Our spirits are high

Submitted into Contest #83 in response to: Write a fantasy story about water gods or spirits.... view prompt


Fantasy Funny Happy

Amazi was sitting on the cloud chairs. Yes, I said cloud chairs. You get everything when you're a god. Focu was sitting across from her, fidgeting with his pencil. Amazi was resting her hands on her palms, waiting anxiously to get the meeting started. All of a sudden, the air began to smell of flowers and an overall earthy scent. Isi and her long, leaf-made dress, waltzed across the room. Her hair was in a messy bun, and her green skin was complemented by the brown makeup. Urubura was following her, his icy state practically freezing anyone who looked in his direction. Umukororombya, or Uma, as we called her, was next to Urubura. She had a colorful robe that brought out the brown in her auburn hair.

"I call this meeting of the spirits to order," Isi said, her deep voice echoed. Before Isi could call anyone out on being late, Imbaraga, Uru, and Urukundo we called her Kie, ran in, and took their seats, "nice of you to join us, younglings."

"Well we are only ever nice," Uru joked. He high five Kie and then Imbaraga and then looked down. 

"Mister Urumuri," Isi started, "you are master of light. Not light jokes and banter, but light. Illumination. Call it whatever you shall like. But, should you want to stay in the gates of the Igicu palace, and not go to jail, you shall abide by my rules. You are to be here for the meetings and learn your trade. That is all." Urumuri, master of light, cleared his throat and accepted shame.

"I'm sorry," Amazi's shy voice said, "why are we here? I just started working with Focu on combining fire and water. He starts the fires and I end them and so on."

"You weren't working with Focu, just trying to get into his pants!" Imbarage laughed. Amazi's face flushed and she tried to hide her blushing behind her long, white hair.

"If that's true, then I'd be honored," Focu said, trying to make his friend feel better.

"You're doing it too, buddy," Imbaraga continued. Isi silenced him and sent him out of the room.

"It is hard to defy master of power, do not try, children," Isi directed this at Focu and Amazi. She then pulled a flower out of her pocket and slammed it down on the table, "now, let's get started. I don't want the spirits to become like this flower. Dead and never to return." Every spirt's mouth closed and they all looked down. 

"Can we start?" Focu asked, the anger and resistance heard in his voice. Amazi smiled weakly and looked at Focu with love filled eyes. Every spirit knew that she was in love with him. She had been. But Focu didn't know anything about it. Imbarage almost sold her out, and every spirit felt bad for Amazi.

"Yeah, yeah let's start," Amazi agreed. She looked over at Focu, looking over his perfectly chisled body, his burguny button up showing his neckline and strong muscles. His reddish black hair framed his skinny face and orange eyes. 

"Cool, someone agrees," Focu joked. Amazi blushed even harder and tried to look away from her long time crush. 

"Alright, call this meeting to order, again. We need people to go up to Undi mujyi and clear up some heats between the imigani. I need two people. Uma and Urubura cannot go because they have work to do in the north. So how about..... Focu.....and.......Amazi?" Amazi's eyes opened wide and Focu didn't have a response. He just sat there with his hand resting on his abs. Amazi looked down at his hand, and she bit her lip. 

"Okay, should we get going?" Focu asked, practically out of his chair. Amazi stood up with him and waited for Isi to respond. 

"Why not? You don't need to hear the rest," Focu walked over to Amazi pulled her by her hand and walked her out of the room. Amazi smiled at him and put her hair behind her ear.

"I'm excited," she told him, trying to hide her love for the dark boy. Amazi pulled his arm and rested her head against it. Focu didn't seem happy about Amazi being that close to him, but he snuggled her closer to him. He always thought of her as a friend. Amazi looked up at him, feeling like she was a mile away, since he was that tall. 

"Focu, I...." Amazi started. He looked down at her and put his right hand over her shoulder. She spooned closer to his bodice and tried to get those hard words out.

"You love me," Focu continued. Amazi stopped moving and tried to move away from him. 


"You don't have to lie, do you know that?" 

"I wasn't going to say that," Amazi lied. She looked down at the ground, her light blue dress and light blonde hair flowing down her shoulders.

"Oh," Focu said, starting to walk faster.

Amazi ran up, "Wait!" Focu turned on his heel and looked at her with a mad face.

"What do you want to say? That you don't love me? That you just want to keep that big thing a secret for forever?!"

"Why do you care?" Azami yelled.

"Because, for god's sake Azi I love you too, but it's the most impossible thing to tell someone." Focu cried.

"And you consider yourself big and manly? You were fine leaving me to tell you that I love you." Amazi was the one to storm off this time, furious and lovesick at the same time. She felt a warm grasp on her hand, and she turned to see Focu standing in front of her.

"I'll let you go, just calm down," he said quietly. The water spirit saw the fire cracks in his skin, so she knew he was mad. She concentrated on water, and all of a sudden, drops of water started falling on Focu, converting his skin from cracked to smooth.

"I'm calm," Amazi grinned, pulling out of his grasp and walking towards the Undi mujyi. Focu ran to catch up. They walked like that in awkward silence.

March 05, 2021 16:39

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