Adventure Fiction Holiday

It had been four years since she’d last seen it, but the place looked exactly the same.

 Lexi was coming back from her school when she halted in front of the house. A large two-storey mansion with tinges of blue and white, the house would have looked beautiful. For such a bright house, the place looked quite depressing as no one lived in it and was covered with cobwebs.

Tears pooled her eyes as she remembered the day she left this house. Her house. She was bought back to reality when her twin brother, Alex, started nudging her with his elbow.

Both twins had identical Brunette hair and sparkling blue eyes. Alex’s hair was windswept while Lexi had shoulder length hair which was put in place with a white headband.

“I miss this place too Lex.” He said. “I miss Dad but let’s go home or Mum will worry.”

Lexi nodded and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her t-shirt. 

Their father had died a few months ago and their mother had to sell this piece of land to get enough money for their school fee and food. After reaching their flat, they went inside just to see their mother, Alice Clarke sitting on the small couch with two letters in her hand and a bright smile on her face.

“What happened Mum?” Lexi asked. “Why do you look so happy?” 

“You are invited.” she said. “You both are invited to an English Literary summer camp near your school.” Alex cocked his brows and asked, “Why…What did we do?”

“Well,” Mrs. Clarke started. “Your English teacher selected you both.”

“So can we go?” Alex asked jumping slightly, suddenly excited.

“Of course dear.” She said. 


A few weeks later, The twins were sitting on the couch in the office of the head of their summer camp. Their teacher walked in with an air of authority around him. The kids glanced at each other thinking the same thing, what did we do now?

The teacher caught their expression and said, “No, you did nothing wrong.” He paused, choosing his next words carefully. “In fact, I wanted to ask a favour from you.”

“And that is…” Alex said trailing of unsurely. 

“Do you remember the house which your mother sold after Julius died?” 

Lexi’s expression hardened, but she nodded along with Alex who said, “Of course!”

Their teacher sighed raking a hand through his raven black hair and fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. “I don’t know how to say this but you have to go to that house.” He put it rather bluntly.

Alex and Lexi again glanced at each other. Alex shrugged and Lexi asked, “What for?”

He gave them a note which said,

Dear reader,

If you are reading this note, you are either a relative or enemy. In my house,there is a secret doorway which can be accessed by a family member only. Go there and you will find something important. Read it. You will know everything. 


The twins took time processing the note before they said, “Where did you find this?”

“A person I met, but that doesn’t matter.”

Lexi got a feeling he was hiding something but didn’t pry. “What do you want us to do?” she asked.

“Just go and see what it is.” he replied.

“And give it to you?” Alex asked with raised eyebrows. Their teacher shook his head.

“Just consider it a small test.” he replied.

The brunette twins got caught each others eye and seemed to have a silent argument. Finally, Alex put his hands up in defeat and said and said, “Okay, we’ll do it.”

Their teacher gave them duffle bags while saying, “Here, catch. Put your supplies in it.”

“What are we gonna do with this?” Alex asked eyeing the bags.

Lexi glared at him pointedly before smacking the back of hiss head and saying, “To keep our things Al, and come, let’s go home to get the keys.”

She got up and pulled Alex with her.


“Shush!” Lexi said as the door creaked open making Alex yelp. Alex went ahead and lit up the candles with the lighter he got, illuminating the whole house. They headed down to the library. This time Lexi’s eyes lit up at seeing the amount of books.

She jogged up to a corner and motioned for Alex to come, who crouched down next her and pulled a box out.

The lid of the box required a hand scan. “Here, I’ll do it.” Lexi said putting her hand on it. The box opened, and it had a map and another note in it.

Dear Al/Lex,

This map will show to your destination. If you're wondering, only the two of you can open this box. There is something written at the back. Decipher and read. It's a clue.


Alex took the map, turned it over and it said, κρυμμένο δεν έχει φύγει. He scrunched his eyebrows and handed it to Lexi. “A familiar language Lex?”

She nodded, “Yeah, it’s Greek.” She said. “It means ‘Hidden, not gone’.”

“What type of clue is that?”

Lexi just shrugged and said, “Lets find out.”


They reached Long Island Beach and took a boat waiting for them.

“How do you know this is ours?” Alex asked.

“It was in the letter.” Lexi replied. “I just didn’t read it aloud.”

They sat in the boat and Alex began rowing, while Lexi just gave his directions like, “Go left, go right, go straight.” And such.

This continued for an hour until Lexi muttered, “How is this possible?” Under her breath.

Alex groaned and said, “We’re lost aren’t we?”

Lexi slowly shook her head. “No…look at this.” She said her finger pointing at the middle of the map.

He looked at the map for sometime than gave his bag to her telling, “Wait here.” She looked surprised. 

“Why where are—” her sentence got cut when Alex jumped in the water. Lexi gave a short scream of surprise, but stopped, because she knew he must have had a plan.

She wasn’t wrong as Alex came up after 15 minutes, carrying a small, sealed box. Lexi hugged him, then punched him saying, “Why did you do that idiot! You had me worried.”

Alex laughed and said, “Wow! You were worried for me!” Lexi huffed but raised her eyebrows. He got the message and opened the box.

It had another and a key. Behind the map,

The world is in danger, to find the solution, come to the warehouse using the map. Use the key to open the door.

was written.

“What do you think is in there Al?” Lexi asked.

“I have a hunch. Let’s hope I’m right.” Was all he replied.


After following the directions, the twins reached the mentioned warehouse and opened the door.

What Lexi saw made her vision tunnel and she gripped Alex’s hand for support. He seemed to be feeling the same thing because he only gripped her hand tighter.

“A-are you real?” Lexi squeaked out.

“Of course I am real Lex.” Their father, Julius replied.

Alex’s hand stiffened as he said, “How can we tell? Our father is dead. You can be so e random look-alike planning to murder us?”

He laughed and said, “Lexi got B+ and she thought the world ended while you were happy with C-” 

Alex and Lexi laughed while running up to hug him, both their eyes brimming with tears. They sat down and talked for an hour. Lexi had no care that their mom would be worried. She was with her father and that was all that mattered.

November 20, 2020 15:23

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