#197: Fate and Free Will
It’s an eternal question. Are our lives governed by our own actions, or subject to the powers of destiny? Religions, philosophers, writers, and everyday folk have been arguing about it for centuries, and we still don’t have a definitive answer. Stories of heroes locked into tragic fates they can’t escape make up a large portion of our oldest myths and legends. Yet modern stories tend to paint their protagonists as free will incarnate. Even so, there are still plenty that play with destiny.
This week, we want to explore the age-old conundrum of heroes. Are we in charge of our fate? Or is it all in the hands of some unknowable power laying out our path forward?
This week's prompts
Write a story that includes the phrase “I’m free!”
Dialogue – 60 stories
“Always Check The Pockets” by Karen McDermott
Submitted to Contest #197
“The Gods We Were” by Joe Smallwood
Submitted to Contest #197
“The Terror of Amberglen” by Russell Mickler
Submitted to Contest #197
“Sharing Shakespeare's Birthday: A Five-Paragraph Essay” by Éan Bird
⭐️ Shortlisted for Contest #197
“Playing The Game” by Alexandra Rodriguez
Submitted to Contest #197
“This Will Be My Life” by Joe Smallwood
Submitted to Contest #197
“LET THERE BE CHAOS” by Thorn Paige
Submitted to Contest #197
“The Antichrist and All Her Friends” by Alex Alaimo
Submitted to Contest #197
“Virgil’s Aeneas and the Founding of Rome” by Jack Kimball
Submitted to Contest #197
“The Goddess Must Have Her Way ” by Scott Christenson
Submitted to Contest #197
“Re-righting the Future” by Jane Andrews
Submitted to Contest #197
“Couch-Deep Roots” by Elizabeth Schomburg
Submitted to Contest #197
“Strange and Wings ” by Theresa Amante
Submitted to Contest #197
“Rising Wind” by J.C. Vayda
Submitted to Contest #197
Prize money
Contest entries
Ended on 23:59 - May 12, 2023 EST
Won by HR Pinches 🏆
Title: The Fate of Customer 12
Submissions must be between 1,000 - 3,000 words and will be approved and published on Reedsy Prompts within 7 days of the contest closing.
Read the full terms & conditions or check out the FAQ if you have any questions!