Drama Funny

Long time ago there was a king, He had a very wise Minister,Diwanji.The king on every important occasion, wanted to seek Diwanji’s approval,without Diwanji's approval he didn’t move an inch. "what is your opinion about the horses,? horse merchants offer seems resonable."The king looked towards Diwanji and wanted his advice .All the other ministers were agreed to buy the horses but Diwanji said “My Lord, no doubt that the horses and the offer is reasonable,but I have some reservation!”replied Diwanji. So what shall we do now?”..The king asked Diwanji. "The horses are very high species but why the horse traders want Low price, My Lord we shall keep the horses in the Royal Stable for a week,than we will come to some conclusion”. Diwanji showed his reservations.The horse traders didn’t agree to Diwanji's proposal and they stood up to leave ,in the meantime,Some men entered the court ,the horse traders were about to escape, those men caught them and told the king the horses were stolen by these fake horse traders,These horses belong to the men.So,those fake traders were caught and put behind the bars. King was highly pleased by Diwanji's aptitude and order to enhance the cuisine of the Diwanji by adding honey and Fish.After few days chaos in the state broke out.The opposition created disturbances and spread fake news that the neighbor country is about to attack.All the people were scared and The king ordered to attacked the neighboring country. All Ministers meeting was called upon. All the minister including Defence minister agreed to attack the neighboring country.Diwanji was silently listening to every body,The king looked towards Diwanji and willingly to listen his advice.Diwanji addressed the meeting and gave his proposal that before attacking ,first ask the neighboring country about their plan for attacking us and if they are ready to attack than a reason should be asked,I don't think that they would attack us

because from the last twenty five years we are enjoying good relationship with them and the attack on our country is out of question , they use our territory for trade ,their army is very small than us. Very Next day a committee formed and Sent to the neighboring country.The neighboring country King was very astonished about the fake news.He gave a warm reception to the delegation and removed the misconception between the two friendly state and the relationship between the two friendly state came to normalcy. The king again turned up happy and ordered for the enhancements of the cuisine of Diwanji by increasing the content. The king's court was becoming pond of flatterers,The minister were not loyal with the king and conspiracies were caught ,but the king didn’t know what to do about this issue. The ministers were greatly jealous of 

the increasing position of Diwanji ,they tried many times to kill him,but was luckily saved.One day king along with the queen seating on the throne, two young boys came.

They were expertise in making cloth and attire. 

. "The cloth has a unique speciality.it would visible to that person who would be wise, unwise or fool couldn’t see the attire."The cloth maker announced .One brother took the measurement of the king and beg left by saying that in fifteen days the cloth and the attire would be prepared.,The king made them special place to erect the cloth.All were waiting desperately for the erection of the cloth.King announced through out the country about this cloth . Special arrangements were made to display it to the public.After ten days the cloth was made and now the tailor was


 an attire for the king.On the said date the attire was presented to the king. King became very astonished that there was no attire, only a beautiful hanger was

 visible. King thought it means I’m not wise ,I’m a great fool that’s why I can’t see it.The king went to his wardrobe to wear the attire. He quickly wore undergarments that he knew that only the wise see the attire. All the public and the dignitaries were desperate to see the king in a new attire.The king came out from the castle. All the people starting praising the attire.All were clapping.when he passed through the Ministers arcade, Ministers started praising the attire ”what a great attire, it’s blue white combination is so beautiful”. One minister said. Ah,you fool, can’t you see it’s colors? It’s black and grey".Ministers started quarreling among themselves.Their wives were also giving there opinions. The ministers started quarreling with each other, to prove that they were wise enough. King was very comfortable in new attire.But the cold wind was irritating him and he was thinking that what kind of cloth is that,it is hundred percent weight less.He was thinking this and moving forward, in the meantime two mischievous boys,came runningly and stretch the underwear of the king and the boys laughed severely.The bodyguards arrested the boys, but king ordered them to release. The king now realized that he has been fooled by the two brothers.There is no cloth and no attire. Go, quickly and arrest the cloth makers” The King screamed. King was greatly disturbed. He asked the two brothers that’s why did they fool everybody, including me.?The two brothers were shivering of fear. In the meantime Diwanji gave his entrance and addressed to the king " My Lord,i have planned all this great drama,The court was full of flattered Ministers,to show you loyal and disloyal, and now I’m sure that your high ness judged all by this drama,My Lord ,I’m greatly apologize ,There was no other way to show you the faith fulls ".king at once dismissed the un faith full ministers and hug Diwanji.The king at once proclaimed “from today and onwards the cuisine of Diwanji should enhance with additional sweet dishes". Next afternoon, Diwanji and The king were strolling in the Royal Garden and fragrancing different flowers. King was in a very light mood. ”Diwanji,you are highly intelligent,what do you think about my personality? Asked The King."My Lord ,I would express my views but lest you kill me.”Diwanji scarcely asked. No,no, Don’t you worry,I always respect your words “.The king replied. “With due apology,My Lord,you are not Royal blood, you are son of a cook".Diwanji said all this with closed eyes.”What,”The king said it very angrily and put out his sword. “My Lord, I just given you my opinion”.Diwanji said all this with shivering. The king again asked, ”Diwanji, no doubt you are an intelligent person but tell me how I would come to know that I’m son of a cook”. The king asked Diwanji furiously. My Lord,you Can ask this question from your honor able mother”.Diwanji replied.King swiftly went to his mother to know this great secret. King’s mother told him that Diwanji is right,Actually your father was a Royal cook, He hatch a conspiracy and poisoned the than king and himself became King”. King became very astonished and went towards the Royal Garden where Diwanji was sitting on a wooden bench, looking very disappointed. The king looked towards Diwanji, Diwanji stood up with tears in his eyes and begged for life. King gave him a smile and said”Diwanji,My honorably incessant wants to ask a last quarry, How do you came to know that I’m son of a cook”. “My Lord, so many times I had given you valuable suggestions and those suggestions worked and gave you and the country a great profit and every time you enhanced my cuisine, if your greathood were Royal blood you would have awarded me riches. “ Diwanji gave a very intelligent reply.(The End):

December 11, 2020 13:41

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Sheejee Babar
17:45 Dec 23, 2020

King is not so intelligent but Selection of Diwanji is his best.


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Sheejee Babar
17:43 Dec 23, 2020

Diwanji's character is very important and it gives a twist to the whole story. Good.


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Naheed Babar
08:17 Dec 21, 2020

In this story Diwanji,deal with all very patiencely.


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Naheed Babar
08:15 Dec 21, 2020

In your previous stories,you used idioms,that was good.


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Naheed Babar
08:13 Dec 21, 2020

Tariq ,English is very simple one could easy easily understand.


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Naheed Babar
08:11 Dec 21, 2020

Diwanji,is noted three times that he was wise but in the last his wisdom put him in danger,senced good.


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Naheed Babar
08:09 Dec 21, 2020

The king and Diwanji is a good title.


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Tariq Saeed
02:10 Dec 18, 2020

Thank u Abdul Ghani, please read my yester stories and give your comments but critically.


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Abdul Ghani
10:53 Dec 17, 2020

Great one...best of luck


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Tariq Saeed
05:22 Dec 13, 2020

Thanks Rafay.


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Rafay Babar
15:26 Dec 12, 2020

Great 👌


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