#240 In the Wind
Wind is something of a contradiction. Powerful yet invisible, it’s nothing but air, but can influence the shape of landscapes, sway trees, and carry whispers across vast distances. This force of nature can be a calming breeze or a raging storm, offering comfort or unleashing destruction.
It’s always around us, whether you’re laying on a warm beach with a relaxing breeze cooling you down, or in awe as a storm passes by while carelessly throwing debris. With that in mind, this week we delve into the wonders of wind and bring attention to its influence within our stories.
🥇 Winner
⭐️ Shortlisted
This week's prompts
Begin your story with the sensation of a breeze brushing against a character's skin.
137 stories
Set your story on a sailboat, large or small, and entirely at the mercy of the winds.
31 stories
Set your story in a lighthouse surrounded by powerful gale-force winds.
37 stories
(Non)sensical Rant as an Ode to the Human Condition
Submitted to Contest #240