Emerging from the cave

Submitted into Contest #99 in response to: End your story with somebody stepping out into the sunshine.... view prompt


LGBTQ+ Fiction Contemporary

1st of July to my dearest diary,

As I sit in this cabin overlooking the sun's slow drift under the horizon, I am reminded of the start of the long-car-journey me and my friends took. It felt like the day would never end, the sun would always hang over our head beating the car down with its warmth and sunshine. The radio could only play so many songs, we could sing only so many songs, we could only tolerate so many pit-stops and stretchings of the legs, we could only do so much without busting out a story. A story did someone sing to our ears, a strange one that did occur but the retelling is so strange despite how true it is to what had occurred that I am writing it down to see if it'll make sense in the written form and so I let my friend tell this story from heart down to the pixels of this page.

O so many long and rectified summers ago, when the Final War was being waged, did this tale occur that transpired the very last events of the Final War – here one must follow it with all of one's heart what comes next. There was this gas-masked figure named Vee in the company of explorers entering a cave – it must be remembered that this is a figure that still has yet to show their face to this day – and had undoubtedly one intention as they always report to anyone asking . . . just what it was is still unknown and hotly debated. Chose to believe the rumors or not, but it is undeniable how self-sacrificial they were for the cause to end the Final War with as little bloodshed as possible; the bravery they had to dismantle the weapons of war is still unheard of, not like we will be needing a hero like that anytime soon because of their and other peoples' great works! So does the tale now focus in on the important part: the story.

Traveling into the cave with the other explorers, they were tasked with dismantling with a quantum-destabilizer bomb that found itself in it. The cave was already disfigured enough, with weird creatures pouring through it as if the cave was the source of an endless stream of oddities. Then they finally confirmed that the bomb was leaking, meaning their time was already cut down to a squeeze of an hour with no bomb in sight. Busting out the pickaxes, they started swinging at probable directions of the main source of the pollution; every minute counted, and they were barely scraping by with every successful directions and triangulations they made. The quantum-destabilizer's location, after thirty-minutes passing-by, was found – now was the task to haul-ass and disarm it at all costs. Tick-tock went the clock on the bomb, Vee was heard heaving harder than a horse from all the muscular-pain they maintained from the ceaseless motion of pickaxing away at the cave-walls. Tock-tick did the seconds sang so serenely against a most-deathly situation, Vee couldn't suffer to live with all the pain and the possibility that the exploration team's work for peace would be for nothing; so they stood up and groaned immensely, but with a firm hand on the cave-wall did they make their pronouncement:

"Younguns and elderlies, leave while you can. You have lived a life, because you have already died for it; I have never been born, much more really I have been a stillborn even to this point. Let me hail this as my final-task, to be finally die to end the stillness of my birth and to live through my death; you all have lived lives and you must cherish it and showcase the joy of such, yet I have never been allowed one. All my stillbirth have I fought to ensure that others, through their deaths can finally access the life they have been denied; so do what I have done and give to me what I have given to others, give me my rite to life through this most extreme-end of death right here and right now. Teach me not as a hero that risked their life or whatever, teach me as a saint that showcases that even when one's life is still can one overcome that stillness; teach me to those who feel they have been robbed of their lives, and showcase that their current torments which shall be the death of their current stillness shall lead towards being born for the first time into life. I give myself up for the greatness of Peace itself, I give myself up to showcase that selflessness is the greatest fulfillment of the self itself! For what is more pleasant than to know that your self is now a critical part of many selves out there? For what is more pleasant than to have yourself as the sacrifice that no other self will need to make? That I shall leave you for yourselves to decide, now embrace my call and leave at once to the surface!"

Here the explorers are unsure of what had exactly happened between Vee and this quantum-destabilizer, yet as the tale is being told right now must it be noted that Vee's work has lead to our safety indeed. But the explorers couldn't let Vee die alone, but all the same the explorers escaped and prayed for Vee's success to once again defuse a bomb that seemed so cryptic to them. The sun was near the horizon, and yet the sun still blazed its shine into the cave; holding to the exit of the cave, they held hope tighter. A tiny thud did they felt, their sighs of relief echoing louder than whatever noise can emit from the cave. Waiting, they hadn't seen Vee in ten minutes after the small thud; going back to the cave, all the same a means to conceal to each other their immense worries and sorrows. Seeing the hole that lead them to the bomb being blocked-up, they swung again through their muscular aches; relentless smashing and clinks did their pickaxes scream, but the explorers were undeterred.

Whence their pickaxes broke apart, they resorted to their shovels; whence their shovels snapped, to axes they thought useful; whence their axes disintegrated, to their hands they unburried all the stones; whence their hands tired and screamed in pain, they collapsed unto their knees with wailing weepings. They all prostrated to the cave floor, praying to see but a glimpse of their great comrade; praying more to be able to bury them into a more proper grave, one suited for the undeniable love they had for Vee. Then, like a fulfilled prayer, they heard the gravel and fallen rocks shake – the covered-up hole leading the bomb became a hole again with a dusty-alert to make it known to all who saw. As the dust settled, Vee limped to then collapse unto the floor; they all were felt fatigue flaying them, Vee worst of all. Yet they pushed on and carried Vee together, up and away from this cave did their legs stagger.

A pained reward for their dedication to ending the Final War at all costs, and a smile crept on all their faces as they realize that this is the last-known bomb in this entire war. Shambling, they refused to collapse in the darkness of the cave; the sun's shine illuminated their path, slowly but surely they corrected course towards the exit. As they got to the steep slope before the cave's exit, their lungs demanded an end to the quick and hard breathing altogether; around that time, Vee woke up from unconsciousness. Vee then took them one by one up the slope, back towards the cave-exit as they were lifting up the others towards the light. When no one else remained, they once again felt all the sharp pains and death stings which they had to push through. Step by step, their muscles begged for an end to their climb of which Vee only pushed on forward. Seeing more clearly as the sun's light continued to pour into the cave, they wheezed with every step they made. Longer and longer pauses, that didn't deter them from making the next steps they took to finally reach the top; with a hand over the top of the slope, they heaved themselves and fully-crashed onto the top of the slope.

Everywhere the pain stabbed them, yet they smiled.

Everywhere begged for a return to the ashes and dusts they came from, but they felt alive for the first real time.

Everywhere the body felt would overwhelm other minds, and Vee could only feel accomplished.

Everywhere they felt being torn into a million pieces, here still was Vee lying on the cave-exit's floor crying with a million tears.

The explorers understood Vee's cry, crying not because of the pain and the suffering but because of something that they all were looking at. Resting, they all saw the sunshine of the falling sun. Pondering, they wondered what would happen next. Dozing off, only one person walked while moaning all about the pain. Vee took their strides of limping with pride, limping as far as they could into the sunshine and out away from the cave the explorers emerged from.

June 25, 2021 03:38

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