Adventure Funny Science Fiction

This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives and you would expect it should be, given that they were about to venture out from their very basic and mundane existence into a new ‘wild’ adventure.

However, for Chris and Leanne plans and dreams always seem to be scuppered for one reason or another, be it fate or the interference of others!

In this instance it was 'others' that would change the course of their lives forever and with all the will in the world for success just once, their plans would prove to be pointless. However, both of them were blissfully unaware of what lay ahead at this stage.

On the morning of departure, Leanne was so excited to be setting off on the open roads with just a few necessary belongings, some sentimental and lots of food packed in to the new campervan, which was just about road-worthy and wouldn’t break any speed records but it was all that was needed for the upcoming travels. Chris was panicking as usual, triple checking the house was locked up and everything switched off and whether he gathered all his ‘bits and pieces.’

Eventually, he found the time to let reality hit him and raised an excited smile to replace the nervous grimace that moulded his face.

So with Midas, the cat, their faithful friend, scooped up, all got in to the van, took a deep breath and they set off for the remote lighthouse on Fair Isle. This was a small island near the Orkneys and Shetlands, inhabited but not overwhelmingly so, as in our old Lancashire towns.

Chris had accepted a job of being the island’s lighthouse keeper for twelve months and he could not wait to escape the daily doldrums he suffers, for this past year had brought nothing but doom and gloom and no hope of it ever brightening up. His dream was to live remotely and be at one with the sea, nature and creatures. The wildlife up there is so abundant, that as a keen photographer and writer, Chris knew that his new life would provide the sanctuary and a refreshed impetus to embrace his inner being.

Leanne was happy to go along with him on his ‘awakening venture’ as she only wanted him to be happy and for once to have a morning where he awoke relaxed, invigorated and alive!

So off they set and so far everything was going great. Midas seemed settled in his little travel pod, trilling at the new sites along the way but the journey was a long one so there would be plenty of stops en route. There was no immediate rush as they had 3 days before the job began so it was a leisurely, pleasant trip, with gorgeous scenery and lots of fun, for as the further north they got, the more the heaviness of their old lives seem to lift from their shoulders and relief, happy anticipation and even giddiness set in.

It was a round 7pm on day one that Chris decided he'd had enough of driving. The campervan was great and he had always longed for one but they were a little tiresome to drive for long hours as they laboured somewhat. So, Leanne checked the map and not far from where they were currently at, was a small caravan park. After googling the site, they both decided this would be an ideal, safe place to sleep overnight in the van. Only £6 per night. Great!

They pulled in to the park and paid their nightly fee. The attendant pointed them in the right direction as to where they should set up camp, so off they went and parked up. Time for a stretch and some food before all had an early night. Chris had the intention that they’d be on the road again by 6am the following day.

Well, isn’t there a saying about ‘best laid plans?’ Yes and the morning would prove, yet again, to be the case that they do not work out.

When Chris and Leanne awoke, all happy and barely able to hold back their sheer thrilled state for what lay ahead, it was about to come crashing down on them as soon as Chris opened the van door. 

Expecting to see trees maybe, other vans and a few people he was shocked to find that there was no-one, nothing. They were completely in the middle of nowhere with no sign of any life, whether it be people or creatures. Midas was there of course, initially oblivious to it all.

Leanne got up and with a happy refrain greeted her two companions with joy and girlish excitement.  That soon came crashing to an abrupt  end when Chris suddenly yelled “What the hell has happened?”

Of course, Leanne shot up out of bed, went to the door and had  the same stunned reaction as Chris. Where the hell where they and how had they got there? Questions and disbelief running through their minds and outpouring of babbling speech.  This was nothing like the place they pulled in to last night. Everything had gone! 

But where had everything gone and how? When I say everything, I mean everything. They may have well been on a deserted planet for all that could be seen. No trees, no people, no animals, no bird sounds, no crawlies. Absolutely nothing, just rough barren land and an eerie silence.

Now, Chris had longed for solitude but this was pushing it. There wasn't even a sign of a road, so how where they supposed to navigate a way back to some kind of civilisation. It was all totally unrecognisable.

Bewildered and confused, Leanne just collapsed to the floor.  Chris felt the same, with legs like jelly, that could barely support him but he managed to revive Leanne and sit her up.

After 20 minutes of being totally stupefied by their surroundings and even Midas now seemingly spooked by the lack of life, not even a mouse to hunt down, the pair decided the only thing they could do was to get in the van and drive.

They knew not where or as to which direction but surely the landscape would eventually reveal their path back to normality.

So, after a quick drink and bite to eat for all, to keep their strength up, they set off in hopes they were following the compass north. I forgot to mention but it should be obvious, there was no signal for their phones either so now their travel relied on old fashioned methods which Chris drew on from being a Scout as a child.

After what seemed like hours and with petrol quickly dwindling they felt more and more aghast and helpless. The rough terrain was taking it's toll on the van also. 

Chris stopped driving and got out to have a look around as they could see the ground lowering infront if them, to some kind of valley.  With binoculars in hand, he perused the area with dread. But then he saw what seemed like a flash of light, like a reflection of some kind. Did he imagine it, was it just a trick of the light?

Still, it gave him cause for excitement as he reported back to Leanne. They quickly followed the direction from which the flash came. Travelling down the incline with caution the pair got more and more nervous. All around them seemed so unfamiliar to the norm of being the countryside and they could not help but be scared of what they would come upon.

Just as they drove closer, the flash of light happened again and was clearly visible to all. Much brighter now but it seemed to be coming from the ground, maybe from something underground, buried.

Leanne suggested they don't get too close and approach very slowly on foot.  So Chris put Midas on his walking leash and ventured forth.  Between them, they were shaking and whispering with Midas chattering, as he would at the prospect of a teasing bird on a tree outside the window.  And so, they took each step nearer to the unknown.

More than half the day had gone by now and Chris was anxious they would not make their destination on time to begin their new life but they had to see if this underground light gave them some answers and a way back.

Suddenly, there was a loud whooshing sound and more lights appeared. No way!!! Not a UFO? Seriously, these things are not real. It couldn't be, could it?

All three froze with terror at what they assumed was happening; an extraterrestrial vessel coming to life. Maybe it would explain why they were there in the middle of what seemed like a different world!

Sure enough, the ground shook and up came this strange, shiny, object, typical of how we had always imagined UFOs to be. The only sign of something recognisable were the letters on the rim of the ship. HPLC.  What could that mean. But as it rose to the surface, all went deadly silent. 

Chris and Leanne had their eyes on stalks and Midas had cowered to his belly, quietly crying like a kitten wanting his mother's milk.

A few minutes later, a beam of light and a very tall man-like figure appeared in front of them. His features were quite human but the main difference was his skin appeared to be a very odd purple colour.

Chris and Leanne stuttered in pure shock as the figure looked on with curious stoic gaze.  They of course could not understand what was going on and rambled to each other of what best to do. Should they run? Should they try to talk? Panic mode was firmly set in. 

But then, Chris had a sudden realisation of who this character was. Being a keen reader and writer, he recognised the features as that of 20th century creator of weird horror, H.P. Lovecraft. Albeit his skin was purple but that would be a colour out of space, you may expect!

Lovecraft explained that he had never been of this planet but only visited for experimental reasons to see if mankind could accept the concept of other worldly beings and only returned home to observe human reaction to his works and for him, his reality.

He explained to Chris that although many writers had come and gone since his departure and that many had tried to emulate his style, there had been none to impress until now and so Lovecraft needed to recruit Chris, a like minded, creative soul to continue his legacy and push the boundaries in preparation for earth's future and impending alien takeover.

Also being a cat lover, he welcomed Midas along for the journey. Leanne, who knew she had no argument to stop this, was a companion compromise to persuade Chris to comply, which he was excited to do. All his wildest dreams had come true and for once so pleased all that planning had been scuppered. They climbed aboard for the most crazy and far out adventure they could have hoped for.

And what about the job in the lighthouse, well by then it was too late!

November 20, 2020 17:02

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