Interview Gone Blindly Wrong

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write about a character who’s stuck in an elevator when the power goes out.... view prompt


Funny Romance Adventure

I can feel it. Today is my big day. I am only a junior in high school, but I somehow managed to get an interview at one the biggest companies in New York. Yes, me, Sarah Matrix finally getting her shot at IBM Industries. Sure, it’s only an intern position, but still, if I could even watch and learn… ugh that would be a dream come true. Ever since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to do something big in my life. I wanted to work somewhere big and do all these big things that made decent money. Now I was finally going to.

I woke up this morning ready and prepared for anything. Nothing would stop me from getting this intern position. I was well aware that Mr.Blake was choosing four interns to interview, all from different schools and only two would be chosen. But I was smart, determined, and prepared to raise hell if needed. 

I got out of bed and headed into the bathroom to start my morning routine. I turned on Ted Talks daily and started brushing my teeth. After my teeth were brushed I worked on my face. Starting with my morning scrub, I washed my face and applied little mascara to make my baby blue eyes pop-out some and added some shiny lip gloss to my soft pink lips. When I was satisfied with my face I decided to work on my hair.

Everyone in the Matrix family was cursed with wildly curly hair. Whether it be blonde or brown it was a wild wild mess. I was no exception to that curse either. My blonde hair was so light it was almost white, and it was so curly that if I were homeless rats would probably sleep in it and make it their home. Ew. Gross I know, but that’s just how my hair was. A big giant mess.

But not today, curse. Today I was going for a more elegant look to make me seem older and mature. Today I was going to bring out the damage controller. My straightener. I planned on straightening my hair today and adding a plaid headband to go with the outfit I had picked out.

It took me two in half hours to straighten my hair. Literally. I played my morning playlist of happy songs and it went through twice. That’s how long it takes me to straighten my hair. I stared at myself in the mirror, twirling the ends of my hair. I was pretty enough. With my creamy pale skin, baby blue eyes, light blonde hair, and short semi-plump body.

I had never had a boyfriend before, but plenty of the boys at school noticed me and picked on me. They were too immature for my taste though. I wanted someone who was smart and sophisticated. Somebody I could actually carry on a conversation with, and at my school, that was likely to never happen.

I finished getting ready, throwing on my clothes and grabbing my bag. I rushed downstairs to catch breakfast before the bus showed up.

“That’s what you’re going to wear for your interview today?” My older sister Hailey asked. Hailey was smart, gorgeous and she had all the boys at school eating out of her palms. Hailey was popular with popular friends. She had everything. She was a senior and was in every club you could possibly think. She was student council president, class president, and she was head leader of the yearbook committee. She was also jealous about my interview today.

“Yes, why? Is there something wrong with it, I wanted to look older today so I wouldn’t seem like such a kid.” I told her smoothing down my skirt and adjusting my top. Hailey rolled her eyes at me.

“Don’t you ever bother to check the weather in the mornings? Or at least pay attention to the podcasts that you play in the mornings?” She sneers picking up her toast biting into it. I pulled my phone quickly out of my bag and scrolled through the weather app.

“No, no, no. This can’t be happening, not today.” I mumbled staring at the forecast. Rain storms this whole entire week.

“You have to help me Hailey please.” I pleaded looking up at my sister and tucking my phone back in my bag, “This is a big moment for me I don’t want to mess up.” My eyes began to water. I felt the tears coming, and I knew if they did Hailey wouldn’t turn me down. She was a good enough sister.

“Fine. You’re lucky I decided to throw a pair of leggings in my bag this morning.” She said grabbing them and tossing them at me. I caught the pair of black leggings and slipped them under my tan skirt. Putting my boots back on, I figured there was nothing I could do about my top so I worried about my hair.

“Do you still carry around that hair gel?” I asked, making my eyes big and pouty at her. I giggled when she groaned, glaring at me, but reached in her bag and tossed me her hair gel as well.

“You know one day, I’m not going to be able to save you like this.” She said now, giving me a sad smile. I nodded knowingly as I slicked my hair back into a tight ponytail so it wouldn’t frizz when the rain came. 

Mom and dad were always away on business trips and it had always been Hailey and me. We had a nanny when we were younger, but when Hailey reached middle school mom and dad let her stay home with me. Hailey always took care of me no matter what. Even when she was angry with me or jealous of me(like right now), she always had my back.

She kept the boys away from me at school when she could, and helped me get through my first period. She was my rock and she would be leaving for college this summer. I was sad to see her leave but I knew she needed to get out of here. She’s had a hard time lately and I just understood.

I tossed her gel back to her before plopping into the seat beside her. Just when I was about to eat my breakfast, a horn honked. You’ve got to be kidding me, I groaned. First I blow my outfit, now I’m missing breakfast. I felt so confident that I would dominate the world today, but now my stomach was starting to turn and I felt a feeling I had never felt before. Nervousness. 

I was confident about everything. I always knew everything would turn out okay because that’s just who I was. But now, today, I was nervous about this interview. It meant everything to me, it would be the start of my life.

I ran out the door behind Hailey and got onto the bus. I sat in my normal seat in the front so I wouldn’t be talked to by the rowdy people in the back. I liked to stick to myself. Aside from my two best friends and Hailey, I didn’t talk to very many people unless I had too. Again, that’s just the type of person I was.

I plugged my headphones into my phone and turned on some music that I knew would calm me down. I listened to The Beatles song Let It Be. It was a classic and personally one of my favorites. Our bus filled pretty quickly and when a little girl came onto the bus and looked around I moved my bag to my lap and smiled at her. She stared at me and gave me a little kid smile as she sat beside me.

I stared out the window the rest of the ride. Watching, as we drove into the school bus lot. Fort Hamilton High School was pretty big, and it always amazed me. It was prettier when you looked at it in the night time. Hailey took me once. The bus driver let the kids off the bus before pulling into his parking space. I slung my bag over my shoulder and waited for the bell, signaling us to get off the bus. When it rang I rushed off the bus and hurried into the giant building they called a high school, to find my two best friends.

I found Grace sitting on one of the benches in the corridor reading some horror story. Grace Mckay was my first best friend. We’d been friends since the second grade when I gave her a whole box of pencils to use to class. Grace stuck out at our school. She always dressed in some type of black bottoms with a rock t-shirt and a plaid button up tied around her waist. 

She got her nose pierced freshman year and I was so stunned and mesmerized by it. I don’t think I would… no, I don’t think I could ever do that to my face or any other part of my body. I liked to blend in with the people here at this school, to refrain from too much attention.

“What are you reading?” I asked, grabbing the book out of her hands while walking past her.

“Roses are Red by James Patterson.” She stated, scrambling off the bench to walk beside me, “It’s about this serial killer who plays a game and sends clues to the detective, and he/she has people do work for him and when he is through with them he kills them then rapes their dead corpse.” Grace says. I shudder.

“Sounds lovely.” I give her the book back and find my second best friend Hannah, already in our homeroom(yes, we all have the same homeroom). Hannah West and I have been best friends since the fourth grade. She was getting bullied for wearing glasses and being the slightest bit chubby. So I did what any sane person would do and I marched over there and asked her if she wanted to play with me. 

Hannah was shy. She was the quiet one out of us three. She stayed hidden and only talked to Grace and I. I waved at her before taking my sit when Mr. McKindrick walked in clapping his hands to quiet down the rowdy students.

“Okay class, today is a BIG day!” He exclaimed, putting emphasis on the word big. I squirmed in my seat a little too excited to sit still.

“A number of students here have been chosen for an interview at different companies here in New York. If I call your name and bus number, please grab your belongings and head to that bus.” Mr.McKindrick said reading out names. Grace and Hannah waved goodbye to me when my name was called and I giddily hurried to my bus.

I got on bus number 23 and noticed the whole bus was filled with students. Only one seat was open near the front and I chose to sit there not wanting to sit by anyone else. I felt the butterflies return in my stomach and started breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth to control them. I still couldn’t believe I was going to get to meet Mr.Blake.

I was prepared though. I thought everything out. As the bus pulled out of the parking lot I listened to the indistinct chatter of the other students on the bus as my thoughts on the view of the city drowned them out. Slowly, I watched as the clouds turned gray, and giant raindrops began pounding against the bus window.

When students were slowly let off the bus and it was my turn, I felt like throwing up, crying, and doing a happy dance all at the same time. I got off the bus rushing, as I tried not to get completely soaked in rain, but it was no use. 

When I entered the tall building, my hair was drenched and was starting to curl at the ends and my shirt was soaking wet, but I didn’t care. I was staring in awe as I watched people rush around the building trying to get somewhere.There was a loud boom from outside and I jumped a little as I looked at the people. Some held coffee, some were in a heated conversation on the phone, and others were carrying stacks of paper.

I went to the reception desk to let the lady know who I was. She smiled at me and held up one finger as she talked on the phone. Her name tag read Jenna.

“Hi, my name is Sarah Matrix. I was one of the chosen students for the intern interview.” I told her smiling when she hung up the phone.

“Oh, yes! Right, right I forgot that was today.” She exclaimed. She handed me some papers before pointing me towards an elevator and told me what floor.

There was another loud boom and I flung myself into the elevator that was beginning to close, not wanting to wait for another one. There was a boy in there. A gorgeous one for that matter. He held papers in his hands and when I looked at the floor number he was going to I noticed it was the same floor I needed and I realized that he was also here for the internship.

Just as I was about to say something, the elevator started to shake a little before coming to a halt as the lights went out. Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. This was not good. That’s when it happened. I started having a panic attack.

“Dude are you okay?” The guy asked, his voice deep and gruff. I couldn’t see him anymore, it was pitch black and I felt like I was going to pass out. I couldn’t breathe.

“Yup totally.” I tried to get out sounding like a smoker. He chuckled, turning on his flashlight on his phone. I sat down as I began to feel light headed.

“Dude you don’t look so good.” He said again squatting in front of me. I rolled my eyes at this. This guy was either dumb or… nope he was just simply dumb.

Dude you think. Hey, by the way, do you mind not blinding me while we're stuck in here? I'd like to keep my eyesight thank you very much.” I said glaring at him. He smirked at me then, setting his phone on the ground between us so that I could see him better. I gasped, he had bright, vibrant green eyes.

By the look on his face I could tell he noticed me staring and I blushed. Then I remembered where we were and started hyperventilating again. I never should have taken the stupid elevator. I knew it was storming outside.

I was about to say something again when I heard people shout outside our elevator that the power went out and that we would be stuck here for a while. The guy across from me hollered back letting him know we were in here and were okay. The people outside the elevator called back saying that when we got out everyone was being sent home for the day.

I started crying then. That meant no interview. I had prepared for today for weeks and now they were just going to send us home. Ugh today was a disaster.

“Don’t worry everything is going to be okay, and if not, well you can kiss me and it will all be better.” The guy said, looking very smug. I sniffed wiping the snot from my face.

“Go to hell, I don’t even know your name.” I blurted out, then clasped my hands over my mouth, my eyes wide. I didn’t normally cuss like that. The guy just chuckled though.

“I’m Ethan.” He said holding out his hand for me to shake. I look at him suspiciously like he might be trying to give me a disease or something.

“Sarah.” I said, before reluctantly taking his hand. He tightened his grip before I could let go and brought my hand to his lips kissing it softly. I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled again. He grabbed his phone and started playing games on it, ignoring me.

My thoughts started racing and I began hyperventilating again when I remembered where we were and what was happening. Next thing I knew everything went black.

When I wake up I am no longer in the elevator and it is no longer dark. The lights are back on and I was in an open hallway. I looked up only to see Ethan leaning over me staring at me with a bored look in his eyes.

“I didn’t even get to kiss you yet. Isn’t that how it works? A true love's kiss is supposed to wake you up.” He smirks, playfulness filling his green eyes. I roll mine disgusted.

“Sorry would you like me to pass out again?” I question, irritated. He smiles about to answer my question when I stop him, “It was a rhetorical question you idiot.” I say smiling this time when he feigns a hurt look. 

Ethan stands up straight and holds his hand out to me. I take it and he pulls me to my feet. I take a step back and let go of his hand when I realize how close we are.

“So blondie, can I get your number?” He asks and I groan. I start walking away from him and when we reach the lobby where the exits are I see my bus and turn to him.

“Look thanks for staying when I passed out, but sorry I have a lot going on right now, I’ll see you later.” I said before walking out the door and getting on my bus.

September 09, 2020 07:30

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17:32 Sep 09, 2020

Great job! I liked this story.


Josali Hope
03:04 Sep 10, 2020

Thank you! :)


03:06 Sep 10, 2020

No problem!!


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16:58 Sep 09, 2020

Awesome first story! Enjoyed it!


Josali Hope
17:15 Sep 09, 2020

Thank you, I really appreciate it!


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Louise Muller
22:17 Sep 16, 2020

Congratulations on your first story, Josali. I think you did a great job on capturing the age group. The characters are likable and her nervousness and hair problems are relatable.


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Avery G.
22:31 Sep 09, 2020

Wow, this was good! I loved it! Great job!


Josali Hope
03:05 Sep 10, 2020

Thanks, so much! :)


Avery G.
04:04 Sep 10, 2020

You're welcome!


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Josali Hope
21:40 Sep 09, 2020

So I decided to continue this short story and I literally can't stop smiling, because of how cute and funny the characters are. But check it out on Wattpad @josali4hope and see what I do with it! :)


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P. Jean
17:47 Sep 09, 2020

Nice story. Conveys the mixed confidence and insecurities of that age.


Josali Hope
03:07 Sep 10, 2020

That's a teenager for you, and thank you.


P. Jean
03:22 Sep 10, 2020

For sure...been there myself!


Josali Hope
04:31 Sep 10, 2020

Haven't we all! Haha


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