The Laundry Room

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write about someone who purposefully causes a power outage.... view prompt


Mystery Thriller Funny


Bonnie and Riley were having the time of their lives together, as usual. They loved to have sleepovers in each other´s houses but something was always missing, their dear friend named Greyson. This guy said that sleepovers were only for girls and that people from University were suspecting something else was going on between his two best friends. Nevertheless, Bonnie and Riley didn´t care about the rumors, they had decided to enjoy their lives fully no matter what others said.

“Hey, bring me a cup of tea,” said Riley while putting a cucumber facemask on his face, “I don´t want to get lost in your huge apartment”, remarked the man with a smirk.

“Are you kidding? You practically live here!” stated Bonnie, “The other day my neighbor, Mrs. Agnes, asked me about my brother. The curious thing is that she knows I´m an only child. So go get it yourself BROTHER.” Bonnie had always been an honest person without fear of saying what she thought at any moment.

“FINE! I´ll get it myself,” responded Riley, “But just so you know, you are a terrible sleepover host”. He left the room and walked into the kitchen.

The water was boiling and while he waited, he grabbed his phone and hesitated to send a text to Grayson, he wanted him in the sleepover, he missed being together with his two best friends at the same time. However, he stopped himself from doing it because the conversation with him was always the same: he would invite him and he would say that he couldn´t because he was doing “man stuff”. His lack of open-mindedness infuriated Riley massively. This time, he decided to develop a plan to show him that a sleepover could also a manly activity.

FRIDAY 10:30 PM 

Riley was lost in his thoughts, this happened to him often. Bonnie came closer to him, snapped her fingers, and asked, “What are you planning on that interesting mind of yours?” she grabbed his hand and added, “You know I can help you with anything. Unless you’re planning on killing someone that I cannot help you with”. They laughed at Bonnie´s witty remark. 

“Ok, here´s what I´m planning”, explained Riley showing broad enthusiasm, “We´re are going to convince Greyson to come here by telling him that we´ve been sensing paranormal occurrences and we need a hero to save us, you know to lift his ego a tiny bit.

“But we haven´t been sensing anything abnormal except you felt something and said nothing to me.” Interrupted Bonnie looking uneasy.

“No, silly,” said Riley between giggles, “It´s a trap to show him that we can have a sleepover together and have fun, even if he thinks his masculinity can be wounded.”

Bonnie seemed interested in the plan, her only question was, “What´s my job here?”

Riley broke down all the details of his plan to his friend. Bonnie fancied the plan; however, she decided she would add her own spark to the experience as a surprise to both, Greyson and Riley.


Riley sent a text to Grayson saying: “EMERGENCY! COME ASAP.” He replied instantly and said he was on his way but since he lived a bit far away, it would take him some time to get there. Riley was hoping his plan would lead to Grayson finally accepting their sleepover concept in the future. Everything was on place, ready for Greyson’s arrival, Riley waited patiently in the living room while Bonnie announced she was going to the convenience store to buy more snack to get the party started.


Bonnie walked secretly into the building´s administration office with a bunch of cash in her hands to make an offer to the guard. Her plan was simple: bribe the security guard to shut down all the energy in apartment 17 at exactly 12:00 PM. Greyson always said he wasn´t afraid of anything because he was a “real man” but she knew it was a lie, everyone is can be scared. She figured the power outage would give him and Riley a fright and she would be laughing at their reactions.

After Bonnie settled the plan with the guard, who accepted quickly because of the cash, she ran to the convenience store to buy the promised snacks and return to Riley without being suspicious.


Greyson enter the apartment and noticed Riley and Bonnie looked scared.

“I´m here buddy”, said Greyson with a calming smile, “What’s the emergency”.

Riley turned around abruptly and explained to Greyson with a trembling voice, “We heard strange voices coming from the laundry room and got frightened. We need someone to help us check of someone´s there.”

Greyson showed a concerned look towards his friends, even if sometimes he behaved like a dick, he would always be there for his friends no matter what.

“Ok. Listen to me; bring a hand lamp, somethings we can wear as helmets and a lot of courage” ordered Greyson trying his best to seem unafraid, “I have a lot of the last one mentioned and I would gladly share some with you cowards”. Riley and Bonnie rolled their eyes at him for his last comment. 


The trio gathered all the tools needed and was ready to face whatever was hiding there, which in this case would be nothing. Riley had placed his Bluetooth headphones behind the washing machine to simulate to voices with audio from his phone and Bonnie installed a heavy book tangled with invisible thread that she would pull to close the door once the three of them were inside the room. They hoped this could be a fun activity for Greyson, who always stated, “I am fearless”.


Greyson signaled them to follow his lead. Riley and Bonnie nodded at him and tried their best to contain their laughs. The trio noticed that Greyson was extremely nervous; Riley and Bonnie realized sweat was dripping from his neck.

“Guys, you can wait outside”, stated Greyson, “I´ll go and check”

Riley and Bonnie said at the same time, “No, we´re going with you.” The acting at this point was Oscar-worthy, they were sure Greyson had no clue this whole thing was fake.

Bonnie was between the two men. She decided to hold their hands to make the situation more real. Greyson turned the lights on and wander around the room, looking for something out of order. Riley signaled Riley to pull the thread. The door closed and Greyson jumped a few cms from the ground but tried to play it cool. Then, Riley played the audio and this time Greyson screamed like a little girl.

“AAAAHHHH!” shouted Greyson and then ran to hide in the living room. This was new to them. Bonnie looked at her phone and noticed the hour, 11:59 PM. “Oh, this is about to get better”, thought the woman. Only she knew what was going to happen next.

Riley was about to burst onto laughter straight into Greyson´s face when suddenly the power went off. He screamed and ran to the living room to hide with his friend. 

They heard a strong laugh and got even more scared.

“HA HA HA! You should have seen the look on your faces. It was hilarious” expressed Bonnie with tears on her eyes for laughing so hard.

“Wait a damn minute”, voiced Riley trying to realize the situation.

“What are you talking about?” Expressed Greyson still out of breath.

“Well, the thing is that Riley set you up to prove that even you, who claims to be a “fearless man”, can sometimes get scared”, explained Bonnie, “And I set up Riley by asking the guard of the building to cause a power outage only in this apartment just for fun”

Riley and Grayson finally laughed at the whole thing, now that they knew it was fake. Greyson admitted that he could sometimes be too stubborn with manliness and said, “I will try my best to be less obnoxious about it and maybe I will start coming to your sleepover more often if we play games like this every time”.

“You mischievous woman! Thank you for giving me the scare of the century. I thought we had messed with the spirits and they were scaring us for real,” said Riley hugging his friends.

“Nop, it was all me. Let me call the guard and tell him that he can turn the power on again”. Announced Bonnie still laughing.


The night finished with the trio of friends watching a movie together and Greyson finally accepting the invitation to the sleepover, he even allowed them to put a refreshing facemask on him. Riley and Bonnie were glad he learned that being fearless does not have to be the only quality in a man.

September 12, 2020 03:41

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Batool Hussain
06:02 Sep 15, 2020

Heyo! You asked me to read and here I am. This is good. I spotted quite a handful amount of grammatical mistakes. For e.g: in I'm you've written Im(with the comma above M) likewise the same mistake has been repeated throughout. Correct that. Other than that a good story.


Sparkle Fingers
18:08 Sep 15, 2020

Thanks for stopping by, it means a lot to me :) I will correct those grammatical errors. English is not my first language, so I am not the best, but there is always room for improvement.


Batool Hussain
12:18 Sep 16, 2020

No problem. Just let me know whenever u want feedback


Sparkle Fingers
19:23 Sep 16, 2020

I very much appreciate your help. I´ll see you around Reedsy! :)


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Scout Tahoe
18:16 Sep 15, 2020

Wow, Joy, this is really good. Despite the errors, I love the plot and can’t wait to read more. Funny how we both included Apartment 17. Very creative! Sorry I didn’t have time to comment before. :)


Sparkle Fingers
03:46 Sep 16, 2020

Thanks for stopping by, it means a lot to me :) I will try to improve my grammatical skills. English isn´t my first language so it´s a bit hard. And it is very curious we chose the same apartment number, maybe we heard or read it somewhere else.


Scout Tahoe
03:49 Sep 16, 2020

I'm impressed that you can write so good and English isn't your first language! I'm curious: what was your first? I'm currently trying to learn another language but I'm not very good at it. I don't know why I chose 17, maybe it just sounded interesting or something. :)


Scout Tahoe
03:51 Sep 16, 2020

Also would you mind checking out my new story? I'd absolutely love your feedback.


Sparkle Fingers
18:42 Sep 16, 2020

Sure! I'm on my way to read and comment on it.


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Sparkle Fingers
18:41 Sep 16, 2020

Your compliment is well received. My first language is Spanish, a beautiful language by the way, and I would say I´m good at it. Is English your first language? I love learning new languages and a tip I would give you is: watch a lot of movies with audio and subtitles of the language you chose. It helped me when I learned basic German and Italian. The apartment number will remain a mystery :)


Scout Tahoe
18:43 Sep 16, 2020

Yes, English is my first language. Thank you for the tips! They’re very helpful. I’ll see you around Reedsy. ;)


Sparkle Fingers
19:26 Sep 16, 2020

Great! See you :)


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