My story is titled The secret Library happens to be New York Public Library in the United States of America.

Written in response to: "Dream up a secret library. Write a story about an adventurer who discovers it. What’s in the library? Why was it kept secret?"

Adventure Creative Nonfiction Mystery

My story is titled The secret Library happens to be New York Public Library in the United States of America.

Once upon a time, in my home country Ghana, there lived a young man and also an Author and an adventurer who discovered the New York Public Library in the United States of America.

The New York Public Library is an essential provider of free books, information,ideas and education for all New Yorkers.

It was George Padmore the Author and adventurer who discovered that the New York Public Library had about ninety locations through out Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten island.

Also the New York Public Library provides all residents with a free and open access to its physical and other electronic collections and information as well as its services for people of all ages.

The New York Public Library has Research centers.

Also the New York Public Library has historical collections and also holds such treasures as the draft of the declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson.

Also the New York Public Library has original works, manuscripts,letters, luminaries in literature and art.

Any person who lives , works attends school or pays property taxes in New York State is eligible to receive a New York Public Library card free of charge.

It was Tiden who established and then maintained a free library and reading room in the city of New York. Also Tiden believed that a library with city wide reach was required and so upon his death in the year 1886 he bequeathed the bulk of his fortune about 2.4 million dollars equivalent of $81 million in 2023 to establish and then maintain a free library and reading room.

Food was not allowed in the New York Public Library in exception of water. The Library historic Rose Main reading room was meant for Research and quiet study. The New York Public Library is one of the best places to work for free in the city.

The New York Public Library had over ninety locations and offers a quiet and comfortable space to work along with free internet Wifi.

Also the New York Public Library is a true destination for everyone.

The building Architecture history and incredible ceilings and rooms filled with Art will definitely make people return for more visits.

All the branches of the New York Public Library features computers that offers that offers access to the internet ,electronic databases , library catalogs and Microsoft office. Every location of the New York Public Library offers free internet Wifi Access during open hours.

The New York Public Library have a variety of softwares installed on them and are available for patron use.

In addition , Anthony W. Marx was the President of the New York Public Library. The New York Public Library offers free one hour tour of the Stephen A. Schwarzman building.

Also the New York Public Library provides patrons with powerful online tools to help them discover the extensive resources and services that the library offers.

The New York Public Library offers tens of thousands of free programs annually serving everyone from toddlers to teens and seniors.

However in the digital realm ,the New York Public Library provides patrons worldwide with powerful online tools to help them discover its extensive resources and other services.

Also the New York Public Library helps visitors to browse the Library immerse collection, download ebooks and then view more than 900,000 items from our Award winning digital collections.

The New York Public Library has free e-reader App and users can borrow instantly from the New York Public Library entire collection of more than three hundred thousand library e-books.

New York Public Library Librarians are available to answer any questions of any topic at any time.

Also supported by both public funds and private donations , the New York Public library also embarks on its 125 years passionately committed to meeting the ever changing needs of our patrons.

Again at the New York Public library, you can place a circulating item on hold or submit requests for Research items from off-site storage.

You must first open an account with New York Public library to download ebooks and other Audio books and then have a physical card to borrow materials,search library databases or reserve a computer.

Also from historical collections to ornate Architecture and some celebrity sightings the New York Public library deserves a spotlight.

Again New York Public library had about ninety locations through out Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten island.

Also the New York Public library (NYPL) provides residents with free and open access to physical and electronic collections and information as well as to its services for people of all ages.

The New York Public library is secret and special because it holds treasures such as the draft of the Declaration of Independence.

Also the New York Public library is not free and it helps maintain the library's free services. Also millions of circulating books can be found in the library.

In addition the New York Public library helps Authors to write a good book for publication.

However the library helps in selling ISBN numbers for the publication of books so that Authors can sell their books and then earn income for themselves to fend for their families..

Also the New York Public library offers invitations to donors for holiday Open house, library , shop ,cafe, and discount tickets and the year round opportunities to then celebrate with fellow supporters .

Again the New York Public library offers invitations to exhibition previews and library cafe.

However, the New York Public library helps the Library for the Performing Arts to continue to provide thought provoking exhibition, extraordinary collections and other dynamic programs all free of charge.

The conservatives are the intellectuals and social heart of the New York Public library providing critical funds while enjoying privileges and other exhibitions.

Also New York Public library shares intimate dinners and events with the leading public figures if our time.

The New York Public library by the help of Lawyers organized unique networking, cultural and social events for Attorneys representing New York too law firms their partners and other clients.

Again the New York Public Library organizes Annual lawyers for the library reception.

The members of the New York Public Library benefits includes curator led tours, volunteer opportunities and also intimate salons with writers , Journalist and other prominent thinkers.

Finally, the New York Public Library is a premier research center that is always renowned for its extraordinary historical collections and it has the commitment to providing a free and equal access to its resources.

Posted May 24, 2024

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