Kieran Hensler

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten seconds.... view prompt


Sad Romance

Kieran Hensler

Her last day with Kieran Hensler was not a blissful one. There had been yelling, arguing, and crying. Oh, so much crying. Her last day with Kieran Hensler was not a long one. There had been distractions, lies, and not enough time. Oh, so little time. Her last day with Kieran Hensler was not supposed to be her final one. She hadn’t known it would be the last time she would see his face. All she wanted was to turn back the clock, rewind it to their fight, and redo those ten seconds.


She had watched him alternate between playing video games and drawing, for two hours straight. Two hours of wasted time. Time she thought she would regain the next day, but she never would, not that she’d known. She had been asking him questions all afternoon long, ‘why didn’t he call back?’, ‘where was he last night?’, ‘did he sleep at all?’, ‘had he done anything stupid?’. It was her fault that he had snapped at her. He was tired and frustrated, his drawings were ‘screwed up’ as he had put it, and she wasn’t helping him in the slightest.

He had yelled and screamed at her, unleashing all his built-up anger, for an hour. With every second, the hope she clung onto, died. That hope was wishing that he would be okay. The doctors had informed her he had a weak heart, Lord, everyone he knew had told her he was weak, and she shouldn’t overdo it. She promised she wouldn’t hurt him, but he was refusing to take his medication and driving off when he was in for a check-up. Did he want to die? Was that it? Everyone told her, but she did not listen. She never did. They argued non-stop, fighting about every scenario, whose fault it was for their relationship. She hadn’t meant any of it, she was just so angry. Why did it have to be Kieran with the weak heart? Why couldn’t the love of her life be happy and healthy, was that too much to ask?

She had shouted at him, saying it was all his fault. He was the one who didn’t want to visit his parents, he was the one who said no to treatment. She screeched it was his fault for everything, including the relationship, but in her heart, she knew that was a lie. She was the one who had fallen in love first, she was the one who suggested they run away, and escape the insanity of this world. She didn’t know what was fuelling her anger, but she knew she was hurting him, just as much as she was hurting herself. She had known Kieran for a long time, and she had always known she was the stronger one, the more passionate one. So, it surprised her when his hand connected to her cheek, leaving a red mark. A reminder that this was all her fault. Every cry of anguish, every protest, every lie she had told him, dropped at her feet like dead rose petals. She knew with every shout he got weaker, but she didn’t stop him. She let his hateful words wash over her like tidal waves because she knew she deserved it. 


When Kieran collapsed, from anger and exhaustion, he refused to take her hand, to help him get up.

“Please Kier,” She had begged, like a small child on the streets, “Take my hand. Let me help you,”

“No, I don’t need your help. Don’t touch me ever again,”

“I- Just want to make amends Kier, that’s all!”

“And yet you argued with me, and did not back down, despite it being my condition, and not yours?” He had panted, getting off his knees, and pulling himself into a chair.

“I didn’t mean any of it, Kier! You know that! I was just angry, I wasn’t thinking before I spoke, I’m sorry,”

“I think you meant it this time,”

“I swear I didn’t!” She was crying now, and she watched him avoid her gaze, which meant he was trying not to cry.

“Please, let the hospitals take care of you, Kier! That’s what they’re there for, to help people who are sick,”

“I don’t want to go back,”

“Don’t be such a child, Kieran. This isn’t for me, it’s for you! You’re the one with the weak heart, not me,”

“So, that makes you better than me? That makes your opinion more valid than mine? Me having a weaker heart doesn’t have anything to do with this!”

“You know it does! I just want you to get better, Kier. I’m not doing any of this to spite you,” She didn’t know at the time, but the ten seconds that haunted her were about to begin.


“I want you to be happy!”


“Why are you so bothersome, today?”


“Why are you so bothersome, every day?”


“I do it because I love you!”


“This isn’t love. That’s not what any of this is,”


“Then… what it is? Why did you propose to me? Was that a lie?”


“I- I don’t know,”


“What I do know, is that I hate you.”


“You can’t hate me more than I hate you!”


“Just- shut up! I don’t want to see you again!”


He gave her one last smile, a weak but cruel one, that showed she meant nothing to him. 

It was only a few hours later, that she decided to call Kieran. She hadn’t stayed at his house, because she knew it would lead to silence or more fighting. She didn’t know which one was worse. She rang his mobile, but he didn’t pick up. She decided she would talk to him tomorrow. Guilt and regret drowned her, she could no longer feel anything else. She wished she had never said a word, she wanted to take it all back. She wanted to look him in the eyes, and properly tell him that she did love him. Because she did. ‘Tomorrow,’ she told herself, ‘I’ll apologise tomorrow.’


It was Kieran’s sister, Amy, who rang her the next morning.

“Come to the hospital, it’s my brother.” Amy had not known the two of them had fought the night before. She was simply calling her brother’s fiancée, to tell her, her soon to be husband was dying. Amy had stopped by his house, to drop off something, and she found him sprawled on the floor, unconscious.

“I should’ve stayed,” She told herself, as she drove to the hospital, “God, I’m such an idiot, I never should have left him!” Tears were threatening to break loose, the closer she got. She rushed in, and the receptionist told her what room he was in. She looked at Kieran’s sleeping body and bit her lip. She remembered when his dark brown hair complimented his golden-brown eyes. How they had sparkled, when he saw her. She hadn’t seen his eyes light up in a long time.

“Kieran, sweetheart, please, wake up. Your family needs you, Amy, your parents and… I need you as well.” She sat by his side for hours, not daring to move a muscle, in case something happened.

When he woke up, he turned to her, almost surprised she had stayed.

“You came,”

“Of course I did,”

“I’m so sorry,”

“No, no, please don’t be, Kier!”

“I’m apologising for earlier, I should’ve never yelled at you, or hit you, or done anything,” He spluttered, coughing. She rubbed his back, leaning into him.

“Stay strong, Kier. I know we can get through this, I promise,”

“I believe you. Go get something to eat, and sleep for a bit. I’ll see you tomorrow,”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. I love you.” She had never gotten to say a proper goodbye before the doctors whisked her out of the room, but she did break down as soon as she left the hospital. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He had said, and she prayed she would, but there were no more ‘tomorrows with Kieran’, not anymore. His ‘I love you’ made up for his ‘I hate you’, it made up for everything, because she knew he still cared. It made up for him leaving the night before because he had gone to the hospital; he did it for her.

Her last day with Kieran Hensler was not a blissful one. There had been yelling, arguing, and crying. Oh, so much crying. Her last day with Kieran Hensler was not a long one. There had been distractions, lies, and not enough time. Oh, so little time. Her last day with Kieran Hensler was not supposed to be her final one. She hadn’t known it would be the last time she would see him. He had promised he would see her tomorrow, but he was wrong.

December 30, 2020 02:19

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Jasey Lovegood
02:21 Dec 30, 2020

This is the story of a woman who lost the love of her life and never got to say goodbye. Also if you want to guess what her name is, the clue is: It starts with 'J' and ends in 'E'


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Kate Reynolds
20:56 Jan 02, 2021

Hello! Wow my heart... THIS WAS SO SADDDDDDDD (but good!) And that ending tho- Great job!!!!!!!!!!


Jasey Lovegood
00:57 Jan 03, 2021

Thank you, Kate! I’m super glad you thought it was sad, because that was my intention. :D


Kate Reynolds
00:59 Jan 03, 2021

Npp! :D Btw could you help upvote me a little I just got downvoted almost 1000 points (but my friend helped me get back up a little) I'll upvote you back!


Jasey Lovegood
01:14 Jan 03, 2021

Sure thing!


Kate Reynolds
01:16 Jan 03, 2021

Thank you!


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Pahani Wijeratne
06:01 Sep 28, 2021

Hey there, Jasey! How are you doing?😊 I’m currently obsessed with like all of your stories, they’re so amazing! You write such fantastic romance stories!!🤩 This story made me so sad, especially the ending! I was like “Nooooo, Kieran!”. This story was also really sweet in a way because I feel like she really did love him, and that maybe if there was a bit more communication between the two of them they could have not quarrelled at all. This characters are super realistic as well; Awesome awesome job!! This story felt like a movie and I droppe...


Jasey Lovegood
12:07 Sep 28, 2021

Hi, Pahani! It was super nice to get this sweet comment, so I'm doing well. How about you? I'm so honoured you're obsessed with my stories rn **faints** I'm glad you enjoy reading them! Yes, this story has a special place in my heart, it was extremely worth writing, so it's good to see you went on an adventure with the characters too. Any guesses what the main character's name could be? Yes, I agree. Kieran is like,,, a really good name for no reason, it just is. Thank you so much again for reading, I'm loving your thoughts! ~ Jasey <3


Pahani Wijeratne
16:33 Sep 28, 2021

Sup, Jasey! Of course, my pleasure~😊 Awww, *reads every story in like the speed of lightening fast* 😂😂. A truly beautiful story, I enjoyed every bit of it. It broke my heart, but I feel like the ending gave it a perfect finished conclusion. Could it be Jase? Hmm I wonder if it’s correct though, haha. Kieran is the best name in my opinion, that’s all there is to it. It’s the best one. It sounds so, how do I explain this 😂😂 AMAZING. You’re very welcome, and I just wanna say, your stories rock, Jasey! I’m loving every one of them 🌺⚡️ Have a ...


Jasey Lovegood
01:44 Sep 29, 2021

Let me know which one's your favourite when you're done! :) No ahaha, it's not my own name but I'll give u another hint there are 10 letters 👀 I hope you have a great day too! <3 - Jasey


Pahani Wijeratne
19:14 Nov 15, 2021

Hiyaaa! How are you doing ^^ I’m sorry for such a late reply 😅 I’m bad at guessing, so will you give a clue maybe? 👀 Enjoy the rest of your day and stay safe! -Pahani


Jasey Lovegood
19:41 Nov 16, 2021

I'm doing well, I just have a super busy week! How are you doing? As for a clue, it starts with Ja and ends in ne- as I said earlier it's 10 letters :)


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Akshaya ✨
16:04 Dec 30, 2020

Hi Jasey, I love this story so much! It really made me cry!! I feel so sad for her.


Jasey Lovegood
00:20 Dec 31, 2020

Thank you for the feedback, Akshaya! Sorry it made you cry


Akshaya ✨
09:08 Dec 31, 2020

Welcome! :) There's no need to be sorry, because if a story makes the reader feel, then it is surely written in a fantastic way!


Jasey Lovegood
09:50 Dec 31, 2020

That’s true! :)


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21:41 Feb 04, 2021

OH. JASEY. BRUH- Oh man... that was great and you nearly got me crying in homeroom at school. (i mean u were sitting next to me but like-) I know you warned me but... ahhhh i'm lowkey trying not to cry. ffauj98fi A well-written story full of emotion, LOTS of emotion. Ah mannn Kierannnnn. vbukhjiweifnjd okay byeee before i fill this with keysmashes :)


Jasey Lovegood
21:48 Feb 04, 2021

I told u it was sad. I do not lie abt sad stories **wipes tear** No lie, every time I scroll past this story I just shake my head and sigh. This is what 12am thoughts do to u


22:09 Feb 04, 2021

..i see. honestly i will too ngl but i bet you i'll reread it again sometime :)


Jasey Lovegood
22:24 Feb 04, 2021



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