Science Fiction Fantasy Funny

Twain: "CEJ called shotgun on this Nik and Sam's Excellent Adventure."

Tesla: "Do you ever wonder how clocks run at the poles in arbitrary time?"


Twain: "Early ones ain't worth a penny dreadful, too far off anyway."


Tesla: "Not voter polls, cold north/south poles, outside of time zones."

Twain: "Yeah, that too. Mason-Dixon's great divide to crack a US union."


Tesla: "Seriously, where Santa lives with toy shop, elf slaves & reindeer."

Twain: "You're not seriously suggesting magical toymakers, are you?

Tesla: "It is 2024 there, that's for certain, but date & time are blurry."

Twain: "So it is for the International Date Line, zigzaging the Pacific."


Tesla: "Unlike stolid Greenwich Meridian, marching straight to Pretoria."


Twain: "That's what time it is at the poles, Standard UTI, same as London.


Tesla: "I could have told you that, yet you just had to get there your way."


Twain: "Think timescape, empaestic, spacetime, all got the same letters."

Tesla: "If time & travel coexist in the human mind, why not time travel?"

Twain: "Men moving out into endless spacetime in triremes & galleons."

Tesla: "It's a quarter to 2100, still prime time for alternating alternatives."

Twain: "Mother hen Nature has enough season time for acorns to oaks."

Tesla: "Mighty mental machines do our bidding, from abacus to starship."

Twain: "Starships! Humanity's ark barges to the Asteroid Belt & beyond. 

"High Flight by John Gillespie Magee

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth

And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;

Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth

Of sun-split clouds, – and done a hundred things

You have not dreamed of – wheeled and soared and swung

High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there,

I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung

My eager craft through footless halls of air…

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue

I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace

Where never lark, or ever eagle flew –

And, while with silent, lifting mind I’ve trod

The high untrespassed sanctity of space,

Put out my hand, and touched the face of God."


Tesla: "Tiamat debris field treasure trove, metal ore rare minerals & gems."

Twain: "If we're going then, don't you need to spin mercury or whatever?

Tesla flipped a few switches & Cronosoar Glocke began to hum. He saw power levels rise past a qubit anomalies continuum breach, a hybrid 4D E8 Möbius bathyscaphe Chronosoar from More Interesting Times which has an 'h' ion in Chronos, the personification of time, not present in Cronos, god of the harvest. Cronosoar: vortex black wormhole tachyon surfer consisting of a klystron vacuum flux capacitor to tap dark zero-point energy in circuit with twin counter-rotating Tipler torus Lorentzian 4D spacetime manifolds filled with Xerum 525: red mercury, thorium, & beryllium peroxide tied to a laptop with Tempus Fugit, Déjà Viewer app serving as ship's helm & virtual link to CERN & IBM Q providing dimensional access via superconducting transmon qubits. 

"Xerum-525 was derived from gems called Blue Almasi and processed further with a rare ore, Ogundium both found from Mount Kenya. In the 1930's, the British suspected the Germans of planning an invasion in East Africa. It's later theorized as being a German covert operation to attain Blue Almasi and Ogundium for the projects of the Third Reich. Shortly after the WWII Ogundium was also discovered as a result of the Operation Paperclip in which over 1 500 German scientists, technicians and engineers from the former Nazi-Germany were brought to United States and they worked for the US to acquire the weaponry and the technological secrets of the Third Reich. Mount Kenya is claimed deposit area for gems and alloys used in manufacturing Xerum-525. 

Hans Kammler was a German civil engineer and SS-commander during the Nazi era. He oversaw SS projects and was put in charge for the German V-2 and jet programmes. Some say, that he was also the supervisor of the secret German Space Project - Die Glocke. During the last days of WWII Kammler and his team consisting 60 personnel of German top scientists, engineers, and researchers mystically disappeared.

Die Glocke was a part of German Project Riese - a project of underground research facilities. The Complex Sokolec, inside the Mountain Gontowa in present-day Poland presumably served in Die Glocke -project also consisting a surface testing area, the henge. It is a concrete frame, still existing that may have been constructed for testing the anti-gravity capabilities of Die Glocke.

A powerful, top secret time machine. Allegedly created by the Nazis towards the end of the WWII. A weapon so powerful and exotic, that even in the last minutes of the war Die Glocke could have changed the course of the WWII. This device was made of Leichtmetall - light metal of thorium and berellium. Xerum-525 was stored in two counter-rotating cylinders and it was one known key-element in devices' anti-gravity and free-energy capabilities. Die Glocke had an effect zone and within this zone crystals would form in animal tissue, blood would gel and plants would decompose into a grease.

This device was an anti-gravity, ufo-like craft and many believed it could travel across the time. Die Glocke could have helped the Third Reich to reach space, visit the moon and Mars. Present-day engineers and researchers speculate about the thing, if Die Glocke existed and was in German use, it would have changed the outcome of the WWII."


Tesla: "Creating wormholes is far easier than finding them in spacetime."

Twain: "Carry them in your pocket. You never know when you'll need 'em."

Tesla: "Having to do with inlaid work, especially of Ancient Greece."

Twain: "What's that?"

Tesla: "empaistic"

Twain: "Gesundheit!"

Tesla: "Setting a course for 16 Psyche, devalued from $10 quintillion."


Twain: "Let's get 99 buckets of precious gems & leave the bulk for OZ."

Tesla: "You mean Oligarch Zapobedu, Russian excavator extraordinaire."

Twain: "His are by far the largest barges. Ours is a passenger time ferry."

Tesla: "Fairies have nothing to do with it. It's simple 369 vortex math."

Twain: " A habit cannot be tossed out the window; it must be coaxed down the stairs a step at a time. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do day after tomorrow just as well. Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen. I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead."

Tesla: "You should learn how to ramp up to full hyper dimension power."

Twain: "I like seeing you in all your glory, while I enjoy a fine Cuban cigar."

Tesla: "Someday you may have to, if I'm incapacitated or merely unable."

Twain: "Oh, I'll get around to it eventually. We've got all of Earthly time."



March 04, 2024 03:56

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