Frosty's Snowy Surprise

Submitted into Contest #77 in response to: Write a story set in the summer, when suddenly it starts to snow.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Kids


Today was the day. I can't believe it! Today is when I am finally going to get one of my own! Now, my brother, Luca, won't always keep showing off, bragging about his dragon. I'm going to have one too, a beautiful, much better dragon than Luca's. I just knew it. I can feel it in my vein. For some reason, I know that my dragon will be powerful. I know it.

"Isn't it the day?" my father asks.

"Yes, papa, it is. The sorcerer had predicted that today was the day when the egg would hatch." I replied.

"Well, how do you feel Luna?" he asks me, and I stutter.

"I feel...excited. I feel nervous like I won't be able to take care of it. But at the same time, I'm dying to know which breed I got!" I exclaimed.

"Ah, well I think it will be a Moon Dragon." mama said, as she came from the kitchen with freshly baked cookies.

"Hmm...I don't know. I think it will be the Fire Dragon." papa said. 

"Maybe it will be the Nature dragon," Luca said, as he appeared out of nowhere.

"Maybe, but maybe not. I don't care." I say.

Dragon (soon to be named Frosty):

I heard a lot of footsteps coming out of nowhere. I flinch. But take slow steps, struggle to get out this egg. The cracks kind of hurt my flimsy skin, but I don't mind. 

Suddenly, I see a girl, a boy, a larger boy, and a larger girl all staring at me with surprise. I don't know if it is good or bad, but they are astonished at me.

Right, when I was scanning their faces, I feel the hot wing blow past my skin, and I used my power...accidentally. 

I am a winter dragon, so anything related to 'sun' is something my body cannot withstand. Basically, bringing snow wherever I feel the sun is kind of my reflex strategy. That's the only way it keeps me warm, and I can survive in the human world. 

Though I was just born a few minutes ago, my power flurried through the air. Untrained dragons aren't supposed to use their powers, or else they can cause great destructionβ€”which I just did, and completely regret doing. 

The four people have panicked faces, but their astonishment has still not gone away from their faces. I just realize that I am in deep trouble.


"Oh no! The most dangerous type of all dragons: Winter Dragons! It's always summer here! She could cause big trouble!" I yell, worried. 

"It's already started! The hot and humid wind made her use her icy's going to start snowing soon, and all the people in town are going to blame you and your dragon." Luca replies.

 "How is that going to help anyone Luca?" I ask him, frustrated. "I've always wanted to see the snow...but not like this! What are we going to do now? How can we stop this dragon from losing control?" I ask my family, but they give me worried glances at each other, and then back at the dragon. 

I go downstairs to see what's happening outside, but the sight was not good. The blizzard was now starting to rain icicles from above! All the neighbors' screams were being heard from here. I needed to stop her, I just had to. 

"Close all the windows, Mama! Lucas, you come down here with me...bring the dragon as well! Oh, and when you do, bring your dragon Blaze as well! Papa, warn all the neighbors to stay calm and to not panic!" I order everyone what to do, and frantically everyone starts rushing.


My wings start to flap almost uncontrollably now...I feel scared, not knowing how to use my power. But I feel good, the snow calms me down, but the four people's faces do not look happy. Suddenly the younger boy picks me up and starts running with me. I feel a little scared, wondering what this boy was going to do to me.

He then drops me down. I also see the younger girl, now picking me up again. What were these two doing with me? I blast more and more of my ice power, hoping to scare them off, but it doesn't work. It looks like my power has run out.

Soon, in front of me, I see a huge dragon, breathing fire here and there. I start to run back, but the girl has hold of me now.

Was I going to get toasted?

Were they going to eat me roasted?

 I see the boy and the girl now making me go closer and closer to the dangerous dragon. He breathes some hot air, and as per my reflex, my wings started flapping rapidlyβ€”I used my ice power.


"Why did you make me bring Blaze?" he asks me, and I facepalm. "Stop rolling your eyes, Luna! I'm actually confused...tell me!" he yells at me, and I sigh.

"Geez, though you are legally my older brother, you have no brains," I tell him, and his face becomes hot. "Fine, I'll tell you. I could use Blaze to blast his heat power, but I'm afraid that the town will be too hot, so to balance it out, I'm using Frosty'sβ€”" 

"Wait, wait, wait, hold up, you named her Frosty?" he asks me, laughing.

"Umm...yes, anyway, I'm using Frosty's ice power to balance the heat out! That way, our town can have normal weather back again." I explain to him.

Just then, we look outside to see the sky back normal. The snow has melted off, and it feels so good again, though it was nice seeing how snow would feel. 

I picked up Frosty and brought her inside my room.

"You know, you've got great potential, Frosty, once you learn how to become a proper ice dragon, you'll go out, saving the world," I tell her, and I feel her cool breeze brush my face.

~The End~

January 19, 2021 22:02

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Hey everyone! I hope you are all having a great Tuesday! Quick things to say about this story: 1. It's one of those multi-perspective stories again...kind of like my other story on here called, "The Terrible Duo Scenario". I enjoy writing stories like this...and I hope you like reading stories like these! 2. This story wasn't really supposed to be about a dragon...because I had a different idea in my brain. I guess that my previous idea bored me out so much that I quit writing it and switched to this one. 3. I italicized the parts of Fros...


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Kate Reynolds
22:14 Jan 19, 2021

Hello!! I loved the different perspectivessss!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought that the dragon idea was really unique, and I really like it! :D Great jobbbb!!


Kate Reynolds
22:20 Jan 19, 2021

Np!!!!! C:


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Kelly Ellen
02:28 Jan 27, 2021

Loved that you incorporated Frosty the dragons point of view! Such a fun story.


Haha, thanks so much! I did want this story to be kind of relaxed and a little 'fun'. So, glad you got that feel to it. :)


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B. W.
06:29 Jan 23, 2021

how are you doing


B. W.
18:06 Jan 23, 2021

what do ya think of the prompts?


B. W.
22:56 Jan 23, 2021

Are you gonna do a story with em?


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Hi Hari!!! WOW, 3rd place in the leaderboard!!! I'm so happy for u! *hugs* This story is one of my favorites! Love all the dragon details! AGAIN ! A WONDERFUL STORY!


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Claudia Morgan
12:51 Jan 20, 2021



Claudia Morgan
15:05 Jan 20, 2021

no problemo


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Claudia Morgan
15:05 Jan 20, 2021

no problemo


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18:15 Jan 22, 2021

Check Out My New Story I Posted Earlier Today!!


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16:14 Jan 22, 2021

I like this, it was really warm hearted but cold powered. (Sorry if you didn't understand meπŸ˜…)


Hey, that is such a kind and cool way to describe my story Tru! Thank you so much.


02:28 Jan 23, 2021

Actually I think it's cause your story is cool.


13:08 Jan 24, 2021

Thank you very much too (for thanking me, well, em, er, why you are putting a 'less than three' in the end? (Eh, I know, I sound like a fool! But i am new to this platform and hopes to meet some cool friends)


Your welcome!! Oh, this symbol "<3" means a heart. =) ❀️❀️❀️


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Akshaya Sutrave
15:24 Jan 22, 2021

Hi Hari! I really enjoyed this fantasy! I love how you incorporated the dragon's point of view into it so we could get the big picture! However I did notice one thing: In the line 'That's the only way it keeps me warm...' in the first part of Frosty's persoective, you could write 'That's the only way it keeps me safe' or likewise, because Frosty is a winter dragon, and bringing snow wouldn't make him warm (unless I misunderstood the context and you really mean to say that the snow kept him warm by shading him away from sunlight) Other than ...


Oh...yes, you are right Akshaya (I think you are Pear Paris...idk, I'm really getting confused with everyone's fruit names!!) But, yes, you're right. I guess I should made it like that. Thank you so much for telling me.


Akshaya Sutrave
15:46 Jan 22, 2021

O course!! Heehee this is only going to last for a week or so. I wanted to experiment with a pen name for a while! :) (I get confused with a few other pen names, too) My pleasure!!


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Luna Fray
15:02 Jan 22, 2021

Heey! Great story! I love dragons! Made me feel really good for some reason. I can't wait to read more.


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Amaya .
01:44 Jan 22, 2021

Hey Laila, I would really appreciate it if you have the time to read and critique my new story!


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hiya! would you like to be in a reedsycast story about superheroes? if so, please fill this out: Superhero's secret identity (can be real or made up): Superhero name: powers: what their uniform looks like: where they are from: their personality: any other notes: thank you!


Sorry for the late reply Carolina! Thank you so much for thinking about me! So sweet of you! Superhero's secret identity: Umm...a teacher?? Superhero name: Jade Leopard Powers: super fast, can teleport, as a lot of strength, can be invisible, can fly Uniform: Lavender cape with a bold dress/suit, some tall boots, and a mask Home planet: Earth Personality: Leader, friendly, kind, honest Notes: None Your welcome! :)


Thank you! I'll be sure to add her. This is actually perfect, because i'm starting my story in a high school setting! whats her real name?


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13:59 Jan 21, 2021

Interesting Story! Guys Check Me Out -


Thank you so much Xander. I will definitely check out your stories. =)


20:17 Jan 21, 2021

No Problem :)


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Maya -
16:26 Jan 20, 2021

I’m doing a science-fiction themed reedsy-cast story and I would like to put you in it if you want. If you want to be in the story, there are just a few questions that I need you to answer. Questions: Alien’s Name (either your name or it could be different): Alien’s size: Alien’s color (can be any color or combination of colors): Alien’s special features (horns, tail, wings, tentacles, fur, scales, fins, etc.): Any other details about their physical appearance: Personality: Alien’s Planet of Origin (can be real or fictional): Any special ab...


I would love to!!! Alien Name: Andromeda Alien's size: About 4 foot Alien's Color: A gradient of purples Alien's special features: Large eyes, 3 tails, 2 antennas, scales, and 5 hands Any other details about physical appearance: I guess also a furry 3 tails? Personality: Hard-working, Persistent, Optimistic, Nerdy, Friendly Alien's Planet of Origin: Gunmar Special Abilities: It can fly, teleport, mind-read


Maya -
16:53 Jan 20, 2021

Great!!! Thanks for all the detail! :)


Maya -
17:08 Jan 20, 2021



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Maya -
17:09 Jan 20, 2021

Btw would you like to play skribble (the online pictionary game) at 2:30 EST with other people from reedsy?


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01:30 Jan 20, 2021

Laila, Laila, Laila you have really outdone yourself this time! This was an amazing read (I expected nothing less) and I loved the dragon concept. :)


18:19 Jan 20, 2021

Of course! :)


18:35 Jan 20, 2021

I'm so excited for you to read my new story when I finish it. I am at 2,000 words almost done!


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Zahra Daya
00:09 Jan 20, 2021

Omg! I loved the constant switching of the povs (especially the dragons') and I really enjoyed your writing style! Very good job, keep writing!! Also, I'd love it if you could check out my recent story :)) - Zahra


Ahhh, love your comment Zahra!! I would love to check out your new and amazing story!


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