
I gladly stood in front of the mirror having a look at the bride I was about to be. David kept calling and my little brother Henry just didn't seem to stop disturbing me. Amidst all of this was Aunty Laura, the human who didn't seem to fit on earth, giving me archaic methods of putting on my own gown. Finally, with the help of Aunty Laura, she covered my face with the long veil she had bought all the way from the east for my wedding to David.

Dad cried as he watched me walk to him in my wedding gown. I was glowing white and just couldn't think of any happier moment than that time. My dilemma with Jermaine, a tale I have never wished to speak about, had ended and now I was with the Prince Charming of my heart, David. Dad helped me into the carriage as Henry and Aunty Laura moved in the vehicle behind us. The moved before us taking the lead to the chapel which was a few miles away. The carriage began to move with instructions from the driver, Moses. Dad sat right beside me as he continued to watch me. I stared outside with the veil covering my face like any other bride in that part of the world would have done.

 The carriage had moved at a distance and Dad assured me that I wasn't late. Moses suddenly changed the direction of the carriage which I didn't pay attention to. I stared outside once again and what I saw got me petrified. At first, I thought it was a ghost but after I saw him smiling at no other person than me, I knew it was him. 

 Dad gave me a weird look that got me stunned. I was dressed in a gown heading off in my carriage to meet the Prince Charming of my heart and then out of nowhere, the man that insulted my dignity as a woman, that same one who once called me his wife. That same one I saw die was now standing right in front of me.

 The carriage stopped when it got right in front of him and I felt my heart skip a beat. Jermaine was his name an arrogant man who faced electrocution in prison after facing a penalty of death. I saw his dead body after he was electrocuted. He was blackened without recognition but how did he escape death? I removed the veil from my face to verify if my sight was deceiving me on such an important day but no it was him.

 Why did Jermaine have to resurrect on such a day? That very day I had decided to be David's wife. He stood still smiling.

 ''Won't you move?'' Dad screamed at Moses and he gave him a look that made me understand it all. Jermaine had said nothing but I could already imagine the plan in mind.

''It looks like you are surprised to see me?'' Jermaine teased and I shivered. He was still smiling at my surprise. Henry, my little brother would have called him the smiling devil. The truth is, that was the name he always gave Jermaine even when we were married.

''You thought that it would all end there and that you would become the wife of the rich David and then I'll die in prison. Guess what? I'm smarter than that thing you will never call a husband.'' he ended.

''For once Jermaine, give me the comfort I deserve. Disappear from everyone's life. I promise not to inform David that you are still alive. Jermaine goes far away from here and lives the life of the good man he has never been. At least Jermaine, do that for me.'' I said and began to cry. He didn't look like someone who had fallen for my words and as he stood a step forward I pushed closer to my dad who seemed to have been frozen in thoughts.

Moses suddenly moved closer to me and pushed me out of the carriage. He pulled me out on the ground and there was no one to save me since the road Moses used looked quite deserted. 

''Leave my daughter alone!'' my father finally maned up and he received a shot in the arm from Jermaine. I screamed and as I tried to move closer to my father Jermaine held me by the arm.

''Let go of me you monster!'' I screamed and he slapped me very hard.

''It's so simple. I'll kill anyone who interferes with what I have in mind and that is to kidnap you on your wedding day. Such a tragedy! David would look all over for you and he'll find your father's dead body in the carriage he gave to you and where is the bride? She's gone. I'll use you as a way to deprive the money of David and my presence alone signifies that you are still a married woman. With his money, I'll give you the rich life you have always longed for.''

He held tightly unto my hands and pushed me along. Moses sat on his motor which had been parked a yard away. He was Jermaine's partner in crime and unlucky me I was their prey. Just as he was about to move me into his car, two Police cars came from opposite directions already prepared for what was going on.

''Drop your weapon!'' they commanded Jermaine but he took me back and pointed the gun on my head. They had already taken captive of Moses just when he was about to escape and it was Jermaine's turn to return to the place he should never have come out from.

''It's either I go with her or we both die here together because there is no way I'm going to let Yvette get back to David. No way!'' Jermaine screamed and threw a shot into the air. A tantrum was caused that minute as I screamed as much as I could for the aid of the Police. 

''It's time for you to die!'' Jermaine said and triggered the gun ready to shoot me. I felt all my intestines gradually melting away to the thought of death. Just then I heard a gunshot and it was the last I heard because after the shot I fell. 

After a few seconds, I turned back, and lying right beside me was Jermaine with a gun through his thick skull and David standing poised with a gun in his hands. Just the thought of what might have happened made me faint.

July 30, 2020 22:27

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Gip Roberts
20:14 Aug 24, 2020

This story has great narrative and it kept me wanting to read on, but how exactly did Jermaine survive being electrocuted?


20:30 Aug 24, 2020

Thanks for asking and with the narrative point, I tried my best. Let me just say that Jermaine's survival is a mystery to the entire family and one that they all try very hard to figure out. I'll disclose his survival in one of my upcoming stories.


Gip Roberts
20:36 Aug 24, 2020

Looking forward to the sequel:)


11:19 Aug 29, 2020

The sequel you demanded has been uploaded :)


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17:52 Mar 15, 2021

It's a little short, but I like how you kept it intriguing the entire time. I think you should maybe cut up the prose a little bit with some more dialogue and action instead of all thoughts. Or, you could bring in some different elements to the longer parts to keep them fresh and new. Great introduction too!


08:12 Mar 16, 2021

Thanks for the advice, Ethan.


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