Science Fiction Adventure Suspense

“Well this is not how I thought we would finally get our vacation.” she says to her husband while tossing a pinecone into the fire. “That is if we actually make it there…” 

Her voice is hushed and full of dread. Her husband has tired sympathetic eyes. His face has aged notably in just a few weeks. He looks so rugged and wise with his beard overgrown like that. The amount of grey is so significant now, she thought to herself. She could not for the life of her remember how many weeks it had been. I guess that is what happens when no one has a phone to keep track of anything anymore.

“We will make it, we have survived this long.” He responds with confidence, lifting her hand to hold between both of his. 

His confidence is convincing, he is the reason they have survived this long. Thank god she went for a blue collar boy. Though she should give herself some credit too. Together they have made it this far when so many others have perished. He needs her just as much, if not more. 

They no longer needed to constantly worry about the fire inside of their tipi dying during the night. Their tipi her husband erected from fallen trees, some rope and a huge sheet of canvas had kept them warm when temperatures dropped well below freezing. Was it April now? Early May maybe? It didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered was shelter, food and water. The fact that spring was here just made obtaining all of those things a little easier. Finally a little relief.

Her husband was a carpenter by trade and an expert at just about anything with a motor by hobby. When life was ordinary, he struggled to provide the kind of life that society deemed as the “american dream.” Oh, how the tables have turned. 

“Mommy Mommy!” A tiny voice called out from inside of a sleeping bag beside her. 

She moved closer and positioned herself so that her son may nurse. He is about two and a half now. She never imagined nursing him for this long. She is unbelievably grateful that her body is still able to provide him with nutrients he needs. Some days all he ate was a few bites of food and his mothers milk. She studied her sweet boy as he slowly drifted back to sleep. Kissing his forehead, her eyes swelling with tears, she gazed across the fire to her husband.  

He can feel the torment and uncertainty in her eyes. “Don’t worry, tomorrow we will be on our way to paradise. I can’t wait to see you butt naked on the sand, with a drink in your hand.” He jests, trying to lift her spirit. “I love both of you, all I want is to see you happy again.”   

She gives him a weary grin then lays back on her cardboard bed. Even if we do get there, will we be safe? Their plan is to head south, all the way to Key Largo. To travel during the night by foot, by bike or by whatever working gas powered vehicle they could find. Her husband’s grandmother lives in Key Largo year round, or lived...maybe she is still alive. Maybe whatever happened here, is not as bad there. Shit, that has got to be near 1300 miles from here, she thought to herself. We are out of our fucking minds.


The morning air is brisk. The sun filters through the trees in streaks of brilliant gold. Leah has found the perfect spot to stretch and anticipate their day ahead. The hike back to their old home is about two hours. There they will pack whatever is left that will be of use on the road, but not more than they can carry by foot. They have not seen a helicopter in a very long time. The sky was choked with them for about two weeks when “the beginning of the end” happened. Well, the best word to describe the damn things is, helicopter, but that is not what they are in the traditional sense. Possibly, a new technology from a different country. That makes the most logical sense. It is world war three, and America lost. Hard.

“Scott?” Leah called to her husband, “Are you ready?”

“Just packing our old tent. Have you seen Theo’s monster truck?

“It’s out here, I got it!” 

Scott brings Theo out of the tipi all bundled up with his dinosaur hat and mittens. He helps place him in the carrier on Leah’s back. Then pulls on his hiking bag packed with what is left of their lives. 

“Hi mommy!” He beams. 

“Hi baby, are you ready for an adventure?” 

“Yes please mommy.” 

Scott leads the way back to their old home. The hike back is long yet uneventful. Which is a very good thing. Soldiers marched the streets for a few days after the helicopters left. At least they looked like soldiers, not american. The guns they held were “not regular” according to her husband. Leah noticed how tall the soldiers were. Every single one had to be at least six five. 

They silently stood at the edge of the woods near their old trailer. Scott’s truck still in the driveway, burnt to the ground. 

“Ok, I will go check it out inside, then motion to you if it is clear.” Scott whispers, gripping his glock. 

Leah nods in response.

All of the windows had been smashed out of their old home. It looked as though a fire had started in the livingroom at some point. She never liked that trailer very much. It was small, it needed a lot of work. when life was ordinary, she was embarrassed to invite anyone over. She tried to keep it clean and decorated so that It felt like a real house. Still, any new friend she made wouldn’t come back again. Now, social status was a thing of the past. 

While waiting for her husband Leah played with Theo. Pointing to trees and rocks, asking him what they are, what colors he can see. She spots growth from underneath some dead leaves. Kneeling down, she removed the leaves to better see the seedling. It was not a plant she could recognize. Was it moving? 

“What are you?” she whispered.        

Scott whistles to her from inside, giving a wave. Leah stands, hurries across the street and dashes up the steps of the trailer. She stands in the living room, the walls black from smoke. Leah slowly walks to their back bedroom stepping over broken glass and furniture. She emerges after a short while wearing a thin silver chain around her neck, the chain holds a tiny silver skull embellished with crystals. This was the only piece of jewelry she had ever bought herself. It reminded her of a time with friends, being young and mischievous. Not having a care in the world. 

“I found lighters!” Scott announced. 

“What do we need, what should we take?” Leah asks her husband.

“I grabbed more rope, I found another knife you can have. But, I got the one thing I was looking for, a road map.” He holds it up with a smirk. “We need this.” 

They spent the rest of the day searching other trailers for food. They found water, canned baked beans, fruit, tuna, and some unopened potato chips.

“Oh my god, score! These are salt and vinegar!” Leah high fives her husband.

Scott was determined to find a working car or truck. They could possibly syphon gas from other vehicles along the way. Most of the cars they had seen were set on fire by the soldiers, or wrapped around trees by people trying to escape. 

“Where are the bodies?” Leah asked softly. “There were so many.”

“Exactly,” replied scott. “Who or what took them.” He pauses, “I might know where a truck is, one that was not burned. While we were taking off into the woods and everything was on fire, I saw one truck untouched.”  

Leah followed Scott to the far end of the park, with a now sleeping toddler on her back. There in the corner lot, was an older Toyota pickup. Scott walked swiftly to the truck then did a quick inspection of the inside. Upon checking the gas tank he gave Leah a thumbs up. She could see him inside the truck going through the glove box and center console. Leah then heard a sound that made her heart skip. 

“Fuck yeah! Get in!” Shouted Scott.

Leah jumped, and darted to the passenger side. She took Theo off of her back, climbed inside and placed him on her lap. Rubbing his eyes, their sleepy toddler was presently surprised to be in a truck again. The sun was just starting to set. Perfect time to start their trip.

Scott turned to his wife, “Are you ready for our first family vacation?” 

“Go fast daddy!” Theo cheered.

“You got it buddy.”


After ten hours of driving, they were about half way through Virginia. The miles really fly by with zero traffic. Scott had been driving with just the moonlight to guide their way. A precaution he thought was necessary. The less attention they brought to themselves the better. Leah had passed out a few hours ago. He could see the sky beginning to lighten, they needed to quickly find a place to camp.

Then he saw it. One of those things, those damn helicopters. It flew directly over them.  

“No, no no no, Leah!” he shook her awake.

“Shit, what?” 

Scott stopped the truck, then shut off the engine.

“What’s happening.” Leah gasped, as she squeezed Theo closer. With a whimper Theo wrapped his arms around his mother.

“A helicopter.” scott replied. “It didn't see us, maybe it didn’t see us.” Scott scans the sky above, searching for the craft. 

Leah immediately felt all of the blood drain from her head, her stomach lurched. Two large dark figures approached the truck from either side.

“Scott, drive!” her voice cracked, pointing to the soldiers just outside.

Theo started crying. They would have to remove Leah's arms before taking her baby away. Scott went to start the truck, but the engine did not turn over. He took out his gun as the soldier forcefully opened the driver door. 

Scott fired, the gun jammed.

Leah felt the soldier’s large hands effortlessly remove her from the truck. She watched horrified as Scott was also removed. His attempt to fight off the soldier was totally futile. With Theo's arms still wrapped around her, she was forced to walk towards a large black figure. Time slowed, the sound of her husband's voice was warped. Where were they going? Is this what happened to everyone else? She realised the black figure was the helicopter just a few yards away. It is now obvious that it is not a helicopter at all. Leah, Scott and Theo are placed inside. The door was closed and all three of them were left in complete darkness. 


Scott found his wife and son in the dark, “Are you ok? Is Theo ok?”

“I think so.” Leah replied.

Scott embraced his family. I failed, he thought to himself. The aircraft was completely silent, no engine noises, no g-force. He thought of his life, when he was just a kid fishing with his grandfather in Key Largo. He will never get to witness Theo catch his first fish. He thought of the moment his son was born and how natural Leah looked holding him for the first time. Tears fell from his tightly closed eyes. 

“I hear something...I think the door is opening.” Leah said in a hushed voice.

Just a few seconds had gone by since the door had closed. This was it, they were going to be separated or executed. A subtle beam of amber light peered in through the crack of the door.  Leah's heart was beating so fast she feared it would stop. Scott positioned himself between Leah and the door in a last attempt to protect them. Slowly, the door opened completely. 

Warm atmosphere engulfed them. They could taste salt and hear waves. Scott could see the ocean, the sun’s early light sparkled like diamonds over the calm water.

He waited for a moment. No soldiers were coming for them. He pulled Leah's arm to stand then slowly guided her out, still with Theo’s arms wrapped around her. As soon as they exited the aircraft, the door closed. Then without warning, it was airborne and out of sight. 

“Key Largo.” Scott said wide eyed. “We were in Vergina a few seconds ago. That is at least a two hour flight.”

Leah started laughing uncontrollably with tears running down her face, “They gave us a lift!” After a minute she composed herself again, “Yep, I need to sit.”

Leah walked with Theo to a nearby palm tree and collapsed in the shade. She noticed a flower growing near. One she had never seen. It was beautiful and strange. Must be native to Key Largo, she thought. Then, it looked at her. At least that is exactly how it seemed. 

“Nope, one fucked up thing at a time thank you.” she sternly directed at the flower shaking her head. 

The flower quickly turned away.

Scott realised they had been dropped rite in front of his grandmother's house. Too tired to comprehend anything anymore, he slumped down next to Leah.

“Told you we’d make it.” Scott boasted, bumping her with his elbow.

Leah flashed a smile and rolled her eyes. 

Theo stood up. “Come on mommy.” He yanked on her hand pulling her towards the sea.

Leah stood and happily followed her sweet toddler, pretending to dramatically lose in their race. Scott let the sound of their laughter sweep over him. Not willing to let too much distance get between them, he snached up two coconuts from the ground and rushed after his family. 

March 05, 2021 20:38

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14:43 Mar 13, 2021

A very thought provoking story! Your use of words is great and immediately I am enraptured by the first line. Within a limited amount of words you have managed to create an enticing world and relatable characters. Just one bit of constructive criticism which I think could help make this story stronger! The idea of America in an apocalyptic WW3 with strange technology and soldiers scouting the land was really interesting. I think if you explored this concept some more it would greatly strengthen your world. Still great work! I thoroughly e...


Trista Shea
23:33 Mar 13, 2021

Thank you! I just went for it with this. I have never written a short story, and with only 5 days to do it, it was hard lol. I tried to give just the surface story of what their world is like. I decided half way through to incorporate science fiction lol. With more time I would have gone deeper probably. I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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