Mystery Adventure

Tris stuck to the bars and almost shivered.

“Fendi,” She whispered, as if afraid that if she used a louder voice, the entire world in front of her would hear it.

“Fendi, did you, did you just ...” 

Fendi shook her head like a well delved therapist, turning her body away from the huge hologram that glowed before them.

“ Actually no, you probably just heard that in your head Tri, you have a cute imagination.” Fendi smiled.

Tris wanted to slap her. Of course she’d heard it in her head, but who said it? Fendi! No other explanation. After all she wasn’t schizophrenic.

“Wh… what is this?” Tris eased herself a bit.

“The world map silly,” Fendi suddenly acted as if she was some intelligent senior to her.

Tris cocked her head to the side and shot Fendi some daring looks.

“If you’re looking for an explanation for the wall,” she waved her hand around the hologram that was formerly a brick wall. “You're probably not gonna understand any of it.”

Tris rolled her eyes. Of course 

“Proceed,” she edged away from the bars.

“Okay, I don’t know why I’m telling you this because, obviously you will not care” 


“But, some one, some people, are trying to take over the world,” Fendi said.

Tris looked unmoved and then widened her eyes.

“And no, it’s not aliens” 

Tris sighed deeply. Thank You Lord.

“But they’re worse than any aliens. They are humans, like us; but beasts.”

Tris wondered if Fendi was just telling her a riddle that pointed back to her. I mean, human, beast…

Sounds like Fendi.

“These are the signs before the end. It’s in the prophesy, Revelations. They.Will. Take. Over.” 

Tris then wondered if Fendi was one of those messenger angels. But in a jail cell? Not too unlikely anyway. Didn’t Paul and Silas….

“Tri! I need a response” Fendi screamed, pushing her eyes upward.

“So .... World power?” she sat on the floor again.

“Precisely” Fendi stared back into the hologram.

“But I thought America was the world power, are they the ones taking over?” Tris asked.

“Nope. Not at all. You see, I’m not sure if I should give you details because you don't look like a person that should be knowing this. Not because you’re untrustworthy, you’re just dumb,” Fendi shrugged her shoulders.

That was it.

Tris got up, marched forward, and squeezed Fendi's hand furiously.

Ahhh!” Fendi let out a high pitched scream, like the frog she was.

Tris heard the door click and then open, revealing Mr. Jailer Man, with what looked like a guinea pig.

“Alright, what’s going on here?” He asked once he stepped in.

Tris let go of Fendi's hand and Fendi put it behind her back, smiling.


There was a very brief pause.

Fendi bent to Pat Tris' head.

“ Could you just LEAVE MY HAIR ALONE!!!!” 

Mr. Jailer Man sat, too busy with his guinea pig to notice Pinky and the Brain.

“Can my hair be like yours?” Fendi widened her eyes.

Tris snorted.

“Physically impossible. Unless you want to be born again as a black woman,” She had this contagious sense of pride and superiority when she said that, raising a hand. The narrator felt it too.

“Born again? Oh Tris, I got converted nine years ago, Trinity Church, year two thousand and six, no need to do it all over.” Fendi smiled.

Tris and Mr. Jailer Man gasped at the same time. Tris, holding her heart in gobsmacked flabbergastedness.


Now, who was this witch claiming born again-ism???

Mr. Jailer Man covered the eyes of his pig, muttering the sixth sentence in the Lord’s prayer, forgive us our trespasses, so that we forgive others who trespass against us...

Fendi furrowed her brows, “ What? Y’all are just judgemental. Judge. Not.” She folded her arms, “I’m not a demon, I just have one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. Prophesy."

Oh ignorant Tris, how could she forget. Of course, 1st Corinthians 12, the nine gifts.

She still didn’t believe all the 'nonsenses'.

“So you’re like a psychic?” Mr. Jailer Man was feeding his pig now. 

“Way to put it” Fendi put a finger to her mouth.

“ Hey Mr. Jailer Man! Who's the pig?” Tris played with the thread of her depressing jumpsuit.

“2020 will be like it never happened. On God, the year should be erased from.the calendars. I don’t even know why they make calendars! It’s not like they know if we’ll still exist by those scrawny dates.” Fendi mumbled, interrupting Mr. Jailer Man's answer. 

They both ignored her.

“It is a HAMSTER” Mr. Jailer Man articulated. 

Tris rolled her eyes. Pig hamster.

“Hey, Fen, see anything in the future concerning us getting outta here?” 

Tris lay on her back.

Fendi didn’t answer her. She had to get all her ‘nonsenses’ out. She’d spent too much time answering their curiosities. 

“Wow, largest protests ever. Held all over the world. B. L. M. Black Lives Matter” Fendi said, staring out of the bars.

Tris snorted.

“Since when? It better be more legitimate this time” She shifted her hand.

“AHAHA!” Fendi was ignoring her now, just completing all she hadn’t said the past few minutes.

“Hmmmm, Card’s vouching for Joe Biden come 2020 elections.” 

Tris groaned.

Mr. Jailer Man was still milking his pig hamster, and then brushing him.

“There you go Daisy, you look like Marilyn Monroe” He cooed.

Tris laughed and fell to the floor, so she won’t let the gravity of the deception throw her off balance first.

Why lie to such a poor creature? Better still, why insult the poor Marilyn?

She concluded that Mr. Jailer Man had no wife or girlfriend to pacify his misery.

Poor Mr. Jailer Man. 

“Okay Daisy,” Mr. Jailer Man got up,holding the pig in his hands.

“In you go,”

And with that, he squeezed the tiny fuzzball in through the bars and let him loose in their cell.

“Eek!” Fendi shrieked at the same time with the pig-rat. Sorry, Daisy.

“What?! I’m pretty sure this isn’t in your job description. Or mine!” Tris shouted, considering it might be listed in Fendi's.

Mr. Jailer Man grinned.

Oh you miserable DOG!

He turned and went out through the door.

The pig stayed in front of Tris, while Fendi waved frantically at the back, shouting, “ Hey Tri! Look at me!” 

Tris crouched down to its level, resting her chin on the back of her palms.

“Yes puppy, welcome to the association of psychic weirdos, irritatingly depressed people and someone who doesn’t give an eff, who are you?” 

The guinea pig just stared into Tris' eyes, quite frightened. Fendi was now pulling her legs.

Of course, this will be a long ending of the world….

Posted Aug 23, 2020

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42 likes 94 comments

18:20 Aug 23, 2020

This story is dedicated to Deidra Lovegren (a cool mom I happen to know on here😎😎😉)


19:37 Aug 23, 2020

Who loves you so much ❤️


19:45 Aug 23, 2020



19:55 Aug 23, 2020

Strawberry 🍓 J



19:58 Aug 23, 2020

🤣🤣🤣 Oh noooo


Doubra Akika
22:12 Aug 23, 2020

Chi Chi this was so wonderful!!! I’m happy you made a part two😂. The dialogue was everything.
Your imagination is so crazy and so creative!!!
Please keep writing!!!
P.S. there are spacing between your quotations and the words following them. Wanted to point out a few then I got confused cuz I was using my phone.
I’m really happy I read this! I look out for your stories but I’ll make sure to look out extra closely for your stories!


22:30 Aug 23, 2020

Thank you!!!! I love this comment. And yes, I've started to release the inner crazy😋😋😋
I also noticed that,🤔 Its a typo thing but I guessed it didn't really matter.
I'll go change it now...

Thanks AGAIN DOUB!!! (😂😂😂😂Ohh, I feel bad even using that nickname🤣)
It's so terribly horrible🤣🤣


Doubra Akika
23:27 Aug 23, 2020

🤣🤣🤣like I said I’m used to worse... trust me😂😂 and it was my pleasure!


23:37 Aug 23, 2020



16:03 Aug 23, 2020

Ahhh, your stories are so gooood! Can there be a part 2 to this?!


16:20 Aug 23, 2020

A part two to the part two?😂😂😂
Aerin, you're killing me😂
Wellllll, as a faithful reedsy friend, I WILL see what I can do about that!


03:17 Sep 10, 2020

Awesome job!! It was just as good as Part 1!!
Are you making a part 3??!


09:19 Sep 11, 2020

Gahhhh, I dunno, a lot of people have been asking me that😭😭
But you know what, I will🙃


15:39 Sep 11, 2020

Yay! Let me know when it is posted!!


10:12 Sep 12, 2020

Of Course!


Sunny 🌼
01:28 Sep 06, 2020

Fendi is amazing and must be protected at ALL COSTS. This dialogue is so funny and charming, I'm looking forward to part three!


21:27 Sep 06, 2020

I'm sooooooo glad you like it!!!🤧🤧❤️
And yeah, people have been asking for a part three but I don't know....


Sunny 🌼
21:55 Sep 06, 2020

You don't have to if you don't want to. It's your choice!


21:20 Sep 07, 2020



Keerththan 😀
15:09 Sep 05, 2020

Wow!!! That was amazing. I love part 1 as well as part 2. Mr. Jailer man -the name is funny. Well written. Keep writing.

Would you mind reading my new story and give some feedback?


21:53 Sep 05, 2020

Thank you Keerthnan!😋😂
I'm so glad you liked it!
And of course I'll read your story!
I like your write ups a lot!☺️


Keerththan 😀
03:26 Sep 06, 2020

My pleasure!!!
I am glad to hear that!!!😇😇


21:27 Sep 06, 2020



Keerththan 😀
02:45 Sep 07, 2020



The Cold Ice
09:10 Sep 05, 2020

Good story.Great job👍keep it up.Keep writing.
Would you mind to read my story
“The dragon warrior?”


21:51 Sep 05, 2020

Thank you!
Of course I'll read your story!


Bianka Nova
13:51 Sep 01, 2020

Really good! I'm off to checking part 1 ;)


14:23 Sep 01, 2020

Thank you!!!😜


. .
04:31 Sep 01, 2020

Great story!


08:48 Sep 01, 2020

Thank you!


The Cold Ice
06:43 Aug 31, 2020

Mysterious story.Great job👍keep it up.Keep writting.
Would you mind to read my story
“The dragon warrior?”


10:55 Aug 31, 2020

Thank you! And I would love to read your story! :D
Thanks again!


Kat Stokes
22:35 Aug 30, 2020

Okay, this might be my favorite story i've read by you so far. It was rollercoaster (in a good way), and I enjoyed the ride.

You have a wonderful way with words and an even more wonderful imagination. Please, never stop writing 💜🥺

- Kat


10:50 Aug 31, 2020

This is actually the part two (it's probably more comprehensive when you read the first idk😂)
I'm SOOOO glad you loved it!!!🤗


Kat Stokes
20:45 Aug 31, 2020

yess, i read the first one and loved it just as much!!! ❤️


21:22 Aug 31, 2020



20:05 Aug 23, 2020

Wow amazing story!, the dialogues are everything! and that poor Hamster!
But I loved this story keep writing!!😊


20:36 Aug 23, 2020

Thanks Ugo!!! You'd probably understand it best if you read the first part (did you though??)
Thanks again! I'm glad you liked it!!


21:07 Aug 23, 2020

Yup! I did, it was the first story of your that I actually read!


21:13 Aug 23, 2020



19:07 Aug 24, 2020

Ps. Check out my BIO🤭


21:43 Aug 24, 2020



21:59 Aug 24, 2020

OMDS Ugochi😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I can't see the fonts!
They're all in some encrypted box format!!!!!


Amany Sayed
19:01 Aug 23, 2020

Wonderful job!
Can't wait for the next part (there IS a next part, right?!?!)
Love the addition of Daisy :)
Keep writing K!


19:31 Aug 23, 2020

😬😬😬😬 I don't know about the 'next part' just yet! 🏃🏃


Amany Sayed
19:31 Aug 23, 2020

Oh well, this was good nonetheless. 🙂🌻


19:35 Aug 23, 2020

I see you like sunflowers...
Hey Armani! Do you know the song "Sunflower" by Post Malone????
I guess it'll be reminding me of you now🌻🌻🌻🌻


Amany Sayed
19:37 Aug 23, 2020

yesss i love sunflowers!
I do not, but nice that it reminds me of you! 😁🌻


19:44 Aug 23, 2020

Oh fiddlesticks! You should really check it out, nice song☺️
And yes, i guess I'll have Armani with me in my emoji box 😂 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻


Doubra Akika
22:13 Aug 23, 2020

Omdsss please ignore my amebo🤣🤣🤣. But yeah, love that song!!!


06:56 Aug 24, 2020

Omg I'm listening to it right now!😎🤘🎧
Eh eh eh EH....
Oo oo oo OO...
Eh eh eh EH...
Oo oo oo OO..


22:32 Aug 23, 2020

😂😂😂🤣🤣 Amebo 4 LIFE🤘🤘
You need to see me doing Amebo 👀🏃🏃🏃
Chai! My mom calls me tatafwo🤣

And yeahhhh, I LOVE that song too,
You're ma sunflower,
I think you love me too much,
And we'll be left in the dust....


Deborah Angevin
22:23 Aug 28, 2020

I like the way you write the dialogues; it flows really well and the use of the capitalised words add the emotions! Great job, Chimamaka!

P.S: would you mind checking my recent story out, "The Purple Sash"? Thank you :D


23:34 Aug 28, 2020

Thank youuuu! Oh, and I'm off to read that already😂


Avery G.
23:55 Aug 26, 2020

Wow, cool story! It was sooo good! Great job!


00:50 Aug 28, 2020

Thanks Avery!!! 😋
I'm so glad you liked it!
It's actually a continuation of the first part, "Strange Inmate"
Mind reading some of my other stories too? I would love to know what you think about the others.
Meanwhile, I'll check out your own write ups🙃



Avery G.
02:58 Aug 28, 2020

You're welcome! Of course!!!


23:19 Aug 28, 2020



Jonathan Blaauw
13:58 Aug 26, 2020

This story is a lot like the person it's dedicated too – totally weird but in such a good way 😊
It really was a bit of a wtf journey. We go from religion to BLM, Biden to Monroe, Pinky and the Brain to guinea pigs (which aren’t from Guinea and aren’t even pigs – talk about false advertising!) and all in a bizarre, prison setting. I love it!
It’s like opera – you may not know what the hell is happening on stage, but you know its good all the same. Very enjoyable. Even when the narrator breaks in to share a personal opinion, it doesn’t break the flow – it’s the kind of story where anything goes.
And, somehow, you keep it contained enough that the reader doesn’t get lost. So it's not like you just threw some words at the page and hoped for the best. There’s a real story here, showing there’s madness in your method after all. If literature is art, then this is a Dali original. Well done!


15:22 Aug 26, 2020

THANK YOU JONATHAN!!!!! Thiseans SO much coming from you!!😁
It's actually the part two of a first episode on here, I was compelled to do a continuation, and peeps still want a part two of the part two 😂

And yes, Dei really inspired me😎

P.S I love your stories! (Well story cos I've only read one but I assume they'll all be Gucci😎)

Real false advertising...
They just look like larger rats...


Pragya Rathore
15:35 Aug 25, 2020

Beautifully and creatively penned! You're such a fab writer. Note to self: read more of your works. My favorite part was basically the introduction. You really know how tu grab the attention of the reader! Kudos. :)
If you get the time, please check out my stories too :D


19:10 Aug 25, 2020

THANK YOUUUU PRAGYA!!!! (Your name reminds me of a character in the Bollywood television series on Zee world, is it....Twist of fate....)
Anyhoo THANKS!😁😁. And I'll DEFINITELY check out your stories!!!


Pragya Rathore
02:08 Aug 26, 2020

:D :D Yeah, my name came before that, and that is the most boring serial in the history of television soaps. I would recommend it only to someone I hated :) I am very surprised that you noticed, though. You are highly observant :p


08:22 Aug 26, 2020

Yes🙃 im pretty observant... I guess, my sister's way better though...
And i ABSOLUTELY agree with you. I actually hate zee world entirely. The acting is just too funny🤣🤣🤣🤣
God, Nigerians make a terrible caricature of it in comedies.
And yet they're the biggest fans/patronizers of Bollywood...
The irony


Pragya Rathore
08:28 Aug 26, 2020

It's the biggest comedy to discuss for the Indian youth. We make fun of it all the time :) Even in Indian cinema, the sexism, ageism and racism is just TOO MUCH TO HANDLE. I'm really sorry, I haven't seen any daily soaps about Nigeria yet. Any recommendations? :)


10:45 Aug 26, 2020

Oh, Pragya, I can assure you that no one makes fun of them in the WORLD as much aa Nigerians🤣🤣
It's literally a comedy stunt, all the time🤣🤣
The exaggeration is intimidating🤣🤣🤣
You reallllly need to waych Nigerian comedies and caricatures of Zee world, you will LAUGH your head off 🤣🤣🤣
Nigerians are very good at wicked mimicry🤣🤣🤣
Recommemdations, hmm Ajoche, Tinsel, Ultimate Love, Jenifa's diary,Jemeji, Battleground, Before 30, the Johnson's, My siblings and I..... they are soooo much, You know what, you could just go on to the Africa Magic website to browse them, they're a lot and REAL good☺️.For movies I recommend The Wedding party, 30 days in Atlanta, King of Boys, 93 days, Merry Men: The real Yoruba Demons, Bling Lagosians, Your excellenxy, Chief Daddy, Dear Affy, Merry Men: Another Mission, A trip to Jamaica,Moms at war, Sugar rush (try Wedding party first, its the highest grossing internationally😉).... You could just search on the net, best Nigerian shows and movies🙃


10:53 Aug 26, 2020

You could recommend some good Indian movies for me too🙃
I'd like to have hope that Bollywood stars are not just comedians🤣🤣🤣
Warning: please do not recommend Zee world, ANYTHING but that...


Amany Sayed
00:31 Aug 25, 2020

MY THING IS @sunnydayz224


01:19 Aug 25, 2020



Amany Sayed
01:20 Aug 25, 2020

Oh no, what happened! I just followed you :)


01:24 Aug 25, 2020

If I explained, you wouldn't get half of it, trust me. Bottom line is, I'm finding it difficult to get into my email account because I don't have my old number, and soooo I probably won't be able to get into any other accounts. But it will soon be fixed, it's not a permanent problem.... I pray🤞


01:21 Aug 25, 2020

😂😂Your HANDLE. And ooooooookayyyyy, I hope you know how to start, if not, QUESTION AWAY💃
(Although I'm not an expert myself, but I can brag of knowing the basics 😜🙃)


Amany Sayed
01:25 Aug 25, 2020

WHAT it describes me okay. I'm a sunny person and my favorite number is 224. I started out :) Thanks though, nice to know I have someone to go to for help. Ah, that's too bad.


19:07 Aug 25, 2020

OKAY🙂. You're welcome! And pardon me, till I get my account I'm kind of strangled 😑, but I'll follow you ONCE I do🤞


Amany Sayed
19:15 Aug 25, 2020



Charles Stucker
01:34 Aug 24, 2020

"Tris and Mr. Jailer Man gasped at the same the." typo- get rid of last 'the'

"Mr. Jailer Man covered the eyes if his pig" typo- of his pig

Very whimsical to the point of surreal. Almost like James Joyce when he does stream of thought. You ought to title the next chapter something like the "three X" where X is whatever term best describes what the characters are NOT doing or accomplishing. then let people discover (author's note at the end) that it is part three of a longer journey. Let someone (hint me if nobody beats me to it) talk about journey should be called oblique nod toward Joyce.


06:40 Aug 24, 2020

Oh Thank you! I'll make corrections to those typos immediately.
And I like that idea, sounds nice.
Ah, that would be an endearing way to go about the story.
I'll be sure to hint you.
Thanks again for the comment!!!!!!


19:36 Aug 23, 2020

Your imagination is magnificent 🙏🏻
So good 🇳🇬, Queen 👑

This is deliciously decadent and hilarious. I loved the characters and want to read more more more.

Minor note: proofread your punctuation more closely, especially in your rich, vibrant dialogue.


19:42 Aug 23, 2020

Thank YOUUUUU Dei!!! You don't know how much that means coming from you😂☺️.
And right, I'll be sure to proofread and check my punctuations all over again. Nice to have good writer friends who have your back😊😊😊🤗🤗🤗

Thanks again QUEEN👸!!!


19:43 Aug 23, 2020

gobsmacked flabbergastedness.



20:04 Aug 23, 2020

🤣🤣🤣 STOP. IT.


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