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Adventure Fantasy Science Fiction

As Katherine and Rob grip onto the ship, the spaceship starts to shake. “Ready for takeoff!!!” They hear someone outside yell. “You ready?”Rob asks Katherine. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” She replies. The ship starts to shake more and more the closer they get to takeoff. Katherine starts to hold her breath and close her eyes. This is her first time going to outer space. So many doubts keep running through her mind. “What if I forget what I’m supposed to do when I get up there?” “What if I forget how to make my food?” “Or what if when we get to mars, I forget how to help land the ship?” She grips the ship tighter as these thoughts pace through her mind. Meanwhile, Rob is super excited. He’s been in space about three times so far. This will make his fourth. He loves going to space. He loves the peace and quiet and how it’s completely different from Earth. He loves it. Then the ship finally takes off. Katherine scrunching her face as tight as possible. Hoping to make to Mars and back home safely. While Robs looking out the window as the ship zooms up into the air. The bright light from the sun shining through the window. Then it suddenly gets dark and their bodies become extremely light. Robs still looking out the window as he unbuckles and Katherine slowly unscrunches her face. When she opens her eyes, she looks out the window out at the beautiful stars. They both unbuckle and start to head towards the flight deck to start getting the ship on track to Mars. It should take just a few months to get there, if nothing goes wrong. Once they get the ship on track, they head towards the kitchen to grab something to drink. As they’re sitting down at the table, they feel the spaceship shake a little bit too much. They go back to the flight deck to see what was going on. They look around but don’t see anything wrong. They start to look at the gages and still can’t find anything. Then the ship started to shake again. More vigorously this time. Then all of a sudden all of the gages turn on. They both start to panic. They don’t know what to do. They start rushing to the engine room to look at all of the gages but nothing seems wrong with them. They run back to the flight deck and buckle themselves in. They look around and notice that they’re going at extremely fast speeds and the ship is just getting faster and faster. No matter how hard they try to make it stop. They start pushing random buttons. Trying everything they can to make it stop. They look out the window and notice that they’re zooming past mars. The planet they’re supposed to be landing on. “Oh no. That was mars. What are we going to do?” Katherine asks. Rob just stays silent. What is he supposed to say? That they’re probably going to die out here in space and nobody is ever going to find them? So he just stayed silent. That was the best thing to do in this moment. Meanwhile, they’re still zooming. Then they start to pass Jupiter. That’s when Titan pops into view. One of Saturns moons. They were heading right towards it. At incredible speeds. They couldn’t slow down nor stop. They were about to crash on a moon that no human has ever been to. “Brace for impact!!” Rob screams as tears roll down his cheeks. They both close their eyes and hold onto their seats as tight as possible. Then all of a sudden their ship slows down. They slowly open their eyes and notice that they’re in some kind of purple bubble. They unbuckle themselves and look out the windows. They’re on Titan. They see the dunes and methane rivers and lakes. Then they look over to the left and notice a building. A building with aliens  inside of it. They start to walk towards the ship. “Duck!” Rob yells. They both duck and hide under the counter as the aliens get closer and closer. They start to hold each other’s hands as the aliens board their ship. They start to hear them get closer to the flight deck. Then the doors open. The aliens look at them with curious eyes. Rob tried to talk to them and tell them that they’re not there to harm them. “Um, hello… I… I’m Rob… and this is Katherine. We aren’t here to harm you guys in any way. We weren’t even supposed to land here. Our ship malfunctioned. We’re sorry for intrud…” Then the aliens cut him off. “You’re fine. We welcome you to our home with open arms. As long as you don’t try to harm anything or anybody you will be fine. Now. I hear Earth dwellers breathe air. Here we breathe nitrogen so you will need gas masks. Also, it’s negative 200 degrees. We have warming suits for you guys but you might need more clothes too. Also, I know you’re wondering how we know your language. The thing is, we’ve been talking to your government and examining you humans for thousands of years. So therefore we know anything and everything about you guys. Now get your gas masks, put more clothes on, and we’ll go get those suits and introduce you to the rest.” The first alien says. Both Katherine and Rob look at each other and stand up. They head to their rooms to put more clothes on and put on their gas masks. As soon as they were done, the aliens came back with the warming suits. As Rob and Katherine put them on, the aliens we’re examining their ship. “Somehow all of your gages ran hot at one time making your ship basically go into panic mode.  I didn’t even think that was possible. We will try to get it fixed so that you can get back to your mission but I’m not sure if it is fixable.” The alien says. “But don’t worry, we have ships. Unless you decide you guys love it here. You guys can stay if you want. It’s up to you. Now come on. Let me take you to meet the rest of our clan.” The alien continues.   

September 05, 2020 21:52

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1 comment

22:17 Sep 16, 2020

What a fun story! I really liked your characters. You kept the characterization strong and consistent, and I like that you took a risk by going with a sci-fi story. One thing I will say as far as constructive criticism is that it might be a little more reader-friendly with a couple more paragraph breaks. There a great deal of creativity in this though, and you did a great job of having fun with the prompts.


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