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Fantasy Romance

Just because Alexandra knew her little accident was self caused didn't make the reality of the situation any easier to swallow. I mean how much embarrassment could she handle in one day? In one week? It had been just over 7 days since she had been not so subtly forced into attending the training academy. 7 days of ridiculous amounts of physical activity, weird food and the unsettling feeling of being constantly watched and judged from every possible angle.

What kind of mage was she if she couldn't even control her own power enough to protect herself? What kind of mage allowed her power to consume her to such a degree that she ended up in the infirmary with 3rd degree internal burns? A crappy one that's for sure. One that shouldn't have been sent to the most prestegious mage academy in the Sourthern Hemisphere.

" You're very fortunate that Chris was there to rescue you my dear. I hate to think of what could've happened to you or the training field if her hadn't been there to..."

" To put her out. Yes, well I agree. The ladies tend to burn up around me, it's my duty afterall as a senior mage to ensure that everyone is kept...cool and steady."

Rolling her eyes and elicting an exasperated sigh, the elderly nurse left the room leaving Alexandra alone with her saviour...and quite possibily the most infuiating person she had ever met.

Chris Noakes. The youngest person ever to become a level 4 mage, the second highest level possible. His magical feats knew no bounds, to list them would be a lengthy task in itself. Comparing the two of them was the equal of likening a 5 year olds mathematical ability to an Acturial graduate.

Despite only being several years older than Alexandra, this guy's ability was so beyond her scope that she felt ridiculously inferior just being in his presence...let alone the fact that he had just put her out, literally. 

" Don't stress darling, it's not very common amongst first years to burn up from their own power...I'll give you that. However, look on the bright side...if you'll pardon the pun. That was purely unintentional."

The young Paul Bettany lookalike didn't even bother to hide his amusement at this as he tossed his head back, crimson eyes sparkling in the dull UV lighting of the school's hospital wing. 

" In all seriousness though Alexandra, while this is very rare it just proves how powerful you are as an elemental mage. Which is why I've spoken to the professors and your training mentor, I'm taking over your magical training. We have the same dominant element and my magical traits and abilities also blossomed at a later stage, just like you. We are very similar in that regards...and as that old wand guy from Harry Potter says ' We can expect great things from us Alex, great things.'"

" His name is Ollivanders."

Was all she replied with, internally cringing at the simplicity of this statement. What was she meant to say though? How did you address the fact that she had literally been on fire less than an hour ago? A fire caused by pushing her still developing magical abilities to such a degree that her survival mode kicked in and triggered her magic's defence system...flaring up her fire elemental abilities and resulting in her needing to be extinguished by the still chuckling, arrogant yet admirable man currently standing at the foot of her bed. 

It was fortunate that their training uniforms were hardy enough to withstand most magical circumstances as the casual t-shirt and sweatpants she had worn over the top of her mandatory uniform were currently hanging in charred tatters off her still slightly smoking body. 

She didn't feel hot but considering her temperature was 222 degrees, 6 times the normal human body temperature...she knew she should've felt something, anything. All she felt was a slight chill as a result of her still rediculously high internal body temperature and a whole lot of annoyance at having to be confined to her small bed and bathroom for the next couple of days...medical supervision sucked.

" Now to start off with...your first role is to just recover properly. You may be feeling fine now because your blood is probably 85% pain killers at the moment however within the next few days you will definietly begin to start feeling the after effects of your little...meltdown, if you'll excuse the pun again."

He chuckled again, his laugh grating at her skin more than fire ever could. How could this guy, her saviour be infuriating her to such a degree yet she hardly even knew him? Born and raised in the frosty and sleepy country town of Orange Australia she didn't know much about the world outside of her rural oasis. She definietly wasn't used to magic away from the realms of Harry Potter...and men that she wasn't related to or hadn't known since birth was a relatively new concept for her. 

Even since she had accidently almost burnt down her brothers old barn the authorities of the Elemental Mages society had been on to her before she could even begin to somewhat comprehend what she was capable of. Taken away on a university 'scholarship' Alexandra had found herself in this top secret facility where the young and tempramental mages of the world were taken away to drow and develop in peace until they could effectively handle their unique abilities. 

Her most recent metldown was proof of this in itself. With great power comes great responsbility and Alexandra knew she wasn't ready for either, not at the moment anyway. Perhaps she needed this Chris figure, perhaps he needed her...even if it was to just keep his huge ego grounded for the moment.

" Well while I agree with you about most of what you've just said I disagree about the ego part. However, I know you probably didn't realise you said all that as the sedatives they gave you are clearly kicking in...talk to you soon hot stuff."

With a mumbled reply Alexandra let her head lay back on the impossibly soft pillows of her hospital bed. Her eyes collapsing shut as the day's events caught up to her...it was going to be a long couple of days and an even longer few months if Chris's description of her training schedule was anything to go by.Oh well, maybe she would have her Harry Potter moment after all.

October 18, 2020 12:56

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1 comment

14:26 Oct 24, 2020

Definitely a cute start. I would wonder if there would be a continuation of these two.


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