Drama Funny Romance

We ran up the Cabin’s front step as the snow started to beat on the ground. My 2 siblings screamed as they ran inside.  

“Girls! No screaming!” Mom yelled. My best friend, Logan smiled as I sighed.  

“This is going to be so fun.” He said wrapping his strong arms around my neck. 

“Me too.” I laughed, resting my hands on his arms.  

My little sister, Hazel ran up to me, wrapping herself around my leg. I sat there, with now 2 people lounging on me. 

“Okay everybody off.” I said, pushing them away.  

Logan backed off but Hazel stood there with her bottom lip trembling. I bent down and sighed. 

“What’s going on?” I asked, rubbing her arm. 

“I wanted to say I love you.” She complained, hugging me. 

I smiled to myself and hugged her back. 

“I love you too, Hazel.” I replied. 

She smiled and ran off to her twin, Amelia.  

The lights to the cabin flickered and then completely shut down. The snow became hail, and I shrieked as I slipped on the furniture. Logans arms snatched me before I could hit the ground. 

“Are you okay?” He asked, his blue eyes stared into mine. We stayed there for a second as I got lost in his eyes. 

“Y-Yeah I’m fine.” I replied, getting up. 

“Hope?! Are you okay?!” Mom yelled from the other room. 

“Yeah! How about the girls?!” I yelled back. 

“Their fine!”  

I breathed in relief and turned back to Logan. 

“Thanks for saving me.” I spoke. 

He nodded. 

I looked around the Cabin. Crap. Everything was shut down. I got my phone out along with Logan. I tried calling my dad, but he didn’t answer. There was no internet as well. Logan walked over to the light switch and try to turn it on, but nothing happened. 

“Crap.” He mumbled.  

I nodded. Mom came rushing from the kitchen, Hazel and Amelia glued to her hands.  

“Nothing is working, Ms. Hamilton.” Logan said, walking over to her. 

She sighed and bit her bottom lip. 

“We might have to wait it out. Did you try opening the doors?” She asked. I imagined a light bulb above her head. 

I rushed to the back door and tried to open it. Glued shut. 

“This one is jammed!” I announced. I heard Logans voice from the front door. 

“This one too!”  

We walked over to mom, worry covering her face.  

“W-What happening M-M-Mama?” Amelia wailed, tugging on mom’s hand. 

“I don’t know, dear.” She replied, picking her up.  

Hazel ran over to me and bolted her arms up. I lifted her, putting her on my hip.  

“Maybe it will melt overnight.” Logan suggested.  

I shook my head. 

“I don’t think it will...” I rubbed my forehead.  

“Come on Hope. Let's not be negative here.” Mom said. 

“I’m not. It's just, if it is like this right now, do you really think it will pass overnight?” I put Hazel down and rubbed my neck.   

“I’m going up to my room.” I left the room and went into my room. I plopped on the bed and groaned.   

An hour after that, Logan came and placed his bag on his bed which was next to mine. He took out some of his clothes and shoved them in the dresser. I yawned and looked at him. He sat on my bed and held my hand.  

“Are you okay, Hope?” He asked, smiling sadly. I looked at his hand and nodded.  

He hugged me tight and rubbed my back. He let me go and looked into my eyes. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. I leaned in and so did he. We were so close I could feel his breath. He swallowed and brushed his lips against mine. I smiled and kissed him back, resting my hand on his bold shoulder. We pulled apart and he rested my forehead against mine. Mom came in with a basket on her hip.  

“What are you guys doing?”  

We jolted away from each other and looked at her. She lifted one eyebrow and stared at us. 

She put the basket on my lap and laughed. 

“To be young and in love...” She sang as she walked out.  

Me and Logan exchanged looks and laughed. We looked out the window and saw sun.  

“Look!” I said, pointing to the window. We rushed downstairs and the doors became easy to open.  

“Mom!” I yelled. 

She came running and cheered when she saw it opened.  

We continued our 2 weeks in our cabin, and finally went home. Me and Logan officially came official. When we left, my mom said it was a Hope miracle. Get it? My name is hope. Oh never mind. Dad kinda scared Logan when he found out we were dating, but after a couple of months, dad approved of him. I can't wait to start a new chapter with him. Hazel and Amelia keep calling him 'brother' which causes blush like THAT. Maybe one day. We keep visiting that Cabin, but mostly when it's in the summer. Now way am I going back in the winter. Dad also came with us, and he made sure we didn't sleep in the same room. Really embarrassing, but oh boy, do I love my dad. This really was a Hope miracle.

Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed this little story. I know what you are going to say, "I wanted to see the second part of The Werewolf's curse!" Well my good friends, there wasn't any prompts that really lit any inspiration this week for part 2. Maybe next week! I loved to write this though! Also, can I just say thank you so much for 300 karma points?! It is such a wonderful achievement! Thank you soooo much!!! Also, I was watching a youtube video and it played christmas music. Is it bad that I cried?! LOL! Enough weirdness. Make sure to follow me as I post once (Maybe twice) Every week!! I love you guys so much and hope you are staying safe and healthy (Including your families). I can't believe so many families are going through all these hard things. It breaks my heart!! Also I would LOVE your feedback! It helps me alot! Well, I hope to see you guys later! Stay safe and healthy!! Byee!! *HUGGIES*

January 17, 2021 23:45

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Danny -
01:24 Jan 18, 2021

Awww hazel sounds soo cute, and lol the hope miracle idea/title's clever Great job!


Katie May
03:23 Jan 18, 2021

Thank you so much!! I hope you enjoyed it! :D


Danny -
04:03 Jan 18, 2021

of course :))


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Nainika Gupta
12:05 Jan 22, 2021

This is soooo cute!! Loved it, as usual, Katelyn!!


Katie May
13:16 Jan 22, 2021

Awww! Thank you so much!!! :D


Nainika Gupta
13:26 Jan 22, 2021

:D:D you're most welcome!!


Katie May
13:46 Jan 22, 2021

How did the horrible finals go???


Nainika Gupta
14:08 Jan 22, 2021

uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhggggggggg well, they went, that's for sure - and so did my grade. whelp ahah, but they were actually not bad - super long, but I think i did great THANKS FOR ASKING <3


Katie May
14:23 Jan 22, 2021

Of course! FINALS SUCK! Last year I didn't have them, cause I moved. Haha, but oh boy. I'm glad you did well! <3


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Nainika Gupta
18:17 Jan 27, 2021

HEY! How are you???!! New story!


Katie May
19:46 Jan 28, 2021

Heyyy! I'm doing well! You?! And WOOOTTT?!


Nainika Gupta
20:20 Jan 28, 2021

ehh not too bad!!


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Katie May
19:47 Jan 28, 2021



Nainika Gupta
20:21 Jan 28, 2021



Katie May
20:27 Jan 28, 2021

Just posted a new story!!


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Nancy Drayce
09:08 Jan 18, 2021

Aww a very cute story!! I really like the names you picked! 💜🌟 Just a small typo here "Logan walked over to the light switch and try to turn it on, but nothing happened. " I believe you meant 'tried' All in all, a very nicely written story!!


Katie May
17:25 Jan 18, 2021

Thank you so much for the feedback!! I will correct that right away! :DD


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