If the World was Ending

Submitted into Contest #39 in response to: One day, the sun rose in the west and set in the east.... view prompt



If the world was ending, would I know? Would I feel that uneasy pitt in my stomach and that gut feeling something was wrong? Would the world be twisted upside down? 

If the world was ending would it be quick and painless, or would it be painfully slow? Would the world just stop spinning? 

If the world was ending would the sun rise in the west, would hurricanes and floods take over or would it act as if it were any other day? 

If the world was ending would there be a panic? Would I understand what was going on? Would I just lose consciousness or be dazzled? Would I feel any pain if I got hurt? 

If the world ended would gravity disappear? Would I just float up into space? 

If the world was ending would it heat up and melt or blow up or would it freeze over? Would everyone be frozen in place for the rest of time? 

If the world was ending would that just be it? Would we try to save ourselves or would this just be the end?

Dear diary, 

My alarm went off today and I went back to sleep. It wasn’t because I was still tired or sleepy because of the exhausting events that took place the night prior but because it was still dark outside. I had figured I had imagined my alarm and woken up for no reason, so I went back to sleep. I missed the sunrise today, and I had spent most of the day thinking about it. There was not one day when I had missed the sunrise; it was my time to relax with a cup of tea before I got my day started. It was unusual and my whole day felt upside down. My routine had gotten messed up and I couldn’t place a finger on why until noon when Jess called. “I saw the sun rise today.” She had said. It was impossible. The sun rose in the east and set in the west. That meant I could watch the sunrise, and Jess could watch the sunset. I went outside to find out it was hard to breath, the air was thicker, and the flies were flying around in a crazy manner. I walked back into the safety of my own home confused. I tried doing some work, simple, like cleaning the house, but I couldn’t shake the feeling I had. I felt oddly alone, even though it wasn’t my first time spending the day just with myself, not talking to anyone else. I’m getting dizzy now. I don’t feel too well, which is why I’m writing now, just before dinner. I’m sitting by the window, waiting to watch the sunset for the first time in the comfort of my own home. It’s weird, maybe the world stopped while I was sleeping and started spinning the other way. I don’t know what happened, but I guess I’ll finish off my day backwards, I’ll have pancakes for dinner, right after I finish my warm cup of tea. 



Dear diary, 

My parents used to tell me the day the world was ending, the sun would rise in the west and set in the east. I never thought much of it when I was young, why would I? I was just a child. They told me that natural disasters would take over, the worst ones, intense ones nobody could control. I just thought they were trying to scare me. But that's all that’s been happening for a while now. The forest fires that take days to put out, the flooded cities by the shores, the constant thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tornados, people are hardly able to recover before the next one hits, destroying them all over again. So watching the sun come up from the west scared me. Was this really the end? Would I be one of the last humans on the earth? Will nobody else live to tell the story of how I made a fool of myself in the highschool cafeteria on my first day of ninth grade? Would I never get to pull another prank on my friends, or tease them about the things they did? Would I never get to meet another person, or swim in the ocean? Would I never get to wander into a forest or climb a tree? It felt like it. My insides felt like they were getting torn apart. I’m scared. 



Dear diary, 

It’s actually happening. This morning I got suited up and sent onto the space ship with dozens of other people. We were told we would be saving the human race. We had been training for years now, Nobody knew what was happening, and I couldn’t tell anyone about it either. We were the select people chosen to go up to space to live on the moon. Telling even our family and friends could create a riot, something the government wanted to avoid. They wanted us to keep training so we would be prepared to live on the moon, they didn’t tell us when we would be going up. We never had a countdown, until this morning we were woken up in a rush and told it was the time to go. I tried listening to the government officials to see what was happening, why I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to anyone, why today was the day we were getting sent up. They were being even more secretive than usual, and it was worrying us all. We were told to find our seats, all would be explained to us in due time, and we were to take off in an hour. I couldn’t argue or fight back, I didn’t know anything, so I found my seat. Number 77. I was just a number now, They didn’t have the time to learn our names, we were given numbers, and I guess from now on, I would just be known as number 77. Soon enough the countdown for liftoff began. 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, a part of me thought they might just be killing us, trying to save our overpopulation problem, but a part of me knew it wasn’t that. 3, 2, 1. We shot up into the sky. I looked out the window, the sight was incredible. The person beside me spoke up. “They sent us up because today is the day the world is ending. Couldn't you tell? The sun, the fear, the urgency?” I remember hearing that, but I didn’t say anything. I was just quiet. Things were finally starting to relax, so I began to write. Maybe soon I'll find some normal in this new future. 



April 27, 2020 16:03

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13:20 May 07, 2020

You sucked me right in using questions to launch your story! The transition to diary entries was awesome. I truly felt the dystopian ending but with the hope of the future. Nice work!


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Zea Bowman
14:30 May 06, 2020

I liked how you began the story with questions...it started off leaving the reader confused, thus making them want to read more. Great job with the story. Keep it up!


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Lilith Clark
21:32 May 05, 2020

I really liked the questions at the beginning, I thought they were really interesting. I also thought it was cool how all the diary entries were written on the same day. :)


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Shawna King
17:57 May 02, 2020

Hi, Ivy. Nice story. I'd love to see the plot expanded in a longer format like a novella or even novel.


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Pranathi G
15:27 May 02, 2020

Nice story! Can you read my story and give me feedback? It's called "THE TIME HAS COME." It's for the same contest. Thank you!


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