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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Sep, 2020
Submitted to Contest #186
“Now, I know this is new to you, Jerry-” “Jared.” “Like I said, Jerry, but we will have this cake done in no time.” “Well, I hope so, Margie, but the party is in two hours.” “The last person that called me Margie was my friend Ben in first grade. That was the day he learned what dirt tasted like.” “… So, it’s Margret?” “Only if you don’t want to tell me how fresh this flour is. Now, hand me the whisk from the tumbler over there.” “What’s a whisk?” “Boy, you haven’t been in a kitchen in a while, have you?” “Well, I figure it’s about time to s...
Submitted to Contest #106
The moon gave gentle light and relief from the sun’s heat. Its silvery touch blanketed everything under it and lulled the unsettled town into rest. Though for some, the sight of the moon meant it was time to emerge from hiding. Wearing dark, baggy clothing, she crept from her spot among the weeds onto the open cargo car of the train. Quietly, she scurried to a dark corner behind some crates where she’d be out of sight for anyone who chanced to wander by. Her brown eyes scanned the area for any potential movement or threats but found none. F...
Submitted to Contest #104
Goldie and I made our way up the sidewalk on this hot July day. The app on my phone had said it was 89 degrees, but it felt more like 100 the way the sun beat down with little to no breeze. I hadn’t wanted to walk, but my roommate, Alexa, said “Penny, we need toilet paper. Will you please go to the store? I have finals to study for.” Once Goldie heard the word store, she was barking and carrying on like there was no tomorrow. She even brought me her leash off the dryer.So, here I am walking my lovable golden retriever uptown to the sto...
“Are you coming tonight?” An awkward silence hung in the air as I contemplated my answer. “You aren’t going to skip again, are you?” Carla’s look of disappointment pricked at my conscience. “You missed the last party I threw because you said you weren’t ready…” “I’m still cautious…” That was the honest truth. “Well, it’s an outside party, and I only invited my closest friends, which includes you,” she pointed out with a gentle smile. “I hate the circumstances too, but we can’t stop our lives and live in fear. Just please consider coming.”...
Submitted to Contest #86
Gwen’s hands shook as she stood before her locker at school. With a sigh, she plopped her lavender backpack onto the tile floor beside her. Classmates walked by in a sea of indifference with only one jutting from the crowd to join her. “Hey, Gwen! Did I miss it?” Renee’s big brown eyes glittered and her perky disposition told Gwen that she was just as excited as she was trying not to be. “No, Renee. You haven’t missed it.” She smiled before she let out a breath through her pursed lips. Trying to get the nerve up to open the metal door. “Can...
Submitted to Contest #85
Hey, Man! Gavin here. I know I haven’t written home lately, so I wanted to catch you up. Let me tell you about how great last night was as I scramble to get ready for work this morning. Dude, it was EPIC! My buddies and I went from party to party, dancing and socializing over snacks and drinks in those intoxicating neons. Flashing discos didn’t hurt either. I love this city, there’s always something to do! Anyway, I met this really great girl who gave me her number on a napkin. We got to talk for a bit before her friends came and pulled her...
Submitted to Contest #73
Love is in the air… I thought it was supposed to be cinnamon, good cheer, and tidings of great joy, but apparently, it's love. People have just gone crazy this year! Let me tell you about my day as I hurry to the safety of my home. This icy sidewalk and brisk wind are going to slow me down a bit, so maybe I'll have time to tell the whole story before I get there. Let's start with this morning. I'm a nurse at Good Cheer nursing home, and most days, I have the same patients. Well, there's this one elderly man, Eugene, who's in his nineties. H...
Submitted to Contest #71
Tess loved to spend time with her niece, Stacy, and thought she may enjoy walking around the Winter Wonderland carnival. The brisk December air didn’t squelch the excitement or festivity in town. Lights adorned nearly everything, Christmas trees were being sold in one corner, hot chocolate vendors were here and there, people were dressed as elves and the Clauses, and a variety of Christmas music was played over a loud-speaker. Merriment and cookies galore! It truly captured the spirit of Christmas. “Auntie Tess, I want that one!” The ...
Death by Chocolate You’re Invited! This year for my birthday, I decided to give all my guests gifts, too! How fun would it be to do a cookie exchange?? RSVP so we all know how many dozens of cookies to make! I have only invited my closest baking friends to this little party of ten, and I hope to see you all there! – Noel I read over my invitation one more time before I posted it to my friends. Having a December birthday is not always easy. People are busier now than any other time of the year, and understandably so. However, it does have it...
Submitted to Contest #70
“Now boarding Flight 101 to Tahiti,” the lady on the intercom announced and nearly stopped my heart. Are we really doing this? “That’s us!” Kevin excitedly grabbed his bag and my suitcase. His brown eyes glittered, and his smile had never been wider. It was nice to see him like this. I felt the same way last night when we concocted this plan, but now… “Are you ready?” “Yeah,” I nodded and faked a smile the best I could. Nervously, I moved my blonde hair behind my ear and pulled my purse strap over my shoulder. “Oh, Brea, this is going to be...
Submitted to Contest #62
Our feet crunched the browning leaves as we trekked through the park. The crisp, cool morning air was more enlivening than my cup of coffee had been. Thanks to my jean jacket, I was comfortable as we continued to an old spot that only I knew of.My hands are warmed not by mittens but by the hands of love. One was much fuller and form-fitting than the other. I looked to the woman whose hand daintily clasped mine and received a smile that parted her red lips. Her curly, blonde locks bobbed as we walked along. Sicily is my guiding ship and...
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