, to no response. "Tommy? Where are you?" She heard a scream, and she ran into the trees, trying to find it. She rushed into a clearing, and, to her horror, Tomas was on the ground, convulsing, and dissolving into dust.

"Mira! Noooo..." he screamed until he could no longer speak, and he was nothing more than ash. She sobbed, let the tears run until they froze on her cheeks. Just then, ghosts started coming out of the trees, grasping for her, reaching to turn her to ash. Their bony fingers spelled death for all that touched them, and Mira wasn't going to be one of those people. She ran away from the clearing, screaming bloody murder.

"STOP!! GET OUT!!" she yelled, willing the horrible memories out of her head. She would have to face them sooner or later, but she wasn't ready then. She couldn't believe that the town had let the contest go on for so long. It was horrible, sending children into the ghosts and seeing which ones survived it.

Mira herself had only survived on a whim because she found a tree to hide in and wait it out. It helped keep the nightmares to a smaller amount, but she still had to hear the screams of her friends. As she turned into the clearing where Tomas had died, she stifled a sob. It had been too long since she had seen her brother. And she would never see him again. Mira knelt by the pile of ash which was somehow still there, tears dripping down her face. She would not let her brother waste away here. Mira scooped up some grains of ash and shoved them in her pocket. She would show him the world he never got to see.


As she walked through the deformed trees, she wondered why she ever agreed to go into the forest. They had tricked her, her teachers, for the sake of the contest, but Mira didn't know why. Why had they sent fifty little, innocent children to their deaths? She would never know, now, because the ghosts had wiped out the town twenty years ago. Mira was only happy that her parents were on vacation at that time.

Suddenly, she stopped. The color left her face, and she couldn't breathe. There was a ghost in front of her, right there, moaning in despair. How were they still there, after all those years? Yet this ghost didn't look like any of the ghosts that had come after her and the rest of the children. It looked scared. Like it didn't know what to do.

"Are you okay?" Mira asked the scared ghost, and it shook its head with a shiver. Then, Mira knew why it was so scared. It didn't have a family. It was all alone, and all the other ghosts had left it here to rot away. "It's going to be okay, little guy," she said, with a reassuring lilt in her voice. Why was she doing this for one of the people that had caused her so much pain? Well, at that moment, Mira saw not a ghost, but a lonely child that wanted his parents. Mira saw one of the children tricked into running to their deaths, without protection or a plan. She saw a little of herself in the baby ghost.

"Come on, I'm going to get you out of here," she said, her eyes gleaming.


As Mira and the tiny child came out of the forest, she felt the wind on her face. The wind that was so frightening back then, as it carried the ghosts. Then Mira had an idea. A brilliant, genius idea. "Do you know where your parents went?" she asked the small ghost, who nodded his head. "Do you think you can go to them?" she said, and he looked questioning. He had most likely never flown on the wind before.

"I'm gonna help you. It'll be okay. Just jump and flap your legs and arms." she assumed that was how the ghosts flew. He jumped and flapped all his appendages, and he rose for a fraction of a second, but nothing more. "Come on, try again. You can do it." Mira had a newfound purpose, to get this child back to his family. In a way, he was like her brother, and she was trying to bring him home.

The ghost boy jumped again, and held it for longer, this time for four seconds. They repeated this cycle over and over, until the boy could hold it for much longer than before.

"Do you think you can make it now?" Mira asked, hopeful, and happy as he nodded yes. She had done something nice and good. She had given the boy a chance. Mira remembered the horrible ghosts of the past that tormented her and her friends, that killed all the innocent children. That wasn't their fault though, but society's. As the little ghost boy flew away, she thought of Tomas, a pile of ash with no home. She needed to let him go, as she did the ghost boy. She had given them peace, she knew, and that was all that mattered

November 14, 2020 14:03

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Love your story! :)


. .
18:24 Nov 15, 2020

Thanks so much!


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Mira Caplan
18:51 Nov 14, 2020

I am HONORED! Thank you SO MUCH! I- ...... there are no words. You'll be a character in the Dragon Races, I can promise you that.


. .
20:54 Nov 14, 2020

Awww, thanks so much!!


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Mira Caplan
18:52 Nov 14, 2020

It was an interesting story, and I liked it! It's actually kinda like the dreams I have sometimes.


. .
13:19 Nov 16, 2020



Mira Caplan
13:41 Nov 16, 2020



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Shae Greyfeather
23:11 Nov 17, 2020



. .
12:43 Nov 18, 2020



Shae Greyfeather
23:25 Nov 18, 2020

You're welcome!!


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10:52 Nov 19, 2020

Beautiful story. I like how you delved into the story to capture the hidden emotions. The ghost boy? You did well with this. Just keep practicing with words and create more stories. You'll be excellent in no time!


. .
12:48 Nov 19, 2020

Thank you!


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14:16 Nov 19, 2020

Such a story! I loved this so much! Great job!


. .
14:17 Nov 19, 2020

Ermagawd Thank you!!!!!!


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Felicity Anne
21:16 Nov 18, 2020

Luke, Sorry it took me so long to check out your next story! It's been pretty crazy here at home. ;) Your writing style is so amazing! How do you do it??? It's like your words physically reach out of my computer, grab my brain and they don't let go! And then they just leave me wanting mooooooooore! :) I know it may be too late, but as far as grammar corrections go, there were only two things I saw: They repeated this cycle over and over, until the boy could hold it for much longer than before. - remove the comma after 'over' ...


. .
21:32 Nov 18, 2020

Thanks so much! And yes, they are keeper, and the lock represents how no one can breach her mind, but yeah it could be that. I've read it twice already! Thanks so much for your compliments!


Felicity Anne
21:42 Nov 18, 2020

No problem! You deserve it! Your stories are truly amazing! Yay, I got it! That's awesome! Mine still hasn't come in the mail yet but fingers crossed it will be tomorrow! :)


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Felicity Anne
21:43 Nov 18, 2020

Is the new message The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer? :)


. .
21:43 Nov 18, 2020

YESS! You move to 2nd place!


Felicity Anne
21:45 Nov 18, 2020

Yay!!!! I LOVE The Land of Stories! Have you read Chris Colfer's new series A Tale of Magic?


. .
21:45 Nov 18, 2020

Yeah! He came out with a Tale of Witchcraft, the sequel to the prequel lol!


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H.L Whitlock
11:12 Nov 28, 2020

Like the story idea, Hunger games with a horror astetic. Would like to see a story set in the contest with children trying to survive the ghosts. I didn't really understand the context of how she, the main character, got to be there. Had the contests stopped? And where did the murderous ghosts go? I would have liked a little exclamation of this. There was a big tonal shift when the main character decided to help the child ghost that for me personally didn't fit the story that had been established so far. And it didn't need to be said...


. .
13:24 Nov 28, 2020

Thanks so much! So yeah, she said that the town had been driven out and the ghosts gone away, but yeah I agree with the tonal shift. Thanks!


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Elisia Meehan
14:43 Nov 21, 2020

Hey there love it. Just wanna say when reminding you readers of a time stamp you don't want to repeat the amount of time in the same paragraph, the readers already know how long it was when your character was there previously till she went back. Try to improvise words to describe what your trying to get across. I enjoyed the read it's just something to look into in future submissions.


. .
15:38 Nov 21, 2020



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02:00 Dec 17, 2020

Sending the kids into the forest reminds me of 'The Girl Who Drank The Moon' 🌙 This story was really good, the memory was described really well, and I like the ending, her helping out a little boy that was turned into a ghost 😊 - Amethyst


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