Fiction Funny Christian

*** Religious Irreverence ***

He sat back and put His feet up; it had been a long week. 

It had started at the beginning. If He had known then what He knew now, He may have had second or even third thoughts about attempting this crazy process. But it was too late. What was done, was done and even though He was exhausted, He was proud of what He’d wrought. 

It was on the first day that He began. The day was easy, He created light. It was good to see, but He could see nothing. Lots of nothing.

“What is the point of all this light, Your Most Holy and Honoured Greatness?” Gabriel asked. Gabe was good at playing Devil’s Advocate. Well, he and Lucifer were brothers of sorts, so maybe it was a family trait.

“I like to see.”

“But you’ve used so much energy to create light, and for what? What can we see? What is your plan?”

“My dear Gabriel, My plan is My own.” This was code for, ‘I am flying by the seat of My pants here, and I am making it up as I go along, but I will never admit as much to you!’ Gabriel nodded, aware that one does not question the Almighty Creator with impunity, and left His presence.

The second and third days were harder. Creating the sky should have taken moments, but it seemed as if He had neglected to think about boundaries. The sky kept expanding in a seemingly endless glitch. It took all of His energy to contain it and by the time He had wrestled it into some form of order; the day had gotten away from Him. Getting up bright and early on the third day, He was determined to make up for lost time. He created the water and the land, then caused plants to grow upon the land. It was beautiful, and He sat back to enjoy the fruits of His labour. It had been such a long day, and He had excelled Himself in the creative process.

“Um, Most Holy One,” Gabriel interrupted His solitary musings about the garden He had wrought. It was a good garden. Alive and thriving. “Um… the Angels have sent me to deliver their… um… their complaints… or neighbourly concerns, shall we say. It seems as if this constant light is getting to them, and they are becoming…. well… short tempered. I have had to step in numerous times to settle petty arguments. It’s the lack of sleep that’s causing some of the host to get tetchy.”

He sighed. There was always a price to pay for beauty. “Thank you for your report. Please let the Angels know I will take their concerns to heart and will rectify the situation tomorrow.” He would have to delay His next step and sort the light situation out or there would be anarchy in heaven.

And so it was that on the fourth day, He sorted the light out. He created the sun and moon, and because He didn’t really like the darkness, He dotted the night sky with stars.

“Stars, Your Most Holy and Honoured Great One?” Gabriel asked Him, his voice heavy with dismay. “There is not much difference between night and day then, is there?” It was true, while the Sun shone warm and bright during the day, the night sky was full of cold glimmering lights that lit up the land with dazzling brilliance. “Perhaps if you were to set those stars further away, like billions of miles further away, they wouldn’t shine so bright.” Gabriel suggested. “Subtlety, it is quite becoming, you know.”

And so it was that at the end of the fourth day, the stars were banished to the coldest, most distant regions of the sky, so that the Angels might sleep.

By the fifth day, He knew He needed to create something that would tame the vegetation that seemed to thrive unchecked, threatening to overrun His beautiful garden with towering weeds and rotting fruit. It took a day of hard work, perhaps the hardest He had worked yet, to create a plethora of animals, from the tiny to the enormous. He then set them to inhabit the land, sea, and sky. By the end of the day, His whole self quivered with exhaustion. Not one of the millions of creations was identical to the next. Diversity and uniqueness were the keywords for the brief from which He operated today, and the toll was extreme fatigue, but in the end, He looked upon His creation and was well pleased.

“Most Holy and Revered One?” Gabriel’s hesitant voice interrupted His rest and rumination. 

“Mmmm?” He barely opened His holy eyes, as He studied the angel who hovered nervously nearby.

“It seems like your creations are a little unruly. Each different animal has run wild and is creating havoc for the rest. The strong prey upon the weak, the smallest are multiplying alarmingly and decimating the natural vegetation, which is impacting the balance between flora and fauna.”

“Gabriel, I am exhausted. Can you not give Me just one moment’s peace before you start on about how I need to make even more modifications?”

“My sincere apologies, Oh Exalted One. But it is your creation, and I would hate to see that much effort come to nothing as it falls into unbridled chaos. There needs to be some form of caretaker, one that can keep the balance and ensure all is well.”

“Gabriel, that will be My first order of business tomorrow, I promise, but for now, I must rest.”

If all the other days were hard, the sixth day was the hardest. A caretaker required serious thought. He couldn’t just throw random ideas together and see if they stuck, like the platypus, or the axolotl. This one had to be perfect, and so He created a form, so like His own, from the very earth itself. He spent hours forming and reforming until it was just right. Then He breathed life into it, and created a second, into which He also breathed life. Although it had taken longer than He intended or indeed, expected, He was very happy with the results and He set the creation off with the tasks to be fruitful and multiply, and to care for His creation as if it were the creature’s own.

So much time and energy went into this final creation, that He was totally done in, His reserves of energy were spent and He promised Himself that He was taking the next day off in lieu for all His overtime this week.

And so on the seventh day, He rested.

Or He would have rested if He hadn’t been interrupted.

“Most Holy One, there appears to be a problem.”

“What now, Gabriel,” He sighed.

“Your creations are touching things they shouldn’t.”

“Gabriel, you are a grown angel. Surely you can deal with it. This is My day off.” 

Gabriel retreated, only to return moments later.

“Most Holy One, the creations have gotten into the garden!”

“Gabriel, I fail to see the problem,” He sighed wearily. “I created them to tend to the garden.”

“But Your Greatness, the Tree of Knowledge is in that garden.”

“What is this Tree of Knowledge? I do not recall creating it?”

“I am not sure, but it exists now. Perhaps it mutated and created itself.”

“Or perhaps some ‘no good’ angel interfered?” He intoned severely, His voice dripping with disappointment.

Gabriel had the grace to look shamefaced. “I had only thought to assist You with keeping the plants and animals in line by providing them with the ability to understand. I had no idea that You would create a keeper such as You did.”

“You created this ‘knowledge tree’, now you must tend to it yourself. Keep it within a wall and do not let it out to pollute My creation. I will deal with it and with you after My rostered day off.”

Gabriel scuttled away in a flurry of energy. It was likely that the Angels would be dissatisfied with their lot now, and perhaps need extra stimulation and responsibilities, especially as His creation seemed to be growing and developing beautifully. He’d think about giving Gabriel a job. He could run errands, kind of like a messenger. That would keep the meddlesome angel occupied.

He stilled Himself to enjoy the moment of unfettered down time, face full in the sunshine and eyes closed. Peace was a rare commodity in heaven, so much happening, so many angels to coordinate, that it was rare for Him to have moments entirely to Himself. 

“Oh, Holy One…”

“I’m resting!” He called back with a tone of voice that implied what was not said, that this had better be an emergency- a true life or death situation- for Gabriel to seriously consider disturbing him yet again.

“I am so sorry to disturb you once again, but it seems the creations have ignored my wall and all my warnings. The female one has eaten of an apple.”

“Gabriel, it’s an apple, for the sake of My Holy Name! What can possibly be so dire about her eating an apple that requires you to interrupt me ON MY DAY OFF?!”

“Well… it came from the Tree of Knowledge. She knows things now.”


“Knowledge is power, Oh Holy One.”

“So, she has power? Is that what you are concerned about?” He asked, lounging back in the sunshine again, trying to regain a sense of that inner peace and tranquility he so desperately needed.

“Knowledge without wisdom is dangerous, and Your creations are so new, they have not developed any wisdom to speak of.”

“And you are speaking from experience, Gabriel?” He asked, reminding the angel of his lack of wisdom in creating the tree in the first place. Gabriel flinched, acknowledging his error. “How did My creations even know of this fruit?”

“It would seem that there is a serpent in Your garden.”

“And who, pray tell, let the serpent into My garden?”

“… Well… I may have caught up with my brother for a few drinks…”

“You let Lucifer into My garden?” He was alert and upright now, indignant and working hard to contain His rising fury. Family was family, after all, and Gabriel couldn’t help but want to love his brother… But sharing heavenly secrets with the enemy was unacceptable.

“Gabriel, you need to sort this out yourself. This is a family matter. Get your brother away from my creations and I will deal with this, and you, after my day of rest. Am I clear?”

“I understand, Oh Holy One.” Again, Gabriel fluttered away in a whirl of agitation and distress. He almost felt sorry for the angel, but he did bring this on himself with his meddling.

Finding that inner peace was even more difficult now that His mind was consumed with thoughts of His creations and what chaos the rogue angel had set among them. He finally stilled His mind enough to calm His rioting thoughts. They would keep until His day of rest was over, and He would be more productive after taking the time out for His own self care. He didn’t need a therapist to give Him that advice; He was well versed in the need to rest and rejuvenate- R’n’R.

He had just slowed His breathing and finally reached that Zen pinnacle where mind and soul began to vibrate in harmony, when peace was shattered yet again by an urgent cry.

“Oh My Good and Holy One, Cain just killed Abel!”

He sighed in frustration. It was true that there was no rest for the wicked. But truer still is the fact that there is is no rest for the good.

March 04, 2023 07:32

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Zatoichi Mifune
13:18 Jul 17, 2023

Very well-written and enjoyable. Definitely religiously irreverent, but after all it's just a story. (I'm working through your stories from oldest to newest. Almost done with the second page now!)


Michelle Oliver
13:42 Jul 17, 2023

I’m quite humbled that you’re reading all of them… wow and thank you.


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KD Weinert
16:20 Mar 16, 2023

Hi Michelle! This is really well-written. I love how you've given the Lord and Gabriel very human emotions. I think too often we make them unapproachable. Did you see that another writer submitted a very similar story from the same prompt? I hope you check it out, it's also very good! Congratulations on an excellent piece!


Michelle Oliver
22:42 Mar 16, 2023

Thanks. I have seen a few stories on his same topic. Did you mean Lily’s? I thought her story was fantastic!


KD Weinert
05:17 Mar 17, 2023

I haven't read that one yet! I'll have to give that a look. I was talking about Dreion Allen's. It's funny how the same idea came to so many people!


Michelle Oliver
10:20 Mar 17, 2023

Thanks for recommending that one, I read it, hilarious.


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Susan Catucci
15:24 Mar 13, 2023

Wonderful, Michelle, just great! You have recreated the creation in relatable terms and it's a total delight, especially given the prompt from which it sprang forth. This is not only relatable, it's altogether possible! It reminds me of what I often say when I see competent people overwhelmed with responsibility: There's a price to pay for being capable. The creator here is all that, and more. So well done!


Michelle Oliver
20:34 Mar 13, 2023

Thanks Susan, interesting that we both went down the heavenly inspired road for this set of prompts


Susan Catucci
21:27 Mar 13, 2023

Divine, Michelle, simply divine.


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Zack Powell
21:30 Mar 12, 2023

I wish I knew more about the Bible, because I'm sure there were sly references and allusions that I missed, but the ones I caught were a lot of fun. Cain/Abel, Eve, Gabriel - very funny versions of those characters here. (Also, seeing an angel referred to as a "Devil's Advocate," lol.) It's a playful story. What I enjoyed most here was the character of God. I think a lot of common consensus depicts God as a patient, caring individual. But here He just wants a day of rest, and He (understandably) loses his patience when that can't even go ri...


Michelle Oliver
22:04 Mar 12, 2023

Thanks Zack. I had fun writing this and even laughed while writing some of those lines. I’m glad you enjoyed them too.


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Michele Duess
16:42 Mar 12, 2023

Ha ha I like the idea of Gabriel being responsible for the tree and letting Lucifer into the garden. It makes much more sense than God creating a tree and putting in the garden to be off limits. Because everyone with kids knows that is never a good idea. Great story!


Michelle Oliver
22:08 Mar 12, 2023

Thanks for reading. I’m glad you enjoyed it.


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Rama Shaar
05:26 Mar 12, 2023

Great stuff! The story flowed so well because of the masterful dialogue. I really liked how you characterised God and Gabriel. For once it's not just us humans taking all the blame. Very interesting and thought-provoking indeed!


Michelle Oliver
06:11 Mar 12, 2023

Thanks Rama. I hope you had a bit of a chuckle too.


Rama Shaar
06:18 Mar 12, 2023

I sure did!


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Charles Haynes
20:03 Mar 11, 2023

My favorite line was, "It's an apple, for the sake of My Holy Name!" Wish I had thought of that!


Michelle Oliver
22:35 Mar 11, 2023

Thanks Charles. I had fun creating a very exasperated version of the creator. A little too irreverent for some, I know, but hey I giggled writing it, and you laughed reading it. I liked that line too.


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Stevie Burges
14:11 Mar 11, 2023

Great story. I so enjoyed reading it. I was with God all the way, nothing worse than having a day off and getting constantly interrupted. Loved that Gabriel had gone out for drinks with Lucifer and the snake had got in! Brilliant. Great story, most inventivve.


Michelle Oliver
14:18 Mar 11, 2023

Thanks Stevie I had fun with this.


Stevie Burges
14:57 Mar 11, 2023

glad you had fun writing it - I had fun reading it.


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Kendall Defoe
02:00 Mar 11, 2023

Dear lord, this is a dear story about the Lord...and I loved it. Even the man upstairs can't take care of everything... Thank you for this one! ;)


Michelle Oliver
02:28 Mar 11, 2023

Glad you enjoyed it. I know it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but I had a giggle writing it and I’m happy you had a chuckle reading it.


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Viga Boland
18:40 Mar 10, 2023

How incredibly clever! Love the “humanity” you assigned to God. And as a non-believer, the humour in this really tickled my fancy. That said, heaven help you with the believers 🤪😂 BTW, Congratulations on having the winning cat story. Looks like I need to follow you and learn what makes a winner 😉


Michelle Oliver
19:36 Mar 10, 2023

Thanks viga, I know this one could be a little too irreverent for some, but I’m glad you enjoyed it.


Viga Boland
20:49 Mar 10, 2023

I certainly did. I love clever, funny writing with lots of dialogue.


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Mary Bendickson
23:00 Mar 09, 2023

Irreverent. Irreverent. Irreverent! Hilarious. Hilarious. Hilarious! Thank His Holy name He has a sense of humor. Just look at all He created. Forgiveness is free by the way:)


Michelle Oliver
07:03 Mar 10, 2023

Glad you enjoyed it.


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Michał Przywara
21:59 Mar 08, 2023

That's a funny take on the story :) Good interplay between God and Gabe, and it makes me wonder what other angelic shenanigans are happening in the background where we can't see them. Gabe does embody that knowledge-without-wisdom idea, where he can predict issues and ask questions about them, but then gets carried away with his own project without the same foresight. I suppose it's always easier to criticize someone else. "Creating the sky should have taken moments, but it seemed as if He had neglected to think about boundaries. The sky...


Michelle Oliver
22:28 Mar 08, 2023

Thanks Michal. This version of heaven is quite chaotic so I too wonder about the behind the scenes shenanigans. I had fun thinking about what issues could happen to complicate each step of creation if one was not thinking about every possible outcome and focused solely on the task of creation. I was definitely going for that software development idea, where one fix usually impacts other parts in unforeseen ways to the frustration of all. I’m happy you enjoyed the story, and thank you for taking the time to leave a review.


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Rebecca Miles
18:39 Mar 08, 2023

I thought at first that this could well be the fly in the ointment story prompt: light, but nothing to see; sky but not boundaries, but of course the one you've responded to is perfect. I love the tone of both God and Gabriel; by the end of the story we're firmly on God's side. All those tasks; all that meddling! I think I'd banish Gabriel from the garden! This was a wry and spry lighter take on something so often dreadfully serious ( I'm reminded of God in the Monty Python sketches very peeved by everyone averting their eyes). Very enjoyabl...


Michelle Oliver
22:17 Mar 08, 2023

Thanks Rebecca, I had fun with this one. Definitely channeling that Monte Python feeling. Was also thinking of that great British comedy, Yes Minister. Glad you enjoyed it, was a bit worried that it’s a little too irreverent for some.


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Laurel Hanson
14:10 Mar 06, 2023

Very funny while also thoughtfully exploring the problem of knowledge and self-will, which is a real conundrum out of the book of Genesis. You are a brave soul to tread into this unique (on-of-a-kind!) narrator's voice, and you did it well. I guess this would be the ultimate of example of the prompt wherein: "the universe is trying their patience." Kudos for that. I love the tone of the exchange all around. "Subtlety, it is quite becoming, you know.” Reminds me of Lewis' "Screwtape Letters" which I remember thinking was a hoot a million yea...


Michelle Oliver
14:16 Mar 06, 2023

Thanks for reading. I had a bit of fun with the creative license on this one. Glad you enjoyed it.


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Jack Kimball
03:23 Mar 05, 2023

Hey Michelle. Two things. Love you mention ‘Zen’. The inside joke here is Buddhists do not believe in God per se. Also the moral is great. ‘It was true that there was no rest for the wicked. But truer still is the fact that there is is no rest for the good.’ Highly imaginative!


Michelle Oliver
05:10 Mar 05, 2023

Thanks. I had a chuckle with God exploring all aspects of self regulation and paths to enlightenment to find an inner peace that seems to be lacking in this version of heaven. The Zen line was definitely deliberate here, and very tongue in cheek. Thanks for reading


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Wendy Kaminski
21:47 Mar 04, 2023

hehehe This was delightful, Michelle! Oh my Him! :) Cute spin on the first 7, with the appropriate doogooder meddling! Funny stuff, especially... - It’s the lack of sleep that’s causing some of the host to get tetchy. - lol That line just totally cracks me up! - He couldn’t just throw random ideas together and see if they stuck, like the platypus, or the axolotl. - LOL! - “Oh, Holy One…” /// “I’m resting!” - hehehe Feelin' the irritation! Just loved it! Also one nip-tuck: "inner peace was even more difficult now [t]hat His mind". Thanks...


Michelle Oliver
22:33 Mar 04, 2023

Thanks for picking that up! I’m happy you enjoyed it. The “tetchy” line was for you. It was your word and I loved it and knew I had to use it.


Wendy Kaminski
22:40 Mar 04, 2023

I am flattered! :)


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Kevin V
14:47 Mar 04, 2023

Well, this is an interesting and very creative take on the first few chapters of Genesis! Making Gabriel Lucifer's brother is unique and allows for some fun mischief between the two. God becoming exasperated at Gabriel's constant interruption was funny. Irreverent, certainly; but really unique and humorous. I enjoyed it. Seemed like fun to write.


Michelle Oliver
15:08 Mar 04, 2023

Thanks for reading and responding. I had fun writing this one.


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Darryl Roberts
07:51 Mar 04, 2023

Bravo! Absurd and witty, love it.


Michelle Oliver
07:58 Mar 04, 2023

Thank you, a little irreverent but fun to write.


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