Hidden World of Amakyarava

Submitted into Contest #97 in response to: Write a story that involves a magic window — or a window like no other.... view prompt

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Adventure Fantasy Kids

“We arrived at your destination,” the navigation map of the car said as soon as I arrived at the old mansion that my grandma left in my name. She died a year ago---yet, her lawyer just told me a few days ago that she left the mansion in my care and I need to move in if I wanted to own it. What a perfect opportunity, I can’t pay my rent in the city.

The most eye-catching in this house is the window at the top of the house. Despite looking old it is very elegant and the color gold complements the overall color of the house. I should check it out later. Maybe, it's real gold, I'll get it and sell it for a big prize. But thinking of my grandmother she might ghost me. That's scary.

I carried my baggage all the way from the car to the inside of the house. Everything was covered in white cloth.

“There’s too much to do.” I let out an exasperated sound as I wandered my gaze around the house. In just one glimpse, you can tell that this house is old enough to be call an antique. It’s old, big, and very dusty. The design looks like it exists from the medieval period, the interior designs were evident of that.

I started cleaning the house from ten o’clock in the morning and had a break at lunchtime. When I was enjoying my food I heard a loud bang from upstairs that made me baffled and spoiled the food in my lunchbox.

“Is someone there?” I shouted. Nevertheless, I didn’t get any response so I hesitantly go to the upper floor to check.

The metal handle of the stairs looks rusty and the walls were dull. You’ll surely make a hole in it by simply tapping it. I walked till the end of the corridor only to find out a ladder dropping from the attic.

“Thank God, I brought a flashlight with me,” I said as I grabbed it from my pocket. There’s no harm in checking what’s in there, right? But to make sure of my safety, I also brought a stick that I got from ruining the wreaked pillar near me. I bit the flashlight and held the stick in my right hand and slowly climbed the ladder.

I was stupefied when I fully got in the attic and saw that everything is fine, in order and perfectly clean. It appears that someone is using—living rather, in this tiny attic. I am not sure if the individual is a he or a she, but one thing for sure, this person likes honey that much. There is a cabinet full of honey that is arranged properly.

I stroll around the attic and observe thoroughly the things in here. I saw the thick, old book. It hooked my attention so I headed straight to the table where it is located and opened it. There are some strange drawings and writings in there. It seems like a book for magical creatures. When I came by at the last page I found a folded paper, I immediately unveiled it.

“Amarakyava” the moment I uttered the word a map was drawn on the piece of paper I was holding. I blinked once, then twice, ‘till I made it into thrice to make sure that I’m not mistaken about what I saw. A short text appears below the paper, “Ignite what it should be, then the entrance shall be seen.”

After reading it out loud, there was a blinding light that appears from the window. Isn’t that light made of the ray of light of the sun? Is this the part in a movie where should I just turn back or I will get to another world and face trouble? Curiosity is overflowing in my system, maybe I should check it out, especially, that I’ll be living in this house. The light is still blinding but when I adjusted my sight, I walk near to the window. I attempt to touch the glass of the window, yet, my hand pass-through it that made me startled and amaze at the same time.

“What kind of sorcery is this? Wicked!” Is this a portal that will lead me to Hogwarts? Professor Dumbledore, I am coming for you!  I pull my hand from the window and decided to peek with my head in the other side. I look at left and right but I can’t see anything but darkness, “Dang, is this a joke?”

I was about to pull out my head when I felt someone grabbed me and pull me to the other side, “Ahhhhhhhhhh” I shouted at the top of my lungs until I felt that my energy is decreasing and everything went black.


“Stop,” I said in my half-sleep while giggling. Why do I feel cold? Why does my bed feel as hard as a rock? And what is this annoying creature that keeps me tickling?! I opened my eyes hurriedly, only to find out a smiling face of a guy---five centimeters away from me! I rose up from lying, making us both bump our heads to each other. He groans at the pain while I forgot about the fact that I am hurt and immediately crawled away from him. Now that pain sinks in. “Ouch!” I said as I caress my forehead.

 “Welcome to Amakyarava! The hidden world that Maria only knows.” He enthusiastically said with exaggerated gestures. Maria is the name of my grandmother, is he referring to grandma? I wandered my gaze hoping to see something other than rocks. “Is this the world of Amakyarava? Seriously, only rocks?”  His face is very familiar, “Excuse me, did we meet somewhere?”

“You’re the lawyer, right? Mr. Fex! You’re not a true lawyer!” he avoided my gaze and played with the orange fat cat that has wings. He’s playing innocent! But w---wings?!

“I didn’t know that you’re going to find the gate that soon. So let’s proceed to the main business here. The treasure of Maria which is your grandma is hidden here somewhere in Amakyarava.”

“Treasure? Do you mean lots of gold?” my eyes glitter as I imagined the pile of golds.


“Where is it?! I should go get it and return immediately to my house.” Excitement is evident in my voice.

“It’s not that easy. Maria gave you a test if you truly deserve those treasures you need to pass all her test. The question is, do you want to acquire such treasures?” Of course, I would love to. Who wouldn’t? I nodded without hesitation. We get out of the cave and a beautiful garden full of different creatures welcomes me. There are Pegasus, fairy flowers, elves, and I don’t know what does other calls. I also saw a half puppy and half-shark. And the building or should I call it flower buildings?

"Good day, Mr. Fex!" he was greeted by an elf. The others also greeted him, he's quite popular here hah.

“Delfener,” Mr. Fex called out to the small guy with dragonfly wings. He waved his hand to Mr. Fex and opened the door of an oval t—transportation? It looks like a car. We got in the unique car. Mr. Fex was seated beside Delfener while I was in the back and the cat with wings comfortably sat on my lap. I caress it like a pet and it sure likes it.

“Mr. Fex, does this unique cat have a name?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Just call him Ming-ming.” He said fixing his sunglasses. He resembles the eye of a bee. He looks weird in his colorful suits and a big hat.

We headed into a building like in my world but the difference is everything is managed by technologies or AI? Maybe this is just magic? I see many runes on the walls. The first test was a quiz, it tested my conscience, logic, and knowledge. Some of the questions go like, "What is the one thing that all wise men, regardless of their religion or politics, agree is between heaven and earth? What is it?"

Well, not to boast but I really like to read many things that involve knowledge and logic. So it was a piece of cake for me. But little did I know, the following test will bring me and my companions to 50/50 situations.

"Mr. Fex, why didn't you notify me that this test will put me in danger?!" I angrily asked him but he just shrugged his shoulders and squeeze the bottom of his pants to dry it. Our transportation fell from the air when we were escaping the vicious memerybirds. Luckily, we landed in the river. I carried ming-ming and caress its back to help him spat the water.

I saw Delfener crying in front of his transportation, good for him he has wings. He's not wet but he is sad that his transportation got destroyed.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry Delfener," he wiped his tears and look at me with a wide smile.

"Don't worry, I still have nine left." my expressions immediately changed from sad to annoyed look. Then why is he crying?!

"We must camp here for the night." Mr. Fex said not looking at me straightly. Delfener and I find the woods to set fire while ming-ming is with Mr.Fex to catch fish for our meal.

Looking at them made me so happy. To be honest, this is my first time spending time with other people. It's warm to be with them. But maybe, after this, I can still visit here through the window right?

"I can freely go and back here right?" I asked out of nowhere. They stopped talking to each other and looked at me.

"No, you can't. You will immediately come back to your world with or without the gold if the test is finished but you can't go back here anymore."

“Can I just give up for the treasure and just live here with you guys?” I sadly said but they let out a ridiculous laugh.

“You can’t. A human living in this dimension will evolve as time passed by and became a monster like us. You will have these thorns," Mr. Fex said and show his head under the big hat. "No other humans will notice your existence except if they are special like your grandmother Maria and you Amara. Don’t worry the gate---“

“It is not a gate, it’s a window.”

“Still the same, the gate or window will open once a year right this day, you will able to visit us.” I pouted my mouth and sulked away from them. That would be a long time from now and just once?

While sulking a luminous light engulfs me and brought me to a room full of---- golds? My eyes widen as I stare at the pile of treasure chests and a mountain of gold. I saw a beautiful maiden in a white dress. She's glowing, and she's holding a scepter. Her long blonde hair is very mesmerizing.

“You passed the last test of Maria.” What kind of test? I didn’t do a thing except talking with those guys.

“You’re wrong Amara. The last test was a test of your heart. You are ready to give up these treasures just to be with your companions that you met. There are only a few people who would do that.”

“Then does it mean that I should go home at this moment?” I asked while tearing up. The beautiful fairy smiled at me and nodded.

I woke up with a sore body and a heavy heart. I am back in the attic, the honey is still there. The only difference is a lot of treasure chests occupied the attic. I burst out in tears as I looked at the window.

“Now, I’m all alone again,” I said in between my tears. I am crying for a half-hour now.

“Yeah, why the hell are you crying?” I immediately stop myself from wailing and look at the window. And there I saw them, Mr. Fex, Ming-ming, and Delfener.

“Meow—meow—m-meow!” Ming-ming sounded as she flew around me. I ran towards them and hugged them like a child.

“You s—said, the gate will only open once a year.” He let out a hilarious laughed and said, “Part of the test, we were fooling you,” and laughed again. I was annoyed at first but in the end, I laughed together with them. Aren’t I lucky? I have them and the treasure are bonuses.

June 11, 2021 03:05

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Fer Leen
12:11 Jun 11, 2021

Feel free to evaluate my story. :)


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