Suspense Thriller

It was a dark, frigid, breezy night downtown in Panstake City. I was at Mrs. Goldfeder's pie shop to pick up an order that I placed a couple days before for my son. As customer demands grew, Mrs. Goldfeder became fatigued and asked for some slack while she went to the storeroom. Patiently, I sat next to the doorway when a man dressed in black with a golden watch entered and sat adjacent to a lady. We locked eyes for a brief second, but he immediately withdrew with a scowl. As time passed, Mrs. Goldfeder finally returned with my order when the man raised from his seat to walk towards the counter.


"You have to wait in line," Mrs. Goldfeder informed him.


He yelled, "Give me the money!”


Mrs. Goldfeder shied away from confrontation and promptly withdrew about 200 dollars from the cashier. He then told me to lock the door so that no one could come in or leave. As the man proceeded with the robbery, a male customer reached for his cell phone under his chair. Once he grasped the phone, the robber turned around and shot him dead in his upper chest, leaving a pool of blood next to the lady beside him.


"Ahhhhh," the lady screamed.


The man shot her dead in her side and then Mrs. G. The customers and I ran through the employee area all the way to the loading dock. From here, we fled all the way to the nearby gas station to inform Mr. Wille that a robbery went down at the pie shop. Within a few moments, a thick sized policeman and a tall but burly policeman arrived at the area. We walked with our hands up until we came close to tell what exactly happened. One of the male customers gave the most information and told the police that they ought to be careful because it was a bloodbath. I stated that the robber was a male dressed in black with a golden watch and that Mrs. Goldfeder was the owner of the shop. When the police observed the scene, one of them came out and broke some news.


He stated, “The scene is empty.”


“What!” A lady from the group yelled.


The policeman stressed, “We have searched the shop, and nothing is there. Please refrain from making false phone calls as we have too many duties.”


At this point, we were all puzzled as to how the scene magically changed back to its natural state.


As the police got into the cruiser, I noticed that the tall one had the same exact golden watch as the robber did. It had the same cut, faceplate, and dials. When they left, I suggested that the group follow them until unexpectedly, they drove past the police station and pulled to a remote hill to gather. They stood talking when all of a sudden, Mrs. Goldfeder and the wounded victims emerged from a car that was already there. This was puzzling as the lady and male customer, and Mrs. G was shot to death in the shop. There was no way they could have sprung to health. I could not help but conclude that something nefarious was going on. As the strange conversation continued, I recorded it and called my friend Harvey who was a real policeman.


Mrs. Goldfeder questioned the fake policemen, “So now that I faked my death, when will I get the money?”


“Now,” the tall policeman conveyed. 


He proceeded to give a bag marked with 1 million to Mrs. Goldfeder and both the lady and male customer.


Mrs. G rejoiced, “I'm so glad that I can live a lavish life now. Oh, what a joy it is to be a part of the Robberiettes!”


The Robberettes were a renowned group of crime bound individuals who looted and seized thousands in cash and property. I refused to understand why a sweet older lady like Mrs. Goldfeder would join such a deceptive group.


During the conversation, Harvey’s team arrived and inched closer in the bushes awaiting the best moment to apprehend the group.


“Hold it right there,” Harvey initiated with a gun.


“What in the hell is going on?” Mrs. Goldfeder asked while turning around.


“Don't speak mam,” Harvey enforced. “You are going to jail for cooperating with criminals.”


Curious bystanders stood around while shamefully eyeing Mrs. Goldfeder and the criminals. They were hauled away in a detaining van and would be forced to court the upcoming week. The circumstance was very shocking to the public on court day. News crews arrived and recorded what had been headlined as the pie shop murder scandal. Mrs. G and the Robberietes lawyered up and came elegantly dressed. Just before the court was in session, Mrs. G looked out into the audience with regret and sorrow while the Robberietes smiled joyously. During court, Mrs. G was called to state her role in the crime and what she planned along the way. She left nothing out of her statement even though it angered the Robberietes to their core. It had turned out that Mrs. Goldfeder was coerced by the Robberietes to ditch her business and become a member. She refused to ditch her family business but changed her mind after she was promised a great deal of money. She faked the shooting with blood bags and sound effects and planned to abscond with the money far away to Barbados by plane. Her cooperation came at the price of deceiving her loved ones, along with recruiting many young men and women to expand the Robberiettes domination. This work would only allot her more money to be greedy over. After all, it was decided that Mrs. Goldfeder be given a sentence of 20 years without a chance of parole. The Robberietes also received 20 years without parole and had to fork over the names of any affiliates. To this day, whenever I ride by the pie shop, I can not help but remember this twisted ordeal.






November 10, 2020 01:59

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