The Night's Fairytale

Submitted into Contest #89 in response to: Start your story with a character taking a leap of faith.... view prompt


Fantasy Kids Adventure

 ‘I swear, Scallop stood by me’, said the blonde haired girl. ‘Admitting your mistake won’t help you this time Abigail Smith!’ her mother said scornfully. ‘I didn’t say I admitted it, I’m saying that I didn’t do it!’ her blue eyes almost filled up with tears as she said this. ‘What am I supposed to say? The whole school lied?’ her mother started shouting. ‘Oh! For once can you be in my shoes? You are supposed to support me’ she grabbed her guitar and sat by a corner and the rest she heard was her mother’s furious voice shouting, ‘BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!’ as she played it. The next thing she can hear was the breaking of the corner wooden piece of her precious instrument, her mother screaming, ‘ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?’ and her own heart breaking into a million pieces. She sobbed and her face went red with anger as she left the house with her diary and pen to the place she can call “Peaceful ” for a heart with raging emotions like hers.

She sat down below a tree, she could hear her father screaming at her mom and she cried with agony. About an hour later she sobbed down and took her dairy and pen and made her heart speak as she wrote, “That morning,     I was standing in the crowd when our principal announced, ‘Our school mascot Scallop ,The Lamb has been stolen.’ Being a girl with not so much courage I was terrified. Then I felt something soft rubbing my feet, I looked down, my eyes nearly jumped off and I think they would have fell down. Because it was scallop itself all white with his pink bow around his neck. Lifting him up I was about to say,     ‘I fo…’ but suddenly a nice clear voice interrupted, ‘She stole Scallop’. It appeared to me as if the whole school was telling the same. The rest of the things were a blur and it was nearly a night mare coming true…” she fell fast asleep.

She opened her eyes as Scallop licked her freckled cheeks. She got up on her feet to see a place that was in grief. She had a feeling that the place had been defeated by war. She looked upon a sand brown sky which was filled with dark red clouds, the trees stood bare, a chill down her spine told her that the place was haunted. The next thing she saw made her confirm the fact. It was a weird, dark shadow, coming towards her but it suddenly came to a halt but seemed to be moving sideways but fixed at the bottom. She made her mind to run away. As she was running a series of thoughts flashed on and off her mind. ‘Where should I go? What kind of creature was that? Why is Scallop with me? What place is this? Why are the clouds red?’ But the sight of something else made her stop running and go back. As she turned back she still saw the elephant like figure standing at same place. ‘ NO! I’m not courageous enough to take one more look at that horrible thing.’ But something told her to. She couldn’t win over her curiosity. She made small steps smaller than Scallop would! ‘ No I won’t go there!’ her heart screamed with fright. She could neither go right nor left. She stood there fighting with her intuition and curiosity. She then mustered courage to take one more daring look at it and then her heart jumped of her ribs .

She screamed with fright as she saw two alien like creatures, both grey in colour , absolutely the same face , just like an upside down pear , and of the same height. They said, ‘Hi!’ but the sound was louder than she thought and seemed to be coming from her back. As she turned there were millions of creatures like that as if they were all copies of the other. She would’ve fainted if one of the two creatures she first met hadn’t said, ‘ Don’t be scared! We’re not going to hurt you.’ The other one said, ‘I know our appearance may make you terrified but we were once beautiful pixies, you know…’ ‘Shhh!!! She’s a stranger Friday!!’ interrupted the other one. ‘No she’s not Saturday’ said a pixie who looked like he was the oldest and wisest of all. He continued, ‘Don’t you all recognize? She .. is the Lost Princess!’

‘Lost princess? Pixies? What are you talking about?’ asked Abigail. ‘Let me tell you my dear.’ the wise old pixie hastened to explain, ‘As Friday said we were all once pixies. But one day an enemy of ours killed our King and our Queen. We tried to save you, so we sent you to Earth. Goldpix as the name says was once golden, teemed with beautiful creatures but everything turned upside down after the war. You were our only faith. We’ve been waiting for you all these days. I hope you would set things right, won’t you?’

‘I would if I knew what has to be done and had the courage to do it.’ said Abigail solemnly. ‘You have to use your powers’ said the wise old pixie. ‘Powers? I have powers?’

‘Yes. You do’ , said Saturday. ‘Maybe she doesn’t know how to use them Saturday just like we did!’ said Friday to the other pixie. Abigail didn’t know if this was something she must be happy or sad for. After a long silence she said, ‘I don’t think I can help you, I don’t have any powers, I have to go home, please send me home.’ ‘We don’t know how to send you back ho..’ as the wise old pixie was saying, ‘ I do, you just have to fa…’ Friday interrupted him. He closed his mouth as Saturday kicked his feet. ‘Tell me.. please.. how do I go home?’ pleaded Abigail. But the old pixie said sternly, ‘Look dear, we lost you once. We don’t want to lose you again.’ Abigail turned back and started to run. The wise pixie ordered, ‘ Take her to the dungeons so she may not escape.’

Abigail cried with misery as she was sitting in a cell of the dungeon. It was dark but she was given nice meals as she was their ‘Princess Back Home’. ‘I just want to go back home, I don’t have any powers , please let me go..’ she cried bitterly as she said. She looked at Scallop who was lying solemnly on her lap. She heard a sweet voice say, ‘Who are you?’. She was mystified. ‘Scallop? Did you talk? How could you possibly talk? Well I think with were once pixies roaming around you talking wouldn’t be out of the ordinary.’ ‘No. It’s me. Hi, I’m Brent.’, said a boy nearly the same age of her. ‘Who are you?’ asked Abigail. ‘Nah! Asked the question first.’ ,said Brent. Abigail didn’t hesitate to answer, ‘I’m Abigail. Last night I fell asleep and opened my eyes to see this weird old lame place. They say they were pixies.. and that I’m their lost princess’. ‘YES!!!! I guessed it just right! I knew it! My King Richard and my Queen Leslie keeps talking about you all the time. Well not all times, only when they’re awake.’, said Brent in a slow soft voice. ‘What do you mean when they are awake? ,’ asked Abigail.

‘Well. There was a witch called The Red Witch. She captured me, King Richard and The Queen and left us in a lonely forest. The King and the Queen barely wakes up but they keep chanting your name as if they know you. They always describe how you look , you know , your blonde hair, blue eyes, freckled cheeks and most importantly that lamb, what is it’s name again? Scallop , yes. I followed the witch one day to Goldpix to seek for medicine to cure the King and The Queen. But they captured me here for some reason which they kept to themselves!’ said Brent. Abigail offered him a deal, ‘ Ok. If I help you escape this dungeon would you help me use my powers?’. This was a weird deal for Brent, ‘You never know to “use” your powers you “feel” it.’

‘Well can you teach me how to “feel” it?’ asked Abigail. ‘I don’t know. But I’ll certainly try if you help me cure the King and Queen.’, said Brent. ‘Ok so tonight we escape this dungeon.’, said Abigail with a grin. That night after their meals Abigail sent Scallop running in a weird way. ‘Man, that lamb literally understands every word you say.’ Said Brent. Abigail smiled and took his hand and opened the cell gate with the most common hairpin trick and started to run like cats. Not a single soul noticed them. In about an hour of running at half past twelve they were in the heart of the forest.

Abigail was in the depths of her fear. She kept close to Brent. Brent said, ‘ Be careful. I’ve never been in this part of the forest.’ They suddenly felt something soft rubbing against both of their legs. Their eyeballs widened as if they were going to pop out. The two jumped with fright and started running. When Brent was going to look behind, Abigail said, ‘ NO!! Don’t look back. Just don’t. You won’t know what horrible things you would see.’ But Brent wasn’t afraid. He looked back and stopped running for once and said, ‘Hey look!! It’s Scallop’. Abigail caught her breath back and went closer to see that Scallop was injured.

‘Scallop. Oh! Dear. How did you get this awful bruise. Oh it was my fault. She started crying and placed her hand on the wound. Taking her hand off she asked Brent to look for medicine. She saw the surprised look on Brent’s face and asked, ‘What are you looking at in yonder?’ Brent said, ‘ I think there is no need to look for medicine.’ ‘No need to look for medicine? Are you kidding? Scallop is bl..’ as she turned to look at the bruise in Scallop’s knee her jaw dropped open. Brent said, ‘ I think you have discovered your power and it is healing people!’ Abigail would have almost fainted. Brent asked her, ‘ What’s the matter?’. Abigail said, ‘ I don’t think I’m ready for this. I mean.. I don’t deserve it. You see.. I am no one special.’

‘You may not have been special but now is your chance to be. You can’t get rid of it. You have to live with it. I know it’s heaven and hell.’ Said Brent. ‘Are you an expert at this or what?’ asked Abigail. ‘I am no expert. But experience speaks. I have the power to make people happy. C’mon let’s go. ’, said Brent. They went forward into the forest. ‘I think I know this part of the forest. Yes the path behind this ivy leads us to the place where the King and the Queen are.’ said Brent in excitement pushing the ivy apart and discovering the way. They could see a haunted cottage a few miles away. ‘This place is beautiful.’ said Abigail in awe. ‘This place may be beautiful but as much as it is beautiful it is dangerous.’ said Brent.

‘Oooh!’, said Abigail noticing that the place was already creepy enough. Suddenly they heard something behind the bushes. They turned to see nothing. The next thing they knew someone grabbed them by the feet. They were dragged by someone. The two of them started screaming, they were pulled ruthlessly , by something. Abigail shouted, ‘ Is it magical ivy?’ Brent assured her, ‘ No! It’s the Red Witch!’ The dragging stopped and they finally opened their eyes to see the King and the Queen. The witch said, ‘ Finally, it’s the Lost Princess’ in her fine English accent, ‘ Your powers will give me the title of The Greatest Witch in the Universe.’ Then she vanished into dark red ashes.

As soon as she went Brent said, ‘ Soon heal them with your powers. ‘ I can’t do it on command. I don’t have the slightest idea how the hell did I heal Scallop’, said the alarmed girl. ‘You have to feel the same feel you felt while healing Scallop. Please you’re the only hope. The medicine I gave them didn’t work!,’ pleaded Brent. Abigail went and knelt near the King and touched him , he woke up immediately and opened his eyes to see the beautiful girl. He said, ‘ My daughter. You are back!!’ Abigail looked at Brent, he nodded as he knew that she was their daughter. All this was incredibly weird for Abigail as she already had parents !

Then she said nothing and did the same to the Queen , her mother. She hugged her lost girl as if the hug would last for a thousand years. The King broke the long emotional silence by saying , ‘ The witch. We have to stop her. She is the cause for all these crises. She caused a war between Goldpix and Prospix by subjecting the pixies of both lands to misunderstandings. She first kidnapped Brent from Prospix and blamed us for it. During war she defeated us , took us here and deprived us of all our powers. She did the same to all the pixies of Goldpix and Prospix. We managed to save only you by sending you to earth. You have the power to fight her. You are our only hope.’

‘Fight her! NO!! Not me. I’m not as courageous as any of you here are. I won’t stand a minute in front of her. Please send me back home.’ said Abigail her eyes filling up in tears. ‘You have all the powers to fight her. You have to believe in yourself. You have to muster up courage. It is heaven or hell. You gotta fight her or you are gonna end up like us.’ said Brent. She sat for a few minutes and said, ‘ I dunno if this is all a dream or is it really happening? But I always give up on things before I even try. I must not do that to you too. It is your life and your powers and you must get it back. So I will try all possible ways to restore them to you’. ‘ Common we better be heading soon and if we are gonna stop that Red Monster we are gonna need back up.’ said Brent with a grin as if it said, ‘ I have a plan’.

As they went past the ivy Brent bid goodbye to the three of them and started running towards Prospix. Meanwhile as they went to Goldpix they were stunned at what they saw. They saw the king of Prospix and the wise old pixie fighting. The king of Prospix threw his sword at the old pixie and he fell on the ground with a loud thud. The king of Goldpix at once took the sword in the pixie’s hand and went on to fight the King of Prospix. Abigail hurried to the old pixie’s help and in no time she healed him. Meanwhile she saw something that surprised her. It was the King of Prospix coming along with Brent. Then it occurred to her that the one fighting with the King of Goldpix was the Red Witch !

She at once shouted, ‘ She is The Red Witch. She is the cause for everything that is happening here. The Queen proved it as she was holding her magical glass towards the witch. The Red witch said, ‘ Don’t you dare take one more step towards me or I will blow your king to hell. Abigail said, ‘ I’m all you want why do you hurt these poor pixies?’ The witch smiled sarcastically and said, ‘ Why I hurt them? They once humiliated me. I don’t think you all might remember Alexa McCartney who once was a pixie like you? Now it’s payback time and you must accept it whether you like it or not.’

Abigail didn’t know what needs to be done. She can’t put the King’s life to bait. She had to do something and at once the idea flashed her heart. It was the same idea that was coming from Brent’s mouth, ‘ Abigail! Heal her heart!’ After she cast the magic the whole of Goldpix and Prospix was reborn and revived again. Friday and Saturday said in unison, ‘ The Revival of Goldpix and Prospix’. The Red Witch was no longer called that and everyone respected Alexa McCartney as a beautiful pixie. The coronation of Abigail as princess ended up in a celebration that lasted for a month! The king said , ‘ Don’t worry my child. You have the best of both worlds. He said a spell and she woke up to find sunshine blinding her eyes. ' All of this happened in a night? ' , she headed home wondering if it was a dream but Scallop assured it wasn’t. He also gave away the secret of who actually stole him! It was the girl who blamed Abigail. Scallop was indeed the magical lamb who took Abigail to Goldpix.

April 14, 2021 14:12

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