

The little monsters that haunt us every night. Keep us away from feeling good. Induce guilt in our hearts. Once they are released, you can never take them back.

Lies are like bullets. When you pull the trigger, the bullet will fire. You cannot reverse your action. The bullet will strike your adversary. But sometimes, our hand slips, and we pull the trigger by mistake. Instead of hitting our foe, we hurt a companion.

I didn't mean to do it. I really didn't. I told myself these words every night in hopes of pacifying the pain. But it never worked. I was trapped in darkness. I wanted to make amends, but I just couldn't. I was ashamed. Ashamed of what I had done. And afraid that I wouldn't be forgiven.

As I sat on the pearl white chair in the balcony, I felt a burn in my chest. Guilt. I took a deep breath and looked ahead. The Sun was starting to set. Each ray of light started to fade away, leaving darkness. But soon, even dark sky started to glow. Minute dots of light filled the blackness. And soon the moon and the stars gave of radiant light. I closed my eyes. I was stuck in darkness. I hoped that one day the stars would come out in my dark sky and fill it with light. One day...

As the Sun rose the next day, I decided to go back home. To the place where it all began...and ended. I felt inane. Going back to the same place every single day. Hoping that I would meet her again. I knew that it wasn't possible, but I kept going back. It was as if my mind and body were attracted to it. They forced me to go back. Tears filled my eyes as I started to drive home. Home sweet home. Though it had turned sour.

My mind drifts through my memories and lands on that night. The last night of my happiness. Of my love. Of my sanctuary. Everything felt so real. I was back in the hospital. I heard the worried voices of nurses and doctors as they rushed through the hallway. The sweet smell of flowers clouded the air. I stood in front of the door, my hand gripped on the metal handle. Room 302. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stepped away. I couldn't do it. I ran out of the hospital sobbing quietly.

I jolted back to reality. My hands tightened on the steering wheel. Why didn't you go in? Why did you have to be so apprehensive? My mind went against me again as it brought me back to that night. I felt the cool wind on my face as I raced out of the hospital. I took a seat on the wooden bench and closed my eyes. And there she was. She ran towards me joyfully, her long brown hair floating behind her. A large smile was plastered on her face as she sat next to me.

"Is mommy going to be okay?" She looked at me full of hope.

At that second, my mind pulled the trigger. The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"She's going to be fine." I tried my best to smile.

On the inside, I crumbled. I knew that she wasn't going to be okay. I knew that I had lied. But I kept my mouth shut. Didn't say a word. My mind brought me back to actuality. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I gave you hope when there was none. I looked out the windshield and my eyes softened. I was home. It looked so familiar. The roof was still crooked, and the outside walls were still cracked. I stepped outside and felt the cool breeze on my face. It welcomed me home.

The door opened with a creak. The floorboards were still broken, and the furniture was dusty. The kitchen was bare, only a few utensils scattered around the counter. The rose-colored lamp had fallen over. I reached out and carefully placed it upright. As my hands touched the glass, I could feel the memories inside. I could hear the joyful laughter inside the house. The sounds of jumping and excitement. The voices faded away and soon it was all quiet.

The sofa was old but soft. I took a seat and rested my head back. I was home. But it didn't feel so warm anymore. It had turned into a cold dark place. As my eyes blinked back the tears, the soft creak of a door startled me. I abruptly stood up walking closer and closer.

She stepped inside. Her eyes widened as her eyes looked up at me. The pain stabbed me in my stomach. My hands dropped to my sides. She came closer.

"Vega." Her voice was soft but cold. It felt so abnormal. I hadn't heard it in years.

"Nova," I replied to her quietly.

We stood there. Standing so close, yet feeling so far. Her face turned angry but soon softened. Her eyes became blurry.

"You lied to me."

"I know I did. I'm sorry, Nova."

She raised her voice. "You gave me hope when you knew there was none!"

My voice broke. "I know. And I am so sorry. I shouldn't have. I should have told you that it was bad. I should have told you that mom wasn't going to make it."

She shook her head and covered her mouth. "Mom."

I stared at the ground. "She's gone. We can't do anything. But please forgive me, Nova. Do it for mom. It's what she would have wanted."

She stares at me. "I...I forgive you, Vega."

We start to sob as we embrace each other. I rest my chin on her shoulder.

"I love you, sis." She holds me tighter.

"I love you more."

For once, in the dark sky, I finally see specks of light dotting the darkness. And soon, the radiant glow fills the sky. I see the stars. I have escaped the darkness. Finally, I am home.

August 09, 2020 02:01

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Soumya Garg
10:04 Dec 27, 2020

I loved this story. The way you describes Vega lying to make peace but she knew it was not going to help and at the end it was the bitter truth which finally gave way for both Nova and Vega to feel better. Good Job !!! Also , ( are you Indian ? ) ( I am too) :)


Riddhi Shedge
19:26 Dec 27, 2020

Thank you so so much, Soumya! PS: Yes, I am :)


Soumya Garg
07:52 Dec 28, 2020

Yay! I guessed it right! :) Can u do me a favor? I have completed my very first novel, a crime novel and I am looking for readers and amazing writers like you who can read my work and tell me about it, CRITIQUE and a give a true review. If you want and if your time permits I can send 1 - 2 chapters of novel maybe at your email, for a review. PS: No pressure. I totally understand if you do not want to. Thanks Soumya


Riddhi Shedge
18:49 Dec 28, 2020

Omg, I would be honored! Great job on writing your own novel! I'm not comfortable with giving my email out in the open, so if you have Instagram or other social media, I can give it to you there. If not, we can try to figure something out! PS: Thanks for considering me!


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Pavithra Shenoy
20:14 Oct 30, 2020

danggggggggg urrrrr gooooodddddddd😂


Riddhi Shedge
20:14 Oct 30, 2020



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Pavithra Shenoy
20:16 Oct 30, 2020



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B. W.
00:07 Sep 23, 2020

Hey! i really liked this story and you did a great job with it, i'm going to go and give this a 10/10 :)


Riddhi Shedge
18:51 Sep 23, 2020

Thank you so much, B.W.!


B. W.
18:53 Sep 23, 2020

no problem ^^


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Azalea Silver
15:27 Mar 28, 2023

This story really makes it hit home how much our words can hurt others. I love what you did when manifesting the lies as bullets, it was a surprisingly accurate depiction of them Hoping to see more of your works😁😁


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14:22 Sep 20, 2021

Such A sweet and compelling story full of emotions and depth


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Pavithra Shenoy
20:15 Oct 30, 2020

heyyy I wanna beeee in a famousssss authorsssss sstoryyyyyyy ....amm iii qualliffffffieeeddd


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09:34 Sep 24, 2020

Hey Riddhi would you be kind to watch the first video it's on Harry potter. https://youtu.be/KxfnREWgN14 Sorry for asking your time


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Maya W.
01:31 Aug 20, 2020

This was a beautifully crafted story! I noticed a couple grammatical errors, but nothing too jarring, Also, I thought the pacing was a little bit off - it could probably have gone on a little longer, but all in all, I loved this story! You're great at using analogies and rhetoric! If possible, could you check out some of my stories, too? Thank you!


Riddhi Shedge
05:09 Aug 20, 2020

Thanks for the feedback, Maya :)


Maya W.
05:26 Aug 20, 2020

No problem!


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Pamela Saunders
13:48 Aug 17, 2020

The ending made me smile. The beginning was so sad, and the metaphors were really nice. You tied the beginning and the end together with a satisfactory middle. Well done :)


Riddhi Shedge
15:20 Aug 17, 2020

Thanks for reading, Pamela!


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Adrian Stolecki
00:48 Aug 17, 2020

I really liked your opening too! Really made me want to keep reading immediately! Good job. Please check out my story if you have a chance! It's my first one on here and I'd love a little feedback!


Riddhi Shedge
15:19 Aug 17, 2020

Thanks! Sure :D


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Deborah Angevin
10:29 Aug 14, 2020

I loved the opening; it grips the reader to keep on reading. Great job, Riddhi! P.S: would you mind checking my recent story out, "Grey Clouds"? Thank you :D


Riddhi Shedge
16:36 Aug 14, 2020

Thank you for your kind words! Of course, I will :)


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Pragya Rathore
11:00 Aug 09, 2020

Your language is beautiful! Your interpretation of the prompt is lovely. Awesome! Please check out my stories and review them! ;)


Riddhi Shedge
17:09 Aug 09, 2020

Thank you! Sure, I will :)


Pragya Rathore
17:11 Aug 09, 2020

That would be very kind of you :) Please let me know what you thought of them!


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