Submitted to: Contest #101

The Beast in the Mirror

Written in response to: "Write a story that involves a reflection in a mirror."

Holiday Horror Teens & Young Adult

“Told you not to eat those peppers, man!” I said.

Zeke downed the water bottle.

“Dumbass.” I rolled my eyes.

“I didn’t think they’d be that hot.” He put his glasses back on.

“What part of ultra spicy didn’t you understand?”

“Yeah, well, your hair is messed up!” He ruffled my blond curly hair.

“Stop that!”

“Make me, you dork!”

I licked his glasses.

“Hey!” He removed them. “Great, they have your nasty-ass spit on them!” He grabbed his Rick and Morty shirt and wiped them off.

“Why don’t you just get contacts, man? Or better yet, laser?” I asked as we walked up my driveway.

“I don’t need contacts or surgery; I’m fine wearing glasses.”

“Suit yourself.” I shrugged, ambled up to the door, opened it, and stepped in. “Woah! What’s with the mirror?”

“You like it?” Dad asked, walking into the room.


“I found it at the dump.”

“What were you doing at the dump?”



“What do you think?” He wiped his hand on his blue jeans.  

“It’s nice, I guess?”

“Good, help me carry this beauty in the second family room,” he said.

I grabbed the bottom and lifted it. We took it in the hall as we grunted.

 “Good thing you work out.”

“Yeah,” I said, grunting. We struggled into the next room.

“Put it next to the display case,” Dad told me, so we carried the large thing over.

“Here’s good,” he said as I helped him set it down next to the huge taxidermy bear. “Thanks, Kyle.”

“No prob.” I let out a deep breath.

“Looks nice, doesn’t it?” Dad said, his hands on his hips.


“Well, that was a workout!” Zeke said, walking in with a pudding cup.

“Workout? You didn’t do crap!” Dad exclaimed.

“Just be glad I come here every day to remind you how old you’re getting!” He patted Dad’s shoulder.

“Thanks, I’m glad you come over and raid my fridge.”

“No prob,” Zeke said and I backhanded him.

“Hey! What’s that for?”

Dad stared at the mirror. “It’s awesome, isn’t it?” He smiled and admired it in silence. “Well, I’m gonna bake lemon squares for tomorrow’s viewing of the fireworks.” He patted my shoulder and walked away whistling, “Stars and Stripes Forever.”

“So, he got a new mirror,” Zeke stated the obvious and licked the chocolate pudding from the cup.



I shrugged. “Beats me.”

“Well, let's—"

“Hold on.”


“I saw something in the mirror.”



“Oh my God! I see it, too!”

“You do?”

“Yes! It’s... your face!” He pinched my cheeks.


“Come on, let’s go play Zelda, on Nintendo Switch,” Zeke said, and faced the wall and smiled.

“Dude, what are you doing?”

“FUCK!” I screamed at my TV.

“You should’ve made him guzzle a potion waaaaaaaay sooner! Dude, how the heck do you think you’ll kill a Lynel with only six hearts? You’re waaaay too low level for that crap! Seriously fighting a Lynel with gear like—"

“I know! Shut up!”

 Zeke grabbed my Joy-Con.

“Hey, give me that!”



“You’re terrible and never will kill that.”

“No! Fuck off!”

“Then don’t die.” He gave my Joy-Con back.

I rolled my eyes as I pushed the button. The cut-scene started up and I skipped it.

“Why do you have a second family room again?” Zeke asked.

“I don’t know. It’s confusing!”


“What was that?” I asked.

“What was what?”

“I heard a soft peep.”


“Like a muffled microwave going off or something…”

“Dude, I didn’t hear anything.”


“There it is again!”

“It’s probably a timer going off.”

“It was different."



I stood up and walked toward the doorway.


I ignored his outburst and walked out into the hall.


It was getting louder.


It was coming from the family room.


I turned the corner and screamed.

A shiny, chrome dog stared at me with red cold eyes. It uttered a low growl.

“Kyle?” Zeke called out.

“Come with me to my world!” barked the creature.

“W-who are you?”

“You’ll find out.”

“Who are you talking to?” Zeke asked.

“To the frickin’ dog thing.”

“There’s no one there.”

“I cloaked myself so only you can see me," the chrome creature said.


“I used this device on myself so I’m only visible to you.” He barked and a little white circle floated above him. He barked again and it vanished.

“Why do you want me to go with you?” I asked.

“Dude, you’re starting to freak me out,” said Zeke.

“Follow me.” The creature ran to the mirror and jumped in.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. “Uh…”

“Come on! Time is of the essence!”

“Dude, what’s going on?” Zeke asked.

“Stay here. I’ll be back.”


I closed my eyes and ran.

“Kyle, what are you—”

I dashed into the mirror.

A warm breeze blew on my face as I opened my eyes. My jaw dropped as I stared into a meadow. “Hey, what happened?” I looked around. “Where am I?”

“You’re in my world!” the chrome dog creature said, trotting over to me.


“Centuries ago, I was a powerful wizard who helped people if they came to me when they needed something, whether it was money, food, or a spell. I soon became known in all the land until one day a woman came to my doorstep. So, I let her in. Then, she pulled a wand out and cast a spell on me, turning me into this creature. I need you to cut my paw off and make a concoction."


“Stupid human! I lied!”


“I’m not a powerful wizard! My name’s Bloodface. I’m a Mafanorman! And you’re mine, now!”


“I tricked you! And, now, you’ll be fed to my Nibreads!”


He laughed.

“Kyle! Kyle!” 

I felt everything disappear and became the living room.

“What the fuck happened?” Zeke asked, holding my hand.

"I don’t know. I was in another dimension and the robotic dog tried to kill me.”


“Guys, dinner is ready!” Dad called.

* * *

“So, how was your game?” asked Dad, twirling spaghetti onto his fork.

“Um, fine,” I lied.

“I really should get into gaming.”


“One of these days, I’ll barge in on you.”

“Sounds great!”

“So, tomorrow’s Fourth of July celebration is gonna be packed. We need to leave no later than five," he said and spooned the dangling noodles into his mouth.

“Right,” I replied, staring down at my plate.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I just got a lot on my mind right now.”


“It’s fine, Dad.”

“Well, tell me if you need any help.”

“OK, I will.”

”Great!” he said and took another bite. “I love that mirror I got, don’t you?”

* * *

“Good morning! It’s ten A.M.”

I rolled over and yawned. Golden sunshine poured in from my window. I grabbed my phone from the table and closed the radio app. I pulled my Spider-Man blanket off and stretched.

I hopped off my bunk bed and looked down. "Hey, jackass, wake up,”

“But, Honey-bunny, the fun‘s just begun!” Zeke murmured and then snored like a bear.

“Honey-bunny?” I repeated and got an idea. I walked into my bathroom, grabbed the Rick and Morty cup, and filled it up with cold water. Then I returned and raised it up over his head. “’Wake up, bitch,” I said and poured it on him.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHH!” He jumped up and I laughed like a hyena.


“You called me Honey-bunny!”



“I’m not talking to you again!”

“Hey, at least you got a shower.”


I stripped my clothes off as I got up and stretched. I walked to my dresser and put my Deadpool shirt and shorts on. 

I walked into the hall when something caught my eye. I turned and saw my reflection in the mirror, but something was off. I walked toward it and my reflection became blurry. “Huh?” I felt a chill trickle down my back. I reached out and touched the glass. It was like ice on my fingertips. “That’s weird,” I murmured.

“Hey, I see you.” Dad’s reflection walked up.

“Dad, feel the glass.”

He placed his hands on it. “Feels fine, bud.”

“It doesn’t feel extremely cold?”

“No, now, help me get the folding chairs out of the garage.”

 I followed him out into the blazing heat.

“Watch out where the huskies go and don’t you eat the yellow snow!” He sang while I followed him. He entered the garage and grabbed a chair. I started dragging another when I felt cold. I shivered. This was crazy! The sun beat down on me.

Zeke walked out in red shorts.

“Hey, isn’t it cold out?”

“No, I’m sweating my cajonies off!” Zeke said.

“Kyle, are you OK?” Dad asked.

The scorching heat returned to my body. “Yes, I was just joking.”

“Pretty weird joke,” Dad said.

* * *

We arrived at Luke Garrison Park.

"Who the fuck is Luke Garrison?" Zeke asked, opening the door.

"I donno." I shrugged.

“Kyle, go set up the chairs while Zeke helps me bring the food over,” Dad said, unbuckling his seatbelt.

“Where should I set them up?”


“OK.” I hopped out, grabbed the chairs from the trunk, and started walking.  

Children ran around. One ran with a blue sailplane, her long blond hair danced. A boy wearing a Thor shirt played paddy-cake with his mom.

I saw a couple of guys my age were chilling out on blankets. A girl wearing a red bra walked to them, carrying snow cones.

Finally, a blank area came up. I stopped and set the chairs down, then I pulled my phone out and called Zeke.

“You got him.”

“Yeah, I'm over by some guys playing hackie sack.”

“Gotcha.” Zeke hung up.

"Hey, wanna join?" a guy wearing blue cargo shorts asked.

"No, thanks."

"Alright..." He returned to his friends.

I spotted Dad and Zeke and ran to them.

“Dude, you saw those chicks?”

“Settle down, Fido!”

“Too late, the beast is loose!”

“Don’t make me have to reset your shoulder again!”

“Oh! That only happened once!”

“Yeah, from Britney Lonney who has no upper body strength!”

“She caught me off-guard.”

“Uh-huh, yeah.”

“I’m gonna work my charm on them.”

“OK, I’ll call nine-one-one in a minute,” I called after him.

Three… two… one…

She kicked his… well, you know and he doubled over.

I walked over. “What did you say?”

“Hey, good-lookin’, wanna ride the Zeke train?”

“Zeke train?” I shook my head. “Tsk-tsk, you never learn, do you?”


I turned around as colorful streams lit up the darkening sky. Clapping, cheering, and oohing echoed. Red, white, and blue lights shot up.

“Let’s go to our spot,” Dad said and I followed them to it.

“Want a lemon square?” Dad asked pulling out a tray.

“Sure.” I grabbed one and popped it into my mouth as a green spiral exploded in the sky.

“That one’s awesome!” Dad said.

“Yeah,” I replied.

“I’m glad.”

“Me too.”

“What am I? chopped liver?”

I slapped him upside the head.“You ruined the moment.”

“HEY! That’s not nice!”

“Whatever,” I said and my lower gut told me it was time. “I’ll be back.” I walked off.

I made my way through the crowd, tapping backs and asking them to kindly move. “Where’s the bathroom?” I asked a man with long gray hair.

“Where is everything?”

“OK, you’re baked,” I said and moved on. “Where’s the bathroom?”

“To the right about ten yards,” the girl sporting a gray shirt answered.

“Thanks.” I turned and headed off.

“Really?” I scoffed as I saw the outdoor portable, a painting of the American flag covered the front. I rushed to it and knocked. No one responded so I opened the door. The scent of flowers welcomed my nostrils. Odd, I thought and closed the door.

Then, the wall in front stretched.

“What the Hell?” I said and it became cold. My teeth started chattering.

The mirror appeared right in front of me. I stared at my reflection. Then, it grabbed its head and yanked and yanked and yanked. The skin around my reflection’s neck started to tear. With a sickening snap, my reflection’s head popped off. I screamed as blood gushed down then a menacing laugh echoed around me.

“Poor stupid fuck!”

“WHO ARE YOU?!” I screamed, the blood spewed out the mirror. “YAAAAAA!” I shrieked as the cold red liquid covered me head to toe.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” boomed the voice.

I spun around and yanked the doorknob. It wouldn’t budge.

“You cannot flee. I have you now!”

I turned as black, furry paws popped out. I screamed. One grabbed my leg and dragged me towards the mirror. “LET ME GO!” with my other leg, I kicked the hand, but he kept a tight grip. He pulled me closer. I put my hands against the edge of the mirror and pushed back with all my might. But, it pulled harder and yanked me in.

“Ha! Now, there’s no escape!”

“Please, let me go!”

“Alright, I’ll let you go.”


“NO!” Fire erupted in its eyes. “Nibreads, feast upon his body!”

Red scorpion-like creatures appeared in the sky. I screamed as they whipped their huge dagger-like tails. Shrill howls pierced my eardrums as they soared down.

As fast as my legs would go, I ran through the black mushy grass. My heart raced, my chest pounded, I looked back. They opened their black mouths and shot needles at me. “SHIT!” I screamed and swerved. One flew by me as it almost tore my sleeve. The creatures howled. I covered my ears.

Then, the dog creature jumped onto a bug creature and spat red slime.

I started swerving, but it landed on my shoe. “What the…” I couldn’t move.

A menacing laugh erupted, “You’re mine, now!”

I tried to lift my feet, but it was no use.

“Stupid human, you’re so fucked!”


“No, you see, I’ve been cursed!” His eyes flashed white. "And I must live in this Hellhole for all eternity!”


“No, you will be torn limb from limb and be skinned for Nibread food and I will wheedle your bones down to sharp pointy spears to gouge the eyes out of my enemies ” He laughed as the Nibread advanced to me,

This is the end! My mind flashed through my life. my first day of Kindergarten. at the movie theatre when I met Zeke. Mom’s funeral, my first driving lesson… too bad I never will get my license. The Nibread flew to me and I closed my eyes.

a loud roar pierced my ears.

I opened my eyes in time to witness a dark green animal throw itself at the Nibread, knocking it down. it uttered a massive roar and thrown its hands up.

“Where the Hell did you come from?” Bloodfsace demanded, standing up on all fours.

The green beast uttered a thunderous cry and sank its fangs into its neck. The Nibread gripped its attacker with its pincher and tossed it up high. Screaming, the green creature flew into the horizon and landed in the forest.

“Now that I took care of that pest…” the dog demon said and the Nibread turned to me. the green beast dashed back. “Fuck this!” uttered the sake-like creature and bit the Nibread’s head off. Blood spewed up from its neck as the body fell.         

Bloodface leapt off. “Oh no you, don’t!” The beast snatched him up in its green claws.

it squeezed the dog creature and his head popped off. The beast dropped the lifeless body and it landed with a thud.

 The giant animal lowered its head to me and sniffed my face

“Uh…” I said

Then the creature stuck its blue tongue out and yellow slime dripped down on me, drenching me. “YAAAIIII!”

“Dude, it’s me!”

“What the… Zeke?”

“Don’t ask me how... I just stepped into the mirror and became this motherfucker!”

“Why you?”

“Maybe it recognized my bravery.”

“Yeah, right.” I rolled my eyes.

“Are you gonna thank me for saving your ass.”

“Thank you… you jackass.”

“I love you too, baby!”

“What now?”

“We could go back or...”

“Or what?”

“Explore this world.”

I shrugged. “What the Hell?”

“Get your ass up on here then!” Zeke said and laid his huge green head on the grass.

I climbed up on his head, and he stood up.

“Hold on!” he said, and we galloped off into the night.

Posted Jul 10, 2021

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15 likes 4 comments

E.C. Nickelson
17:43 Jul 29, 2021

Love your imagination, darling! Another great story!


Chinmoy Nath
06:48 Jul 13, 2021

It was a nice read. Nice narration used. Found myself lost in a world of fantasy. Keep writing.


21:06 Jul 11, 2021

Honey Bunny lol


Cliff McElrea
02:55 Jul 10, 2021

Good ending. You're my blood and guts specialist! Keep up the imaginative writing.


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