Understanding and Learning

Submitted into Contest #54 in response to: Write a story about someone going back to school as a mature student.... view prompt

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After 3 months of summer break, school is back in session. This 3 month break has taught Jessica a lot. This may be her 10th year in high school, but her thoughts and behavior grew more mature than before. Her outbursts and negative thoughts were getting under control, but there were some moments, it would show and she would act out. Jessica thought a lot the past 3 months or since the beginning of high school. Books, TV shows, documentaries, the news, articles, history, anything that Jessica could read and watch and learn something which could help her define herself and her mind. Maturity is still far but learning of what is wrong and right and what she should do is key important. Jessica may just be a 10th grader but she learned of the up and downs of history, society, politics, anything she can research, but they are still more information to read and understand. She learned of the downfalls of women, who were looked down upon as they were only seen as breeders, housewives, inferior. It wasn't until women decided it was enough and fought for their rights and their future, it wasn't easy, but they still accomplished their goal after so many years of fighting. Jessica learned to always fight for your rights like in the civil rights as races, who weren't Caucasian, dealt with problems, but overcame it with their work and dedication, but it was the same as the women, they had to wait many years until they got their rights and became noticed as citizens. Jessica hated the way minorities or people were treated as it was inhumane and they weren't treated as equal which made her realized that being better and smarter then another is not important if your race is not a certain color so she took this into mind to treat everyone equality as she has been doing and understand they belong here just as their ancestors did. Another key to her improving maturity was mental, emotional, and physical awareness. Books and videos help with this learning as it put Jesscia into the story and made her think and feel certain emotions. Reading books was like a second world as once you began reading, you are in their world and are experiencing their moments and emotions. The books Jessica read held important themes and moments which made her think and understand that people who survive from physical, mental and emotional problems still have difficulties, but are trying to become a better them while learning. But reading and watching these physical, mental, and emotional difficulties aren't always pleasing as you feel guilty and hurt that these people have to go through these things and are faced with criticism. 

Jessica let out a breath as she saw the school come into view. In books and TV shows, high school is portrayed different like the nerds or people who are lower always seem to get bullied or there is always a blond headed cheerleader and a bad boy or cliches. They do have similarities with real life as people do get bullied, but sometimes we don't know or just don't pay attention. There is a more diverse cheerleading team and sure, they are 'bad boys' and 'cliches', but many just stay with their group of friends and try not to cause trouble, but when they do it's because of the dress code or fighting which I still don't understand why fighting is such a big deal for everyone to crowd around them and to not try to separate them. Jessica shook her head and stared at the school. 'A new year, a new me.' Jessica said goodbye to her mom and got out, walking to the front door and walking in, trying to understand why people gather around the door, blocking the way when they aren't going to enter the building. She walked to the library, noticing people inside there who are chatting away while others are strolling through the aisles. Jessica walked to an aisle where no one is at and looked through the books, trying to find one that captures her attention. Jessica stopped at a book, grabbing it and reading the synopsis. She immediately put it back and let out a shaky breath, the book deals with a teenage female who is a rape victim, but learns to survive. It was a touchy and sensitive subject to her as she couldn't bear the thought of women being mistreated for no apparent reason. Jessica walked away from that aisle and looked around, trying to find a book so she can spend her free time. She found a book that is an another universe of Snow White. She checked it out and went to her class just when the bell rang, signaling school has started. She sat down in her assigned seat, staring at the projector screen. She knew some of the names, but she had a dislike of one of them. Jessica shook her head, 'Now is not the time to continue to dislike someone despite them ruining your friendship.' The remaining students filled their seats and class begun. Jessica paid attention to the teacher and lecture, but also noticing some aren't paying attention and are on their phones while others didn't bring their supplies so they had to ask their classmate. 'Shouldn't they already know to bring paper and pen or pencil to class? And don't they care about that education?' Jessica criticized them, but snapped out of it. She can't be mean or criticize people as they may have reasons to what they are doing, but she hasn't fully matured to stop the criticizing and negativity. 

The day went on and lunch began. Jessica didn't have anyone for her lunch period, so it was either find a chair and claim it or go to the library. She decided to go to the cafeteria as she was hungry and it wouldn't hurt to make new friends. She went into the food line then walked to a empty seat with her tray. She ate, but watched the cafeteria, hearing the loud voices and laughter enter from one ear to leave from the next. She saw students arguing which quickly escalated to a punch being thrown. A group of students went to the fight while others rallied it on. Jessica paid no attention to it as it had nothing to do with her and was probably for a dumb reason. Lunch ended and she went on to her next class.

The school day came to a end and Jessica walked down the stairs, trying to not get shoved as people came running down, pushing people. 'I have to get out of here before I get hurt by their impatience.' Jessica exited the building and walked around to find her dad's car to which she found it. She opened the car and got in.

"How was your first day of school?"

"It was alright, just like any other school day. How was your day, dad?"

"Just like any other work day," He chuckled 

Probably that's how life was. You get synchronize in a certain schedule but it immediately changes when you move on. Just like mom and dad, they went to school like me and had the same schedule each day until they started to work which became completely different as it's different hours and dedication is a key part to stay in that job and keep moving on to see the next day which will be the same.

August 14, 2020 02:30

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1 comment

Yolanda Wu
22:35 Aug 19, 2020

I really liked the writing style in this story, it wasn't too over the top and you painted Jessica really well. I like your relations to movies and real world problems. I really enjoyed reading this. Amazing work!


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