Fantasy Friendship Teens & Young Adult

It was the final weeks of summer and Olivia and I were making the most of it then suddenly Jason showed up screaming telling us to run. All I did was stand there and tilt my head sideways “why do we need to run Jason” I said not sure of what was going on. He looked at me as if I had just spoken gibberish then said, “the zombies are coming haven’t you heard?” my head was spinning at that point I couldn’t begin to comprehend what he just said to me. “what do you mean” Olivia said with a terrified look on her face. Jason turned to me and said “Natalie and Olivia if we don’t go now, we have a high chance of being eaten by one of the thousands of zombies that are arising from their graves. Once we get too high ground, we can try to sort out a way to terminate all the zombies so that they don't kill all of humanity.” I trusted him and now there were many other people around us running for their lives so all I said in response to what he just said was “ok” Olivia also agreed to follow his plan.

All three of us started running as fast as we could. As we were running, I shouted “we should go up to my grandparent’s house up in the mountains. They are in Florida so they won’t be there but at least we will have shelter and it is high ground.” They looked at me while we were all running and shook their heads yes. Then Olivia said as she was gasping for air “we should get a car because we will never get up to your grandparents running. Plus, I can barely breathe and we have only been running for a few blocks. Can we stop at your house, Natalie? It is only one block away. We can grab food and clothing there. I’m sure your parents are already gone, and you have your car parked in the garage.” all I could think about was the fact that I might be dead in a few hours if we didn’t get up to the mountains. “ok Olivia we will be there in as little as a minute you go straight upstairs and get my duffel bag and fill it up with clothing for all of us. Make sure that you grab the soap and other toilet tries so we don’t need to go out again. Jason, you grab my Dad’s duffel from under the desk in his study and get all the canned food you can fit into it. I will be getting the car cleaned out, fueling it up, and I will grab walkie talkies, chargers, and my computer. Ok?” They both nodded their heads yes and continued to run.

 When we all got to my house it was empty Olivia was right my parents were already gone. Olivia immediately ran upstairs to get the clothes and Jason quickly ran to my Dad's study. I went to the garage there was a note on my car from my parents. I picked it up and read it. It said… “hey honey, sorry we had to leave in such a hurry. You have gotten so big and we know that you can take good care of yourself. We know that you are with Jason and Olivia that’s why we knew you would be ok. Please stay safe! We love you. We will be at Uncle Steve’s house if you really need us but we know you won’t.” When I read it over a few times I put it down and began to fuel up the car. Once we were all at the car, we packed the stuff up and we were on the way. It was a long silent car ride.

 My head was spinning faster than it was earlier my whole world had just been flipped upside down. We saw about 30 zombies throughout our whole car ride. It was all surreal. I had always thought that zombies were made up but clearly, I was mistaken. When we got to my grandparent’s house, we quickly got everything out of the car and took it inside and locked all the doors, windows, and closed the top of the chimney. Once that was done, I took my stuff to my room. I told Jason he could sleep in the room next to mine then I told Olivia she could sleep in the room down the hall. Once we were all unpacked, we went to the kitchen. “so, what should we eat for dinner?” Jason asked. I turned to look at Jason “maybe we should make pancakes” I tried to sound cheerful, but I was really scared. Olivia smiles “Yeah that’s a good idea,” she said. I went to the cabinet to try and get the pancake mix, but I couldn’t reach it. Jason walked over and got the box of the mix for me. Then over the next 30 minutes, we made the pancakes.

We ate in silence for about 5 minutes before Olivia said in a casual voice “so how are we going to take down all of these zombies? They aren’t just going to disappear.”. She turned and looked at me. I looked down at my food and sarcastically I said: “well maybe they will just disappear, and our lives can go back to normal.” Jason and Olivia looked at me with sorrow in their eyes. Then all of a sudden the sky suddenly lit up as if it were the middle of the day. We all got up from our seats to took out the window. There was a huge cylinder looking orb floating in the sky. I looked at Jason and I could see the uncertainty in his eyes. Olivia was still staring at the orb and all I wanted at that moment was for everything to be the way things were at the beginning of the summer.

 Everything I had ever thought was fake is turning out to be real. I grabbed Jason’s hand and said “I had always thought of you as the most positive person in the world. Please tell me everything will be alright. I’m a mess right now and the only people I can trust are Olivia and you.” He looked at me with hope in his eyes and said, “If those are aliens in that orb maybe we should ask them for help.” At this point, I looked at him and Oliva and said “Everything will be fine as long as I have the two of you with me. We shouldn’t just live-in fear we should live our lives and if that means we have to ask aliens then so be it” I walked to the cabinet and opened it, grabbed some cookies out of it, walked outside, walked to the door, opened it, and started walking towards the orb. They both followed me. When I got under the orb there was a red-looking light that came down and picked up Jason, Olivia, and me and transported us inside the orb.

 There were about 20,000 little silver aliens staring at us Luckily, they spoke English because if they didn’t, we would be doomed they also loved cookies apparently. After we asked them, they agreed that they would use their exterritorial to put the dead corpses back where they belong forever. I was so happy that they not only understood English but also, they helped us save Earth. It hadn’t even been 24 hours and the zombies were already being stopped. I hugged my friends tighter than I ever had before. It was all over. Olivia, Jason, and I still decided to stay up at my grandparents’ house together for the final weeks of summer. Everything was back to normal in no time.

December 08, 2020 18:01

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