Author's Note: I am very aware that this story does not go with the prompt, I just wanted to get this submitted. Want to know why? Because this is the start of my novel! Give me hard, critical critique. Some compliments are okay, but mostly critique. Please. And thanks for reading!
I was never normal. People whispered behind my back, called me names. If they only knew I heard those whispers. Most of the bullies who whispered behind my back were the ones who were insecure, and took joy in making others feel more insecure. Even though I didn’t show it, these people hurt my feelings. They made me feel like I was lower than them. Like I was just some scum on the floor that they had the liberty to kick at it, rub it the wrong way. Like I wasn’t human.
In my mind, I attempted to think that these people were all just playing this huge prank on me, and someday they would stop and say that they truly liked me, and that they wanted to be friends. But in my heart, I knew that it wasn’t a prank. I knew that these people didn’t like me. In fact, they hated me.
A funny word, that is, hate. You can tell your mother that you hate her, but you know you love her. You can tell your best friend that you hate them, but tomorrow you’ll be closer than ever. You can tell your siblings that you hate them, but you know that you’ll always be there for each other. But then it comes to me and the other people. Those other people, they truly hate me. They hate me with all of their heart.
But, for whatever reason, when I had to leave those other people, I didn’t want to.
Chapter 1
“Liv! Breakfast is ready! Noah! Breakfast!” Dad called.
I slid my Pura Vida wave ring on, straightened my shirt, and tightened my ponytail before walking out of my room, and into the hallway that led to the stairs. When I walked into the hallway, I was met with the sad sight of my younger brother Noah in his pajamas with bed-head hair.
“Noah, you know Dad isn’t going to let you go downstairs where people could see you from outside on a day like this, dressed like that. Go back in your room, change, comb out your hair, then try to come down, you Oompa Loompa.” I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms as Noah looked at me with a dumbfounded look on his face. Despite that, he turned around and walked back into his bedroom.
With a look of triumph on my face, I walked downstairs and to the dining table. My mom was already sitting at the table, and my dad was in the process of cooking breakfast. I sat down across from my mom, who was devouring an omelet.
“Good morning, Mom. Hey, Dad. Oh, that smells good.” Raising my body from my chair a bit, I looked at the breakfast display. A smile played on my lips at the thought of a homemade breakfast.
“Yup. Special occasion, special food.” Dad placed two plates of waffles and omelets at the center of the table with a smile, and I pounced on it. As I shoved a piece of the waffle into my mouth, Noah came rushing down the stairs. For once, he was dressed in not-ripped jeans and a nice polo shirt. Plus, Noah’s hair was swooping to one side with gel.
“Special occasion, Noah actually cares about how he dresses,” I giggled. Noah shot a glare at me as he sat down next to Mom.
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I honestly can't find anything wrong with this, I know ya want some critique for it but I'm kinda bad at it, I know some others will probably come and say some other stuff though. This was just a bit of chapter 1, but I can already tell that this will be a really great novel ^^ I still couldn't find really wrong with anything, but I guess you should just watch out for spelling errors or anything like that when you work on the novel.
Thank you so much, B.!
No problem ^^ how many chapters do ya think there'll be in the novel?
No idea.
are ya possibly writing it on the reedsy book editor thing?
You asked for harsh critique, so I must oblige. Here goes!
Most of the bullies who whispered behind my back were the ones who were insecure, and took joy in making others feel more insecure. ~ No comma necessary.
In my mind, I attempted to think that these people were all just playing this huge prank on me, and someday they would stop and say that they truly liked me, and that they wanted to be friends. ~ It's a little too long. Try this: In my mind, I attempted to think that those people were all just playing this huge prank on me. Someday they would stop and say that they truly liked me and wanted to be my friend.
When I walked into the hallway, I was met with the sad sight of my younger brother Noah in his pajamas, bed-head hair. ~ The comma could be replaced with "with" and mae the sentence flow better.
I don't know if you're from the US, but your English spelling don't match. "Pyjamas" and "omelette" for English other than American, and "pajamas" and "omelet" for American English.
Raising my body up from my chair a bit, I looked at the plates that had waffles and omelettes on them. ~ "Raising my body up" is redundant. Remove the "up," since "raising" means to go up.
Dad placed the two plates of food in the center of the table with a smile. ~ I think "in" is the wrong term here. "At" sounds better.
Okay, so we know they're having omelets and waffles. You mention is too much for our interest, however. "Raising my body from my chair a bit, I looked at the plates that had waffles and omelets on them." This describes it fine but you go on later to describe it further: "Dad placed the two plates of food at the center of the table with a smile. I grabbed a waffle, put it on my plate, then cut a piece of omelet, and put it next to the waffle on the plate. As I shoved a piece of waffle into my mouth, Noah came rushing down the stairs." That's a lot of talk about their breakfast. As an author, like Amaya said, you will be tempted to put in as many details. Keep this in mind, though: Does it really enhance the story? In this case, it doesn't. Play around with the words to make it more interesting.
Also, all the "these" in your story could be replaced with "those." The word "these" makes it sound as though they are present in the scene. "Those" is used when talking about things or people that are distant.
That was a lot of critiques but hey, you asked and I delivered! Hope this helps. I'm curious to know what this special occasion is. :)
Oh, me gosh! I am so happy that you did this! Everything that you said was amazing, and made sense to me. I am still a young writer, so the things you pointed out were things that I wouldn't notice. THANK YOU!!!!!!!! I will definitely fix those mistakes. :D
I'm glad I could help! It's a big thing to start a novel, and I'm glad you embarked on the journey. I wish you the best of luck! <3
It IS a big thing. I'm glad, too, though. Thank you! <3
Also, I updated/edited the writing! If you could re-read it, that would be great. If not, that's okay, too. Thanks!
Hey Brooke,
I really liked this tbh, but since it's your novel, I'm going to go a bit hard one you.
"I grabbed a waffle, put it on my plate, then cut a piece of omelet, and put it next to the waffle on the plate."
You could just say, "I grabbed a plate and loaded it with waffles and omelets," or you could say, "I grabbed a plate and loaded it with a waffle and an omelet."
This is a bit less tedious to read and has fewer unnecessary details.
I honestly think an even better way to do this would just be to cut out the sentence and say "Dad placed the two plates of food in the center of the table with a smile, and I immediately pounced on it," or something along those lines.
Do you understand what I mean here? I know it's a novel, so details are key, but having too many details like that would make it a bit boring to read.
Hopefully, you can keep this in mind for lots of moments like these in your book, not just the specific one that I mentioned :)
I LOVE the intro, that was perfect. I also loved how you made me think "what is the special occasion?" and now I'm really curious to know what it is <3
Hi, Amaya!
Wow. This was the best critique that I have EVER gotten. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And thank you some more. I will definitely change my writing a bit and use your suggestions. What you said definitely makes sense.
Anyway, thank you again!
awww ofc! <3
Amazing job, Brooke! This is very short, though (not in a bad way!)! :)
Thanks so much!
Yeah, it is short because that is all that I have written so far. :D
Hey brooke ^^ what do ya think about the new prompts?
I haven't checked them yet. I will now.
tell me what ya think, i kinda like all of em ^^
Thank you Brooke for following me!!! Loved the story! Especially the extra words part :)
You are welcome!
And thanks!
Hey, i just thought of something that me and you could possibly do together, it would be fun ^^
Hi. And that is?
maybe we could try to write a story together or something?
Okay! What would it be about? It can't be Greek mythology, because I am very bad at that.
Just about anything or something, we both find a prompt that we both like or something, then we think of a plot and all that, one of us makes part 1 and the other makes part 2.
That would be great! We can do it next week since we wouldn't have time this week.
do ya maybe wanna hear a joke or something?
Um. Sure.
Knock knock
Who's there?
Harry who?
Brooke ^^ could ya check out "Otherworldly repairs" and then leave some feedback on it?
Um, okay.
Thanks, im excited to see what ya think ^^
No problem.
Hey, do ya think you could maybe help me with something if that's alright? its sorta with a new story
Brooke check out my new bioooo
which one do you think is most like you? or me? or which mixes of two or three do you think we are? <333
I don't know! I am definitely all of them put together. Can there be a white that is all of them combined? Please? XD I think that you are 'peach'. From what I know, I feel like it describes you. :D
i would do that but I feel like it defeats the purpose, yk? like the categorizing. bc then everyone would pick white, and it wouldn't be as fun, yk?
That makes sense. If I had to choose, I feel like I would be a mix between cherry red and muted red. What do you think I would be?
I'm actually a combination of lavender and muted red, with a biiit more muted red. just a teensy bit tho. that's what my rl friends say but idk
You're welcome! <3
Well, since I don't know you in real life, I wouldn't know either, but I feel like that WOULD describe you. I guess I just didn't think about those two before for you.
Hey Brooke!
I'm sorta back, I've been busy with school.
Great story! Hope you're doing okay. Also, thanks for putting me in your bio! You've grown so much since April. I remember reading your "Forest People" story when I first joined (I think it's one of your first stories).
Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words
Hi, Peachy!
I am so glad you're back. I've been busy with school as well.
Thank you! I am doing okay, how about you? You are so welcome! You deserve it! It makes me smile to think you've been here since then. :D
By the way, my favorite part of this comment was... Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words
And also...
Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words Extra words
Brooke, this is an amazingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg start to the novel! You open up well, drawing the reader in with a kind of sad fact about the character, making the reader sympathize with her. That's great. I know you didn't want critique, but I mean. Really. There is no critique here.
Your bestie,
Megan S.
(btw. Do you mind if I submit the first chapter of my own novel? I might not do it for sure, but it was your idea, soooooooooo I wanted to ask.)
XD Meg, you always leave the best comments in the world. You are so sweet, and I appreciate this so much. Thank you!
Also, I definitely don't mind! Do what you want! I am so excited to read it! :D
Your bestie,
Brooke D.
(Btw, I am going to read your new story SOON. I've been super busy.)
Okiiiii, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guess what? I'm going downstate to visit my grandma in two weeks, I am soooo excited!
No prob!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is awesome! Have fun!
Hey Brooke!! I'm so happy for you!! You are writing a novel!! I really thought this was a great start and I can't wait to read more! Will you be publishing it on Amazon or something like that so I will get to read it?
Hi, Sihia! Thank you! It is a possiblity that I will officially publish it, but I would have to talk to my family about it. If I don't, I am already planning on submitting the entire thing in segments here on Reedsy.
if you decide to publish it, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't do the segment thing.
What do you mean?
What would you like me to do instead?
i mean if you decide that you want to actually publish it (like KDP or real publishing or whatever) i wouldn't do the segment thing
Oh, I'm not. When I said I would post it in segments, I meant that I would post it part by part here on Reedsy.