Science Fiction Friendship


Haela poured in silky brown coffee into a blue mug, the thin liquid swishing around in the cup.


I watched as she set the coffee maker down, picked up the mug and walked toward the front door. She tilted the cup against her lips while looking around her house for her belongings.

Haela placed the mug on a coffee table and walked towards the coat hooks. She picked a pale yellow one, like the feathers of a baby chick, and slipped it on along with her purse. She picked up her mug again and slid her slim feet into little shiny black flats that reminded me of my cat, Jungle.

She opened the door and shut it with a thump, but I just slipped right through.

How?, you might ask?

I was a ghost, and not just a normal one at that. I was the person who got hit by the car 5 years ago, the one whose face was on all the holograms and news channels. Some say they saw my limp body on the top of one of the many flying cars near downtown, saying that they were the ones who had reported it, but I knew that they weren’t there.

The only person that had been there was Haela, and by the time she had glimpsed me before the crash, she already knew what was going to happen.


I was walking through downtown, just like any other person would do. The sky was a deep purple with little orange clouds floating through it with the moon and sun both in the sky, creating a moment of tranquillity. Cars flew around, creating a little hum through the air, signalling the business of the city. I waited for the crosswalk to turn a neon green so I wouldn’t be crushed by a car. I rushed across and once I got to the other side, I checked my smartwatch. 

7:09 pm

Already? I decided that flying would be a better option, because it was way too late, as my mother said for University I was supposed to go to sleep at 8 pm, but I usually just read until 9 or 10.

We didn’t have wings, as humans didn’t have, but we had a little β€œjetpack” that we could control and take us anywhere with. I pulled it out of my backpack, the unusually light contraption staring back at me with its countless numbers of buttons. I strapped it on my back, backed up and pressed the little green button on the side, and took off.

I soared through the violet sky, along with other people and cars, the shiny metal sidewalks twisting and turning in intricate patterns. I breathed in some fresh air and smelled some lemongrass, the scent that the city used to clean everything because it had calming and health benefits.

It sure did calm me, a bit too much if I do say so myself.

A pink car slammed into me, the wheels rimmed with neon orange. The front hood slammed into my ribs hard, and I lifted up my head to see who the driver was.

A girl with light brown hair and hazel eyes stared back at me, her soft face curving into worry as she realized who she had crashed into. I heard a faraway voice call β€œNo! Alec stay! NO!”

All went black.


I flowed through the door and followed Haela into the same pink car that had cut my life short. She put her hands on the wheel and I felt her breathing quicken and I followed her gaze to a photo near the steering wheel.

A photo 5 years ago, placed on my birthday in the middle of June, us squirting water from water guns at each other and our smiles and happiness frozen into the picture.

Haela looked at it for a while, her gaze never swaying from my bright eyes that rarely appeared, only in times when I really felt happy.

She took a deep breath and pressed on the gas pedal, making me lurch forward and almost vomit up the things I had seen at the garbage disposal.

Once we had arrived at the big glass building that was Haela’s workplace, she got out of the car and started vacuuming.

Inside the car.

She got one of those handheld vacuums and just zoomed away, sucking any dirt or dust that wasn’t supposed to be there.

Which included me.

The air sucked me in rapidly, the little nozzle looking a little too much like a hungry Mata-mata turtle, the lips closing around me and trapping me inside with the dirt and grime.

Haela shook the vacuum, along with me and the dust inside of it. I ricocheted against the tiny walls, inhaling unhealthy particles into my nose.

She brushed it off, locked the car and took the vacuum with her inside the building.

I couldn’t describe anything very well because my vision was tinted grey, thanks to Haela’s mini vacuum who was holding me hostage at the moment. It was pretty boring: cubicles, people bent over unnaturally in their chairs, and bright lights blaring back at them from computers. Haela’s fingers covered my vision a bit too, but I could see her walking into a special room with about 5 computers, each full of code.

Haela opened the nozzle of the vacuum and dumped its contents, which included me, into a nearby trash bin.

β€œI never knew why you do that. What’s wrong with a little dust here and there?”

I tumbled into the bin, mixing with things like banana skins and foul yogurt.

β€œA clean car is essential, you could get sick!” Haela responded to her maybe-boss.

β€œYou say that for everything,” responded her boss. β€œSo, how are you doing with the game?”

β€œWell, I’m almost done.”

β€œWhat is it about?”

β€œI was thinking about Alec’s crash, so I made something about that.”

Her boss’s face darkened, but then he asked, β€œSo how do you play it?”

β€œAt the start, it shows an animation of a car crash, and then you’re a ghost and you have to pass all 10 levels of the Underworld to get to the boss battle.”

Her boss nodded with his eyebrows raised. β€œA unique idea! The market will love it! Great job, try and finish it as soon as possible, it sounds great!”

Haela beamed and her boss strutted out of the room with some newfound confidence.

Once he had left, she sat down in front of the computer with little graphics and at the top it read β€˜Κ€α΄€α΄„ᴇ ᴛᴏ α΄›Κœα΄‡ α΄œΙ΄α΄…α΄‡Κ€α΄‘α΄Κ€ΚŸα΄…β€™

She rolled the start of the game, the pixels so small there were as traceable as dust mites.

It was the car crash, but animated, the colours and shading close to perfect, so much that it could be Virtual Reality.

At the scene where I slumped over the pink car, Haela buried her face in her hands.

β€œWhy did I do that? Alec . . . why?”

I whispered, β€œIt wasn’t your fault.”

She jumped up in her chair and swivelled around in all directions, her eyes opened wide.

β€œAlec, are you here?”

β€œYep, I am sure am.”

Haela looked around again in fear.

β€œAre you here to get revenge on me?”

β€œWhy would I do that?”

Haela tried to shrug casually but failed. β€œI thought you would hate me from the crash. . .”

β€œNope. I’ve been following you ever since, by the way.”

β€œWhat? Wait, have you seen me in the shower?!”

I laughed. β€œNope. I’m not THAT cruel.”

Haela giggled a little, but her nervousness peeked through. β€œSo um, why are you here?”

β€œWell, I don’t know. I have nothing to do so I just follow you.”

β€œOkay, I guess. Did you see the scene at the start of the game or were you somewhere else?”

β€œI saw. Can I tell you something?”


β€œYou trapped me in your little vacuum. It’s not that pleasant to be trapped in a little machine that has millions of dust particles inside of it.”

β€œOopsies, sorry β€˜bout that.”

β€œIt’s fine.”

We sat in silence while Heala fiddled with her fingers and I glanced back at the computer.

β€œSo, what is the game for?”

β€œI’ve not been doing well at work, I almost got laid off last week. My boss said I had to make the best game ever or else I would be let go.”


Haela sat down in front of the computer and pulled up the code behind the game. It went forever and ever, and it was very complicated. I could say that because I used to be that one person that programmed the cars to not ram into each other, the one person who would always get chocolate at the announcement of the new cars.

Chocolate . . . 

I strayed off-topic, sorry.

I examined the nape of Haela’s neck and noticed something out of the usual.

A little screw poked out from beneath her shoulder-length hair, the metal shining in the bright artificial lights.

β€œHaela, what is that thing under your hair?”

Haela just brushed her hair with her fingers as casually as she could to hide the screw, and said, β€œWhat? What thing?”

I pointed towards the screw’s location, even if she couldn’t see me and said, β€œYou don’t know that it’s there? It looks like a screw. Wouldn’t it hurt?”

β€œA screw? Why there be a screw in my neck?” Haela asked and laughed nervously, clearly aware of the screw in her neck.

β€œHaela. Answer the question.”

Once I said that, Haela crumpled onto the floor and started crying, little rivers of salty water running down her pale face.

β€œWhat happened?”

She was sobbing, her mascara running down her face too, and then she whispered, β€œI’m not human. Alec, I’m not human.”

β€œWhat do you mean? You might be a little different but-”

β€œNo, Alec, I’m not human. I’ll show you. Then you can’t argue.”

Haela stood up shakily and somehow looked me straight in the eye and started ripping her skin.

Her fingers crawled underneath her skin and peeled it off like a banana sticker. It made a hissing sound and exposed metal, bolts and screws underneath. She ripped it all off and piled her skin in a bundle next to her chair and looked at me.

β€œSee Alec? I’m not human. They said I was as cruel as them, but I’ll never be.”

Haela, the now-robot crossed her legs on the ground and resumed crying, but quieter this time.


She nodded.

β€œWere you a robot all along or-”

β€œLet me explain,” said Haela, getting up and sitting on her chair.


β€œSo. My planet’s name is Xotl23, and I was so happy. I had friends and parents and sisters and brothers, everything was the best. But then-” She broke into sobs.

β€œWhat happened?”

Haela swallowed and said, β€œThe-the humans. The came to my planet and- and-”


β€œThey killed my father.”

β€œ. . .”

β€œThe Council blamed ME for his death and they banished me. Guess where they banished me, Alec, GUESS WHERE THEY BANISHED ME.”

β€œLet me guess . . . Earth.”

β€œYes. They had to send me to the planet whose inhabitants killed my father.”

I looked down at my non-existent feet.

β€œWhy? WHY? I tried to fit in but it was so hard, trying to fit in with- them. When I crashed into you, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I filed a complaint. To throw me out into space. I just can’t TAKE it here any longer.”


β€œAlec, there are no buts. I’m leaving today. I finished the game. All my jobs here are done.”


β€œNo buts.”

β€œCan I come with you?”

Haela froze.


β€œCan I come with you?”

β€œWhat do you mean?”

β€œTo . . . Xotl23.”

β€œBut you can’t! You’re a human, they’ll recognize-”

β€œI’m a ghost.”

β€œFine. There won’t be space for you because-”

β€œI’m a ghost, Haela.”


β€œNo buts.”

She smiled and I did too.

Haela sighed and said, β€œFine. You’re coming with me.”

I silently pumped my fist while Haela put on her human skin again.


β€œWhat does it look like?”

β€œYou’ll see it when we get there.”

β€œWhy is it called β€˜Xotl23’?”

β€œI don’t know but I learned it in school somewhere.”


β€œAll your questions will be answered when we get there, okay?” said Haela as we walked up to the spaceship. 


The spaceship was magnificent, to say the least.

It looked like a bus, like the ones in London with the two decks and the bright red walls. Instead of red, it was painted a dark blue with little specks of gold here and there, enough to blend in with the galaxy but unique enough so that they could find it again. Wings unfolded from the sides, like an airplane’s, except they were much more elegant and swift, like the wings of an eagle. There were normally many people swarming each bus to visit their relatives on different planets, but today it was just Haela and I.

I followed Haela up to the stairs where a ticket man was waiting.

β€œHello. Are you by yourself today?” he asked.

β€œUh,” said Haela. β€œWe’re the only ones here so . . . yeah.”


β€œUm, I meant me. Not we. Me.”

The ticket man just shrugged and Haela handed him her ticket.

β€œHave a great flight!”

Haela nodded to him and led me inside the bus.

β€œOh wow.”

It looked like a space limousine.


Long couches were cushioned with black leather and trimmed with gold. There was a kitchen made of marble, bean bag chairs everywhere, and one other room that, from what I could see, had a flat-screen TV inside.

β€œO-m-g,” said Haela, dumping her stuff on the ground and running into the pile of beanbag chairs in front of the kitchen. β€œThis is the best.”

I ran straight to the kitchen. β€œI know, right?” 

β€œWanna watch a movie?” Haela asked.

β€œYes! Which one?” I asked while trying to get out popcorn kernels.

β€œWhat about It Chapter 2?”

β€œI’ve already watched that.”

β€œOh right, me too. What about . . . β€˜The Conjuring’?”

I nodded vigorously.

β€œUm, Alec, I can’t see you.”

β€œRight. I wanna watch that!”

Haela grinned and started pressing buttons on the remote control as I tried to yank the bag of popcorn out of the cupboard.

β€œUm, Haela, I can’t get the popcorn.”

She got up quickly and ran over to me, saying, β€œOf course you can’t! You’re a ghost.”


She pulled it out easily and poured it into a bowl, the plopping sound filling the room. Then she clipped the top with a paperclip, placed the bowl in the microwave, pressed a few buttons and started it up.

β€œSo . . . what’s it like being a ghost?”

β€œWell, I can’t make popcorn by myself so that’s fun.”

Haela laughed along with me until the beep of the microwave interrupted us.

She opened the door and took the brown paper bag out of the bowl, the newly popped popcorn steaming in her face.

I stared at her, my friend who was actually a robot, being friends with me, a person who she accidentally killed 5 years ago.

Life is interesting. Or death, technically, if you think about it.

β€œAre you gonna come?” Haela called from the movie room.


I ran, or rather glided, next to her and sat down while she figured out where on HBO Max was the movie we were looking for.

She found the right one and we got comfy, organizing the placement of the popcorn bucket while the start credits were rolling.

β€œDo you like horror movies, Alec?” Haela asked me.

β€œYes, why?”

β€œI like them too.”

I smiled and I opened my mouth to say something, but then the movie began


February 21, 2021 21:23

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so this was gonna be for a different prompt but then I changed my mind XD this is the first COMPLETE science fiction story I've written, so if you have any tips please let me know! ANOTHER long story (abtou 2500 words) i don't know why I keep doing this but you might wanna get used to it :) hope you like it! comment a πŸ₯‘ if you read everything because noodles are yummy :D ~ Amethyst


πŸ₯‘ Great, now I want noodlesXDD


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21:37 Feb 21, 2021



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21:37 Feb 21, 2021



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05:55 Feb 22, 2021

You shouldve expected this πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘ NOODLES SHALL TAKE OVER


ahahahha thanks ethan gave good critique but no one else is really giving me any :(


00:23 Feb 23, 2021

AW I'm sure they will


ok are ya gonna start writing again?


00:38 Feb 23, 2021

yeah :)


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Aw this was so sweet/heart wrenching/twisty and I love it!!! I wasnt expecting Haela to be the AI tho!! I was reading ut thinking you were taking a bit of a turn on the prompt and making it ghost instead of AI and then Alec started noticing the screws and I got the signature bit of Ame Mystery. This was a really cute romace/suspense/idk what else bcuz I'm bad at genresXDD Amazing story Ame!!


thanks! eheheh yeah that's when i switched prompts lol. yessss mystery is greattttttt i was going for platonic love but thanks!!!!!!! :DDDD




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TJ Squared
15:50 Jun 17, 2021

ehehe seen this one before XDDDDDDDDDDDD and how ironic, we even have an Alex as well in our role-play XDDDDD yes, accidents do happen. good job with this one, you write great science fiction stories :DDD And, I have OFFICIALLY read all your stories! YAY!!! FURtastic ;) L.W.


ehehehe XDDD :')) TYY <3 :DDDDD <33 ;) thanks!!


TJ Squared
22:30 Jun 17, 2021

XDDDD np :)))) ofc ;)


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TJ Squared
02:00 Feb 28, 2021

part 6 out!


TJ Squared
02:02 Feb 28, 2021



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yayyyy:D yummmmm I want pastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaXD


XD :D sorry for making you hungry looool any progress on ya story?


XDDD it's okXD not rly, I think I wrote a little but it's still slow:)


:) oh well. im writing my ~other~ one and my mind is getting more and more insane but the minute or, as you can call it: cReAtIvE




:DDDDDD william shakespeare is involved in it LOL XD


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03:44 Feb 27, 2021

Hey, Ame! A new story is out! It's dedicated to you :) Please check it out!! :DD


WHAT- HOW- THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU i cant believe its dedicated to me how does this even hapenn XD :D


18:15 Feb 27, 2021

You did fill out the Character Form at some point, and since you were one of the only people who clicked the "other main character (plays significant role in the story)" button, I decided to include your character Kamara in my story :) And your welcome! :DD


yeah i remember that lol eheheheheh THANK YOU


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TJ Squared
23:51 Feb 23, 2021

question...is it okay if I change the clothing a little...to make it more princess-y? If not, can your princess be the running away type?


yes ofc! i just want the cOlOuR sChEmE to stay the same because I like the colours I picked :)


TJ Squared
00:51 Feb 24, 2021

gotcha...I have decided to let her (with another character) run away, so it's fine


TJ Squared
01:17 Feb 24, 2021

also, part 1 is posted!


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Ruby πŸ’«
20:44 Feb 22, 2021

Wow! This was really fun to read! I liked how it was about a ghost, and actually a robot. I have always wanted to go to another planet, but I don't really want to be a astronaut😁 Great Job! -RubyπŸ’–πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘Yummy!


thank you! ehehehehe yes sci-fiiiiiiiiii :D yayyyy


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AntMan 🐜
21:46 Feb 21, 2021

This was a really unexpected proposal of the prompts! I really liked it! πŸ₯‘ Sorry for the fancy words ^ πŸ˜… I loved this story! It was a great twist, and I love how they're best friends now, but there's still that element of awkwardness that most people (especially me) usually leave out. Again, AMAZING job on your 1st science fiction story!


eheheh thanks! yay lol oop yeah thank you so much!!!!!


AntMan 🐜
23:23 Feb 21, 2021

Yeah! It's so great that you branched out and did science fiction for the first time! I know it's hard to write something differently, and I've had many failed attempts at different perspectives. πŸ˜…


yeah, but i didn't really have a choice because of the type of prompts XD YES IK


AntMan 🐜
23:47 Feb 21, 2021

XD Honestly, some of the prompts I didn't have a choice for, either! πŸ˜… Especially last week's.


oh yeah? was it the romance ones? oh yeah it was I don't like romance :/


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Maya -
17:46 Mar 03, 2021

Hi :) Would you like to play Skribble today at 3:30 EST, even though we haven't played for a while. Also, if you want to ask anyone else if they want to play, feel free. :)


hi Maya! i can't play on weekdays because of school, can we play some time on the weekends? i miss the games :<


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Siobhan Mulalley
15:02 Mar 01, 2021

Enjoyable read and I liked the twist that Haela was actually the android. Great effort


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Sia S
10:54 Feb 28, 2021



i was actually shocked when i saw this in my notifs XD hi!


Sia S
00:40 Mar 01, 2021

XDD hey!


hello! how are you?


Sia S
02:51 Mar 01, 2021

Hi! I'm okayish, exam stress, you?


oh :( good! my birthday's in two days (well technically one now) and I got into a city wide science fair with saph! :D


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Hi Ame, I'm moving the thread here cuz it's so longXD You can do ittttt!!!! I believe in you Ame!!<3


yeah it is saph is so much better I'm a warthog at romance lol


XDDD I think it'll turn out much better than you think. Romance always feels really awkward to write at first


*sigh* if you say so im not good at this at alllllllll and YES IT IS AWKWARD


:) have faith in yourselffffffffff XDD




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Izzie Q.
03:16 Feb 27, 2021

hey friend! ahhh i saw that you feel bad about dog eareing pages AND OMG SAME! thats why I have a million bookmarks lol, my friends give me so many T-T i just put three new stories out, pls feel free to take a look! anything you say in the comments is bound to make me happy :)


hello! YES ME TOO i have a thousanddddd three?! OML wow you're fast XD


Izzie Q.
03:15 Feb 28, 2021

HAHAH MY FINGERS HURT FROM TYPING!! how was your day? I spent most of it roller skating with friends and procrastinating my through writing a response to the 15 paged letter one of my pen pals sent me by watching youtube makeup tutorial videos :D


roller coaster- omllllllllllllllllllllllllll you have a pen pal? that's so coooooooool!!!!!!!!! the makeup tutorials XD i need to transfer my story onto digital from paper, but I'm basically done :)


Izzie Q.
02:16 Mar 01, 2021

YESSSS thats so cool! glad you are getting that done!


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TJ Squared
20:40 Feb 26, 2021



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19:34 Feb 26, 2021



:D its actually not the second but like- thanks! XD


22:48 Feb 26, 2021



yeah loooooool im gonna add another one because today I made one at school based on my story 'Daydreaming' :D


22:50 Feb 26, 2021



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16:30 Feb 26, 2021

Seriously, how can you write such good ghost, Amuh? Ghosts and si-fic? So cool! I am gonna name you 'the master of the ghosts', or something like that. I mean, seriously, you just put together a fantasy themed ghost in such a good si-fic environment. (I just tried to write a si-fic and the si-fic part went FLOP) Hope that you write more ghosts! XD Happy today!


idk! i like them i guess XD ~gasp~ that would be......SO KEWLLLLLL :D thankssssss!!!!! yes, I probably will XD you too! :)


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Ameeeeeeeeeee did you see the new prompts???!?!?!?


you're luna, right? yes i have they're a bit.........weird


XDD yes, this is LunaXD yea, I could see that. Do you like them better than last weeks?


uhm, yeah? they're still not the best........


yeah. Do you have any ideas?


kinda? i know which prompt im doing tho


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TJ Squared
16:06 Feb 26, 2021

part 4 out! Don't ask me how i write so fast :)


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Izzie Q.
01:32 Feb 26, 2021

I love your cute little bio poems too!! the nail polish one is my favorite! I'm getting acyrilic nails done this weekend with some friends, have you ever gotten some done? what color do you like on your nails, if you do paint them?


:D thanks so much! they're reallllllllllllllllllly random, i searched up 'weird smells' and nail polish popped up so I wrote about it XD no I've never gotten acrylic nails, I'm not a HUGE fan of nail polish, but clear or like white is cool I know, I'm boring XD


Izzie Q.
01:39 Feb 26, 2021

no no!! I was literally going to say the same thing, I like plain colors like white, clear, or light peach XD


YES light peach is SICKKKKKKK when i see someone with black nails - :O


Izzie Q.
01:42 Feb 26, 2021

oh wow yeah, I'm like "DANG YOU GOT COURAGEEEE" I couldn't do that haha


yeah lollllll if i had a test, i would get distracted by my nails XD


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Izzie Q.
01:43 Feb 26, 2021

ughh i keep trying to grow my nails long but i keep BITING THEM AJHSJAHS


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