Drama Friendship Romance

The sound of my phone receiving a text, filled my whole room. I groaned and rolled over, feeling the fan blow air on my back. I smiled to myself as the sound faded away. Before I could close my eyes, a loud bang appeared on my door.  

"What?" I yelled, pulling my covers over my chest. The door swung open and little Tiffany ran in, giggling. I sighed and smiled and she made her way on my bed.  

While she was struggling, I grabbed my phone and saw a text from Sage. Butterflies filled my stomach, and blood rushed to my face. Before I could respond, Tiffany jabbed my cheek with her finger. 

"Your turning red baba! You look like Santy Claus!" 

"I'm not Santa Tiff." I said, taking her finger off my cheek.  

She pouted and ran out, losing interest. I snickered and responded back to Sage's text.  

After getting dressed and shoving my sports gear in my bag, I dashed off to school with a quick buttered toast. I walked on the bus, seeing Sage in her bus seat, and her looking out the window. I quickly walked to her and stopped.  

"This seat taken?" I asked, pointing next to her. 

"N-No," She said, scooting over. 

Her cute smile covered her face, making a dimple appear on her cheek.  

The bus engine roared as we started moving. 

"I got your text this morning." I said, trying to break the silence.  

She laughed and her cheeks turned red.  

"I-I'm sorry, I can be annoying at times." 

"Oh no! You weren't annoying." I said, putting my sports gear on the floor. 

Just then, the annoying girl in school, Brittney turned around in her seat and stared at me. 

"Hey hot stuff. Want to go on a walk with me after school?" She winked. 

I could hear Sage sighing. I rolled my eyes and responded, sitting up straighter.  

"No. Go drool over someone else." I said, turning back to Sage. 

"Sorry about that." I mumbled. 

"It's okay." She said, looking out the window. 

We finally made it to school, and Sage quickly made her way to her friend group. She was the smallest out of all of them. I made my way to football practice, where the coach was waiting.  

"There you are, Liam. Next time you are late it's 50 pushups." I nodded quickly and ran to the locker room. 

After a long practice, we were finally in the locker room changing.  

"So, Liam. Have you talked to Sage?" My friend Noah asked, making the whole locker room turn to me. 

I grabbed my shirt and slipped it over my head.  

"Yeah. I told you, I'm going to tell her soon its just-"  

"It's not the right time. We get it." Braydon said.  

"You need to get over her man, if you're not going to make a move." Noah said, spraying a butt load of men's perfume on himself.  

"I-I can't." I said, brushing my hair with a comb.  

"Then make a move Liam!" Braydon called as he walked out of the locker room. I sighed and grabbed my bag. 

"Make a move, or get over it." Noah said, following me out the door.  

They were right. But one thing was for sure, I'm not getting over Sage. 

Finally, after the teacher dismissed us, I saw Sage and her friend group, laughing their heads off. I smiled to myself and yelled, 

“Sage! Wait up!” She suddenly stopped laughing and her friends scurried away. I stopped In front of her, and her adorable smile made my heart pump faster than humanly possible.   

“Wanna hear a joke.” 

“Sure, go ahead.” 

“Ok, Knock Knock.”  

“Who’s there?” 


“Love who?” 

“Holy Nations.”  

“What? That’s not even a joke?” 

“It wasn’t one. Knock Knock.” She rolled her eyes. 

“Who’s there?” 


“Love who?” 

“Sanctify. This will be our battle cry.” She groaned in frustration.  

“That. Is. Not. A. Joke!!” 

“Correct.” She huffed. “Knock Knock.” 

“No. I’m not doing your jokes. They aren’t funny.” 

“Knock Knock.”  

“Go away!” She snapped, turning away. 

I did not raise my voice and said it again. “Knock Knock.” 

“Who’s there?” She sighed. 


“Love who?” 

“Everyone. Now that was the punchline. Like it?” She did not respond and looked at me.  

“Okay, do you want the keys to the Rolls Royce?”  


“Mine.” I spoke. She gave a simple shrug.   


“Love is the key.” I said after silence. She smacked her forehead with her palm. 

“What?!? Love isn’t a key!” She yelled. The whole hallway turned heads. She groaned and dragged me into an empty classroom. 

“No, it’s the answer.” I said as she shut the door, with her arms cross. She was adorable.  

“What, I’ve had enough of your games. Go away!” My lips turned into a smirk. 

“Love is the key and the answer because it is the one thing secularists will not fight. And that’s Me. Tada! What, no round of applause? Anyway, the key is not for a Rolls Royce, I do not own one. I will let you figure out what it is for. See you later.” 

I walked out of the classroom and into the cafeteria. I sat at the table full of jocks and they laughed. 

“What was that all about?” They asked. 

“Sage.” I rolled my eyes and picked at my lunch. 

“Don’t start that again, Liam.” One grunted.  

“You know what..” Barry tugged me and led me over to her table. What in the Sam hill?! 

“You’re going to talk to him. Right now.”  

“No more buts, Sage. Jesus Christ, you have no idea how much this boy likes you, and you don’t want to admit how much you like him. TALK TO HIM OR I’LL MAKE SURE YOUR MOTHER DOESN’T BAKE YOU CINNAMON ROLLS ANYMORE.”  

Cinnamon rolls?! What...?! 

I sat and we both faced each other. 

“So...” She spoke. 

“So...” I responded. 

“Look, I don’t know what that was back in the classroom-” I interrupted.  

“It was my way of saying I like you.” I told her. 

She stammered, and I took her hand. 

“I got nervous and disguised it with my version of jokes. I’m sorry if I frustrated you.” She threw her arms around me and hugged me, making words not appear in my brain. 

“No I’m sorry.” She said, “It was sweat of you and I got mad about it.” I smiled and pulled away. 


“I...I like you too, and I’d really like if we took a chance with this.” I stood up, helping her as well. 

“I thought you’d never ask.” 

Hello my lovelies!! I hope you enjoyed this!! It is a Collab with Nainika Gupta!! Her link will be in the comments. I want to say a special thank you to Nainkia! It was such a fun activity to do, and such a achievement. *HUGS* Also, thank you guys for reading this and the love and support you guys have done. Make sure to follow me as I write once (maybe twice) every week! I love you guys and I will see you next time! Byee!!! *HUGS*

January 12, 2021 17:53

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. .
18:02 Jan 12, 2021

This was amazing!!! I read Nika's part and it was amazing too!! Great collab!!


Katie May
18:04 Jan 12, 2021

Aww, thank you!! :)))


. .
18:08 Jan 12, 2021



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Katie May
17:54 Jan 12, 2021



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Nainika Gupta
17:58 Jan 12, 2021

yessss I love it!! Awesome job :D:D:D:D


Katie May
17:58 Jan 12, 2021

Thanks!! You did amazing too!!


Nainika Gupta
17:59 Jan 12, 2021



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Mira Caplan
18:08 Jan 12, 2021

YEEEEEEEEEES!!! I love this just as much as I loved Nanika's part!!! I LARB IT!!!


Katie May
18:09 Jan 12, 2021

Thanks!!! :DDD *HUGS*


Mira Caplan
18:09 Jan 12, 2021



Katie May
18:13 Jan 12, 2021

What was your favorite part???


Mira Caplan
18:20 Jan 12, 2021

The enddddddd!!!


Katie May
18:21 Jan 12, 2021

LOL, Same!


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Katie May
19:17 Jan 13, 2021

Aww, thanks! <3


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